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package redis_rate
import "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8"
// pluralkit changes:
// fly's hosted redis doesn't support replicate commands
// we can remove it since it's a single host
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pavel Pravosud
// https://github.com/rwz/redis-gcra/blob/master/vendor/perform_gcra_ratelimit.lua
var allowN = redis.NewScript(`
-- this script has side-effects, so it requires replicate commands mode
-- redis.replicate_commands()
local rate_limit_key = KEYS[1]
local burst = ARGV[1]
local rate = ARGV[2]
local period = ARGV[3]
local cost = tonumber(ARGV[4])
local emission_interval = period / rate
local increment = emission_interval * cost
local burst_offset = emission_interval * burst
-- redis returns time as an array containing two integers: seconds of the epoch
-- time (10 digits) and microseconds (6 digits). for convenience we need to
-- convert them to a floating point number. the resulting number is 16 digits,
-- bordering on the limits of a 64-bit double-precision floating point number.
-- adjust the epoch to be relative to Jan 1, 2017 00:00:00 GMT to avoid floating
-- point problems. this approach is good until "now" is 2,483,228,799 (Wed, 09
-- Sep 2048 01:46:39 GMT), when the adjusted value is 16 digits.
local jan_1_2017 = 1483228800
local now = redis.call("TIME")
now = (now[1] - jan_1_2017) + (now[2] / 1000000)
local tat = redis.call("GET", rate_limit_key)
if not tat then
tat = now
tat = tonumber(tat)
tat = math.max(tat, now)
local new_tat = tat + increment
local allow_at = new_tat - burst_offset
local diff = now - allow_at
local remaining = diff / emission_interval
if remaining < 0 then
local reset_after = tat - now
local retry_after = diff * -1
return {
0, -- allowed
0, -- remaining
local reset_after = new_tat - now
if reset_after > 0 then
redis.call("SET", rate_limit_key, new_tat, "EX", math.ceil(reset_after))
local retry_after = -1
return {cost, remaining, tostring(retry_after), tostring(reset_after)}
var allowAtMost = redis.NewScript(`
-- this script has side-effects, so it requires replicate commands mode
-- redis.replicate_commands()
local rate_limit_key = KEYS[1]
local burst = ARGV[1]
local rate = ARGV[2]
local period = ARGV[3]
local cost = tonumber(ARGV[4])
local emission_interval = period / rate
local burst_offset = emission_interval * burst
-- redis returns time as an array containing two integers: seconds of the epoch
-- time (10 digits) and microseconds (6 digits). for convenience we need to
-- convert them to a floating point number. the resulting number is 16 digits,
-- bordering on the limits of a 64-bit double-precision floating point number.
-- adjust the epoch to be relative to Jan 1, 2017 00:00:00 GMT to avoid floating
-- point problems. this approach is good until "now" is 2,483,228,799 (Wed, 09
-- Sep 2048 01:46:39 GMT), when the adjusted value is 16 digits.
local jan_1_2017 = 1483228800
local now = redis.call("TIME")
now = (now[1] - jan_1_2017) + (now[2] / 1000000)
local tat = redis.call("GET", rate_limit_key)
if not tat then
tat = now
tat = tonumber(tat)
tat = math.max(tat, now)
local diff = now - (tat - burst_offset)
local remaining = diff / emission_interval
if remaining < 1 then
local reset_after = tat - now
local retry_after = emission_interval - diff
return {
0, -- allowed
0, -- remaining
if remaining < cost then
cost = remaining
remaining = 0
remaining = remaining - cost
local increment = emission_interval * cost
local new_tat = tat + increment
local reset_after = new_tat - now
if reset_after > 0 then
redis.call("SET", rate_limit_key, new_tat, "EX", math.ceil(reset_after))
return {