2020-02-01 14:40:57 +01:00
using System ;
2020-02-03 14:47:29 +01:00
using System.Collections.Generic ;
2020-02-01 14:40:57 +01:00
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using Dapper ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory ;
using Serilog ;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class ProxyCache
// We can NOT depend on IDataStore as that creates a cycle, since it needs access to call the invalidation methods
private IMemoryCache _cache ;
private DbConnectionFactory _db ;
private ILogger _logger ;
public ProxyCache ( IMemoryCache cache , DbConnectionFactory db , ILogger logger )
_cache = cache ;
_db = db ;
_logger = logger ;
public Task InvalidateSystem ( PKSystem system ) = > InvalidateSystem ( system . Id ) ;
2020-02-03 15:04:53 +01:00
public void InvalidateAccounts ( IEnumerable < ulong > accounts )
foreach ( var account in accounts )
_cache . Remove ( KeyForAccount ( account ) ) ;
2020-02-03 14:47:29 +01:00
public void InvalidateDeletedSystem ( int systemId , IEnumerable < ulong > accounts )
// Used when the system's already removed so we can't look up accounts
// We assume the account list is saved already somewhere and can be passed here (which is the case in Store)
_cache . Remove ( KeyForSystem ( systemId ) ) ;
2020-02-03 15:04:53 +01:00
InvalidateAccounts ( accounts ) ;
2020-02-03 14:47:29 +01:00
2020-02-01 14:40:57 +01:00
public async Task InvalidateSystem ( int systemId )
if ( _cache . TryGetValue < CachedAccount > ( KeyForSystem ( systemId ) , out var systemCache ) )
// If we have the system cached here, just invalidate for all the accounts we have in the cache
_logger . Debug ( "Invalidating cache for system {System} and accounts {Accounts}" , systemId , systemCache . Accounts ) ;
_cache . Remove ( KeyForSystem ( systemId ) ) ;
foreach ( var account in systemCache . Accounts )
_cache . Remove ( KeyForAccount ( account ) ) ;
return ;
// If we don't, look up the accounts from the database and invalidate *those*
_cache . Remove ( KeyForSystem ( systemId ) ) ;
using var conn = await _db . Obtain ( ) ;
var accounts = ( await conn . QueryAsync < ulong > ( "select uid from accounts where system = @System" , new { System = systemId } ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
_logger . Debug ( "Invalidating cache for system {System} and accounts {Accounts}" , systemId , accounts ) ;
foreach ( var account in accounts )
_cache . Remove ( KeyForAccount ( account ) ) ;
public void InvalidateGuild ( ulong guild )
_logger . Debug ( "Invalidating cache for guild {Guild}" , guild ) ;
_cache . Remove ( KeyForGuild ( guild ) ) ;
public async Task < GuildConfig > GetGuildDataCached ( ulong guild )
if ( _cache . TryGetValue < GuildConfig > ( KeyForGuild ( guild ) , out var item ) )
_logger . Verbose ( "Cache hit for guild {Guild}" , guild ) ;
return item ;
// When changing this, also see PostgresDataStore::GetOrCreateGuildConfig
using var conn = await _db . Obtain ( ) ;
_logger . Verbose ( "Cache miss for guild {Guild}" , guild ) ;
var guildConfig = ( await conn . QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync < PostgresDataStore . DatabaseCompatibleGuildConfig > (
"insert into servers (id) values (@Id) on conflict do nothing; select * from servers where id = @Id" ,
new { Id = guild } ) ) . Into ( ) ;
_cache . CreateEntry ( KeyForGuild ( guild ) )
. SetValue ( guildConfig )
. SetSlidingExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 5 ) )
. SetAbsoluteExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 30 ) )
. Dispose ( ) ; // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
return guildConfig ;
public async Task < CachedAccount > GetAccountDataCached ( ulong account )
if ( _cache . TryGetValue < CachedAccount > ( KeyForAccount ( account ) , out var item ) )
_logger . Verbose ( "Cache hit for account {Account}" , account ) ;
return item ;
_logger . Verbose ( "Cache miss for account {Account}" , account ) ;
var data = await GetAccountData ( account ) ;
if ( data = = null )
_logger . Debug ( "Cached data for account {Account} (no system)" , account ) ;
// If we didn't find any value, set a pretty long expiry and the value to null
_cache . CreateEntry ( KeyForAccount ( account ) )
. SetValue ( null )
. SetSlidingExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 5 ) )
. SetAbsoluteExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromHours ( 1 ) )
. Dispose ( ) ; // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
return null ;
// If we *did* find the value, cache it for *every account in the system* with a shorter expiry
_logger . Debug ( "Cached data for system {System} and accounts {Account}" , data . System . Id , data . Accounts ) ;
foreach ( var linkedAccount in data . Accounts )
_cache . CreateEntry ( KeyForAccount ( linkedAccount ) )
. SetValue ( data )
. SetSlidingExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 5 ) )
. SetAbsoluteExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 20 ) )
. Dispose ( ) ; // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
// And also do it for the system itself so we can look up by that
_cache . CreateEntry ( KeyForSystem ( data . System . Id ) )
. SetValue ( data )
. SetSlidingExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 5 ) )
. SetAbsoluteExpiration ( TimeSpan . FromMinutes ( 20 ) )
. Dispose ( ) ; // Don't ask, but this *saves* the entry. Somehow.
return data ;
private async Task < CachedAccount > GetAccountData ( ulong account )
using var conn = await _db . Obtain ( ) ;
// Doing this as two queries instead of a two-step join to avoid sending duplicate rows for the system over the network for each member
// This *may* be less efficient, haven't done too much stuff about this but having the system ID saved is very useful later on
var system = await conn . QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync < PKSystem > ( "select systems.* from accounts inner join systems on systems.id = accounts.system where accounts.uid = @Account" , new { Account = account } ) ;
if ( system = = null ) return null ; // No system = no members = no cache value
// Fetches:
// - List of accounts in the system
// - List of members in the system
// - List of guild settings for the system (for every guild)
// - List of guild settings for each member (for every guild)
// I'm slightly worried the volume of guild settings will get too much, but for simplicity reasons I decided
// against caching them individually per-guild, since I can't imagine they'll be edited *that* much
var result = await conn . QueryMultipleAsync ( @ "
select uid from accounts where system = @System ;
select * from members where system = @System ;
select * from system_guild where system = @System ;
select member_guild . * from members inner join member_guild on member_guild . member = members . id where members . system = @System ;
", new {System = system.Id});
return new CachedAccount
System = system ,
Accounts = ( await result . ReadAsync < ulong > ( ) ) . ToArray ( ) ,
Members = ( await result . ReadAsync < PKMember > ( ) ) . ToArray ( ) ,
SystemGuild = ( await result . ReadAsync < SystemGuildSettings > ( ) ) . ToArray ( ) ,
MemberGuild = ( await result . ReadAsync < MemberGuildSettings > ( ) ) . ToArray ( )
} ;
private string KeyForAccount ( ulong account ) = > $"_account_cache_{account}" ;
private string KeyForSystem ( int system ) = > $"_system_cache_{system}" ;
private string KeyForGuild ( ulong guild ) = > $"_guild_cache_{guild}" ;
public class CachedAccount
public PKSystem System ;
public PKMember [ ] Members ;
public SystemGuildSettings [ ] SystemGuild ;
public MemberGuildSettings [ ] MemberGuild ;
public ulong [ ] Accounts ;
public SystemGuildSettings SettingsForGuild ( ulong guild ) = >
SystemGuild . FirstOrDefault ( s = > s . Guild = = guild ) ? ? new SystemGuildSettings ( ) ;
public MemberGuildSettings SettingsForMemberGuild ( int memberId , ulong guild ) = >
MemberGuild . FirstOrDefault ( m = > m . Member = = memberId & & m . Guild = = guild ) ? ? new MemberGuildSettings ( ) ;