2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00
help_pages = {
None : [
( None ,
""" PluralKit is a bot designed for plural communities on Discord. It allows you to register systems, maintain system information, set up message proxying, log switches, and more. """ ) ,
( " Getting started " ,
""" To get started, set up a system with `pk;system new`. Then, inspect the other help pages for further instructions. """ ) ,
( " Help categories " ,
""" `pk;help system` - Details on system configuration.
` pk ; help member ` - Details on member configuration .
` pk ; help proxy ` - Details on message proxying .
` pk ; help switch ` - Details on switch logging .
2018-07-14 20:01:15 +02:00
` pk ; help mod ` - Details on moderator operations .
` pk ; help import ` - Details on data import from other services . """ )
2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00
] ,
" system " : [
( " Registering a new system " ,
""" To use PluralKit, you must register a system for your account. You can use the `pk;system new` command for this. You can optionally add a system name after the command. """ ) ,
( " Looking up a system " ,
""" To look up a system ' s details, you can use the `pk;system` command.
For example :
` pk ; system ` - Shows details of your own system .
` pk ; system abcde ` - Shows details of the system with the ID ` abcde ` .
` pk ; system @JohnsAccount ` - Shows details of the system linked to @JohnsAccount . """ ),
( " Editing system properties " ,
""" You can use the `pk;system set` command to change your system properties. The properties you can change are name, description, and tag.
For example :
` pk ; system set name My System ` - sets your system name to " My System " .
` pk ; system set description A really cool system . ` - sets your system description .
2018-07-15 16:41:21 +02:00
` pk ; system set tag [ MS ] ` - Sets the tag ( which will be displayed after member names in messages ) to " [MS] " .
` pk ; system set avatar https : / / placekitten . com / 400 / 400 ` - Changes your system ' s avatar to a linked image.
If you don ' t specify any value, the property will be cleared. " " " ),
2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00
( " Linking accounts " ,
""" If your system has multiple accounts, you can link all of them to your system, and you can use the bot from all of those accounts.
For example :
` pk ; system link @MyOtherAccount ` - Links @MyOtherAccount to your system .
You ' ll need to confirm the link from the other account. " " " ),
( " Unlinking accounts " ,
""" If you need to unlink an account, you can do that with the `pk;system unlink` command. """ )
] ,
" member " : [
( " Adding a new member " ,
""" To add a new member to your system, use the `pk;member new` command. You ' ll need to add a member name.
For example :
` pk ; member new John ` """ ),
( " Looking up a member " ,
""" To look up a member ' s details, you can use the `pk;member` command.
For example :
` pk ; member John ` - Shows details of the member in your system named John .
` pk ; member abcde ` - Shows details of the member with the ID ` abcde ` .
You can use member IDs to look up members in other systems . """ ),
( " Editing member properties " ,
""" You can use the `pk;member set` command to change a member ' s properties. The properties you can change are name, description, color, pronouns, birthdate and avatar.
For example :
` pk ; member set John name Joe ` - Changes John ' s name to Joe.
` pk ; member set John description Pretty cool dude . ` - Changes John ' s description.
` pk ; member set John color #ff0000` - Changes John's color to red.
` pk ; member set John pronouns he / him ` - Changes John ' s pronouns.
` pk ; member set John birthdate 1996 - 02 - 27 ` - Changes John ' s birthdate to Feb 27, 1996. (Must be YYYY-MM-DD format).
2018-07-15 00:21:35 +02:00
` pk ; member set John birthdate 02 - 27 ` - Changes John ' s birthdate to February 27th, with no year.
2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00
` pk ; member set John avatar https : / / placekitten . com / 400 / 400 ` - Changes John ' s avatar to a linked image.
2018-07-15 16:41:21 +02:00
` pk ; member set John avatar @JohnsAccount ` - Changes John ' s avatar to the avatar of the mentioned account.
If you don ' t specify any value, the property will be cleared. " " " ),
2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00
( " Removing a member " ,
""" If you want to delete a member, you can use the `pk;member delete` command.
For example :
` pk ; member delete John `
You will need to confirm the deletion . """ )
] ,
" proxy " : [
( " Setting up member proxying " ,
""" To register a member for proxying, use the `pk;member proxy` command.
For example :
` pk ; member proxy John [ text ] ` - Registers John to use [ square brackets ] as tags .
` pk ; member proxy John J : text ` - Registers John to use the prefix " J: " .
After setting proxy tags , you can use them in any message , and they ' ll be interpreted by the bot and proxied appropriately. " " " ),
( " Setting your system tag " ,
""" To set your system tag, use the `pk;system set tag` command.
The tag is appended to the name of all proxied messages .
For example :
` pk ; system set tag [ MS ] ` - Sets your system tag to " [MS] " .
` pk ; system set tag : heart : ` - Sets your system tag to the heart emoji .
Note you can only use default Discord emojis , not custom server emojis . """ ),
( " Looking up a message " ,
""" You can look up a message by its ID using the `pk;message` command.
For example :
` pk ; message 467638937402212352 ` - Shows information about the message by that ID .
To get a message ID , turn on Developer Mode in your client ' s Appearance settings, right click, and press " Copy ID " . " " " ),
( " Deleting messages " ,
""" You can delete your own messages by reacting with the ❌ emoji on it. Note that this only works on messages sent from your account. """ )
] ,
" switch " : [
( " Registering a switch " ,
""" To log a switch in your system, use the `pk;switch` command.
For example :
` pk ; switch John ` - Registers a switch with John as fronter .
` pk ; switch John Jill ` - Registers a switch John and Jill as co - fronters . """ ),
( " Switching out " ,
2018-07-15 17:55:31 +02:00
""" You can use the `pk;switch out` command to register a switch with no one in front. """ ) ,
2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00
( " Viewing fronting history " ,
""" To view front history, you can use the `pk;system fronter` and `pk;system fronthistory` commands.
For example :
` pk ; system fronter ` - Shows the current fronter ( s ) in your own system .
` pk ; system fronter abcde ` - Shows the current fronter in the system with the ID ` abcde ` .
` pk ; system fronthistory ` - Shows the past 10 switches in your own system .
` pk ; system fronthistory @JohnsAccount ` - Shows the past 10 switches in the system linked to @JohnsAccount . """ )
] ,
" mod " : [
( None , " Note that all moderation commands require you to have administrator privileges on the server they ' re used on. " ) ,
( " Setting up a logging channel " ,
""" To designate a channel for the bot to log posted messages to, use the `pk;mod log` command.
For example :
` pk ; mod log #message-log` - Configures the bot to log to #message-log.""")
2018-07-14 20:01:15 +02:00
] ,
" import " : [
( " Importing from Tupperware " ,
""" If you already have a registered system on Tupperware, you can use the `pk;import tupperware` command to import it into PluralKit.
Note the command only works on a server and channel where the Tupperware bot is already present . """ )
2018-07-14 19:23:05 +02:00