Add channel blacklists for logging and proxying
Necessary database migrations for this commit: alter table servers add column log_blacklist bigint[] not null default array[]::bigint[]; alter table servers add column blacklist bigint[] not null default array[]::bigint[];
This commit is contained in:
@ -273,8 +273,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private DbConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
private IServiceProvider _services;
private CommandTree _tree;
private IDataStore _data;
public PKEventHandler(ProxyService proxy, ILogger logger, IMetrics metrics, IDiscordClient client, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, IServiceProvider services, CommandTree tree)
public PKEventHandler(ProxyService proxy, ILogger logger, IMetrics metrics, IDiscordClient client, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, IServiceProvider services, CommandTree tree, IDataStore data)
_proxy = proxy;
_logger = logger;
@ -283,6 +284,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
_services = services;
_tree = tree;
_data = data;
public async Task HandleMessage(SocketMessage arg)
@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Ignore bot messages
if (msg.Author.IsBot || msg.Author.IsWebhook) return;
int argPos = -1;
// Check if message starts with the command prefix
if (msg.Content.StartsWith("pk;", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) argPos = 3;
@ -307,6 +309,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (id != _client.CurrentUser.Id) // But undo it if it's someone else's ping
argPos = -1;
// If it does, try executing a command
if (argPos > -1)
_logger.Verbose("Parsing command {Command} from message {Channel}-{Message}", msg.Content, msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id);
@ -45,7 +45,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
public static Command Export = new Command("export", "export", "Exports system information to a data file");
public static Command Help = new Command("help", "help", "Shows help information about PluralKit");
public static Command Message = new Command("message", "message <id|link>", "Looks up a proxied message");
public static Command Log = new Command("log", "log <channel>", "Designates a channel to post proxied messages to");
public static Command LogChannel = new Command("log channel", "log channel <channel>", "Designates a channel to post proxied messages to");
public static Command LogEnable = new Command("log enable", "log enable all|<channel> [channel 2] [channel 3...]", "Enables message logging in certain channels");
public static Command LogDisable = new Command("log disable", "log disable all|<channel> [channel 2] [channel 3...]", "Disables message logging in certain channels");
public static Command BlacklistAdd = new Command("blacklist add", "blacklist add all|<channel> [channel 2] [channel 3...]", "Adds certain channels to the proxy blacklist");
public static Command BlacklistRemove = new Command("blacklist remove", "blacklist remove all|<channel> [channel 2] [channel 3...]", "Removes certain channels from the proxy blacklist");
public static Command Invite = new Command("invite", "invite", "Gets a link to invite PluralKit to other servers");
public static Command PermCheck = new Command("permcheck", "permcheck <guild>", "Checks whether a server's permission setup is correct");
@ -60,6 +64,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
public static Command[] SwitchCommands = {Switch, SwitchOut, SwitchMove, SwitchDelete};
public static Command[] LogCommands = {LogChannel, LogEnable, LogDisable};
private IDiscordClient _client;
@ -100,7 +106,19 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
if (ctx.Match("message", "msg"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(Message, m => m.GetMessage(ctx));
if (ctx.Match("log"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(Log, m => m.SetLogChannel(ctx));
if (ctx.Match("channel"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(LogChannel, m => m.SetLogChannel(ctx));
else if (ctx.Match("enable", "on"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(LogEnable, m => m.SetLogEnabled(ctx, true));
else if (ctx.Match("disable", "off"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(LogDisable, m => m.SetLogEnabled(ctx, false));
else return PrintCommandExpectedError(ctx, LogCommands);
if (ctx.Match("blacklist", "bl"))
if (ctx.Match("enable", "on", "add", "deny"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(BlacklistAdd, m => m.SetBlacklisted(ctx, true));
else if (ctx.Match("disable", "off", "remove", "allow"))
return ctx.Execute<ModCommands>(BlacklistRemove, m => m.SetBlacklisted(ctx, false));
else return PrintCommandExpectedError(ctx, BlacklistAdd, BlacklistRemove);
if (ctx.Match("invite")) return ctx.Execute<MiscCommands>(Invite, m => m.Invite(ctx));
if (ctx.Match("mn")) return ctx.Execute<MiscCommands>(null, m => m.Mn(ctx));
if (ctx.Match("fire")) return ctx.Execute<MiscCommands>(null, m => m.Fire(ctx));
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
@ -27,8 +29,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
ITextChannel channel = null;
if (ctx.HasNext())
channel = ctx.MatchChannel() ?? throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass a #channel to set.");
if (channel != null && channel.GuildId != ctx.Guild.Id) throw new PKError("That channel is not in this server!");
var cfg = await _data.GetGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id);
var cfg = await _data.GetOrCreateGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id);
cfg.LogChannel = channel?.Id;
await _data.SaveGuildConfig(cfg);
@ -37,6 +40,57 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Proxy logging channel cleared.");
public async Task SetLogEnabled(Context ctx, bool enable)
ctx.CheckGuildContext().CheckAuthorPermission(GuildPermission.ManageGuild, "Manage Server");
var affectedChannels = new List<ITextChannel>();
if (ctx.Match("all"))
affectedChannels = (await ctx.Guild.GetChannelsAsync()).OfType<ITextChannel>().ToList();
else if (!ctx.HasNext()) throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass one or more #channels.");
else while (ctx.HasNext())
if (!(ctx.MatchChannel() is ITextChannel channel))
throw new PKSyntaxError($"Channel \"{ctx.PopArgument().SanitizeMentions()}\" not found.");
if (channel.GuildId != ctx.Guild.Id) throw new PKError($"Channel {ctx.Guild.Id} is not in this server.");
var guildCfg = await _data.GetOrCreateGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id);
if (enable) guildCfg.LogBlacklist.ExceptWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
else guildCfg.LogBlacklist.UnionWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
await _data.SaveGuildConfig(guildCfg);
await ctx.Reply(
$"{Emojis.Success} Message logging for the given channels {(enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")}." +
(guildCfg.LogChannel == null ? $"\n{Emojis.Warn} Please note that no logging channel is set, so there is nowhere to log messages to. You can set a logging channel using `pk;log channel #your-log-channel`." : ""));
public async Task SetBlacklisted(Context ctx, bool onBlacklist)
ctx.CheckGuildContext().CheckAuthorPermission(GuildPermission.ManageGuild, "Manage Server");
var affectedChannels = new List<ITextChannel>();
if (ctx.Match("all"))
affectedChannels = (await ctx.Guild.GetChannelsAsync()).OfType<ITextChannel>().ToList();
else if (!ctx.HasNext()) throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass one or more #channels.");
else while (ctx.HasNext())
if (!(ctx.MatchChannel() is ITextChannel channel))
throw new PKSyntaxError($"Channel \"{ctx.PopArgument().SanitizeMentions()}\" not found.");
if (channel.GuildId != ctx.Guild.Id) throw new PKError($"Channel {ctx.Guild.Id} is not in this server.");
var guildCfg = await _data.GetOrCreateGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id);
if (onBlacklist) guildCfg.Blacklist.UnionWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
else guildCfg.Blacklist.ExceptWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
await _data.SaveGuildConfig(guildCfg);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Channels {(onBlacklist ? "added to" : "removed from")} the proxy blacklist.");
public async Task GetMessage(Context ctx)
@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
_logger = logger.ForContext<LogChannelService>();
public async Task LogMessage(PKSystem system, PKMember member, ulong messageId, ulong originalMsgId, IGuildChannel originalChannel, IUser sender, string content) {
var logChannel = await GetLogChannel(originalChannel.Guild);
if (logChannel == null) return;
public async Task LogMessage(PKSystem system, PKMember member, ulong messageId, ulong originalMsgId, IGuildChannel originalChannel, IUser sender, string content)
var guildCfg = await _data.GetOrCreateGuildConfig(originalChannel.GuildId);
// Bail if logging is disabled either globally or for this channel
if (guildCfg.LogChannel == null) return;
if (guildCfg.LogBlacklist.Contains(originalChannel.Id)) return;
// Bail if we can't find the channel
if (!(await _client.GetChannelAsync(guildCfg.LogChannel.Value) is ITextChannel logChannel)) return;
var embed = _embed.CreateLoggedMessageEmbed(system, member, messageId, originalMsgId, sender, content, originalChannel);
var url = $"{originalChannel.GuildId}/{originalChannel.Id}/{messageId}";
await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(text: url, embed: embed);
private async Task<ITextChannel> GetLogChannel(IGuild guild)
var guildCfg = await _data.GetGuildConfig(guild.Id);
if (guildCfg.LogChannel == null) return null;
return await _client.GetChannelAsync(guildCfg.LogChannel.Value) as ITextChannel;
@ -80,17 +80,20 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task HandleMessageAsync(IMessage message)
// Bail early if this isn't in a guild channel
if (!(message.Channel is ITextChannel)) return;
var results = await _cache.GetResultsFor(message.Author.Id);
if (!(message.Channel is ITextChannel channel)) return;
// Find a member with proxy tags matching the message
var results = await _cache.GetResultsFor(message.Author.Id);
var match = GetProxyTagMatch(message.Content, results);
if (match == null) return;
// And make sure the channel's not blacklisted from proxying.
var guildCfg = await _data.GetOrCreateGuildConfig(channel.GuildId);
if (guildCfg.Blacklist.Contains(channel.Id)) return;
// We know message.Channel can only be ITextChannel as PK doesn't work in DMs/groups
// Afterwards we ensure the bot has the right permissions, otherwise bail early
if (!await EnsureBotPermissions(message.Channel as ITextChannel)) return;
if (!await EnsureBotPermissions(channel)) return;
// Can't proxy a message with no content and no attachment
if (match.InnerText.Trim().Length == 0 && message.Attachments.Count == 0)
@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Execute the webhook itself
var hookMessageId = await _webhookExecutor.ExecuteWebhook(
(ITextChannel) message.Channel,
proxyName, avatarUrl,
@ -62,6 +62,15 @@ namespace PluralKit {
public ulong Id { get; set; }
public ulong? LogChannel { get; set; }
public ISet<ulong> LogBlacklist { get; set; }
public ISet<ulong> Blacklist { get; set; }
public struct ChannelConfig
public ulong Id { get; set; }
public bool OnList { get; set; }
public bool LogMessages { get; set; }
public interface IDataStore
@ -329,10 +338,10 @@ namespace PluralKit {
Task<ulong> GetTotalMessages();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the guild configuration struct for a given guild.
/// Gets the guild configuration struct for a given guild, creating and saving one if none was found.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The guild's configuration struct, or a default struct if no guild was found in the data store.</returns>
Task<GuildConfig> GetGuildConfig(ulong guild);
/// <returns>The guild's configuration struct.</returns>
Task<GuildConfig> GetOrCreateGuildConfig(ulong guild);
/// <summary>
/// Saves the given guild configuration struct to the data store.
@ -596,28 +605,45 @@ namespace PluralKit {
return await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<ulong>("select count(mid) from messages");
public async Task<GuildConfig> GetGuildConfig(ulong guild)
// Same as GuildConfig, but with ISet<ulong> as long[] instead.
private struct DatabaseCompatibleGuildConfig
public ulong Id { get; set; }
public ulong? LogChannel { get; set; }
public long[] LogBlacklist { get; set; }
public long[] Blacklist { get; set; }
public async Task<GuildConfig> GetOrCreateGuildConfig(ulong guild)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
var cfg = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<GuildConfig>("select * from servers where id = @Id",
var compat = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<DatabaseCompatibleGuildConfig>(
"insert into servers (id) values (@Id) on conflict do nothing; select * from servers where id = @Id",
new {Id = guild});
if (cfg.Id == 0)
// No entry was found in the db, this is the default entry returned
cfg.Id = guild;
return cfg;
return new GuildConfig
Id = compat.Id,
LogChannel = compat.LogChannel,
LogBlacklist = new HashSet<ulong>(compat.LogBlacklist.Select(c => (ulong) c)),
Blacklist = new HashSet<ulong>(compat.Blacklist.Select(c => (ulong) c)),
public async Task SaveGuildConfig(GuildConfig cfg)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into servers (id, log_channel) values (@Id, @LogChannel) on conflict (id) do update set log_channel = @LogChannel", cfg);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into servers (id, log_channel, log_blacklist, blacklist) values (@Id, @LogChannel, @LogBlacklist, @Blacklist) on conflict (id) do update set log_channel = @LogChannel, log_blacklist = @LogBlacklist, blacklist = @Blacklist", new
LogBlacklist = cfg.LogBlacklist.Select(c => (long) c).ToList(),
Blacklist = cfg.Blacklist.Select(c => (long) c).ToList()
_logger.Information("Updated guild configuration {@GuildCfg}", cfg);
public async Task AddSwitch(PKSystem system, IEnumerable<PKMember> members)
// Use a transaction here since we're doing multiple executed commands in one
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ create table if not exists webhooks
create table if not exists servers
id bigint primary key,
log_channel bigint
id bigint primary key,
log_channel bigint,
log_blacklist bigint[] not null default array[]::bigint[],
blacklist bigint[] not null default array[]::bigint[]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user