refactor(dashboard): refactor list components
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Link } from 'svelte-navigator';
import { Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardTitle, Alert, Accordion, AccordionItem, InputGroupText, InputGroup, Input, Label, Row, Col, Spinner, Button, Tooltip } from 'sveltestrap';
import FaUsers from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUsers.svelte'
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import FaSearch from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaSearch.svelte'
import { useParams } from 'svelte-navigator';
import CardsHeader from '../CardsHeader.svelte';
import ListPagination from '../ListPagination.svelte';
import Body from './Body.svelte';
import Svelecte, { addFormatter } from 'svelecte';
import FaLock from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaLock.svelte';
import NewGroup from './NewGroup.svelte';
import { Member, Group } from '../../api/types';
import api from '../../api';
export let isPublic: boolean;
export let list: Group[];
export let members: Member[];
$: memberlist = members && { return {name:, shortid:, id: member.uuid, display_name: member.display_name}; }).sort((a, b) =>;
let token = localStorage.getItem("pk-token");
let listLoading = true;
let err: string;
let settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-settings"));
let itemsPerPageValue = settings && settings.accessibility && settings.accessibility.expandedcards ? "10" : "25";
$: itemsPerPage = parseInt(itemsPerPageValue);
let searchBy = "name";
let sortBy = "name";
let sortOrder = "ascending";
let privacyFilter = "all";
let memberSearchMode = "include";
let selectedMembers = [];
let currentPage = 1;
let params = useParams();
$: id = $;
onMount(() => {
if (token || isPublic) fetchGroups();
async function fetchGroups() {
err = "";
listLoading = true;
try {
const res: Group[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").groups.get({ auth: !isPublic, query: { with_members: !isPublic } });
list = res;
listLoading = false;
} catch (error) {
err = error.message;
listLoading = false;
let searchValue: string;
$: {searchValue; privacyFilter; currentPage = 1};
$: searchedList = list.filter((item) => {
if (!searchValue && searchBy !== "description" && searchBy !== "display name") return true;
switch (searchBy) {
case "name": if ( return true;
case "display name": if (!searchValue) {
if (!item.display_name) return true;
else return false;
if (item.display_name && item.display_name.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) return true;
case "description": if (!searchValue) {
if (!item.description) return true;
else return false;
else if (item.description && item.description.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) return true;
case "ID": if ( return true;
default: if ( return true;
return false;
$: filteredList = searchedList.filter((item) => {
if (privacyFilter === "all") return true;
if (privacyFilter === "public" && item.privacy.visibility === "public") return true;
if (privacyFilter === "private" && item.privacy.visibility === "private") return true;
return false;
let sortedList = [];
$: if (filteredList) {
switch (sortBy) {
case "name": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
case "display name": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.display_name && b.display_name) return a.display_name.localeCompare(b.display_name);
else if (a.display_name && !b.display_name) return a.display_name.localeCompare(;
else if (!a.display_name && b.display_name) return;
else return;
case "creation date": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.created && b.created) return a.created.localeCompare(b.created);
case "ID": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
default: sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
let memberFilteredList = [];
$: memberFilteredList = sortedList.filter((item: Group) => {
if (memberSearchMode === "none") {
if (item.members && item.members.length > 0) return false;
if (selectedMembers.length < 1) return true;
switch (memberSearchMode) {
case "include": if (item.members && selectedMembers.some(value => item.members.includes(value))) return true;
case "exclude": if (item.members && selectedMembers.every(value => !item.members.includes(value))) return true;
case "match": if (item.members && selectedMembers.every(value => item.members.includes(value))) return true;
default: return true;
return false;
let finalList = [];
$:{sortOrder; if (sortOrder === "descending") finalList = memberFilteredList.reverse(); else finalList = memberFilteredList;}
$: finalList = finalList;
$: indexOfLastItem = currentPage * itemsPerPage;
$: indexOfFirstItem = indexOfLastItem - itemsPerPage;
$: pageAmount = Math.ceil(finalList.length / itemsPerPage);
let slicedList = [];
$: slicedList = finalList.slice(indexOfFirstItem, indexOfLastItem);
function memberListRenderer(item: any) {
return `${} (<code>${item.shortid}</code>)`;
'member-list': memberListRenderer
function updateList(event: any) {
list = => !== ? group : event.detail)
function updateDelete(event: any) {
list = list.filter(group => !== event.detail);
function addGroupToList(event: any) {
// reference types my beloathed
// the stringify/parse sequence is here so that a previous added group doesn't get overwritten
let group = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event.detail));
group.members = [];
list = list;
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardTitle style="margin-top: 8px; outline: none;">
<div class="icon d-inline-block">
<FaSearch />
</div> Search groups
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Page length</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={itemsPerPageValue} type="select" aria-label="page length">
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Search by</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={searchBy} type="select" aria-label="search by">
<option>display name</option>
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Sort by</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={sortBy} type="select" aria-label="sort by">
<option>display name</option>
{#if !isPublic}<option>creation date</option>{/if}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Sort order</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={sortOrder} type="select" aria-label="sort order">
{#if !isPublic}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Only show</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={privacyFilter} type="select" aria-label="only show">
{#if !isPublic}
<Label>Filter groups by member</Label>
<Svelecte renderer="member-list" bind:value={selectedMembers} disableHighlight options={memberlist} multiple style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem">
<span style="cursor: pointer" id="g-include" on:click={() => memberSearchMode = "include"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? memberSearchMode = "include" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html memberSearchMode === "include" ? "<b>include</b>" : "include"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="g-exclude" on:click={() => memberSearchMode = "exclude"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? memberSearchMode = "exclude" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html memberSearchMode === "exclude" ? "<b>exclude</b>" : "exclude"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="g-match" on:click={() => memberSearchMode = "match"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? memberSearchMode = "match" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html memberSearchMode === "match" ? "<b>exact match</b>" : "exact match"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="g-none" on:click={() => memberSearchMode = "none"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? memberSearchMode = "none" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html memberSearchMode === "none" ? "<b>none</b>" : "none"}</span>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="g-include">Includes every group with any of the members.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="g-exclude">Excludes every group with any of the members, opposite of include.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="g-match">Only includes groups which have all the members selected.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="g-none">Only includes groups that have no members.</Tooltip>
{#if listLoading && !err}
<div class="mx-auto text-center">
<Spinner class="d-inline-block" />
{:else if err}
<Col xs={12} lg={10}>
<Alert color="danger">{err}</Alert>
<Col xs={12} lg={2}>
<Button class="w-100 mb-3" color="primary" on:click={fetchGroups} aria-label="refresh group list">Refresh</Button>
<Col xs={12} lg={10} class="mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<Input class="mb-3" bind:value={searchValue} placeholder="search by {searchBy}..."/>
<Col xs={12} lg={2}>
<Button class="w-100 mb-3" color="primary" on:click={fetchGroups} aria-label="refresh group list">Refresh</Button>
<ListPagination bind:currentPage bind:pageAmount />
{#if !isPublic}
<NewGroup on:create={addGroupToList} />
{#if settings && settings.accessibility ? (!settings.accessibility.expandedcards && !settings.accessibility.pagelinks) : true}
<Accordion class="my-3" stayOpen>
{#each slicedList as group, index (}
{#if (!isPublic && group.privacy.visibility === "public") || isPublic}
<CardsHeader bind:item={group} slot="header">
<FaUsers slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateMembers={updateList} bind:members bind:group bind:isPublic={isPublic}/>
<CardsHeader bind:item={group} slot="header">
<FaLock slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateMembers={updateList} bind:members bind:group bind:isPublic={isPublic}/>
{:else if settings.accessibility.expandedcards}
{#each slicedList as group, index (}
{#if (!isPublic && group.privacy.visibility === "public") || isPublic}
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardsHeader item={group}>
<FaUsers slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateMembers={updateList} isPublic={isPublic} bind:members bind:group />
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardsHeader item={group}>
<FaLock slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateMembers={updateList} isPublic={isPublic} bind:group bind:members />
<div class="my-3">
{#each slicedList as group, index (}
{#if (!isPublic && group.privacy.visibility === "public") || isPublic}
<Link class="accordion-button collapsed" style="text-decoration: none;" to={!isPublic ? `/dash/g/${}` : `/profile/g/${}`}>
<CardsHeader bind:item={group}>
<FaUsers slot="icon" />
<Link class="accordion-button collapsed" style="text-decoration: none;" to={!isPublic ? `/dash/g/${}` : `/profile/g/${}`}>
<CardsHeader bind:item={group}>
<FaLock slot="icon" />
<ListPagination bind:currentPage bind:pageAmount />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardTitle, Alert, Accordion, AccordionItem, InputGroupText, InputGroup, Input, Row, Col, Spinner, Button, Tooltip, Label } from 'sveltestrap';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { Link, useParams } from 'svelte-navigator';
import FaLock from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaLock.svelte';
import FaUserCircle from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUserCircle.svelte';
import FaUsers from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUsers.svelte'
import MemberBody from '../member/Body.svelte';
import GroupBody from '../group/Body.svelte';
import NewMember from '../member/NewMember.svelte';
import NewGroup from '../group/NewGroup.svelte';
import CardsHeader from '../CardsHeader.svelte';
import ListPagination from '../ListPagination.svelte';
import ListControl from './ListControl.svelte';
import ListSearch from './ListSearch.svelte';
import { Member, Group } from '../../api/types';
import api from '../../api';
export let members: Member[] = [];
export let groups: Group[] = [];
let list: Member[] | Group[] = [];
let processedList: Member[] | Group[] = [];
$: groupList = groups && { return {name:, shortid:, id: group.uuid, members: group.members, display_name: group.display_name}; }).sort((a, b) =>;
$: memberList = members && { return {name:, shortid:, id: member.uuid, display_name: member.display_name}; }).sort((a, b) =>;
let token = localStorage.getItem("pk-token");
let listLoading = true;
let err: string;
let settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-settings"));
let pageAmount: number;
let currentPage: number = 1;
let itemsPerPageValue = settings && settings.accessibility && settings.accessibility.expandedcards ? "10" : "25";
$: itemsPerPage = parseInt(itemsPerPageValue);
$: indexOfLastItem = currentPage * itemsPerPage;
$: indexOfFirstItem = indexOfLastItem - itemsPerPage;
$: pageAmount = Math.ceil(processedList.length / itemsPerPage);
$: slicedList = processedList.slice(indexOfFirstItem, indexOfLastItem);
export let isPublic: boolean;
export let isMainDash = true;
export let itemType: string;
let searchValue: string = "";
let searchBy: string = "";
let params = useParams();
$: id = $;
onMount(() => {
if (token || isPublic) fetchList();
async function fetchList() {
err = "";
listLoading = true;
try {
if (itemType === "member") {
const res: Member[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").members.get({ auth: !isPublic });
members = res;
list = res;
else if (itemType === "group") {
const res: Group[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").groups.get({ auth: !isPublic, query: { with_members: !isPublic } });
groups = res;
list = res;
else throw new Error(`Unknown list type ${itemType}`);
} catch (error) {
err = error.message;
listLoading = false;
function addItemToList(event: any) {
if (itemType === "member") {
members = members;
} else if (itemType === "group") {
list = list;
/* function updateList(event: any) {
list = => !== ? member : event.detail);
} */
/* function updateGroups(event: any) {
groups = event.detail;
} */
function updateDelete(event: any) {
list = (list as any[]).filter(item => !== event.detail);
function getItemLink(item: Member | Group): string {
let url: string;
if (isMainDash) url = "/dash/";
else url = "/profile/";
if (itemType === "member") url += "m/";
else if (itemType === "group") url += "g/";
url +=;
return url;
<ListControl {itemType} {isPublic} {memberList} {groups} {groupList} {list} bind:finalList={processedList} bind:searchValue bind:searchBy bind:itemsPerPageValue />
{#if listLoading && !err}
<div class="mx-auto text-center">
<Spinner class="d-inline-block" />
{:else if err}
<Col xs={12} lg={10}>
<Alert color="danger">{err}</Alert>
<Col xs={12} lg={2}>
<Button class="w-100 mb-3" color="primary" on:click={fetchList} aria-label="refresh member list">Refresh</Button>
<ListSearch bind:searchBy bind:searchValue on:refresh={fetchList} />
<ListPagination bind:currentPage bind:pageAmount />
{#if !err && !isPublic}
{#if itemType === "member"}
<NewMember on:create={addItemToList} />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<NewGroup on:create={addItemToList} />
{#if !listLoading && !err}
{#if settings && settings.accessibility ? (!settings.accessibility.expandedcards && !settings.accessibility.pagelinks) : true}
<Accordion class="my-3" stayOpen>
{#each slicedList as item, index}
<CardsHeader {item} slot="header">
<div slot="icon">
{#if isPublic || item.privacy.visibility === "public"}
{#if itemType === "member"}
<FaUserCircle />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<FaUsers />
<FaLock />
{#if itemType === "member"}
<MemberBody on:deletion={updateDelete} bind:isPublic bind:groups bind:member={item} />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<GroupBody on:deletion={updateDelete} {isPublic} {members} bind:group={item} />
{:else if settings.accessibility.expandedcards}
{#each slicedList as item, index}
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardsHeader {item} slot="header">
<div slot="icon">
{#if isPublic || item.privacy.visibility === "public"}
{#if itemType === "member"}
<FaUserCircle />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<FaUsers />
<FaLock />
{#if itemType === "member"}
<MemberBody on:deletion={updateDelete} bind:isPublic bind:groups bind:member={item} />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<GroupBody on:deletion={updateDelete} {isPublic} {members} bind:group={item} />
<div class="my-3">
{#each slicedList as item, index}
<Link class="accordion-button collapsed" style="text-decoration: none;" to={getItemLink(item)}>
<CardsHeader {item} slot="header">
<div slot="icon">
{#if isPublic || item.privacy.visibility === "public"}
{#if itemType === "member"}
<FaUserCircle />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<FaUsers />
<FaLock />
<ListPagination bind:currentPage {pageAmount} />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardTitle, Alert, Accordion, AccordionItem, InputGroupText, InputGroup, Input, Row, Col, Spinner, Button, Tooltip, Label } from 'sveltestrap';
import FaSearch from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaSearch.svelte'
import Svelecte, { addFormatter } from 'svelecte';
import { Member, Group } from '../../api/types';
export let list: Member[] | Group[] = [];
export let itemType: string;
export let memberList: any = [];
export let groups: Group[] = [];
export let groupList: any = [];
export let searchBy = "name";
export let searchValue: string;
export let itemsPerPageValue: string;
let sortBy = "name";
let sortOrder = "ascending";
let privacyFilter = "all";
let groupSearchMode = "include";
let selectedGroups = [];
export let currentPage = 1;
export let isPublic: boolean;
$: {searchValue; privacyFilter; currentPage = 1};
// converting list to any[] avoids a "this expression is not calleable" error
$: searchedList = (list as any[]).filter((item: Member | Group) => {
if (!searchValue && searchBy !== "description" && searchBy !== "display name") return true;
switch (searchBy) {
case "name": if ( return true;
case "display name": if (!searchValue) {
if (!item.display_name) return true;
else return false;
if (item.display_name && item.display_name.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) return true;
case "description": if (!searchValue) {
if (!item.description) return true;
else return false;
else if (item.description && item.description.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) return true;
case "ID": if ( return true;
default: if ( return true;
return false;
$: filteredList = searchedList.filter((item) => {
if (privacyFilter === "all") return true;
if (privacyFilter === "public" && item.privacy.visibility === "public") return true;
if (privacyFilter === "private" && item.privacy.visibility === "private") return true;
return false;
let sortedList = [];
$: if (filteredList) {
switch (sortBy) {
case "name": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
case "display name": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.display_name && b.display_name) return a.display_name.localeCompare(b.display_name);
else if (a.display_name && !b.display_name) return a.display_name.localeCompare(;
else if (!a.display_name && b.display_name) return;
else return;
case "creation date": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.created && b.created) return a.created.localeCompare(b.created);
case "ID": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
default: sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
let memberFilteredList = [];
$: memberFilteredList = sortedList.filter((item: Member | Group): boolean => {
if (itemType === "member") {
if (groupSearchMode === "none") {
if (groups.some(group => group.members && group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return false;
if (selectedGroups.length < 1) return true;
switch (groupSearchMode) {
case "include": if (selectedGroups.some(group => group.members && group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return true;
case "exclude": if (selectedGroups.every(group => group.members && !group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return true;
case "match": if (selectedGroups.every(group => group.members && group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return true;
default: return true;
} else if (itemType === "group") {
let group = (item as Group);
if (groupSearchMode === "none") {
if (group.members && group.members.length > 0) return false;
if (selectedGroups.length < 1) return true;
switch (groupSearchMode) {
case "include": if (group.members && selectedGroups.some(member => group.members.includes( return true;
case "exclude": if (group.members && selectedGroups.every(member => !group.members.includes( return true;
case "match": if (group.members && selectedGroups.every(member => group.members.includes( return true;
default: return true;
return false;
export let finalList = [];
$:{sortOrder; if (sortOrder === "descending") finalList = memberFilteredList.reverse(); else finalList = memberFilteredList;}
function groupListRenderer(item: any) {
return `${} (<code>${item.shortid}</code>)`;
'group-list': groupListRenderer
function memberListRenderer(item: any) {
return `${} (<code>${item.shortid}</code>)`;
'member-list': memberListRenderer
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardTitle style="margin-top: 8px; outline: none;">
<div class="icon d-inline-block">
<FaSearch />
</div> Search {itemType === "member" ? "members" : "groups"}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Page length</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={itemsPerPageValue} type="select" aria-label="page length">
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Search by</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={searchBy} type="select" aria-label="search by">
<option>display name</option>
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Sort by</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={sortBy} type="select" aria-label="sort by">
<option>display name</option>
{#if !isPublic}<option>creation date</option>{/if}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Sort order</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={sortOrder} type="select" aria-label="sort order">
{#if !isPublic}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Only show</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={privacyFilter} type="select" aria-label="only show">
{#if !isPublic}
<Label>Filter {itemType === "member" ? "member" : "group"} by {itemType === "member" ? "group" : "member"}</Label>
{#if itemType === "member"}
<Svelecte disableHighlight renderer="group-list" valueAsObject bind:value={selectedGroups} options={groupList} multiple style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem" />
{:else if itemType === "group"}
<Svelecte disableHighlight renderer="member-list" valueAsObject bind:value={selectedGroups} options={memberList} multiple style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem" />
<span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-include" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "include"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "include" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "include" ? "<b>include</b>" : "include"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-exclude" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "exclude"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "exclude" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "exclude" ? "<b>exclude</b>" : "exclude"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-match" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "match"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "match" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "match" ? "<b>exact match</b>" : "exact match"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-none" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "none"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "none" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "none" ? "<b>none</b>" : "none"}</span>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-include">Includes every member who's a part of any of the groups.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-exclude">Excludes every member who's a part of any of the groups, the opposite of include.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-match">Only includes members who are a part of every group.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-none">Only includes members that are in no groups.</Tooltip>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
import { Button, Col, Input, Row } from "sveltestrap";
export let searchValue: string;
export let searchBy: string;
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
function update() {
<Col xs={12} lg={10}>
<Input class="mb-3" bind:value={searchValue} placeholder="search by {searchBy}..."/>
<Col xs={12} lg={2} class="mb-3 mb-lg-0">
<Button class="w-100 mb-3" color="primary" on:click={() => update()} aria-label="refresh member list">Refresh</Button>
@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Link } from 'svelte-navigator';
import { Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardTitle, Alert, Accordion, AccordionItem, InputGroupText, InputGroup, Input, Row, Col, Spinner, Button, Tooltip, Label } from 'sveltestrap';
import FaUserCircle from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUserCircle.svelte'
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import FaSearch from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaSearch.svelte'
import { useParams } from 'svelte-navigator';
import CardsHeader from '../CardsHeader.svelte';
import ListPagination from '../ListPagination.svelte';
import Svelecte, { addFormatter } from 'svelecte';
import FaLock from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaLock.svelte';
import Body from './Body.svelte';
import NewMember from './NewMember.svelte';
import { Member, Group } from '../../api/types';
import api from '../../api';
export let isPublic: boolean;
export let list: Member[] = [];
export let groups: Group[] = [];
export let isMainDash = true;
$: grouplist = groups && { return {name:, shortid:, id: group.uuid, members: group.members, display_name: group.display_name}; }).sort((a, b) =>;
let token = localStorage.getItem("pk-token");
let listLoading = true;
let err: string;
let settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-settings"));
let itemsPerPageValue = settings && settings.accessibility && settings.accessibility.expandedcards ? "10" : "25";
$: itemsPerPage = parseInt(itemsPerPageValue);
let searchBy = "name";
let sortBy = "name";
let sortOrder = "ascending";
let privacyFilter = "all";
let groupSearchMode = "include";
let selectedGroups = [];
let currentPage = 1;
let params = useParams();
$: id = $;
onMount(() => {
if (token || isPublic) fetchMembers();
async function fetchMembers() {
err = "";
listLoading = true;
try {
const res: Member[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").members.get({ auth: !isPublic });
list = res;
listLoading = false;
} catch (error) {
err = error.message;
listLoading = false;
let searchValue: string;
$: {searchValue; privacyFilter; currentPage = 1};
$: searchedList = list.filter((item) => {
if (!searchValue && searchBy !== "description" && searchBy !== "display name") return true;
switch (searchBy) {
case "name": if ( return true;
case "display name": if (!searchValue) {
if (!item.display_name) return true;
else return false;
if (item.display_name && item.display_name.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) return true;
case "description": if (!searchValue) {
if (!item.description) return true;
else return false;
else if (item.description && item.description.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) return true;
case "ID": if ( return true;
default: if ( return true;
return false;
$: filteredList = searchedList.filter((item) => {
if (privacyFilter === "all") return true;
if (privacyFilter === "public" && item.privacy.visibility === "public") return true;
if (privacyFilter === "private" && item.privacy.visibility === "private") return true;
return false;
let sortedList = [];
$: if (filteredList) {
switch (sortBy) {
case "name": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
case "display name": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.display_name && b.display_name) return a.display_name.localeCompare(b.display_name);
else if (a.display_name && !b.display_name) return a.display_name.localeCompare(;
else if (!a.display_name && b.display_name) return;
else return;
case "creation date": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.created && b.created) return a.created.localeCompare(b.created);
case "ID": sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
default: sortedList = filteredList.sort((a, b) =>;
let memberFilteredList = [];
$: memberFilteredList = sortedList.filter((item: Member) => {
if (groupSearchMode === "none") {
if (groups.some(group => group.members && group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return false;
if (selectedGroups.length < 1) return true;
switch (groupSearchMode) {
case "include": if (selectedGroups.some(group => group.members && group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return true;
case "exclude": if (selectedGroups.every(group => group.members && !group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return true;
case "match": if (selectedGroups.every(group => group.members && group.members.includes(item.uuid))) return true;
default: return true;
return false;
let finalList = [];
$:{sortOrder; if (sortOrder === "descending") finalList = memberFilteredList.reverse(); else finalList = memberFilteredList;}
$: finalList = finalList;
$: indexOfLastItem = currentPage * itemsPerPage;
$: indexOfFirstItem = indexOfLastItem - itemsPerPage;
$: pageAmount = Math.ceil(finalList.length / itemsPerPage);
$: slicedList = finalList.slice(indexOfFirstItem, indexOfLastItem);
function groupListRenderer(item: any) {
return `${} (<code>${item.shortid}</code>)`;
'member-list': groupListRenderer
function updateList(event: any) {
list = => !== ? member : event.detail);
function updateGroups(event: any) {
groups = event.detail;
function updateDelete(event: any) {
list = list.filter(member => !== event.detail);
function addMemberToList(event: any) {
list = list;
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardTitle style="margin-top: 8px; outline: none;">
<div class="icon d-inline-block">
<FaSearch />
</div> Search members
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Page length</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={itemsPerPageValue} type="select" aria-label="page length">
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Search by</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={searchBy} type="select" aria-label="search by">
<option>display name</option>
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Sort by</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={sortBy} type="select" aria-label="sort by">
<option>display name</option>
{#if !isPublic}<option>creation date</option>{/if}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Sort order</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={sortOrder} type="select" aria-label="sort order">
{#if !isPublic}
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<InputGroupText>Only show</InputGroupText>
<Input bind:value={privacyFilter} type="select" aria-label="only show">
{#if !isPublic}
<Label>Filter members by group</Label>
<Svelecte disableHighlight renderer="member-list" valueAsObject bind:value={selectedGroups} options={grouplist} multiple style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem">
<span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-include" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "include"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "include" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "include" ? "<b>include</b>" : "include"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-exclude" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "exclude"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "exclude" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "exclude" ? "<b>exclude</b>" : "exclude"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-match" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "match"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "match" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "match" ? "<b>exact match</b>" : "exact match"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-none" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "none"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "none" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "none" ? "<b>none</b>" : "none"}</span>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-include">Includes every member who's a part of any of the groups.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-exclude">Excludes every member who's a part of any of the groups, the opposite of include.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-match">Only includes members who are a part of every group.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-none">Only includes members that are in no groups.</Tooltip>
{#if listLoading && !err}
<div class="mx-auto text-center">
<Spinner class="d-inline-block" />
{:else if err}
<Col xs={12} lg={10}>
<Alert color="danger">{err}</Alert>
<Col xs={12} lg={2}>
<Button class="w-100 mb-3" color="primary" on:click={fetchMembers} aria-label="refresh member list">Refresh</Button>
<Col xs={12} lg={10}>
<Input class="mb-3" bind:value={searchValue} placeholder="search by {searchBy}..."/>
<Col xs={12} lg={2} class="mb-3 mb-lg-0">
<Button class="w-100 mb-3" color="primary" on:click={fetchMembers} aria-label="refresh member list">Refresh</Button>
<ListPagination bind:currentPage bind:pageAmount />
{#if !isPublic}
<NewMember on:create={addMemberToList} />
{#if settings && settings.accessibility ? (!settings.accessibility.expandedcards && !settings.accessibility.pagelinks) : true}
<Accordion class="my-3" stayOpen>
{#each slicedList as member, index (}
{#if (!isPublic && member.privacy.visibility === "public") || isPublic}
<CardsHeader bind:item={member} slot="header">
<FaUserCircle slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateGroups={updateGroups} bind:isPublic bind:groups bind:member />
<CardsHeader bind:item={member} slot="header">
<FaLock slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateGroups={updateGroups} bind:isPublic bind:groups bind:member />
{:else if settings.accessibility.expandedcards}
{#each slicedList as member, index (}
{#if (!isPublic && member.privacy.visibility === "public") || isPublic}
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardsHeader bind:item={member}>
<FaUserCircle slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateGroups={updateGroups} bind:isPublic bind:groups bind:member />
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardsHeader bind:item={member}>
<FaLock slot="icon" />
<Body on:deletion={updateDelete} on:update={updateList} on:updateGroups={updateGroups} bind:isPublic bind:groups bind:member />
<div class="my-3">
{#each slicedList as member, index (}
{#if (!isPublic && member.privacy.visibility === "public") || isPublic}
<Link class="accordion-button collapsed" style="text-decoration: none;" to={isMainDash ? `/dash/m/${}` : `/profile/m/${}`}>
<CardsHeader bind:item={member}>
<FaUserCircle slot="icon" />
<Link class="accordion-button collapsed" style="text-decoration: none;" to={isMainDash ? `/dash/m/${}` : `/profile/m/${}`}>
<CardsHeader bind:item={member}>
<FaLock slot="icon" />
<ListPagination bind:currentPage bind:pageAmount />
@ -4,14 +4,11 @@
import { currentUser, loggedIn } from '../stores';
import { currentUser, loggedIn } from '../stores';
import SystemMain from '../lib/system/Main.svelte';
import SystemMain from '../lib/system/Main.svelte';
import MemberList from '../lib/member/List.svelte';
import List from '../lib/list/List.svelte';
import GroupList from '../lib/group/List.svelte';
import { System } from '../api/types';
import { System } from '../api/types';
import api from '../api';
import api from '../api';
let isPublic = false;
// get the state from the navigator so that we know which tab to start on
// get the state from the navigator so that we know which tab to start on
let location = useLocation();
let location = useLocation();
let params = $ && new URLSearchParams($;
let params = $ && new URLSearchParams($;
@ -82,13 +79,13 @@
<h2 class="visually-hidden">Viewing your own system</h2>
<h2 class="visually-hidden">Viewing your own system</h2>
<TabContent class="mt-3">
<TabContent class="mt-3">
<TabPane tabId="system" tab="System" active={tabPane === "system"}>
<TabPane tabId="system" tab="System" active={tabPane === "system"}>
<SystemMain bind:user={user} bind:isPublic />
<SystemMain bind:user={user} isPublic={false} />
<TabPane tabId="members" tab="Members" active={tabPane === "members"}>
<TabPane tabId="members" tab="Members" active={tabPane === "members"}>
<MemberList bind:groups={groups} bind:list={members} bind:isPublic />
<List bind:groups={groups} bind:members={members} isPublic={false} itemType={"member"}/>
<TabPane tabId="groups" tab="Groups" active={tabPane === "groups"}>
<TabPane tabId="groups" tab="Groups" active={tabPane === "groups"}>
<GroupList bind:members={members} bind:list={groups} bind:isPublic />
<List bind:members={members} bind:groups={groups} isPublic={false} itemType={"group"}/>
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import SystemMain from '../../lib/system/Main.svelte';
import SystemMain from '../../lib/system/Main.svelte';
import MemberList from '../../lib/member/List.svelte';
import List from '../../lib/list/List.svelte';
import GroupList from '../../lib/group/List.svelte';
import { System } from '../../api/types';
import { System } from '../../api/types';
import api from '../../api';
import api from '../../api';
@ -72,10 +71,10 @@
<SystemMain bind:user isPublic={true} />
<SystemMain bind:user isPublic={true} />
<TabPane tabId="members" tab="Members" active={tabPane === "members"}>
<TabPane tabId="members" tab="Members" active={tabPane === "members"}>
<MemberList bind:list={members} isPublic={true} />
<List members={members} groups={groups} isPublic={true} itemType={"member"} />
<TabPane tabId="groups" tab="Groups" active={tabPane === "groups"}>
<TabPane tabId="groups" tab="Groups" active={tabPane === "groups"}>
<GroupList bind:members={members} bind:list={groups} isPublic={true}/>
<List members={members} groups={groups} isPublic={true} itemType={"group"} />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user