73 lines
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73 lines
2.3 KiB
<script lang="ts">
import { Container, Row, Col, Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardTitle, FormCheck, Button, Spinner } from 'sveltestrap';
import FaUserLock from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUserLock.svelte';
import api from '../api';
import { GroupPrivacy, System } from '../api/types';
const user: System = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-user"));
const capitalize = (str: string) => str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
let loading = false;
// kinda hacked together from typescript's Required<T> type
const privacy: { [P in keyof GroupPrivacy]-?: boolean; } = {
name_privacy: false,
description_privacy: false,
icon_privacy: false,
list_privacy: false,
metadata_privacy: false,
visibility: false,
let setPrivate = true;
async function submit() {
loading = true;
const data = {};
Object.keys(privacy).filter(x => privacy[x]).forEach(key => data[key] = setPrivate ? "private" : "public");
await api().private.bulk_privacy.group.post({ data });
loading = false;
<Col class="mx-auto" xs={12} lg={11} xl={10}>
<Card class="mb-4">
<CardTitle style="margin-top: 8px; outline: none;">
<div class="icon d-inline-block">
<FaUserLock />
</div> Bulk group privacy
<CardBody style="border-left: 4px solid #{user.color}">
<b>Apply the selected privacy options</b> (<i>and leave the unselected options untouched</i>):
{#each Object.keys(privacy) as key}
<FormCheck bind:checked={privacy[key]} label={capitalize(key.split("_")[0])}/>
<Button on:click={() => Object.keys(privacy).forEach(x => privacy[x] = true)}>Select all</Button>
<Button on:click={() => Object.keys(privacy).forEach(x => privacy[x] = false)}>Select none</Button>
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={setPrivate} class="form-check-input" id="privacy">
<label for="privacy"> Check this box to set all selected privacy settings as <b>private</b>.
Uncheck to set to <b>public</b>.</label>
<Button color="primary" on:click={submit} bind:disabled={loading}>
{#if loading}
<Spinner />