new("You do not have a system registered with PluralKit. To create one, type `pk;system new`.");
"You already have a system registered with PluralKit. To view it, type `pk;system`. If you'd like to delete your system and start anew, type `pk;system delete`, or if you'd like to unlink this account from it, type `pk;unlink`.");
newPKSyntaxError("You need to specify a member to run this command on.");
newPKSyntaxError("Example proxy message must contain the string 'text'.");
newPKSyntaxError("Example proxy message must contain the string 'text' exactly once.");
new("Could not read image file - perhaps it's corrupted or the wrong format. Try a different image.");
publicstaticPKErrorUserHasNoAvatar=>new("The given user has no avatar set.");
publicstaticPKErrorAccountAlreadyLinked=>new("That account is already linked to your system.");
publicstaticPKErrorAccountNotLinked=>new("That account isn't linked to your system.");
"Since this is the only account linked to this system, you cannot unlink it (as that would leave your system account-less). If you would like to delete your system, use `pk;system delete`.");
publicstaticPKErrorMemberLinkCancelled=>new("Member link cancelled.");
$"File size too large ({size.Bytes().ToString("#.#")} > {Limits.AvatarFileSizeLimit.Bytes().ToString("#.#")}), try shrinking or compressing the image.");
$"The given link does not point to an image{(mimeType != null ? $"({mimeType})" : "")}. Make sure you're using a direct link (ending in .jpg, .png, .gif).");
$"The time zone query '{zoneStr}' resulted in **{count}** different time zone regions. Try being more specific - e.g. pass an exact time zone specifier from the following website: <>");
new($"Message with ID '{id}' not found. Are you sure it's a message proxied by PluralKit?");
$"The webhook's name, {name.AsCode()}, is shorter than two characters, and thus cannot be proxied. Please change the member name or use a longer system tag.");
$"The webhook's name, {name.AsCode()}, is too long ({name.Length} > {Limits.MaxProxyNameLength} characters), and thus cannot be proxied. Please change the member name, display name or server display name, or use a shorter system tag.");
$"This member already has more than one proxy tag set: {member.ProxyTagsString()}\nConsider using the {$"pk;member{member.Reference(ctx)}proxyadd{requested.ProxyString}".AsCode()} command instead.");
$"The example proxy `text` is equivalent to having no proxy tags at all, since there are no symbols or brackets on either end. If you'd like to clear your proxy tags, use `pk;member {member.Reference(ctx)} proxy clear`.");