refactor: add SqlKata for SQL generation, move connection handling into ModelRepository
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return AuthenticateResult.NoResult();
var token = Request.Headers["Authorization"].FirstOrDefault();
// todo: move this to ModelRepository
var systemId = await _db.Execute(c => c.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<SystemId?>("select id from systems where token = @token", new { token }));
if (systemId == null) return AuthenticateResult.Fail("Invalid system token");
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> GetSystemByAccount(ulong aid)
var system = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemByAccount(c, aid));
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByAccount(aid);
if (system == null)
return NotFound("Account not found.");
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> GetMember(string hid)
var member = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetMemberByHid(conn, hid));
var member = await _repo.GetMemberByHid(hid);
if (member == null) return NotFound("Member not found.");
return Ok(member.ToJson(User.ContextFor(member), needsLegacyProxyTags: true));
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return BadRequest("Member name must be specified.");
var systemId = User.CurrentSystem();
var systemData = await _repo.GetSystem(systemId);
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var systemData = await _repo.GetSystem(conn, systemId);
// Enforce per-system member limit
var memberCount = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<int>("select count(*) from members where system = @System", new { System = systemId });
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return BadRequest($"Member limit reached ({memberCount} / {memberLimit}).");
await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
var member = await _repo.CreateMember(conn, systemId, properties.Value<string>("name"), transaction: tx);
var member = await _repo.CreateMember(systemId, properties.Value<string>("name"), conn);
MemberPatch patch;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return BadRequest($"Request field '{e.Message}' is invalid.");
member = await _repo.UpdateMember(conn, member.Id, patch, transaction: tx);
member = await _repo.UpdateMember(member.Id, patch, conn);
await tx.CommitAsync();
return Ok(member.ToJson(User.ContextFor(member), needsLegacyProxyTags: true));
@ -84,9 +84,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> PatchMember(string hid, [FromBody] JObject changes)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var member = await _repo.GetMemberByHid(conn, hid);
var member = await _repo.GetMemberByHid(hid);
if (member == null) return NotFound("Member not found.");
var res = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, member, "EditMember");
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return BadRequest($"Request field '{e.Message}' is invalid.");
var newMember = await _repo.UpdateMember(conn, member.Id, patch);
var newMember = await _repo.UpdateMember(member.Id, patch);
return Ok(newMember.ToJson(User.ContextFor(newMember), needsLegacyProxyTags: true));
@ -115,15 +113,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteMember(string hid)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var member = await _repo.GetMemberByHid(conn, hid);
var member = await _repo.GetMemberByHid(hid);
if (member == null) return NotFound("Member not found.");
var res = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, member, "EditMember");
if (!res.Succeeded) return Unauthorized($"Member '{hid}' is not part of your system.");
await _repo.DeleteMember(conn, member.Id);
await _repo.DeleteMember(member.Id);
return Ok();
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> GetOwnSystem()
var system = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystem(c, User.CurrentSystem()));
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(User.CurrentSystem());
return system.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system));
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> GetSystem(string hid)
var system = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemByHid(c, hid));
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null) return NotFound("System not found.");
return Ok(system.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system)));
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<JObject>>> GetMembers(string hid)
var system = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemByHid(c, hid));
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null)
return NotFound("System not found.");
if (!system.MemberListPrivacy.CanAccess(User.ContextFor(system)))
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view member list.");
var members = _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemMembers(c, system.Id));
var members = _repo.GetSystemMembers(system.Id);
return Ok(await members
.Where(m => m.MemberVisibility.CanAccess(User.ContextFor(system)))
.Select(m => m.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system), needsLegacyProxyTags: true))
@ -89,40 +89,36 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
if (before == null) before = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant();
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(conn, hid);
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null) return NotFound("System not found.");
var auth = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, system, "ViewFrontHistory");
if (!auth.Succeeded) return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view front history.");
var res = await conn.QueryAsync<SwitchesReturn>(
var res = await _db.Execute(conn => conn.QueryAsync<SwitchesReturn>(
@"select *, array(
select members.hid from switch_members, members
where switch_members.switch = and = switch_members.member
) as members from switches
where switches.system = @System and switches.timestamp < @Before
order by switches.timestamp desc
limit 100;", new { System = system.Id, Before = before });
limit 100;", new { System = system.Id, Before = before }));
return Ok(res);
public async Task<ActionResult<FrontersReturn>> GetFronters(string hid)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(conn, hid);
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByHid(hid);
if (system == null) return NotFound("System not found.");
var auth = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, system, "ViewFront");
if (!auth.Succeeded) return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view fronter.");
var sw = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(conn, system.Id);
var sw = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(system.Id);
if (sw == null) return NotFound("System has no registered switches.");
var members = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, sw.Id);
var members = _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, sw.Id));
return Ok(new FrontersReturn
Timestamp = sw.Timestamp,
@ -134,8 +130,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public async Task<ActionResult<JObject>> EditSystem([FromBody] JObject changes)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(conn, User.CurrentSystem());
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(User.CurrentSystem());
SystemPatch patch;
@ -152,7 +147,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return BadRequest($"Request field '{e.Message}' is invalid.");
system = await _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, system!.Id, patch);
system = await _repo.UpdateSystem(system!.Id, patch);
return Ok(system.ToJson(User.ContextFor(system)));
@ -166,7 +161,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// We get the current switch, if it exists
var latestSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(conn, User.CurrentSystem());
var latestSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(User.CurrentSystem());
if (latestSwitch != null)
var latestSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, latestSwitch.Id);
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// if we can't, big error. Every group name must be valid.
throw new PKError(ctx.CreateGroupNotFoundError(ctx.PopArgument()));
// todo: remove this, the database query enforces the restriction
if (restrictToSystem != null && group.System != restrictToSystem)
throw Errors.NotOwnGroupError; // TODO: name *which* group?
@ -49,14 +49,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// - A @mention of an account connected to the system (<@uid>)
// - A system hid
await using var conn = await ctx.Database.Obtain();
// Direct IDs and mentions are both handled by the below method:
if (input.TryParseMention(out var id))
return await ctx.Repository.GetSystemByAccount(conn, id);
return await ctx.Repository.GetSystemByAccount(id);
// Finally, try HID parsing
var system = await ctx.Repository.GetSystemByHid(conn, input);
var system = await ctx.Repository.GetSystemByHid(input);
return system;
@ -71,16 +69,15 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// - a textual display name of a member *in your own system*
// First, if we have a system, try finding by member name in system
await using var conn = await ctx.Database.Obtain();
if (ctx.System != null && await ctx.Repository.GetMemberByName(conn, ctx.System.Id, input) is PKMember memberByName)
if (ctx.System != null && await ctx.Repository.GetMemberByName(ctx.System.Id, input) is PKMember memberByName)
return memberByName;
// Then, try member HID parsing:
if (await ctx.Repository.GetMemberByHid(conn, input, restrictToSystem) is PKMember memberByHid)
if (await ctx.Repository.GetMemberByHid(input, restrictToSystem) is PKMember memberByHid)
return memberByHid;
// And if that again fails, we try finding a member with a display name matching the argument from the system
if (ctx.System != null && await ctx.Repository.GetMemberByDisplayName(conn, ctx.System.Id, input) is PKMember memberByDisplayName)
if (ctx.System != null && await ctx.Repository.GetMemberByDisplayName(ctx.System.Id, input) is PKMember memberByDisplayName)
return memberByDisplayName;
// We didn't find anything, so we return null.
@ -107,12 +104,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var input = ctx.PeekArgument();
await using var conn = await ctx.Database.Obtain();
if (ctx.System != null && await ctx.Repository.GetGroupByName(conn, ctx.System.Id, input) is { } byName)
if (ctx.System != null && await ctx.Repository.GetGroupByName(ctx.System.Id, input) is { } byName)
return byName;
if (await ctx.Repository.GetGroupByHid(conn, input, restrictToSystem) is { } byHid)
if (await ctx.Repository.GetGroupByHid(input, restrictToSystem) is { } byHid)
return byHid;
if (await ctx.Repository.GetGroupByDisplayName(conn, ctx.System.Id, input) is { } byDisplayName)
if (await ctx.Repository.GetGroupByDisplayName(ctx.System.Id, input) is { } byDisplayName)
return byDisplayName;
return null;
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!Regex.IsMatch(newHid, "^[a-z]{5}$"))
throw new PKError($"Invalid new system ID `{newHid}`.");
var existingSystem = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemByHid(c, newHid));
var existingSystem = _repo.GetSystemByHid(newHid);
if (existingSystem != null)
throw new PKError($"Another system already exists with ID `{newHid}`.");
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo($"Change system ID of `{target.Hid}` to `{newHid}`?", "Change"))
throw new PKError("ID change cancelled.");
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, target.Id, new SystemPatch { Hid = newHid }));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(target.Id, new() { Hid = newHid });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System ID updated (`{target.Hid}` -> `{newHid}`).");
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!Regex.IsMatch(newHid, "^[a-z]{5}$"))
throw new PKError($"Invalid new member ID `{newHid}`.");
var existingMember = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberByHid(c, newHid));
var existingMember = await _repo.GetMemberByHid(newHid);
if (existingMember != null)
throw new PKError($"Another member already exists with ID `{newHid}`.");
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo($"Change member ID of **{target.NameFor(LookupContext.ByNonOwner)}** (`{target.Hid}`) to `{newHid}`?", "Change"))
throw new PKError("ID change cancelled.");
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateMember(c, target.Id, new MemberPatch { Hid = newHid }));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, new() { Hid = newHid });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member ID updated (`{target.Hid}` -> `{newHid}`).");
@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!Regex.IsMatch(newHid, "^[a-z]{5}$"))
throw new PKError($"Invalid new group ID `{newHid}`.");
var existingGroup = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetGroupByHid(c, newHid));
var existingGroup = _repo.GetGroupByHid(newHid);
if (existingGroup != null)
throw new PKError($"Another group already exists with ID `{newHid}`.");
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo($"Change group ID of **{target.Name}** (`{target.Hid}`) to `{newHid}`?", "Change"))
throw new PKError("ID change cancelled.");
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch { Hid = newHid }));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new() { Hid = newHid });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group ID updated (`{target.Hid}` -> `{newHid}`).");
@ -110,11 +110,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo($"Update member limit from **{currentLimit}** to **{newLimit}**?", "Update"))
throw new PKError("Member limit change cancelled.");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
await _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, target.Id, new SystemPatch
MemberLimitOverride = newLimit
await _repo.UpdateSystem(target.Id, new() { MemberLimitOverride = newLimit });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member limit updated.");
@ -140,11 +136,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo($"Update group limit from **{currentLimit}** to **{newLimit}**?", "Update"))
throw new PKError("Group limit change cancelled.");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
await _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, target.Id, new SystemPatch
GroupLimitOverride = newLimit
await _repo.UpdateSystem(target.Id, new() { GroupLimitOverride = newLimit });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group limit updated.");
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var fronters = ctx.MessageContext.LastSwitchMembers;
var relevantMember = ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode switch
AutoproxyMode.Front => fronters.Length > 0 ? await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMember(c, fronters[0])) : null,
AutoproxyMode.Member => await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMember(c, ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMember.Value)),
AutoproxyMode.Front => fronters.Length > 0 ? await _repo.GetMember(fronters[0]) : null,
AutoproxyMode.Member => await _repo.GetMember(ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMember.Value),
_ => null
@ -171,8 +171,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
else newTimeout = timeoutPeriod;
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id,
new SystemPatch { LatchTimeout = (int?)newTimeout?.TotalSeconds }));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { LatchTimeout = (int?)newTimeout?.TotalSeconds });
if (newTimeout == null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout reset to default ({ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}).");
@ -209,14 +208,16 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new AccountPatch { AllowAutoproxy = allow };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateAccount(conn, ctx.Author.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateAccount(ctx.Author.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>.");
private Task UpdateAutoproxy(Context ctx, AutoproxyMode autoproxyMode, MemberId? autoproxyMember)
private async Task UpdateAutoproxy(Context ctx, AutoproxyMode autoproxyMode, MemberId? autoproxyMember)
await _repo.GetSystemGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.System.Id);
var patch = new SystemGuildPatch { AutoproxyMode = autoproxyMode, AutoproxyMember = autoproxyMember };
return _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertSystemGuild(conn, ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystemGuild(ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch);
@ -237,9 +237,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (messageId == null || channelId == null)
throw new PKError(failedToGetMessage);
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var proxiedMsg = await _repo.GetMessage(conn, messageId.Value);
var proxiedMsg = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetMessage(conn, messageId.Value));
if (proxiedMsg != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} This message was proxied successfully.");
@ -276,8 +274,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw new PKError("Unable to get the channel associated with this message.");
// using channel.GuildId here since _rest.GetMessage() doesn't return the GuildId
var context = await _repo.GetMessageContext(conn, msg.Author.Id, channel.GuildId.Value, msg.ChannelId);
var members = (await _repo.GetProxyMembers(conn, msg.Author.Id, channel.GuildId.Value)).ToList();
var context = await _repo.GetMessageContext(msg.Author.Id, channel.GuildId.Value, msg.ChannelId);
var members = (await _repo.GetProxyMembers(msg.Author.Id, channel.GuildId.Value)).ToList();
// Run everything through the checks, catch the ProxyCheckFailedException, and reply with the error message.
@ -42,16 +42,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (groupName.Length > Limits.MaxGroupNameLength)
throw new PKError($"Group name too long ({groupName.Length}/{Limits.MaxGroupNameLength} characters).");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// Check group cap
var existingGroupCount = await _repo.GetSystemGroupCount(conn, ctx.System.Id);
var existingGroupCount = await _repo.GetSystemGroupCount(ctx.System.Id);
var groupLimit = ctx.System.GroupLimitOverride ?? Limits.MaxGroupCount;
if (existingGroupCount >= groupLimit)
throw new PKError($"System has reached the maximum number of groups ({groupLimit}). Please delete unused groups first in order to create new ones.");
// Warn if there's already a group by this name
var existingGroup = await _repo.GetGroupByName(conn, ctx.System.Id, groupName);
var existingGroup = await _repo.GetGroupByName(ctx.System.Id, groupName);
if (existingGroup != null)
var msg = $"{Emojis.Warn} You already have a group in your system with the name \"{existingGroup.Name}\" (with ID `{existingGroup.Hid}`). Do you want to create another group with the same name?";
@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw new PKError("Group creation cancelled.");
var newGroup = await _repo.CreateGroup(conn, ctx.System.Id, groupName);
var newGroup = await _repo.CreateGroup(ctx.System.Id, groupName);
var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
.Description($"Your new group, **{groupName}**, has been created, with the group ID **`{newGroup.Hid}`**.\nBelow are a couple of useful commands:")
@ -82,10 +80,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (newName.Length > Limits.MaxGroupNameLength)
throw new PKError($"New group name too long ({newName.Length}/{Limits.MaxMemberNameLength} characters).");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// Warn if there's already a group by this name
var existingGroup = await _repo.GetGroupByName(conn, ctx.System.Id, newName);
var existingGroup = await _repo.GetGroupByName(ctx.System.Id, newName);
if (existingGroup != null && existingGroup.Id != target.Id)
var msg = $"{Emojis.Warn} You already have a group in your system with the name \"{existingGroup.Name}\" (with ID `{existingGroup.Hid}`). Do you want to rename this group to that name too?";
@ -93,7 +89,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw new PKError("Group rename cancelled.");
await _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, new GroupPatch { Name = newName });
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new() { Name = newName });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group name changed from **{target.Name}** to **{newName}**.");
@ -139,7 +135,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("this group's display name"))
var patch = new GroupPatch { DisplayName = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group display name cleared.");
@ -148,7 +144,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var newDisplayName = ctx.RemainderOrNull(skipFlags: false).NormalizeLineEndSpacing();
var patch = new GroupPatch { DisplayName = Partial<string>.Present(newDisplayName) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group display name changed.");
@ -190,7 +186,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("this group's description"))
var patch = new GroupPatch { Description = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group description cleared.");
@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("Description", description.Length, Limits.MaxDescriptionLength);
var patch = new GroupPatch { Description = Partial<string>.Present(description) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group description changed.");
@ -212,7 +208,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch { Icon = null }));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new() { Icon = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group icon cleared.");
@ -222,7 +218,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(_client, img.Url);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch { Icon = img.Url }));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new() { Icon = img.Url });
var msg = img.Source switch
@ -274,7 +270,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch { BannerImage = null }));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new() { BannerImage = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group banner image cleared.");
@ -284,7 +280,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(_client, img.Url, isFullSizeImage: true);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch { BannerImage = img.Url }));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new() { BannerImage = img.Url });
var msg = img.Source switch
@ -338,7 +334,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new GroupPatch { Color = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group color cleared.");
@ -368,7 +364,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!Regex.IsMatch(color, "^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$")) throw Errors.InvalidColorError(color);
var patch = new GroupPatch { Color = Partial<string>.Present(color.ToLowerInvariant()) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateGroup(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder()
.Title($"{Emojis.Success} Group color changed.")
@ -389,7 +385,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(system, system.GroupListPrivacy);
// TODO: integrate with the normal "search" system
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var pctx = LookupContext.ByNonOwner;
if (ctx.MatchFlag("a", "all"))
@ -400,7 +395,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw new PKError("You do not have permission to access this information.");
var groups = (await conn.QueryGroupList(system.Id))
var groups = (await _db.Execute(conn => conn.QueryGroupList(system.Id)))
.Where(g => g.Visibility.CanAccess(pctx))
.OrderBy(g => g.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
@ -434,8 +429,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task ShowGroupCard(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var system = await GetGroupSystem(ctx, target, conn);
var system = await GetGroupSystem(ctx, target);
await ctx.Reply(embed: await _embeds.CreateGroupEmbed(ctx, system, target));
@ -448,10 +442,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var existingMembersInGroup = (await conn.QueryMemberList(target.System,
new DatabaseViewsExt.MemberListQueryOptions { GroupFilter = target.Id }))
var existingMembersInGroup = (await _db.Execute(conn => conn.QueryMemberList(target.System,
new DatabaseViewsExt.MemberListQueryOptions { GroupFilter = target.Id })))
.Select(m => m.Id.Value)
@ -463,14 +455,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
toAction = members
.Where(m => !existingMembersInGroup.Contains(m.Value))
await _repo.AddMembersToGroup(conn, target.Id, toAction);
await _repo.AddMembersToGroup(target.Id, toAction);
else if (op == AddRemoveOperation.Remove)
toAction = members
.Where(m => existingMembersInGroup.Contains(m.Value))
await _repo.RemoveMembersFromGroup(conn, target.Id, toAction);
await _repo.RemoveMembersFromGroup(target.Id, toAction);
else return; // otherwise toAction "may be undefined"
@ -479,9 +471,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task ListGroupMembers(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var targetSystem = await GetGroupSystem(ctx, target, conn);
var targetSystem = await GetGroupSystem(ctx, target);
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(targetSystem, target.ListPrivacy);
var opts = ctx.ParseMemberListOptions(ctx.LookupContextFor(target.System));
@ -523,7 +513,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task SetAll(PrivacyLevel level)
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level)));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new GroupPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level));
if (level == PrivacyLevel.Private)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} All {target.Name}'s privacy settings have been set to **{level.LevelName()}**. Other accounts will now see nothing on the group card.");
@ -533,7 +523,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task SetLevel(GroupPrivacySubject subject, PrivacyLevel level)
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateGroup(c, target.Id, new GroupPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level)));
await _repo.UpdateGroup(target.Id, new GroupPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level));
var subjectName = subject switch
@ -576,19 +566,17 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!await ctx.ConfirmWithReply(target.Hid))
throw new PKError($"Group deletion cancelled. Note that you must reply with your group ID (`{target.Hid}`) *verbatim*.");
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.DeleteGroup(conn, target.Id));
await _repo.DeleteGroup(target.Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Group deleted.");
public async Task GroupFrontPercent(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var targetSystem = await GetGroupSystem(ctx, target, conn);
var targetSystem = await GetGroupSystem(ctx, target);
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(targetSystem, targetSystem.FrontHistoryPrivacy);
var totalSwitches = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchCount(conn, targetSystem.Id));
var totalSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitchCount(targetSystem.Id);
if (totalSwitches == 0) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
string durationStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull() ?? "30d";
@ -611,12 +599,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await ctx.Reply(embed: await _embeds.CreateFrontPercentEmbed(frontpercent, targetSystem, target, targetSystem.Zone, ctx.LookupContextFor(targetSystem), title.ToString(), ignoreNoFronters, showFlat));
private async Task<PKSystem> GetGroupSystem(Context ctx, PKGroup target, IPKConnection conn)
private async Task<PKSystem> GetGroupSystem(Context ctx, PKGroup target)
var system = ctx.System;
if (system?.Id == target.System)
return system;
return await _repo.GetSystem(conn, target.System)!;
return await _repo.GetSystem(target.System)!;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("Member name", memberName.Length, Limits.MaxMemberNameLength);
// Warn if there's already a member by this name
var existingMember = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberByName(c, ctx.System.Id, memberName));
var existingMember = await _repo.GetMemberByName(ctx.System.Id, memberName);
if (existingMember != null)
var msg = $"{Emojis.Warn} You already have a member in your system with the name \"{existingMember.NameFor(ctx)}\" (with ID `{existingMember.Hid}`). Do you want to create another member with the same name?";
@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// Enforce per-system member limit
var memberCount = await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(conn, ctx.System.Id);
var memberCount = await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(ctx.System.Id);
var memberLimit = ctx.System.MemberLimitOverride ?? Limits.MaxMemberCount;
if (memberCount >= memberLimit)
throw Errors.MemberLimitReachedError(memberLimit);
// Create the member
var member = await _repo.CreateMember(conn, ctx.System.Id, memberName);
var member = await _repo.CreateMember(ctx.System.Id, memberName);
// Try to match an image attached to the message
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(_client, avatarArg.Url);
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, member.Id, new MemberPatch { AvatarUrl = avatarArg.Url }));
await _repo.UpdateMember(member.Id, new MemberPatch { AvatarUrl = avatarArg.Url });
catch (Exception e)
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Send confirmation and space hint
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member \"{memberName}\" (`{member.Hid}`) registered! Check out the getting started page for how to get a member up and running:");
// todo: move this to ModelRepository
if (await _db.Execute(conn => conn.QuerySingleAsync<bool>("select has_private_members(@System)",
new { System = ctx.System.Id }))) //if has private members
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Warn} This member is currently **public**. To change this, use `pk;member {member.Hid} private`.");
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task ViewMember(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var system = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystem(c, target.System));
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(target.System);
await ctx.Reply(embed: await _embeds.CreateMemberEmbed(system, target, ctx.Guild, ctx.LookupContextFor(system)));
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task ServerAvatar(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var guildData = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
var guildData = await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id);
await AvatarCommandTree(AvatarLocation.Server, ctx, target, guildData);
public async Task Avatar(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var guildData = ctx.Guild != null ?
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id))
await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id)
: null;
await AvatarCommandTree(AvatarLocation.Member, ctx, target, guildData);
@ -147,11 +147,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
switch (location)
case AvatarLocation.Server:
var serverPatch = new MemberGuildPatch { AvatarUrl = url };
return _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpsertMemberGuild(c, target.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, serverPatch));
return _repo.UpdateMemberGuild(target.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, new() { AvatarUrl = url });
case AvatarLocation.Member:
var memberPatch = new MemberPatch { AvatarUrl = url };
return _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateMember(c, target.Id, memberPatch));
return _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, new() { AvatarUrl = url });
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown avatar location {location}");
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("Member name", newName.Length, Limits.MaxMemberNameLength);
// Warn if there's already a member by this name
var existingMember = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetMemberByName(conn, ctx.System.Id, newName));
var existingMember = await _repo.GetMemberByName(ctx.System.Id, newName);
if (existingMember != null && existingMember.Id != target.Id)
var msg = $"{Emojis.Warn} You already have a member in your system with the name \"{existingMember.NameFor(ctx)}\" (`{existingMember.Hid}`). Do you want to rename this member to that name too?";
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Rename the member
var patch = new MemberPatch { Name = Partial<string>.Present(newName) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member renamed.");
if (newName.Contains(" ")) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Note that this member's name now contains spaces. You will need to surround it with \"double quotes\" when using commands referring to it.");
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (ctx.Guild != null)
var memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
var memberGuildConfig = await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id);
if (memberGuildConfig.DisplayName != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Note that this member has a server name set ({memberGuildConfig.DisplayName}) in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name}), and will be proxied using that name here.");
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("this member's description"))
var patch = new MemberPatch { Description = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member description cleared.");
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("Description", description.Length, Limits.MaxDescriptionLength);
var patch = new MemberPatch { Description = Partial<string>.Present(description) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member description changed.");
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("this member's pronouns"))
var patch = new MemberPatch { Pronouns = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member pronouns cleared.");
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("Pronouns", pronouns.Length, Limits.MaxPronounsLength);
var patch = new MemberPatch { Pronouns = Partial<string>.Present(pronouns) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member pronouns changed.");
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task ClearBannerImage()
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateMember(c, target.Id, new MemberPatch { BannerImage = null }));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, new() { BannerImage = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member banner image cleared.");
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(_client, img.Url, isFullSizeImage: true);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateMember(c, target.Id, new MemberPatch { BannerImage = img.Url }));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, new() { BannerImage = img.Url });
var msg = img.Source switch
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new MemberPatch { Color = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member color cleared.");
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!Regex.IsMatch(color, "^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$")) throw Errors.InvalidColorError(color);
var patch = new MemberPatch { Color = Partial<string>.Present(color.ToLowerInvariant()) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder()
.Title($"{Emojis.Success} Member color changed.")
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new MemberPatch { Birthday = Partial<LocalDate?>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member birthdate cleared.");
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (birthday == null) throw Errors.BirthdayParseError(birthdayStr);
var patch = new MemberPatch { Birthday = Partial<LocalDate?>.Present(birthday) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member birthdate changed.");
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
MemberGuildSettings memberGuildConfig = null;
if (ctx.Guild != null)
memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
memberGuildConfig = await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id);
var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
.Title($"Member names")
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var successStr = text;
if (ctx.Guild != null)
var memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
var memberGuildConfig = await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id);
if (memberGuildConfig.DisplayName != null)
successStr += $" However, this member has a server name set in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name}), and will be proxied using that name, \"{memberGuildConfig.DisplayName}\", here.";
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("this member's display name"))
var patch = new MemberPatch { DisplayName = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await PrintSuccess($"{Emojis.Success} Member display name cleared. This member will now be proxied using their member name \"{target.NameFor(ctx)}\".");
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var newDisplayName = ctx.RemainderOrNull(skipFlags: false).NormalizeLineEndSpacing();
var patch = new MemberPatch { DisplayName = Partial<string>.Present(newDisplayName) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await PrintSuccess($"{Emojis.Success} Member display name changed. This member will now be proxied using the name \"{newDisplayName}\".");
@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
noServerNameSetMessage += $" To set one, type `pk;member {target.Reference()} servername <server name>`.";
// No perms check, display name isn't covered by member privacy
var memberGuildConfig = await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id);
if (ctx.MatchRaw())
MemberGuildSettings memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
if (memberGuildConfig.DisplayName == null)
await ctx.Reply(noServerNameSetMessage);
@ -427,8 +427,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("this member's server name"))
var patch = new MemberGuildPatch { DisplayName = null };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertMemberGuild(conn, target.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMemberGuild(target.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, new() { DisplayName = null });
if (target.DisplayName != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server name cleared. This member will now be proxied using their global display name \"{target.DisplayName}\" in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name}).");
@ -439,8 +438,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var newServerName = ctx.RemainderOrNull(skipFlags: false).NormalizeLineEndSpacing();
var patch = new MemberGuildPatch { DisplayName = newServerName };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertMemberGuild(conn, target.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMemberGuild(target.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, new() { DisplayName = newServerName });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server name changed. This member will now be proxied using the name \"{newServerName}\" in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name}).");
@ -464,7 +462,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new MemberPatch { KeepProxy = Partial<bool>.Present(newValue) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
if (newValue)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member proxy tags will now be included in the resulting message when proxying.");
@ -491,7 +489,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new MemberPatch { AllowAutoproxy = Partial<bool>.Present(newValue) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
if (newValue)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch / front autoproxy have been **enabled** for this member.");
@ -523,11 +521,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Get guild settings (mostly for warnings and such)
MemberGuildSettings guildSettings = null;
if (ctx.Guild != null)
guildSettings = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetMemberGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
guildSettings = await _repo.GetMemberGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id);
async Task SetAll(PrivacyLevel level)
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateMember(c, target.Id, new MemberPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level)));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, new MemberPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level));
if (level == PrivacyLevel.Private)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} All {target.NameFor(ctx)}'s privacy settings have been set to **{level.LevelName()}**. Other accounts will now see nothing on the member card.");
@ -537,7 +535,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task SetLevel(MemberPrivacySubject subject, PrivacyLevel level)
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateMember(c, target.Id, new MemberPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level)));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, new MemberPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level));
var subjectName = subject switch
@ -596,7 +594,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Warn} Are you sure you want to delete \"{target.NameFor(ctx)}\"? If so, reply to this message with the member's ID (`{target.Hid}`). __***This cannot be undone!***__");
if (!await ctx.ConfirmWithReply(target.Hid)) throw Errors.MemberDeleteCancelled;
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.DeleteMember(conn, target.Id));
await _repo.DeleteMember(target.Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member deleted.");
@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var existingGroups = (await _repo.GetMemberGroups(conn, target.Id).ToListAsync())
var existingGroups = (await _repo.GetMemberGroups(target.Id).ToListAsync())
.Select(g => g.Id)
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
.Where(group => !existingGroups.Contains(group))
await _repo.AddGroupsToMember(conn, target.Id, toAction);
await _repo.AddGroupsToMember(target.Id, toAction);
else if (op == Groups.AddRemoveOperation.Remove)
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
.Where(group => existingGroups.Contains(group))
await _repo.RemoveGroupsFromMember(conn, target.Id, toAction);
await _repo.RemoveGroupsFromMember(target.Id, toAction);
else return; // otherwise toAction "may be unassigned"
@ -60,11 +59,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task List(Context ctx, PKMember target)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var pctx = ctx.LookupContextFor(target.System);
var groups = await _repo.GetMemberGroups(conn, target.Id)
var groups = await _repo.GetMemberGroups(target.Id)
.Where(g => g.Visibility.CanAccess(pctx))
.OrderBy(g => g.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new MemberPatch { ProxyTags = Partial<ProxyTag[]>.Present(new ProxyTag[0]) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Proxy tags cleared.");
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var newTags = target.ProxyTags.ToList();
var patch = new MemberPatch { ProxyTags = Partial<ProxyTag[]>.Present(newTags.ToArray()) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Added proxy tags {tagToAdd.ProxyString.AsCode()}.");
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var newTags = target.ProxyTags.ToList();
var patch = new MemberPatch { ProxyTags = Partial<ProxyTag[]>.Present(newTags.ToArray()) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Removed proxy tags {tagToRemove.ProxyString.AsCode()}.");
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var newTags = new[] { requestedTag };
var patch = new MemberPatch { ProxyTags = Partial<ProxyTag[]>.Present(newTags) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateMember(conn, target.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member proxy tags set to {requestedTag.ProxyString.AsCode()}.");
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Myriad.Builders;
@ -105,8 +106,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private async Task<PKMessage?> FindRecentMessage(Context ctx)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var lastMessage = await _repo.GetLastMessage(conn, ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Author.Id);
var lastMessage = await _repo.GetLastMessage(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Author.Id);
if (lastMessage == null)
return null;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private async Task DeleteCommandMessage(Context ctx, ulong messageId)
var message = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetCommandMessage(conn, messageId));
var message = await _repo.GetCommandMessage(messageId);
if (message == null)
throw Errors.MessageNotFound(messageId);
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
@ -26,13 +27,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var members = await _db.Execute(c =>
if (ctx.MatchFlag("all", "a"))
return _repo.GetSystemMembers(c, ctx.System.Id);
return _repo.GetSystemMembers(c, ctx.System.Id)
.Where(m => m.MemberVisibility == PrivacyLevel.Public);
var members = await _repo.GetSystemMembers(ctx.System.Id).ToListAsync();
if (!ctx.MatchFlag("all", "a"))
members = members.Where(m => m.MemberVisibility == PrivacyLevel.Public).ToList();
if (members == null || !members.Any())
throw new PKError("Your system has no members! Please create at least one member before using this command.");
@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task SetLogChannel(Context ctx)
ctx.CheckGuildContext().CheckAuthorPermission(PermissionSet.ManageGuild, "Manage Server");
await _repo.GetGuild(ctx.Guild.Id);
if (await ctx.MatchClear("the server log channel"))
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id, new GuildPatch { LogChannel = null }));
await _repo.UpdateGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, new() { LogChannel = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Proxy logging channel cleared.");
@ -45,8 +46,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
channel = await ctx.MatchChannel();
if (channel == null || channel.GuildId != ctx.Guild.Id) throw Errors.ChannelNotFound(channelString);
var patch = new GuildPatch { LogChannel = channel.Id };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, new() { LogChannel = channel.Id });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Proxy logging channel set to #{channel.Name}.");
@ -67,19 +67,16 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
ulong? logChannel = null;
await using (var conn = await _db.Obtain())
var config = await _repo.GetGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id);
logChannel = config.LogChannel;
var blacklist = config.LogBlacklist.ToHashSet();
if (enable)
blacklist.ExceptWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
blacklist.UnionWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
var config = await _repo.GetGuild(ctx.Guild.Id);
logChannel = config.LogChannel;
var patch = new GuildPatch { LogBlacklist = blacklist.ToArray() };
await _repo.UpsertGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id, patch);
var blacklist = config.LogBlacklist.ToHashSet();
if (enable)
blacklist.ExceptWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
blacklist.UnionWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
await _repo.UpdateGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, new() { LogBlacklist = blacklist.ToArray() });
await ctx.Reply(
$"{Emojis.Success} Message logging for the given channels {(enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")}." +
@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
ctx.CheckGuildContext().CheckAuthorPermission(PermissionSet.ManageGuild, "Manage Server");
var blacklist = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id));
var blacklist = await _repo.GetGuild(ctx.Guild.Id);
// Resolve all channels from the cache and order by position
var channels = blacklist.Blacklist
@ -151,18 +148,15 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await using (var conn = await _db.Obtain())
var guild = await _repo.GetGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id);
var blacklist = guild.Blacklist.ToHashSet();
if (shouldAdd)
blacklist.UnionWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
blacklist.ExceptWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
var guild = await _repo.GetGuild(ctx.Guild.Id);
var patch = new GuildPatch { Blacklist = blacklist.ToArray() };
await _repo.UpsertGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id, patch);
var blacklist = guild.Blacklist.ToHashSet();
if (shouldAdd)
blacklist.UnionWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
blacklist.ExceptWith(affectedChannels.Select(c => c.Id));
await _repo.UpdateGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, new() { Blacklist = blacklist.ToArray() });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Channels {(shouldAdd ? "added to" : "removed from")} the proxy blacklist.");
@ -184,7 +178,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
.Title("Log cleanup settings")
.Field(new("Supported bots", botList));
var guildCfg = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id));
var guildCfg = await _repo.GetGuild(ctx.Guild.Id);
if (guildCfg.LogCleanupEnabled)
eb.Description("Log cleanup is currently **on** for this server. To disable it, type `pk;logclean off`.");
@ -193,8 +187,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new GuildPatch { LogCleanupEnabled = newValue };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertGuild(conn, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, new() { LogCleanupEnabled = newValue });
if (newValue)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Log cleanup has been **enabled** for this server. Messages deleted by PluralKit will now be cleaned up from logging channels managed by the following bots:\n- **{botList}**\n\n{Emojis.Note} Make sure PluralKit has the **Manage Messages** permission in the channels in question.\n{Emojis.Note} Also, make sure to blacklist the logging channel itself from the bots in question to prevent conflicts.");
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Find the last switch and its members if applicable
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var lastSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(conn, ctx.System.Id);
var lastSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(ctx.System.Id);
if (lastSwitch != null)
var lastSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastSwitch.Id);
@ -72,13 +72,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var result = DateUtils.ParseDateTime(timeToMove, true, tz);
if (result == null) throw Errors.InvalidDateTime(timeToMove);
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var time = result.Value;
if (time.ToInstant() > SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant()) throw Errors.SwitchTimeInFuture;
// Fetch the last two switches for the system to do bounds checking on
var lastTwoSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitches(conn, ctx.System.Id).Take(2).ToListAsync();
var lastTwoSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitches(ctx.System.Id).Take(2).ToListAsync();
// If we don't have a switch to move, don't bother
if (lastTwoSwitches.Count == 0) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Now we can actually do the move, yay!
// But, we do a prompt to confirm.
var lastSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastTwoSwitches[0].Id);
var lastSwitchMembers = _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastTwoSwitches[0].Id));
var lastSwitchMemberStr = string.Join(", ", await lastSwitchMembers.Select(m => m.NameFor(ctx)).ToListAsync());
var lastSwitchTime = lastTwoSwitches[0].Timestamp.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); // .FormatZoned(ctx.System)
var lastSwitchDeltaStr = (SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - lastTwoSwitches[0].Timestamp).FormatDuration();
@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Move Switch")) throw Errors.SwitchMoveCancelled;
// aaaand *now* we do the move
await _repo.MoveSwitch(conn, lastTwoSwitches[0].Id, time.ToInstant());
await _repo.MoveSwitch(lastTwoSwitches[0].Id, time.ToInstant());
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Switch moved to <t:{newSwitchTime}> ({newSwitchDeltaStr} ago).");
@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Find the switch to edit
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var lastSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(conn, ctx.System.Id);
var lastSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(ctx.System.Id);
// Make sure there's at least one switch
if (lastSwitch == null) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
var lastSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastSwitch.Id);
@ -170,18 +169,16 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var purgeMsg = $"{Emojis.Warn} This will delete *all registered switches* in your system. Are you sure you want to proceed?";
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(purgeMsg, "Clear Switches"))
throw Errors.GenericCancelled();
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.DeleteAllSwitches(c, ctx.System.Id));
await _repo.DeleteAllSwitches(ctx.System.Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Cleared system switches!");
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// Fetch the last two switches for the system to do bounds checking on
var lastTwoSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitches(conn, ctx.System.Id).Take(2).ToListAsync();
var lastTwoSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitches(ctx.System.Id).Take(2).ToListAsync();
if (lastTwoSwitches.Count == 0) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
var lastSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastTwoSwitches[0].Id);
var lastSwitchMembers = _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastTwoSwitches[0].Id));
var lastSwitchMemberStr = string.Join(", ", await lastSwitchMembers.Select(m => m.NameFor(ctx)).ToListAsync());
var lastSwitchDeltaStr = (SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - lastTwoSwitches[0].Timestamp).FormatDuration();
@ -192,14 +189,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var secondSwitchMembers = _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastTwoSwitches[1].Id);
var secondSwitchMembers = _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, lastTwoSwitches[1].Id));
var secondSwitchMemberStr = string.Join(", ", await secondSwitchMembers.Select(m => m.NameFor(ctx)).ToListAsync());
var secondSwitchDeltaStr = (SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - lastTwoSwitches[1].Timestamp).FormatDuration();
msg = $"{Emojis.Warn} This will delete the latest switch ({lastSwitchMemberStr}, {lastSwitchDeltaStr} ago). The next latest switch is {secondSwitchMemberStr} ({secondSwitchDeltaStr} ago). Is this okay?";
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Delete Switch")) throw Errors.SwitchDeleteCancelled;
await _repo.DeleteSwitch(conn, lastTwoSwitches[0].Id);
await _repo.DeleteSwitch(lastTwoSwitches[0].Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Switch deleted.");
@ -32,12 +32,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (systemName != null && systemName.Length > Limits.MaxSystemNameLength)
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("System name", systemName.Length, Limits.MaxSystemNameLength);
var system = _db.Execute(async c =>
var system = await _repo.CreateSystem(c, systemName);
await _repo.AddAccount(c, system.Id, ctx.Author.Id);
return system;
var system = await _repo.CreateSystem(systemName);
await _repo.AddAccount(system.Id, ctx.Author.Id);
// TODO: better message, perhaps embed like in groups?
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Your system has been created. Type `pk;system` to view it, and type `pk;system help` for more information about commands you can use now. Now that you have that set up, check out the getting started guide on setting up members and proxies: <>");
@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's name"))
var clearPatch = new SystemPatch { Name = null };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, clearPatch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Name = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System name cleared.");
@ -64,8 +63,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (newSystemName.Length > Limits.MaxSystemNameLength)
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("System name", newSystemName.Length, Limits.MaxSystemNameLength);
var patch = new SystemPatch { Name = newSystemName };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Name = newSystemName });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System name changed.");
@ -100,11 +98,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's description"))
var patch = new SystemPatch { Description = null };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Description = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System description cleared.");
@ -112,8 +108,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (newDescription.Length > Limits.MaxDescriptionLength)
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("Description", newDescription.Length, Limits.MaxDescriptionLength);
var patch = new SystemPatch { Description = newDescription };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Description = newDescription });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System description changed.");
@ -125,8 +120,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear())
var patch = new SystemPatch { Color = Partial<string>.Null() };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Color = Partial<string>.Null() });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System color cleared.");
@ -150,8 +144,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (color.StartsWith("#")) color = color.Substring(1);
if (!Regex.IsMatch(color, "^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$")) throw Errors.InvalidColorError(color);
var patch = new SystemPatch { Color = Partial<string>.Present(color.ToLowerInvariant()) };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Color = Partial<string>.Present(color.ToLowerInvariant()) });
await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder()
.Title($"{Emojis.Success} System color changed.")
@ -186,8 +179,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's tag"))
var patch = new SystemPatch { Tag = null };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Tag = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System tag cleared.");
@ -198,8 +190,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (newTag.Length > Limits.MaxSystemTagLength)
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("System tag", newTag.Length, Limits.MaxSystemTagLength);
var patch = new SystemPatch { Tag = newTag };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { Tag = newTag });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System tag changed. Member names will now end with {newTag.AsCode()} when proxied.");
@ -211,18 +202,20 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var setDisabledWarning = $"{Emojis.Warn} Your system tag is currently **disabled** in this server. No tag will be applied when proxying.\nTo re-enable the system tag in the current server, type `pk;s servertag -enable`.";
var settings = await _repo.GetSystemGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.System.Id);
async Task Show(bool raw = false)
if (ctx.MessageContext.SystemGuildTag != null)
if (settings.Tag != null)
if (raw)
await ctx.Reply($"```{ctx.MessageContext.SystemGuildTag}```");
await ctx.Reply($"```{settings.Tag}```");
var msg = $"Your current system tag in '{ctx.Guild.Name}' is {ctx.MessageContext.SystemGuildTag.AsCode()}";
if (!ctx.MessageContext.TagEnabled)
var msg = $"Your current system tag in '{ctx.Guild.Name}' is {settings.Tag.AsCode()}";
if (!settings.TagEnabled)
msg += ", but it is currently **disabled**. To re-enable it, type `pk;s servertag -enable`.";
msg += ". To change it, type `pk;s servertag <tag>`. To clear it, type `pk;s servertag -clear`.";
@ -231,7 +224,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
else if (!ctx.MessageContext.TagEnabled)
else if (!settings.TagEnabled)
await ctx.Reply($"Your global system tag is {ctx.System.Tag}, but it is **disabled** in this server. To re-enable it, type `pk;s servertag -enable`");
await ctx.Reply($"You currently have no system tag specific to the server '{ctx.Guild.Name}'. To set one, type `pk;s servertag <tag>`. To disable the system tag in the current server, type `pk;s servertag -disable`.");
@ -243,8 +236,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (newTag != null && newTag.Length > Limits.MaxSystemTagLength)
throw Errors.StringTooLongError("System server tag", newTag.Length, Limits.MaxSystemTagLength);
var patch = new SystemGuildPatch { Tag = newTag };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertSystemGuild(conn, ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystemGuild(ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, new() { Tag = newTag });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System server tag changed. Member names will now end with {newTag.AsCode()} when proxied in the current server '{ctx.Guild.Name}'.");
@ -254,8 +246,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task Clear()
var patch = new SystemGuildPatch { Tag = null };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertSystemGuild(conn, ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystemGuild(ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, new() { Tag = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System server tag cleared. Member names will now end with the global system tag, if there is one set.");
@ -265,8 +256,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task EnableDisable(bool newValue)
var patch = new SystemGuildPatch { TagEnabled = newValue };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertSystemGuild(conn, ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystemGuild(ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, new() { TagEnabled = newValue });
await ctx.Reply(PrintEnableDisableResult(newValue, newValue != ctx.MessageContext.TagEnabled));
@ -320,7 +310,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task ClearIcon()
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch { AvatarUrl = null }));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { AvatarUrl = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System icon cleared.");
@ -328,7 +318,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(_client, img.Url);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch { AvatarUrl = img.Url }));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { AvatarUrl = img.Url });
var msg = img.Source switch
@ -373,7 +363,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task ClearImage()
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch { BannerImage = null }));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { BannerImage = null });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System banner image cleared.");
@ -381,7 +371,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(_client, img.Url, isFullSizeImage: true);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch { BannerImage = img.Url }));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { BannerImage = img.Url });
var msg = img.Source switch
@ -428,7 +418,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!await ctx.ConfirmWithReply(ctx.System.Hid))
throw new PKError($"System deletion cancelled. Note that you must reply with your system ID (`{ctx.System.Hid}`) *verbatim*.");
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.DeleteSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id));
await _repo.DeleteSystem(ctx.System.Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System deleted.");
@ -440,7 +430,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var guild = ctx.MatchGuild() ?? ctx.Guild ??
throw new PKError("You must run this command in a server or pass a server ID.");
var gs = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemGuild(c, guild.Id, ctx.System.Id));
var gs = await _repo.GetSystemGuild(guild.Id, ctx.System.Id);
string serverText;
if (guild.Id == ctx.Guild?.Id)
@ -461,8 +451,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var patch = new SystemGuildPatch { ProxyEnabled = newValue };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertSystemGuild(conn, ctx.System.Id, guild.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystemGuild(ctx.System.Id, guild.Id, new() { ProxyEnabled = newValue });
if (newValue)
await ctx.Reply($"Message proxying in {serverText} is now **enabled** for your system.");
@ -476,8 +465,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (await ctx.MatchClear())
var clearPatch = new SystemPatch { UiTz = "UTC" };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, clearPatch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { UiTz = "UTC" });
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System time zone cleared (set to UTC).");
@ -498,8 +486,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var msg = $"This will change the system time zone to **{zone.Id}**. The current time is **{currentTime.FormatZoned()}**. Is this correct?";
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Change Timezone")) throw Errors.TimezoneChangeCancelled;
var patch = new SystemPatch { UiTz = zone.Id };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { UiTz = zone.Id });
await ctx.Reply($"System time zone changed to **{zone.Id}**.");
@ -523,7 +510,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task SetLevel(SystemPrivacySubject subject, PrivacyLevel level)
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level)));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level));
var levelExplanation = level switch
@ -548,7 +535,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task SetAll(PrivacyLevel level)
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level)));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level));
var msg = level switch
@ -581,15 +568,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (ctx.Match("on", "enable"))
var patch = new SystemPatch { PingsEnabled = true };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { PingsEnabled = true });
await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings have now been enabled.");
if (ctx.Match("off", "disable"))
var patch = new SystemPatch { PingsEnabled = false };
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));
await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new() { PingsEnabled = false });
await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings have now been disabled.");
@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (system == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(system, system.FrontPrivacy);
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var sw = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(conn, system.Id);
var sw = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(system.Id);
if (sw == null) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
await ctx.Reply(embed: await _embeds.CreateFronterEmbed(sw, system.Zone, ctx.LookupContextFor(system)));
@ -53,12 +51,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(system, system.FrontHistoryPrivacy);
// Gotta be careful here: if we dispose of the connection while the IAE is alive, boom
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// todo: this comment was here, but we're not getting a connection here anymore
// hopefully nothing breaks?
var totalSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitchCount(conn, system.Id);
var totalSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitchCount(system.Id);
if (totalSwitches == 0) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
var sws = _repo.GetSwitches(conn, system.Id)
var sws = _repo.GetSwitches(system.Id)
.Scan(new FrontHistoryEntry(null, null),
(lastEntry, newSwitch) => new FrontHistoryEntry(lastEntry.ThisSwitch?.Timestamp, newSwitch));
@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var sw = entry.ThisSwitch;
// Fetch member list and format
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var members = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(c, sw.Id)).ToListAsync();
var membersStr = members.Any() ? string.Join(", ", members.Select(m => m.NameFor(ctx))) : "no fronter";
@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (system == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(system, system.FrontHistoryPrivacy);
var totalSwitches = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchCount(conn, system.Id));
var totalSwitches = await _repo.GetSwitchCount(system.Id);
if (totalSwitches == 0) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
string durationStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull() ?? "30d";
@ -23,20 +23,18 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var account = await ctx.MatchUser() ?? throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass an account to link with (either ID or @mention).");
var accountIds = await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(conn, ctx.System.Id);
var accountIds = await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(ctx.System.Id);
if (accountIds.Contains(account.Id))
throw Errors.AccountAlreadyLinked;
var existingAccount = await _repo.GetSystemByAccount(conn, account.Id);
var existingAccount = await _repo.GetSystemByAccount(account.Id);
if (existingAccount != null)
throw Errors.AccountInOtherSystem(existingAccount);
var msg = $"{account.Mention()}, please confirm the link.";
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Confirm", user: account, matchFlag: false)) throw Errors.MemberLinkCancelled;
await _repo.AddAccount(conn, ctx.System.Id, account.Id);
await _repo.AddAccount(ctx.System.Id, account.Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Account linked to system.");
@ -44,20 +42,18 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
ulong id;
if (!ctx.MatchUserRaw(out id))
throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass an account to link with (either ID or @mention).");
var accountIds = (await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(conn, ctx.System.Id)).ToList();
var accountIds = (await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(ctx.System.Id)).ToList();
if (!accountIds.Contains(id)) throw Errors.AccountNotLinked;
if (accountIds.Count == 1) throw Errors.UnlinkingLastAccount;
var msg = $"Are you sure you want to unlink <@{id}> from your system?";
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Unlink")) throw Errors.MemberUnlinkCancelled;
await _repo.RemoveAccount(conn, ctx.System.Id, id);
await _repo.RemoveAccount(ctx.System.Id, id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Account unlinked.");
@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private async Task<string> MakeAndSetNewToken(PKSystem system)
var patch = new SystemPatch { Token = StringUtils.GenerateToken() };
system = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, system.Id, patch));
system = await _repo.UpdateSystem(system.Id, new() { Token = StringUtils.GenerateToken() });
return system.Token;
@ -71,9 +71,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Get message context from DB (tracking w/ metrics)
MessageContext ctx;
await using (var conn = await _db.Obtain())
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.MessageContextQueryTime))
ctx = await _repo.GetMessageContext(conn, evt.Author.Id, evt.GuildId ?? default, rootChannel.Id);
ctx = await _repo.GetMessageContext(evt.Author.Id, evt.GuildId ?? default, rootChannel.Id);
// Try each handler until we find one that succeeds
if (await TryHandleLogClean(evt, ctx))
@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var system = ctx.SystemId != null ? await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystem(c, ctx.SystemId.Value)) : null;
var system = ctx.SystemId != null ? await _repo.GetSystem(ctx.SystemId.Value) : null;
await _tree.ExecuteCommand(new Context(_services, shard, guild, channel, evt, cmdStart, system, ctx));
catch (PKError)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task Inner()
await Task.Delay(MessageDeleteDelay);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.DeleteMessage(c, evt.Id));
await _repo.DeleteMessage(evt.Id);
_lastMessage.HandleMessageDeletion(evt.ChannelId, evt.Id);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
_logger.Information("Bulk deleting {Count} messages in channel {Channel}",
evt.Ids.Length, evt.ChannelId);
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.DeleteMessagesBulk(c, evt.Ids));
await _repo.DeleteMessagesBulk(evt.Ids);
_lastMessage.HandleMessageDeletion(evt.ChannelId, evt.Ids.ToList());
@ -63,9 +63,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Just run the normal message handling code, with a flag to disable autoproxying
MessageContext ctx;
await using (var conn = await _db.Obtain())
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.MessageContextQueryTime))
ctx = await _repo.GetMessageContext(conn, evt.Author.Value!.Id, channel.GuildId!.Value, evt.ChannelId);
ctx = await _repo.GetMessageContext(evt.Author.Value!.Id, channel.GuildId!.Value, evt.ChannelId);
var equivalentEvt = await GetMessageCreateEvent(evt, lastMessage, channel);
var botPermissions = _bot.PermissionsIn(channel.Id);
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var commandMsg = await _db.Execute(c => _commandMessageService.GetCommandMessage(c, evt.MessageId));
var commandMsg = await _commandMessageService.GetCommandMessage(evt.MessageId);
if (commandMsg != null)
await HandleCommandDeleteReaction(evt, commandMsg);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (!_bot.PermissionsIn(evt.ChannelId).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages))
var system = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemByAccount(c, evt.UserId));
var system = await _repo.GetSystemByAccount(evt.UserId);
// Can only delete your own message
if (msg.System.Id != system?.Id) return;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Message was deleted by something/someone else before we got to it
await _db.Execute(c => _repo.DeleteMessage(c, evt.MessageId));
await _repo.DeleteMessage(evt.MessageId);
private async ValueTask HandleCommandDeleteReaction(MessageReactionAddEvent evt, CommandMessage? msg)
@ -61,10 +61,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
List<ProxyMember> members;
// Fetch members and try to match to a specific member
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.ProxyMembersQueryTime))
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
members = (await _repo.GetProxyMembers(conn, message.Author.Id, message.GuildId!.Value)).ToList();
members = (await _repo.GetProxyMembers(message.Author.Id, message.GuildId!.Value)).ToList();
if (!_matcher.TryMatch(ctx, members, out var match, message.Content, message.Attachments.Length > 0,
allowAutoproxy)) return false;
@ -293,11 +290,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
Sender = triggerMessage.Author.Id
async Task SaveMessageInDatabase()
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
await _repo.AddMessage(conn, sentMessage);
Task SaveMessageInDatabase()
=> _repo.AddMessage(sentMessage);
Task LogMessageToChannel() => _logChannel.LogMessage(ctx, sentMessage, triggerMessage, proxyMessage).AsTask();
@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task RegisterMessage(ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong authorId)
_logger.Debug("Registering command response {MessageId} from author {AuthorId} in {ChannelId}", messageId, authorId, channelId);
await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.SaveCommandMessage(conn, messageId, channelId, authorId));
await _repo.SaveCommandMessage(messageId, channelId, authorId);
public async Task<CommandMessage?> GetCommandMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageId)
public async Task<CommandMessage?> GetCommandMessage(ulong messageId)
return await _repo.GetCommandMessage(conn, messageId);
return await _repo.GetCommandMessage(messageId);
public async Task CleanupOldMessages()
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var deleteThresholdInstant = _clock.GetCurrentInstant() - CommandMessageRetention;
var deleteThresholdSnowflake = DiscordUtils.InstantToSnowflake(deleteThresholdInstant);
var deletedRows = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.DeleteCommandMessagesBefore(conn, deleteThresholdSnowflake));
var deletedRows = await _repo.DeleteCommandMessagesBefore(deleteThresholdSnowflake);
_logger.Information("Pruned {DeletedRows} command messages older than retention {Retention} (older than {DeleteThresholdInstant} / {DeleteThresholdSnowflake})",
deletedRows, CommandMessageRetention, deleteThresholdInstant, deleteThresholdSnowflake);
@ -46,13 +46,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task<Embed> CreateSystemEmbed(Context cctx, PKSystem system, LookupContext ctx)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
// Fetch/render info for all accounts simultaneously
var accounts = await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(conn, system.Id);
var accounts = await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(system.Id);
var users = (await GetUsers(accounts)).Select(x => x.User?.NameAndMention() ?? $"(deleted account {x.Id})");
var memberCount = cctx.MatchPrivateFlag(ctx) ? await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(conn, system.Id, PrivacyLevel.Public) : await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(conn, system.Id);
var memberCount = cctx.MatchPrivateFlag(ctx) ? await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(system.Id, PrivacyLevel.Public) : await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(system.Id);
uint color;
@ -74,10 +73,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (system.DescriptionPrivacy.CanAccess(ctx))
var latestSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(conn, system.Id);
var latestSwitch = await _repo.GetLatestSwitch(system.Id);
if (latestSwitch != null && system.FrontPrivacy.CanAccess(ctx))
var switchMembers = await _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, latestSwitch.Id).ToListAsync();
var switchMembers = await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.GetSwitchMembers(conn, latestSwitch.Id)).ToListAsync();
if (switchMembers.Count > 0)
eb.Field(new("Fronter".ToQuantity(switchMembers.Count, ShowQuantityAs.None), string.Join(", ", switchMembers.Select(m => m.NameFor(ctx)))));
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (cctx.Guild != null)
var guildSettings = await _repo.GetSystemGuild(conn, cctx.Guild.Id, system.Id);
var guildSettings = await _repo.GetSystemGuild(cctx.Guild.Id, system.Id);
if (guildSettings.Tag != null && guildSettings.TagEnabled)
eb.Field(new($"Tag (in server '{cctx.Guild.Name}')", guildSettings.Tag
@ -151,18 +150,16 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
catch (ArgumentException)
// Bad API use can cause an invalid color string
// TODO: fix that in the API
// for now we just default to a blank color, yolo
// this is now fixed in the API, but might still have some remnants in the database
// so we just default to a blank color, yolo
color = DiscordUtils.Gray;
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var guildSettings = guild != null ? await _repo.GetMemberGuild(conn, guild.Id, member.Id) : null;
var guildSettings = guild != null ? await _repo.GetMemberGuild(guild.Id, member.Id) : null;
var guildDisplayName = guildSettings?.DisplayName;
var avatar = guildSettings?.AvatarUrl ?? member.AvatarFor(ctx);
var groups = await _repo.GetMemberGroups(conn, member.Id)
var groups = await _repo.GetMemberGroups(member.Id)
.Where(g => g.Visibility.CanAccess(ctx))
.OrderBy(g => g.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
@ -218,10 +215,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task<Embed> CreateGroupEmbed(Context ctx, PKSystem system, PKGroup target)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
var pctx = ctx.LookupContextFor(system);
var memberCount = ctx.MatchPrivateFlag(pctx) ? await _repo.GetGroupMemberCount(conn, target.Id, PrivacyLevel.Public) : await _repo.GetGroupMemberCount(conn, target.Id);
var memberCount = ctx.MatchPrivateFlag(pctx) ? await _repo.GetGroupMemberCount(target.Id, PrivacyLevel.Public) : await _repo.GetGroupMemberCount(target.Id);
var nameField = target.Name;
if (system.Name != null)
@ -43,13 +43,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var triggerChannel = _cache.GetChannel(proxiedMessage.Channel);
PKSystem system;
PKMember member;
await using (var conn = await _db.Obtain())
system = await _repo.GetSystem(conn, ctx.SystemId.Value);
member = await _repo.GetMember(conn, proxiedMessage.Member);
var system = await _repo.GetSystem(ctx.SystemId.Value);
var member = await _repo.GetMember(proxiedMessage.Member);
// Send embed!
var embed = _embed.CreateLoggedMessageEmbed(trigger, hookMessage, system.Hid, member, triggerChannel.Name, oldContent);
@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (proxiedMessage.Guild != trigger.GuildId)
// we're editing a message from a different server, get log channel info from the database
var guild = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetGuild(c, proxiedMessage.Guild.Value));
var guild = await _repo.GetGuild(proxiedMessage.Guild.Value);
logChannelId = guild.LogChannel;
isBlacklisted = guild.Blacklist.Any(x => x == logChannelId);
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
@ -14,6 +15,9 @@ using Npgsql;
using Serilog;
using SqlKata;
using SqlKata.Compilers;
namespace PluralKit.Core
internal class Database: IDatabase
@ -46,6 +50,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
private static readonly PostgresCompiler _compiler = new();
public static void InitStatic()
DefaultTypeMap.MatchNamesWithUnderscores = true;
@ -151,28 +157,83 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public override T[] Parse(object value) => Array.ConvertAll((TInner[])value, v => _factory(v));
public static class DatabaseExt
public static async Task Execute(this IDatabase db, Func<IPKConnection, Task> func)
public async Task Execute(Func<IPKConnection, Task> func)
await using var conn = await db.Obtain();
await using var conn = await Obtain();
await func(conn);
public static async Task<T> Execute<T>(this IDatabase db, Func<IPKConnection, Task<T>> func)
public async Task<T> Execute<T>(Func<IPKConnection, Task<T>> func)
await using var conn = await db.Obtain();
await using var conn = await Obtain();
return await func(conn);
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<T> Execute<T>(this IDatabase db, Func<IPKConnection, IAsyncEnumerable<T>> func)
public async IAsyncEnumerable<T> Execute<T>(Func<IPKConnection, IAsyncEnumerable<T>> func)
await using var conn = await db.Obtain();
await using var conn = await Obtain();
await foreach (var val in func(conn))
yield return val;
public async Task<int> ExecuteQuery(Query q, string extraSql = "", [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "")
var query = _compiler.Compile(q);
using var conn = await Obtain();
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(CoreMetrics.DatabaseQuery, new MetricTags("Query", queryName)))
return await conn.ExecuteAsync(query.Sql + $" {extraSql}", query.NamedBindings);
public async Task<T> QueryFirst<T>(Query q, string extraSql = "", [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "")
var query = _compiler.Compile(q);
using var conn = await Obtain();
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(CoreMetrics.DatabaseQuery, new MetricTags("Query", queryName)))
return await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(query.Sql + $" {extraSql}", query.NamedBindings);
public async Task<T> QueryFirst<T>(IPKConnection? conn, Query q, string extraSql = "", [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "")
if (conn == null)
return await QueryFirst<T>(q, extraSql, queryName);
var query = _compiler.Compile(q);
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(CoreMetrics.DatabaseQuery, new MetricTags("Query", queryName)))
return await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(query.Sql + $" {extraSql}", query.NamedBindings);
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> Query<T>(Query q, [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "")
var query = _compiler.Compile(q);
using var conn = await Obtain();
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(CoreMetrics.DatabaseQuery, new MetricTags("Query", queryName)))
return await conn.QueryAsync<T>(query.Sql, query.NamedBindings);
public async IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryStream<T>(Query q, [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "")
var query = _compiler.Compile(q);
using var conn = await Obtain();
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(CoreMetrics.DatabaseQuery, new MetricTags("Query", queryName)))
await foreach (var val in conn.QueryStreamAsync<T>(query.Sql, query.NamedBindings))
yield return val;
// the procedures (message_context and proxy_members, as of writing) have their own metrics tracking elsewhere
// still, including them here for consistency
public async Task<T> QuerySingleProcedure<T>(string queryName, object param)
using var conn = await Obtain();
return await conn.QueryFirstAsync<T>(queryName, param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcedure<T>(string queryName, object param)
using var conn = await Obtain();
return await conn.QueryAsync<T>(queryName, param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
@ -1,10 +1,25 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public interface IDatabase
Task ApplyMigrations();
Task<IPKConnection> Obtain();
Task Execute(Func<IPKConnection, Task> func);
Task<T> Execute<T>(Func<IPKConnection, Task<T>> func);
IAsyncEnumerable<T> Execute<T>(Func<IPKConnection, IAsyncEnumerable<T>> func);
Task<int> ExecuteQuery(Query q, string extraSql = "", [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "");
Task<T> QueryFirst<T>(Query q, string extraSql = "", [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "");
Task<T> QueryFirst<T>(IPKConnection? conn, Query q, string extraSql = "", [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "");
Task<IEnumerable<T>> Query<T>(Query q, [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "");
IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryStream<T>(Query q, [CallerMemberName] string queryName = "");
Task<T> QuerySingleProcedure<T>(string queryName, object param);
Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcedure<T>(string queryName, object param);
@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public async Task UpdateAccount(IPKConnection conn, ulong id, AccountPatch patch)
public async Task UpdateAccount(ulong id, AccountPatch patch)
_logger.Information("Updated account {accountId}: {@AccountPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("accounts", "uid = @uid"))
.WithConstant("uid", id)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("accounts").Where("uid", id));
await _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task SaveCommandMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong authorId) =>
conn.QueryAsync("insert into command_messages (message_id, channel_id, author_id) values (@Message, @Channel, @Author)",
new { Message = messageId, Channel = channelId, Author = authorId });
public Task SaveCommandMessage(ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong authorId)
var query = new Query("command_messages").AsInsert(new
message_id = messageId,
channel_id = channelId,
author_id = authorId,
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public Task<CommandMessage?> GetCommandMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageId) =>
conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<CommandMessage>("select * from command_messages where message_id = @Message",
new { Message = messageId });
public Task<CommandMessage?> GetCommandMessage(ulong messageId)
var query = new Query("command_messages").Where("message_id", messageId);
return _db.QueryFirst<CommandMessage?>(query);
public Task<int> DeleteCommandMessagesBefore(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageIdThreshold) =>
conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from command_messages where message_id < @Threshold",
new { Threshold = messageIdThreshold });
public Task<int> DeleteCommandMessagesBefore(ulong messageIdThreshold)
var query = new Query("command_messages").AsDelete().Where("message_id", "<", messageIdThreshold);
return _db.QueryFirst<int>(query);
public class CommandMessage
@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task<MessageContext> GetMessageContext(IPKConnection conn, ulong account, ulong guild, ulong channel)
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<MessageContext>("message_context",
new { account_id = account, guild_id = guild, channel_id = channel },
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
public Task<MessageContext> GetMessageContext(ulong account, ulong guild, ulong channel)
=> _db.QuerySingleProcedure<MessageContext>("message_context", new
account_id = account,
guild_id = guild,
channel_id = channel
public Task<IEnumerable<ProxyMember>> GetProxyMembers(IPKConnection conn, ulong account, ulong guild)
return conn.QueryAsync<ProxyMember>("proxy_members",
new { account_id = account, guild_id = guild },
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
public Task<IEnumerable<ProxyMember>> GetProxyMembers(ulong account, ulong guild)
=> _db.QueryProcedure<ProxyMember>("proxy_members", new
account_id = account,
guild_id = guild
@ -1,89 +1,77 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByName(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string name) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKGroup?>("select * from groups where system = @System and lower(Name) = lower(@Name)", new { System = system, Name = name });
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByDisplayName(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string display_name) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKGroup?>("select * from groups where system = @System and lower(display_name) = lower(@Name)", new { System = system, Name = display_name });
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByHid(IPKConnection conn, string hid, SystemId? system = null)
=> conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKGroup?>(
"select * from groups where hid = @hid" + (system != null ? " and system = @System" : ""),
new { hid = hid.ToLowerInvariant(), System = system }
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByGuid(IPKConnection conn, Guid guid) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKGroup?>("select * from groups where uuid = @Uuid", new { Uuid = guid });
public Task<int> GetGroupMemberCount(IPKConnection conn, GroupId id, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByName(SystemId system, string name)
var query = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from group_members");
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Append(" inner join members on group_members.member_id =");
query.Append(" where group_members.group_id = @Id");
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Append(" and members.member_visibility = @PrivacyFilter");
return conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<int>(query.ToString(), new { Id = id, PrivacyFilter = privacyFilter });
var query = new Query("groups").Where("system", system).WhereRaw("lower(name) = lower(?)", name.ToLower());
return _db.QueryFirst<PKGroup?>(query);
public async Task<PKGroup> CreateGroup(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string name, IDbTransaction? transaction = null)
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByDisplayName(SystemId system, string display_name)
var group = await conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKGroup>(
"insert into groups (hid, system, name) values (find_free_group_hid(), @System, @Name) returning *",
new { System = system, Name = name }, transaction);
var query = new Query("groups").Where("system", system).WhereRaw("lower(display_name) = lower(?)", display_name.ToLower());
return _db.QueryFirst<PKGroup?>(query);
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByHid(string hid, SystemId? system = null)
var query = new Query("groups").Where("hid", hid.ToLower());
if (system != null)
query = query.Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKGroup?>(query);
public Task<PKGroup?> GetGroupByGuid(Guid uuid)
var query = new Query("groups").Where("uuid", uuid);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKGroup?>(query);
public Task<int> GetGroupMemberCount(GroupId id, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
var query = new Query("group_members")
.Where("group_members.group_id", id);
if (privacyFilter != null) query = query
.Join("members", "group_members.member_id", "")
.Where("members.member_visibility", privacyFilter);
return _db.QueryFirst<int>(query);
public async Task<PKGroup> CreateGroup(SystemId system, string name, IPKConnection? conn = null)
var query = new Query("groups").AsInsert(new
hid = new UnsafeLiteral("find_free_group_hid()"),
system = system,
name = name
var group = await _db.QueryFirst<PKGroup>(conn, query, extraSql: "returning *");
_logger.Information("Created group {GroupId} in system {SystemId}: {GroupName}", group.Id, system, name);
return group;
public Task<PKGroup> UpdateGroup(IPKConnection conn, GroupId id, GroupPatch patch, IDbTransaction? transaction = null)
public Task<PKGroup> UpdateGroup(GroupId id, GroupPatch patch, IPKConnection? conn = null)
_logger.Information("Updated {GroupId}: {@GroupPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("groups", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKGroup>(query, pms, transaction);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("groups").Where("id", id));
return _db.QueryFirst<PKGroup>(conn, query, extraSql: "returning *");
public Task DeleteGroup(IPKConnection conn, GroupId group)
public Task DeleteGroup(GroupId group)
_logger.Information("Deleted {GroupId}", group);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from groups where id = @Id", new { Id = @group });
public async Task AddMembersToGroup(IPKConnection conn, GroupId group,
IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
await using var w =
conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy group_members (group_id, member_id) from stdin (format binary)");
foreach (var member in members)
await w.StartRowAsync();
await w.WriteAsync(group.Value);
await w.WriteAsync(member.Value);
await w.CompleteAsync();
_logger.Information("Added members to {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
public Task RemoveMembersFromGroup(IPKConnection conn, GroupId group,
IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
_logger.Information("Removed members from {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from group_members where group_id = @Group and member_id = any(@Members)",
new { Group = @group, Members = members.ToArray() });
var query = new Query("groups").AsDelete().Where("id", group);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKGroup> GetMemberGroups(IPKConnection conn, MemberId id) =>
"select groups.* from group_members inner join groups on group_members.group_id = where group_members.member_id = @Id",
new { Id = id });
public async Task AddGroupsToMember(IPKConnection conn, MemberId member, IReadOnlyCollection<GroupId> groups)
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKGroup> GetMemberGroups(MemberId id)
var query = new Query("group_members")
.Join("groups", "group_members.group_id", "")
.Where("group_members.member_id", id);
return _db.QueryStream<PKGroup>(query);
// todo: add this to metrics tracking
public async Task AddGroupsToMember(MemberId member, IReadOnlyCollection<GroupId> groups)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
await using var w =
conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy group_members (group_id, member_id) from stdin (format binary)");
foreach (var group in groups)
@ -29,12 +33,39 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
_logger.Information("Added member {MemberId} to groups {GroupIds}", member, groups);
public Task RemoveGroupsFromMember(IPKConnection conn, MemberId member, IReadOnlyCollection<GroupId> groups)
public Task RemoveGroupsFromMember(MemberId member, IReadOnlyCollection<GroupId> groups)
_logger.Information("Removed groups from {MemberId}: {GroupIds}", member, groups);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from group_members where member_id = @Member and group_id = any(@Groups)",
new { Member = @member, Groups = groups.ToArray() });
var query = new Query("group_members").AsDelete()
.Where("member_id", member)
.WhereIn("group_id", groups);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
// todo: add this to metrics tracking
public async Task AddMembersToGroup(GroupId group, IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
await using var conn = await _db.Obtain();
await using var w =
conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy group_members (group_id, member_id) from stdin (format binary)");
foreach (var member in members)
await w.StartRowAsync();
await w.WriteAsync(group.Value);
await w.WriteAsync(member.Value);
await w.CompleteAsync();
_logger.Information("Added members to {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
public Task RemoveMembersFromGroup(GroupId group, IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
_logger.Information("Removed members from {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
var query = new Query("group_members").AsDelete()
.Where("group_id", group)
.WhereIn("member_id", members);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
@ -1,53 +1,63 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task UpsertGuild(IPKConnection conn, ulong guild, GuildPatch patch)
public Task<GuildConfig> GetGuild(ulong guild)
var query = new Query("servers").AsInsert(new { id = guild });
// sqlkata doesn't support postgres on conflict, so we just hack it on here
return _db.QueryFirst<GuildConfig>(query, "on conflict (id) do update set id = @$1 returning *");
public Task UpdateGuild(ulong guild, GuildPatch patch)
_logger.Information("Updated guild {GuildId}: {@GuildPatch}", guild, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Upsert("servers", "id"))
.WithConstant("id", guild)
return conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("servers").Where("id", guild));
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public Task UpsertSystemGuild(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, ulong guild,
SystemGuildPatch patch)
public Task<SystemGuildSettings> GetSystemGuild(ulong guild, SystemId system)
var query = new Query("system_guild").AsInsert(new
guild = guild,
system = system
return _db.QueryFirst<SystemGuildSettings>(query,
extraSql: "on conflict (guild, system) do update set guild = $1, system = $2 returning *"
public Task UpdateSystemGuild(SystemId system, ulong guild, SystemGuildPatch patch)
_logger.Information("Updated {SystemId} in guild {GuildId}: {@SystemGuildPatch}", system, guild, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Upsert("system_guild", "system, guild"))
.WithConstant("system", system)
.WithConstant("guild", guild)
return conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("system_guild").Where("system", system).Where("guild", guild));
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public Task UpsertMemberGuild(IPKConnection conn, MemberId member, ulong guild,
MemberGuildPatch patch)
public Task<MemberGuildSettings> GetMemberGuild(ulong guild, MemberId member)
var query = new Query("member_guild").AsInsert(new
guild = guild,
member = member
return _db.QueryFirst<MemberGuildSettings>(query,
extraSql: "on conflict (guild, member) do update set guild = $1, member = $2 returning *"
public Task UpdateMemberGuild(MemberId member, ulong guild, MemberGuildPatch patch)
_logger.Information("Updated {MemberId} in guild {GuildId}: {@MemberGuildPatch}", member, guild, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Upsert("member_guild", "member, guild"))
.WithConstant("member", member)
.WithConstant("guild", guild)
return conn.ExecuteAsync(query, pms);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("member_guild").Where("member", member).Where("guild", guild));
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public Task<GuildConfig> GetGuild(IPKConnection conn, ulong guild) =>
conn.QueryFirstAsync<GuildConfig>("insert into servers (id) values (@guild) on conflict (id) do update set id = @guild returning *", new { guild });
public Task<SystemGuildSettings> GetSystemGuild(IPKConnection conn, ulong guild, SystemId system) =>
"insert into system_guild (guild, system) values (@guild, @system) on conflict (guild, system) do update set guild = @guild, system = @system returning *",
new { guild, system });
public Task<MemberGuildSettings> GetMemberGuild(IPKConnection conn, ulong guild, MemberId member) =>
"insert into member_guild (guild, member) values (@guild, @member) on conflict (guild, member) do update set guild = @guild, member = @member returning *",
new { guild, member });
@ -1,55 +1,77 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task<PKMember?> GetMember(IPKConnection conn, MemberId id) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKMember?>("select * from members where id = @id", new { id });
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByHid(IPKConnection conn, string hid, SystemId? system = null)
=> conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKMember?>(
"select * from members where hid = @Hid" + (system != null ? " and system = @System" : ""),
new { Hid = hid.ToLower(), System = system }
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByGuid(IPKConnection conn, Guid guid) =>
conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKMember?>("select * from members where uuid = @Uuid", new { Uuid = guid });
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByName(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string name) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKMember?>("select * from members where lower(name) = lower(@Name) and system = @SystemID", new { Name = name, SystemID = system });
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByDisplayName(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string name) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKMember?>("select * from members where lower(display_name) = lower(@Name) and system = @SystemID", new { Name = name, SystemID = system });
public async Task<PKMember> CreateMember(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, string memberName, IDbTransaction? transaction = null)
public Task<PKMember?> GetMember(MemberId id)
var member = await conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKMember>(
"insert into members (hid, system, name) values (find_free_member_hid(), @SystemId, @Name) returning *",
new { SystemId = id, Name = memberName }, transaction);
var query = new Query("members").Where("id", id);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMember?>(query);
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByHid(string hid, SystemId? system = null)
var query = new Query("members").Where("hid", hid.ToLower());
if (system != null)
query = query.Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMember?>(query);
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByGuid(Guid uuid)
var query = new Query("members").Where("uuid", uuid);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMember?>(query);
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByName(SystemId system, string name)
var query = new Query("members").WhereRaw(
"lower(name) = lower(?)",
).Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMember?>(query);
public Task<PKMember?> GetMemberByDisplayName(SystemId system, string name)
var query = new Query("members").WhereRaw(
"lower(display_name) = lower(?)",
).Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMember?>(query);
public async Task<PKMember> CreateMember(SystemId systemId, string memberName, IPKConnection? conn = null)
var query = new Query("members").AsInsert(new
hid = new UnsafeLiteral("find_free_member_hid()"),
system = systemId,
name = memberName
var member = await _db.QueryFirst<PKMember>(conn, query, "returning *");
_logger.Information("Created {MemberId} in {SystemId}: {MemberName}",
member.Id, id, memberName);
member.Id, systemId, memberName);
return member;
public Task<PKMember> UpdateMember(IPKConnection conn, MemberId id, MemberPatch patch, IDbTransaction? transaction = null)
public Task<PKMember> UpdateMember(MemberId id, MemberPatch patch, IPKConnection? conn = null)
_logger.Information("Updated {MemberId}: {@MemberPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("members", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKMember>(query, pms, transaction);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("members").Where("id", id));
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMember>(conn, query);
public Task DeleteMember(IPKConnection conn, MemberId id)
public Task DeleteMember(MemberId id)
_logger.Information("Deleted {MemberId}", id);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from members where id = @Id", new { Id = id });
var query = new Query("members").AsDelete().Where("id", id);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
@ -4,17 +4,30 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public async Task AddMessage(IPKConnection conn, PKMessage msg)
public Task AddMessage(PKMessage msg)
// "on conflict do nothing" in the (pretty rare) case of duplicate events coming in from Discord, which would lead to a DB error before
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into messages(mid, guild, channel, member, sender, original_mid) values(@Mid, @Guild, @Channel, @Member, @Sender, @OriginalMid) on conflict do nothing", msg);
var query = new Query("messages").AsInsert(new
mid = msg.Mid,
guild = msg.Guild,
channel = msg.Channel,
member = msg.Member,
sender = msg.Sender,
original_mid = msg.OriginalMid,
_logger.Debug("Stored message {@StoredMessage} in channel {Channel}", msg, msg.Channel);
// "on conflict do nothing" in the (pretty rare) case of duplicate events coming in from Discord, which would lead to a DB error before
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query, extraSql: "on conflict do nothing");
// todo: add a Mapper to QuerySingle and move this to SqlKata
public async Task<FullMessage?> GetMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong id)
FullMessage Mapper(PKMessage msg, PKMember member, PKSystem system) =>
@ -26,34 +39,36 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
return result.FirstOrDefault();
public async Task DeleteMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong id)
public async Task DeleteMessage(ulong id)
var rowCount = await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from messages where mid = @Id", new { Id = id });
var query = new Query("messages").AsDelete().Where("mid", id);
var rowCount = await _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
if (rowCount > 0)
_logger.Information("Deleted message {MessageId} from database", id);
public async Task DeleteMessagesBulk(IPKConnection conn, IReadOnlyCollection<ulong> ids)
public async Task DeleteMessagesBulk(IReadOnlyCollection<ulong> ids)
// Npgsql doesn't support ulongs in general - we hacked around it for plain ulongs but tbh not worth it for collections of ulong
// Hence we map them to single longs, which *are* supported (this is ok since they're Technically (tm) stored as signed longs in the db anyway)
var rowCount = await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from messages where mid = any(@Ids)",
new { Ids = ids.Select(id => (long)id).ToArray() });
var query = new Query("messages").AsDelete().WhereIn("mid", ids.Select(id => (long)id).ToArray());
var rowCount = await _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
if (rowCount > 0)
_logger.Information("Bulk deleted messages ({FoundCount} found) from database: {MessageIds}", rowCount,
public async Task<PKMessage?> GetLastMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong guildId, ulong channelId, ulong accountId)
public Task<PKMessage?> GetLastMessage(ulong guildId, ulong channelId, ulong accountId)
// Want to index scan on the (guild, sender, mid) index so need the additional constraint
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKMessage>(
"select * from messages where guild = @Guild and channel = @Channel and sender = @Sender order by mid desc limit 1", new
Guild = guildId,
Channel = channelId,
Sender = accountId
var query = new Query("messages")
.Where("guild", guildId)
.Where("channel", channelId)
.Where("sender", accountId)
return _db.QueryFirst<PKMessage?>(query);
@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ using NodaTime;
using NpgsqlTypes;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
// todo: move the rest of the queries in here to SqlKata, if possible
public partial class ModelRepository
public async Task<PKSwitch> AddSwitch(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, IReadOnlyCollection<MemberId> members)
@ -69,40 +72,44 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
_logger.Information("Updated {SwitchId} members: {Members}", switchId, members);
public async Task MoveSwitch(IPKConnection conn, SwitchId id, Instant time)
public Task MoveSwitch(SwitchId id, Instant time)
await conn.ExecuteAsync("update switches set timestamp = @Time where id = @Id",
new { Time = time, Id = id });
_logger.Information("Updated {SwitchId} timestamp: {SwitchTimestamp}", id, time);
var query = new Query("switches").AsUpdate(new { timestamp = time }).Where("id", id);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public async Task DeleteSwitch(IPKConnection conn, SwitchId id)
public Task DeleteSwitch(SwitchId id)
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from switches where id = @Id", new { Id = id });
_logger.Information("Deleted {Switch}", id);
var query = new Query("switches").AsDelete().Where("id", id);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public async Task DeleteAllSwitches(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system)
public Task DeleteAllSwitches(SystemId system)
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from switches where system = @Id", new { Id = system });
_logger.Information("Deleted all switches in {SystemId}", system);
var query = new Query("switches").AsDelete().Where("system", system);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKSwitch> GetSwitches(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system)
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKSwitch> GetSwitches(SystemId system)
// TODO: refactor the PKSwitch data structure to somehow include a hydrated member list
return conn.QueryStreamAsync<PKSwitch>(
"select * from switches where system = @System order by timestamp desc",
new { System = system });
var query = new Query("switches").Where("system", system).OrderByDesc("timestamp");
return _db.QueryStream<PKSwitch>(query);
public Task<PKSwitch> GetSwitchByUuid(IPKConnection conn, Guid uuid) =>
conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKSwitch>("select * from switches where uuid = @Uuid", new { Uuid = uuid });
public async Task<int> GetSwitchCount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system)
public Task<PKSwitch> GetSwitchByUuid(Guid uuid)
return await conn.QuerySingleAsync<int>("select count(*) from switches where system = @Id", new { Id = system });
var query = new Query("switches").Where("uuid", uuid);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSwitch>(query);
public Task<int> GetSwitchCount(SystemId system)
var query = new Query("switches").SelectRaw("count(*)").Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryFirst<int>(query);
public async IAsyncEnumerable<SwitchMembersListEntry> GetSwitchMembersList(IPKConnection conn,
@ -149,9 +156,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
new { Switch = sw });
public async Task<PKSwitch> GetLatestSwitch(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
// TODO: should query directly for perf
await GetSwitches(conn, system).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
public Task<PKSwitch> GetLatestSwitch(SystemId system)
var query = new Query("switches").Where("system", system).OrderByDesc("timestamp").Limit(1);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSwitch>(query);
public async Task<IEnumerable<SwitchListEntry>> GetPeriodFronters(IPKConnection conn,
SystemId system, GroupId? group, Instant periodStart,
@ -1,93 +1,120 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystem(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem?>("select * from systems where id = @id", new { id });
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByGuid(IPKConnection conn, Guid id) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem?>("select * from systems where uuid = @id", new { id });
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByAccount(IPKConnection conn, ulong accountId) =>
"select systems.* from systems, accounts where accounts.system = and accounts.uid = @Id",
new { Id = accountId });
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByHid(IPKConnection conn, string hid) =>
conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem?>("select * from systems where systems.hid = @Hid",
new { Hid = hid.ToLower() });
public Task<IEnumerable<ulong>> GetSystemAccounts(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
conn.QueryAsync<ulong>("select uid from accounts where system = @Id", new { Id = system });
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKMember> GetSystemMembers(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
conn.QueryStreamAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where system = @SystemID", new { SystemID = system });
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKGroup> GetSystemGroups(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
conn.QueryStreamAsync<PKGroup>("select * from groups where system = @System", new { System = system });
public Task<int> GetSystemMemberCount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystem(SystemId id)
var query = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from members where system = @Id");
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Append($" and member_visibility = {(int)privacyFilter.Value}");
return conn.QuerySingleAsync<int>(query.ToString(), new { Id = id });
var query = new Query("systems").Where("id", id);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSystem?>(query);
public Task<int> GetSystemGroupCount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByGuid(Guid id)
var query = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from groups where system = @Id");
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Append($" and visibility = {(int)privacyFilter.Value}");
return conn.QuerySingleAsync<int>(query.ToString(), new { Id = id });
var query = new Query("systems").Where("uuid", id);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSystem?>(query);
public async Task<PKSystem> CreateSystem(IPKConnection conn, string? systemName = null, IPKTransaction? tx = null)
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByAccount(ulong accountId)
var system = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<PKSystem>(
"insert into systems (hid, name) values (find_free_system_hid(), @Name) returning *",
new { Name = systemName },
transaction: tx);
var query = new Query("accounts").Select("systems.*").LeftJoin("systems", "", "accounts.system", "=").Where("uid", accountId);
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSystem?>(query);
public Task<PKSystem?> GetSystemByHid(string hid)
var query = new Query("systems").Where("hid", hid.ToLower());
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSystem?>(query);
public Task<IEnumerable<ulong>> GetSystemAccounts(SystemId system)
var query = new Query("accounts").Select("uid").Where("system", system);
return _db.Query<ulong>(query);
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKMember> GetSystemMembers(SystemId system)
var query = new Query("members").Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryStream<PKMember>(query);
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKGroup> GetSystemGroups(SystemId system)
var query = new Query("groups").Where("system", system);
return _db.QueryStream<PKGroup>(query);
public Task<int> GetSystemMemberCount(SystemId system, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
var query = new Query("members").SelectRaw("count(*)").Where("system", system);
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Where("member_visibility", (int)privacyFilter.Value);
return _db.QueryFirst<int>(query);
public Task<int> GetSystemGroupCount(SystemId system, PrivacyLevel? privacyFilter = null)
var query = new Query("groups").SelectRaw("count(*)").Where("system", system);
if (privacyFilter != null)
query.Where("visibility", (int)privacyFilter.Value);
return _db.QueryFirst<int>(query);
public async Task<PKSystem> CreateSystem(string? systemName = null, IPKConnection? conn = null)
var query = new Query("systems").AsInsert(new
hid = new UnsafeLiteral("find_free_system_hid()"),
name = systemName
var system = await _db.QueryFirst<PKSystem>(conn, query, extraSql: "returning *");
_logger.Information("Created {SystemId}", system.Id);
return system;
public Task<PKSystem> UpdateSystem(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id, SystemPatch patch, IPKTransaction? tx = null)
public Task<PKSystem> UpdateSystem(SystemId id, SystemPatch patch, IPKConnection? conn = null)
_logger.Information("Updated {SystemId}: {@SystemPatch}", id, patch);
var (query, pms) = patch.Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder.Update("systems", "id = @id"))
.WithConstant("id", id)
.Build("returning *");
return conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKSystem>(query, pms, transaction: tx);
var query = patch.Apply(new Query("systems").Where("id", id));
return _db.QueryFirst<PKSystem>(conn, query, extraSql: "returning *");
public async Task AddAccount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, ulong accountId)
public Task AddAccount(SystemId system, ulong accountId)
// We have "on conflict do nothing" since linking an account when it's already linked to the same system is idempotent
// This is used in import/export, although the pk;link command checks for this case beforehand
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into accounts (uid, system) values (@Id, @SystemId) on conflict do nothing",
new { Id = accountId, SystemId = system });
var query = new Query("accounts").AsInsert(new
system = system,
uid = accountId,
_logger.Information("Linked account {UserId} to {SystemId}", accountId, system);
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query, extraSql: "on conflict do nothing");
public async Task RemoveAccount(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, ulong accountId)
public async Task RemoveAccount(SystemId system, ulong accountId)
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from accounts where uid = @Id and system = @SystemId",
new { Id = accountId, SystemId = system });
var query = new Query("accounts").AsDelete().Where("uid", accountId).Where("system", system);
await _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
_logger.Information("Unlinked account {UserId} from {SystemId}", accountId, system);
public Task DeleteSystem(IPKConnection conn, SystemId id)
public Task DeleteSystem(SystemId id)
var query = new Query("systems").AsDelete().Where("id", id);
_logger.Information("Deleted {SystemId}", id);
return conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from systems where id = @Id", new { Id = id });
return _db.ExecuteQuery(query);
@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public partial class ModelRepository
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public ModelRepository(ILogger logger)
private readonly IDatabase _db;
public ModelRepository(ILogger logger, IDatabase db)
_logger = logger.ForContext<ModelRepository>();
_db = db;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
internal class QueryPatchWrapper
private Dictionary<string, object> _dict = new();
public QueryPatchWrapper With<T>(string columnName, Partial<T> partialValue)
if (partialValue.IsPresent)
_dict.Add(columnName, partialValue);
return this;
public Query ToQuery(Query q) => q.AsUpdate(_dict);
internal static class SqlKataExtensions
internal static Query ApplyPatch(this Query query, Func<QueryPatchWrapper, QueryPatchWrapper> func)
=> func(new QueryPatchWrapper()).ToQuery(query);
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class AccountPatch: PatchObject
public Partial<bool> AllowAutoproxy { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
.With("allow_autoproxy", AllowAutoproxy);
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("allow_autoproxy", AllowAutoproxy)
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class GroupPatch: PatchObject
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<PrivacyLevel> ListPrivacy { get; set; }
public Partial<PrivacyLevel> Visibility { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("name", Name)
.With("hid", Hid)
.With("display_name", DisplayName)
@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
.With("description_privacy", DescriptionPrivacy)
.With("icon_privacy", IconPrivacy)
.With("list_privacy", ListPrivacy)
.With("visibility", Visibility);
.With("visibility", Visibility)
public new void AssertIsValid()
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class GuildPatch: PatchObject
@ -7,10 +9,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<ulong[]> Blacklist { get; set; }
public Partial<bool> LogCleanupEnabled { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("log_channel", LogChannel)
.With("log_blacklist", LogBlacklist)
.With("blacklist", Blacklist)
.With("log_cleanup_enabled", LogCleanupEnabled);
.With("log_cleanup_enabled", LogCleanupEnabled)
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#nullable enable
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class MemberGuildPatch: PatchObject
@ -6,8 +9,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<string?> DisplayName { get; set; }
public Partial<string?> AvatarUrl { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("display_name", DisplayName)
.With("avatar_url", AvatarUrl);
.With("avatar_url", AvatarUrl)
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ using NodaTime;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class MemberPatch: PatchObject
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<PrivacyLevel> AvatarPrivacy { get; set; }
public Partial<PrivacyLevel> MetadataPrivacy { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("name", Name)
.With("hid", Hid)
.With("display_name", DisplayName)
@ -51,7 +53,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
.With("pronoun_privacy", PronounPrivacy)
.With("birthday_privacy", BirthdayPrivacy)
.With("avatar_privacy", AvatarPrivacy)
.With("metadata_privacy", MetadataPrivacy);
.With("metadata_privacy", MetadataPrivacy)
public new void AssertIsValid()
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public abstract class PatchObject
public abstract UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b);
public abstract Query Apply(Query q);
public void AssertIsValid() { }
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#nullable enable
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class SystemGuildPatch: PatchObject
@ -9,11 +12,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<string?> Tag { get; set; }
public Partial<bool?> TagEnabled { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("proxy_enabled", ProxyEnabled)
.With("autoproxy_mode", AutoproxyMode)
.With("autoproxy_member", AutoproxyMember)
.With("tag", Tag)
.With("tag_enabled", TagEnabled);
.With("tag_enabled", TagEnabled)
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NodaTime;
using SqlKata;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class SystemPatch: PatchObject
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<int?> MemberLimitOverride { get; set; }
public Partial<int?> GroupLimitOverride { get; set; }
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
public override Query Apply(Query q) => q.ApplyPatch(wrapper => wrapper
.With("name", Name)
.With("hid", Hid)
.With("description", Description)
@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
.With("pings_enabled", PingsEnabled)
.With("latch_timeout", LatchTimeout)
.With("member_limit_override", MemberLimitOverride)
.With("group_limit_override", GroupLimitOverride);
.With("group_limit_override", GroupLimitOverride)
public new void AssertIsValid()
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.Console" Version="4.0.0-dev-00834" />
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch" Version="8.4.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.File" Version="4.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="SqlKata" Version="2.3.7" />
<PackageReference Include="SqlKata.Execution" Version="2.3.7" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Interactive.Async" Version="5.0.0" />
@ -50,10 +52,7 @@
<Target Name="SetSourceRevisionId" BeforeTargets="InitializeSourceControlInformation">
Command="git describe --long --always --dirty --exclude=* --abbrev=7 > ../.version"
<Exec Command="git describe --long --always --dirty --exclude=* --abbrev=7 > ../.version" IgnoreExitCode="False">
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
o.Add("avatar_url", system.AvatarUrl);
o.Add("timezone", system.UiTz);
o.Add("created", system.Created.FormatExport());
o.Add("accounts", new JArray((await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(conn, system.Id)).ToList()));
o.Add("members", new JArray((await _repo.GetSystemMembers(conn, system.Id).ToListAsync()).Select(m => m.ToJson(LookupContext.ByOwner))));
o.Add("accounts", new JArray((await _repo.GetSystemAccounts(system.Id)).ToList()));
o.Add("members", new JArray((await _repo.GetSystemMembers(system.Id).ToListAsync()).Select(m => m.ToJson(LookupContext.ByOwner))));
var groups = (await _repo.GetSystemGroups(conn, system.Id).ToListAsync());
var groups = (await _repo.GetSystemGroups(system.Id).ToListAsync());
var j_groups = groups.Select(x => x.ToJson(LookupContext.ByOwner, isExport: true)).ToList();
if (groups.Count > 0)
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
if (system == null)
system = await repo.CreateSystem(conn, null, tx);
await repo.AddAccount(conn, system.Id, userId);
system = await repo.CreateSystem(null, importer._conn);
await repo.AddAccount(system.Id, userId);
importer._result.CreatedSystem = system.Hid;
importer._system = system;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
private async Task AssertMemberLimitNotReached(int newMembers)
var memberLimit = _system.MemberLimitOverride ?? Limits.MaxMemberCount;
var existingMembers = await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(_conn, _system.Id);
var existingMembers = await _repo.GetSystemMemberCount(_system.Id);
if (existingMembers + newMembers > memberLimit)
throw new ImportException($"Import would exceed the maximum number of members ({memberLimit}).");
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
private async Task AssertGroupLimitNotReached(int newGroups)
var limit = _system.GroupLimitOverride ?? Limits.MaxGroupCount;
var existing = await _repo.GetSystemGroupCount(_conn, _system.Id);
var existing = await _repo.GetSystemGroupCount(_system.Id);
if (existing + newGroups > limit)
throw new ImportException($"Import would exceed the maximum number of groups ({limit}).");
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
throw new ImportException($"Field {e.Message} in export file is invalid.");
await _repo.UpdateSystem(_conn, _system.Id, patch, _tx);
await _repo.UpdateSystem(_system.Id, patch, _conn);
var members = importFile.Value<JArray>("members");
var groups = importFile.Value<JArray>("groups");
@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
if (isNewMember)
var newMember = await _repo.CreateMember(_conn, _system.Id, patch.Name.Value, _tx);
var newMember = await _repo.CreateMember(_system.Id, patch.Name.Value, _conn);
memberId = newMember.Id;
_knownMemberIdentifiers[id] = memberId.Value;
await _repo.UpdateMember(_conn, memberId.Value, patch, _tx);
await _repo.UpdateMember(memberId.Value, patch, _conn);
private async Task ImportGroup(JObject group)
@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
if (isNewGroup)
var newGroup = await _repo.CreateGroup(_conn, _system.Id, patch.Name.Value, _tx);
var newGroup = await _repo.CreateGroup(_system.Id, patch.Name.Value, _conn);
groupId = newGroup.Id;
_knownGroupIdentifiers[id] = groupId.Value;
await _repo.UpdateGroup(_conn, groupId.Value, patch, _tx);
await _repo.UpdateGroup(groupId.Value, patch, _conn);
var groupMembers = group.Value<JArray>("members");
var currentGroupMembers = (await _conn.QueryAsync<MemberId>(
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
var isNewMember = false;
if (!_existingMemberNames.TryGetValue(name, out var memberId))
var newMember = await _repo.CreateMember(_conn, _system.Id, name, _tx);
var newMember = await _repo.CreateMember(_system.Id, name, _conn);
memberId = newMember.Id;
isNewMember = true;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
throw new ImportException($"Field {e.Message} in tupper {name} is invalid.");
await _repo.UpdateMember(_conn, memberId, patch, _tx);
await _repo.UpdateMember(memberId, patch, _conn);
return (lastSetTag, multipleTags, hasGroup);
@ -268,6 +268,26 @@
"System.Threading.Timer": "4.0.1"
"SqlKata": {
"type": "Direct",
"requested": "[2.3.7, )",
"resolved": "2.3.7",
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"dependencies": {
"System.Collections.Concurrent": "4.3.0"
"SqlKata.Execution": {
"type": "Direct",
"requested": "[2.3.7, )",
"resolved": "2.3.7",
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"dependencies": {
"Humanizer.Core": "2.8.26",
"SqlKata": "2.3.7",
"dapper": "1.50.5"
"System.Interactive.Async": {
"type": "Direct",
"requested": "[5.0.0, )",
@ -339,6 +359,11 @@
"System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource": "4.5.1"
"Humanizer.Core": {
"type": "Transitive",
"resolved": "2.8.26",
"contentHash": "OiKusGL20vby4uDEswj2IgkdchC1yQ6rwbIkZDVBPIR6al2b7n3pC91elBul9q33KaBgRKhbZH3+2Ur4fnWx2A=="
"Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces": {
"type": "Transitive",
"resolved": "1.0.0",
Reference in New Issue
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