Add group name/description/list commands

This commit is contained in:
Ske 2020-07-06 19:50:39 +02:00
parent 253ae43c7f
commit 6c5cb8cea7
7 changed files with 152 additions and 6 deletions

@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return ctx;
public static Context CheckOwnGroup(this Context ctx, PKGroup group)
if (group.System != ctx.System?.Id)
throw Errors.NotOwnMemberError;
return ctx;
public static Context CheckSystem(this Context ctx)
if (ctx.System == null)

@ -133,6 +133,21 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return $"Member not found. Note that a member ID is 5 characters long.";
public static string CreateGroupNotFoundError(this Context ctx, string input)
// TODO: does this belong here?
if (input.Length == 5)
if (ctx.System != null)
return $"Group with ID or name \"{input}\" not found.";
return $"Group with ID \"{input}\" not found."; // Accounts without systems can't query by name
if (ctx.System != null)
return $"Group with name \"{input}\" not found. Note that a group ID is 5 characters long.";
return $"Group not found. Note that a group ID is 5 characters long.";
public static async Task<DiscordChannel> MatchChannel(this Context ctx)
if (!MentionUtils.TryParseChannel(ctx.PeekArgument(), out var id))

@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public static Command MemberPrivacy = new Command("member privacy", "member <member> privacy <name|description|birthday|pronouns|metadata|visibility|all> <public|private>", "Changes a members's privacy settings");
public static Command GroupInfo = new Command("group", "group <name>", "Looks up information about a group");
public static Command GroupNew = new Command("group new", "group new <name>", "Creates a new group");
public static Command GroupList = new Command("group list", "group list", "Lists all groups in this system");
public static Command GroupRename = new Command("group rename", "group <group> name <new name>", "Renames a group");
public static Command GroupDesc = new Command("group description", "group <group> description [description]", "Changes a group's description");
public static Command Switch = new Command("switch", "switch <member> [member 2] [member 3...]", "Registers a switch");
public static Command SwitchOut = new Command("switch out", "switch out", "Registers a switch with no members");
public static Command SwitchMove = new Command("switch move", "switch move <date/time>", "Moves the latest switch in time");
@ -321,12 +324,24 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Commands with no group argument
if (ctx.Match("n", "new"))
await ctx.Execute<Groups>(GroupNew, g => g.CreateGroup(ctx));
if (await ctx.MatchGroup() is {} group)
else if (ctx.Match("list", "l"))
await ctx.Execute<Groups>(GroupList, g => g.ListSystemGroups(ctx, null));
else if (await ctx.MatchGroup() is {} target)
// Commands with group argument
await ctx.Execute<Groups>(GroupInfo, g => g.ShowGroupCard(ctx, group));
if (ctx.Match("rename", "name", "changename", "setname"))
await ctx.Execute<Groups>(GroupRename, g => g.RenameGroup(ctx, target));
else if (ctx.Match("description", "info", "bio", "text", "desc"))
await ctx.Execute<Groups>(GroupDesc, g => g.GroupDescription(ctx, target));
else if (!ctx.HasNext())
await ctx.Execute<Groups>(GroupInfo, g => g.ShowGroupCard(ctx, target));
await PrintCommandNotFoundError(ctx, GroupInfo, GroupRename, GroupDesc);
else if (!ctx.HasNext())
await PrintCommandNotFoundError(ctx, GroupInfo, GroupList, GroupNew, GroupRename, GroupDesc);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Error} {ctx.CreateGroupNotFoundError(ctx.PopArgument())}");
private async Task HandleSwitchCommand(Context ctx)

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
@ -29,6 +32,100 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group \"**{groupName}**\" (`{newGroup.Hid}`) registered!\nYou can now start adding members to the group:\n- **pk;group {newGroup.Hid} add <members...>**");
public async Task RenameGroup(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
var newName = ctx.RemainderOrNull() ?? throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass a new group name.");
if (newName.Length > Limits.MaxGroupNameLength)
throw new PKError($"New group name too long ({newName.Length}/{Limits.MaxMemberNameLength} characters).");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
await conn.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new GroupPatch {Name = newName});
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group name changed from \"**{target.Name}**\" to \"**{newName}**\".");
public async Task GroupDescription(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
if (ctx.MatchClear())
var patch = new GroupPatch {Description = Partial<string>.Null()};
await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch));
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group description cleared.");
else if (!ctx.HasNext())
if (target.Description == null)
if (ctx.System?.Id == target.System)
await ctx.Reply($"This group does not have a description set. To set one, type `pk;group {target.Hid} description <description>`.");
await ctx.Reply("This group does not have a description set.");
else if (ctx.MatchFlag("r", "raw"))
await ctx.Reply($"```\n{target.Description}\n```");
await ctx.Reply(embed: new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithTitle("Group description")
.AddField("\u200B", $"To print the description with formatting, type `pk;group {target.Hid} description -raw`."
+ (ctx.System?.Id == target.System ? $" To clear it, type `pk;group {target.Hid} description -clear`." : ""))
var description = ctx.RemainderOrNull().NormalizeLineEndSpacing();
if (description.IsLongerThan(Limits.MaxDescriptionLength))
throw Errors.DescriptionTooLongError(description.Length);
var patch = new GroupPatch {Description = Partial<string>.Present(description)};
await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch));
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group description changed.");
public async Task ListSystemGroups(Context ctx, PKSystem system)
if (system == null)
system = ctx.System;
// TODO: integrate with the normal "search" system
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var groups = (await conn.QueryGroupsInSystem(system.Id)).ToList();
if (groups.Count == 0)
if (system.Id == ctx.System?.Id)
await ctx.Reply($"This system has no groups. To create one, use the command `pk;group new <name>`.");
await ctx.Reply($"This system has no groups.");
var title = system.Name != null ? $"Groups of {system.Name} (`{system.Hid}`)" : $"Groups of `{system.Hid}`";
await ctx.Paginate(groups.ToAsyncEnumerable(), groups.Count, 25, title, Renderer);
Task Renderer(DiscordEmbedBuilder eb, IEnumerable<PKGroup> page)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var g in page)
sb.Append($"[`{g.Hid}`] **{g.Name}**\n");
eb.WithFooter($"{groups.Count} total");
return Task.CompletedTask;
public async Task ShowGroupCard(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
@ -41,7 +138,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.AddField("Description", target.Description)
.WithFooter($"System ID: {system.Hid} | Group ID: {target.Hid} | Created on {target.Created.FormatZoned(system)}");
await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build());

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
public static PKError NotOwnSystemError => new PKError($"You can only run this command on your own system.");
public static PKError NotOwnMemberError => new PKError($"You can only run this command on your own member.");
public static PKError NotOwnGroupError => new PKError($"You can only run this command on your own group.");
public static PKError NoSystemError => new PKError("You do not have a system registered with PluralKit. To create one, type `pk;system new`.");
public static PKError ExistingSystemError => new PKError("You already have a system registered with PluralKit. To view it, type `pk;system`. If you'd like to delete your system and start anew, type `pk;system delete`, or if you'd like to unlink this account from it, type `pk;unlink`.");
public static PKError MissingMemberError => new PKSyntaxError("You need to specify a member to run this command on.");
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
public static PKError ProxyNameTooShort(string name) => new PKError($"The webhook's name, `{name}`, is shorter than two characters, and thus cannot be proxied. Please change the member name or use a longer system tag.");
public static PKError ProxyNameTooLong(string name) => new PKError($"The webhook's name, {name}, is too long ({name.Length} > {Limits.MaxProxyNameLength} characters), and thus cannot be proxied. Please change the member name, display name or server display name, or use a shorter system tag.");
public static PKError ProxyTagAlreadyExists(ProxyTag tagToAdd, PKMember member) => new PKError($"That member already has the proxy tag ``{tagToAdd.ProxyString.EscapeBacktickPair()}``. The member currently has these tags: {member.ProxyTagsString()}");
public static PKError ProxyTagAlreadyExists(ProxyTag tagToAdd, PKMember member) => new PKError($"That member already has the proxy tag `` {tagToAdd.ProxyString.EscapeBacktickPair()}``. The member currently has these tags: {member.ProxyTagsString()}");
public static PKError ProxyTagDoesNotExist(ProxyTag tagToRemove, PKMember member) => new PKError($"That member does not have the proxy tag ``{tagToRemove.ProxyString.EscapeBacktickPair()}``. The member currently has these tags: {member.ProxyTagsString()}");
public static PKError LegacyAlreadyHasProxyTag(ProxyTag requested, PKMember member) => new PKError($"This member already has more than one proxy tag set: {member.ProxyTagsString()}\nConsider using the ``pk;member {member.Hid} proxy add {requested.ProxyString.EscapeBacktickPair()}`` command instead.");
public static PKError EmptyProxyTags(PKMember member) => new PKError($"The example proxy `text` is equivalent to having no proxy tags at all, since there are no symbols or brackets on either end. If you'd like to clear your proxy tags, use `pk;member {member.Hid} proxy clear`.");

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public static Task<PKGroup?> QueryGroupByHid(this IPKConnection conn, string hid) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKGroup?>("select * from groups where hid = @hid", new {hid = hid.ToLowerInvariant()});
public static Task<IEnumerable<PKGroup>> QueryGroupsInSystem(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
conn.QueryAsync<PKGroup>("select * from groups where system = @System", new {System = system});
public static Task<GuildConfig> QueryOrInsertGuildConfig(this IPKConnection conn, ulong guild) =>
conn.QueryFirstAsync<GuildConfig>("insert into servers (id) values (@guild) on conflict (id) do update set id = @guild returning *", new {guild});

@ -65,5 +65,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
"insert into groups (hid, system, name) values (find_free_group_hid(), @System, @Name) returning *",
new {System = system, Name = name});
public static Task<PKGroup> UpdateGroup(this IPKConnection conn, GroupId id, GroupPatch patch)
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("groups", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKGroup>(query, pms);