Add front history pagination; upgrade more store methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,10 +70,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.API.Controllers
if (!system.MemberListPrivacy.CanAccess(_auth.ContextFor(system)))
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "Unauthorized to view member list.");
var members = await _data.GetSystemMembers(system);
return Ok(members
var members = _data.GetSystemMembers(system);
return Ok(await members
.Where(m => m.MemberPrivacy.CanAccess(_auth.ContextFor(system)))
.Select(m => m.ToJson(_auth.ContextFor(system))));
.Select(m => m.ToJson(_auth.ContextFor(system)))
@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
var randGen = new System.Random();
//Maybe move this somewhere else in the file structure since it doesn't need to get created at every command
var members = (await _data.GetSystemMembers(ctx.System)).Where(m => m.MemberPrivacy == PrivacyLevel.Public).ToList();
// TODO: don't buffer these, find something else to do ig
var members = await _data.GetSystemMembers(ctx.System).Where(m => m.MemberPrivacy == PrivacyLevel.Public).ToListAsync();
if (members == null || !members.Any())
throw Errors.NoMembersError;
var randInt = randGen.Next(members.Count);
@ -154,16 +154,22 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
var authCtx = ctx.LookupContextFor(system);
var shouldShowPrivate = authCtx == LookupContext.ByOwner && ctx.Match("all", "everyone", "private");
var members = (await _data.GetSystemMembers(system)).ToList();
var embedTitle = system.Name != null ? $"Members of {system.Name.SanitizeMentions()} (`{system.Hid}`)" : $"Members of `{system.Hid}`";
var membersToDisplay = members
var memberCountPublic = _data.GetSystemMemberCount(system, false);
var memberCountAll = _data.GetSystemMemberCount(system, true);
await Task.WhenAll(memberCountPublic, memberCountAll);
var memberCountDisplayed = shouldShowPrivate ? memberCountAll.Result : memberCountPublic.Result;
var members = _data.GetSystemMembers(system)
.Where(m => m.MemberPrivacy == PrivacyLevel.Public || shouldShowPrivate)
.OrderBy(m => m.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();
var anyMembersHidden = members.Any(m => m.MemberPrivacy == PrivacyLevel.Private && !shouldShowPrivate);
.OrderBy(m => m.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
var anyMembersHidden = !shouldShowPrivate && memberCountPublic.Result != memberCountAll.Result;
await ctx.Paginate(
(eb, ms) =>
@ -176,10 +182,12 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
return $"[`{m.Hid}`] **{m.Name.SanitizeMentions()}**";
var footer = $"{membersToDisplay.Count} total.";
var footer = $"{memberCountDisplayed} total.";
if (anyMembersHidden && authCtx == LookupContext.ByOwner)
footer += "Private members have been hidden. type \"pk;system list all\" to include them.";
return Task.CompletedTask;
@ -189,17 +197,23 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
var authCtx = ctx.LookupContextFor(system);
var shouldShowPrivate = authCtx == LookupContext.ByOwner && ctx.Match("all", "everyone", "private");
var members = (await _data.GetSystemMembers(system)).ToList();
var embedTitle = system.Name != null ? $"Members of {system.Name} (`{system.Hid}`)" : $"Members of `{system.Hid}`";
var membersToDisplay = members
var embedTitle = system.Name != null ? $"Members of {system.Name} (`{system.Hid}`)" : $"Members of `{system.Hid}`";
var memberCountPublic = _data.GetSystemMemberCount(system, false);
var memberCountAll = _data.GetSystemMemberCount(system, true);
await Task.WhenAll(memberCountPublic, memberCountAll);
var memberCountDisplayed = shouldShowPrivate ? memberCountAll.Result : memberCountPublic.Result;
var members = _data.GetSystemMembers(system)
.Where(m => m.MemberPrivacy == PrivacyLevel.Public || shouldShowPrivate)
.OrderBy(m => m.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();
var anyMembersHidden = members.Any(m => m.MemberPrivacy == PrivacyLevel.Private && !shouldShowPrivate);
.OrderBy(m => m.Name, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
var anyMembersHidden = !shouldShowPrivate && memberCountPublic.Result != memberCountAll.Result;
await ctx.Paginate(
(eb, ms) => {
@ -215,10 +229,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
eb.AddField(m.Name, profile.Truncate(1024));
var footer = $"{membersToDisplay.Count} total.";
var footer = $"{memberCountDisplayed} total.";
if (anyMembersHidden && authCtx == LookupContext.ByOwner)
footer += " Private members have been hidden. type \"pk;system list full all\" to include them.";
return Task.CompletedTask;
@ -233,19 +248,72 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
await ctx.Reply(embed: await _embeds.CreateFronterEmbed(sw, system.Zone));
struct FrontHistoryEntry
public Instant? LastTime;
public PKSwitch ThisSwitch;
public FrontHistoryEntry(Instant? lastTime, PKSwitch thisSwitch)
LastTime = lastTime;
ThisSwitch = thisSwitch;
public async Task SystemFrontHistory(Context ctx, PKSystem system)
if (system == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
ctx.CheckSystemPrivacy(system, system.FrontHistoryPrivacy);
var sws = _data.GetSwitches(system).Take(10);
var embed = await _embeds.CreateFrontHistoryEmbed(sws, system.Zone);
var sws = _data.GetSwitches(system)
.Scan(new FrontHistoryEntry(null, null), (lastEntry, newSwitch) => new FrontHistoryEntry(lastEntry.ThisSwitch?.Timestamp, newSwitch));
var totalSwitches = await _data.GetSwitchCount(system);
if (totalSwitches == 0) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
// Moving the count check to the CreateFrontHistoryEmbed function to avoid a double-iteration
// If embed == null, then there's no switches, so error
if (embed == null) throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;
await ctx.Reply(embed: embed);
var embedTitle = system.Name != null ? $"Front history of {system.Name} (`{system.Hid}`)" : $"Front history of `{system.Hid}`";
await ctx.Paginate(
async (builder, switches) =>
var outputStr = "";
foreach (var entry in switches)
var lastSw = entry.LastTime;
var sw = entry.ThisSwitch;
// Fetch member list and format
var members = await _data.GetSwitchMembers(sw).ToListAsync();
var membersStr = members.Any() ? string.Join(", ", members.Select(m => m.Name)) : "no fronter";
var switchSince = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - sw.Timestamp;
// If this isn't the latest switch, we also show duration
string stringToAdd;
if (lastSw != null)
// Calculate the time between the last switch (that we iterated - ie. the next one on the timeline) and the current one
var switchDuration = lastSw.Value - sw.Timestamp;
stringToAdd =
$"**{membersStr}** ({Formats.ZonedDateTimeFormat.Format(sw.Timestamp.InZone(system.Zone))}, {Formats.DurationFormat.Format(switchSince)} ago, for {Formats.DurationFormat.Format(switchDuration)})\n";
stringToAdd =
$"**{membersStr}** ({Formats.ZonedDateTimeFormat.Format(sw.Timestamp.InZone(system.Zone))}, {Formats.DurationFormat.Format(switchSince)} ago)\n";
if (outputStr.Length + stringToAdd.Length > EmbedBuilder.MaxDescriptionLength) break;
outputStr += stringToAdd;
builder.Description = outputStr;
public async Task SystemFrontPercent(Context ctx, PKSystem system)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using Discord.Net;
using Discord.WebSocket;
@ -62,22 +61,30 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
return string.Equals(msg.Content, expectedReply, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
public static async Task Paginate<T>(this Context ctx, ICollection<T> items, int itemsPerPage, string title, Action<EmbedBuilder, IEnumerable<T>> renderer) {
public static async Task Paginate<T>(this Context ctx, IAsyncEnumerable<T> items, int totalCount, int itemsPerPage, string title, Func<EmbedBuilder, IEnumerable<T>, Task> renderer) {
// TODO: make this generic enough we can use it in Choose<T> below
var buffer = new List<T>();
await using var enumerator = items.GetAsyncEnumerator();
var pageCount = (items.Count / itemsPerPage) + 1;
Embed MakeEmbedForPage(int page) {
var pageCount = (totalCount / itemsPerPage) + 1;
async Task<Embed> MakeEmbedForPage(int page)
var bufferedItemsNeeded = (page + 1) * itemsPerPage;
while (buffer.Count < bufferedItemsNeeded && await enumerator.MoveNextAsync())
var eb = new EmbedBuilder();
eb.Title = pageCount > 1 ? $"[{page+1}/{pageCount}] {title}" : title;
renderer(eb, items.Skip(page*itemsPerPage).Take(itemsPerPage));
await renderer(eb, buffer.Skip(page*itemsPerPage).Take(itemsPerPage));
return eb.Build();
var msg = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: MakeEmbedForPage(0));
var msg = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: await MakeEmbedForPage(0));
if (pageCount == 1) return; // If we only have one page, don't bother with the reaction/pagination logic, lol
var botEmojis = new[] { new Emoji("\u23EA"), new Emoji("\u2B05"), new Emoji("\u27A1"), new Emoji("\u23E9"), new Emoji(Emojis.Error) };
IEmote[] botEmojis = { new Emoji("\u23EA"), new Emoji("\u2B05"), new Emoji("\u27A1"), new Emoji("\u23E9"), new Emoji(Emojis.Error) };
await msg.AddReactionsAsync(botEmojis);
try {
@ -99,13 +106,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
if (await ctx.HasPermission(ChannelPermission.ManageMessages) && reaction.User.IsSpecified) await msg.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value);
// Edit the embed with the new page
await msg.ModifyAsync((mp) => mp.Embed = MakeEmbedForPage(currentPage));
var embed = await MakeEmbedForPage(currentPage);
await msg.ModifyAsync((mp) => mp.Embed = embed);
} catch (TimeoutException) {
// "escape hatch", clean up as if we hit X
if (await ctx.HasPermission(ChannelPermission.ManageMessages)) await msg.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();
else await msg.RemoveReactionsAsync(ctx.Shard.CurrentUser, botEmojis);
@ -124,47 +124,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
public async Task<Embed> CreateFrontHistoryEmbed(IAsyncEnumerable<PKSwitch> sws, DateTimeZone zone)
var outputStr = "";
PKSwitch lastSw = null;
await foreach (var sw in sws)
// Fetch member list and format
var members = await _data.GetSwitchMembers(sw).ToListAsync();
var membersStr = members.Any() ? string.Join(", ", members.Select(m => m.Name)) : "no fronter";
var switchSince = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - sw.Timestamp;
// If this isn't the latest switch, we also show duration
string stringToAdd;
if (lastSw != null)
// Calculate the time between the last switch (that we iterated - ie. the next one on the timeline) and the current one
var switchDuration = lastSw.Timestamp - sw.Timestamp;
stringToAdd = $"**{membersStr}** ({Formats.ZonedDateTimeFormat.Format(sw.Timestamp.InZone(zone))}, {Formats.DurationFormat.Format(switchSince)} ago, for {Formats.DurationFormat.Format(switchDuration)})\n";
stringToAdd = $"**{membersStr}** ({Formats.ZonedDateTimeFormat.Format(sw.Timestamp.InZone(zone))}, {Formats.DurationFormat.Format(switchSince)} ago)\n";
if (outputStr.Length + stringToAdd.Length > EmbedBuilder.MaxDescriptionLength) break;
outputStr += stringToAdd;
lastSw = sw;
if (lastSw == null)
return null;
return new EmbedBuilder()
.WithTitle("Past switches")
public async Task<Embed> CreateMessageInfoEmbed(FullMessage msg)
var channel = await _client.GetChannelAsync(msg.Message.Channel) as ITextChannel;
@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Export members
var members = new List<DataFileMember>();
var pkMembers = await _data.GetSystemMembers(system); // Read all members in the system
var pkMembers = _data.GetSystemMembers(system); // Read all members in the system
var messageCounts = await _data.GetMemberMessageCountBulk(system); // Count messages proxied by all members in the system
members.AddRange(pkMembers.Select(m => new DataFileMember
await foreach (var member in pkMembers.Select(m => new DataFileMember
Id = m.Hid,
Name = m.Name,
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
KeepProxy = m.KeepProxy,
Created = Formats.TimestampExportFormat.Format(m.Created),
MessageCount = messageCounts.Where(x => x.Member == m.Id).Select(x => x.MessageCount).FirstOrDefault()
})) members.Add(member);
// Export switches
var switches = new List<DataFileSwitch>();
@ -96,18 +97,25 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
await _data.AddAccount(system, accountId);
// Determine which members already exist and which ones need to be created
var existingMembers = await _data.GetSystemMembers(system);
var membersByHid = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
var membersByName = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
await foreach (var member in _data.GetSystemMembers(system))
membersByHid[member.Hid] = member;
membersByName[member.Name] = member;
foreach (var d in data.Members)
// Try to look up the member with the given ID
var match = existingMembers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Hid.Equals(d.Id));
if (match == null)
match = existingMembers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(d.Name)); // Try with the name instead
PKMember match = null;
if (membersByHid.TryGetValue(d.Id, out var matchByHid)) match = matchByHid; // Try to look up the member with the given ID
else if (membersByName.TryGetValue(d.Id, out var matchByName)) match = matchByName; // Try with the name instead
if (match != null)
dataFileToMemberMapping.Add(d.Id, match); // Relate the data file ID to the PKMember for importing switches
unmappedMembers.Add(d); // Track members that weren't found so we can create them all
@ -117,7 +125,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// If creating the unmatched members would put us over the member limit, abort before creating any members
// new total: # in the system + (# in the file - # in the file that already exist)
if (data.Members.Count - dataFileToMemberMapping.Count + existingMembers.Count() > Limits.MaxMemberCount)
if (data.Members.Count - dataFileToMemberMapping.Count + membersByHid.Count > Limits.MaxMemberCount)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = $"Import would exceed the maximum number of members ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}).";
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
/// Gets all members inside a given system.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An enumerable of <see cref="PKMember"/> structs representing each member in the system, in no particular order.</returns>
Task<IEnumerable<PKMember>> GetSystemMembers(PKSystem system);
IAsyncEnumerable<PKMember> GetSystemMembers(PKSystem system, bool orderByName = false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the amount of messages proxied by a given member.
/// </summary>
@ -292,6 +292,12 @@ namespace PluralKit {
/// <returns>An enumerable of the *count* latest switches in the system, in latest-first order. May contain fewer elements than requested.</returns>
IAsyncEnumerable<PKSwitch> GetSwitches(PKSystem system);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the total amount of switches in a given system.
/// </summary>
Task<int> GetSwitchCount(PKSystem system);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the latest (temporally; closest to now) switch of a given system.
/// </summary>
@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
/// </summary>
Task SaveGuildConfig(GuildConfig cfg);
Task<AuxillaryProxyInformation> GetAuxillaryProxyInformation(ulong guild, PKSystem system, PKMember member);
Task<AuxillaryProxyInformation> GetAuxillaryProxyInformation(ulong guild, PKSystem system, PKMember member);
public class PostgresDataStore: IDataStore {
@ -585,9 +591,11 @@ namespace PluralKit {
return await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where lower(name) = lower(@Name) and system = @SystemID", new { Name = name, SystemID = system.Id });
public async Task<IEnumerable<PKMember>> GetSystemMembers(PKSystem system) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.QueryAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where system = @SystemID", new { SystemID = system.Id });
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKMember> GetSystemMembers(PKSystem system, bool orderByName)
var sql = "select * from members where system = @SystemID";
if (orderByName) sql += " order by lower(name) asc";
return _conn.QueryStreamAsync<PKMember>(sql, new { SystemID = system.Id });
public async Task SaveMember(PKMember member) {
@ -867,24 +875,30 @@ namespace PluralKit {
new {System = system.Id});
public async Task<IEnumerable<SwitchMembersListEntry>> GetSwitchMembersList(PKSystem system, Instant start, Instant end)
public async Task<int> GetSwitchCount(PKSystem system)
using var conn = await _conn.Obtain();
return await conn.QuerySingleAsync<int>("select count(*) from switches where system = @Id", system);
public async IAsyncEnumerable<SwitchMembersListEntry> GetSwitchMembersList(PKSystem system, Instant start, Instant end)
// Wrap multiple commands in a single transaction for performance
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
// Find the time of the last switch outside the range as it overlaps the range
// If no prior switch exists, the lower bound of the range remains the start time
var lastSwitch = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<Instant>(
@"SELECT COALESCE(MAX(timestamp), @Start)
using var conn = await _conn.Obtain();
using var tx = conn.BeginTransaction();
// Find the time of the last switch outside the range as it overlaps the range
// If no prior switch exists, the lower bound of the range remains the start time
var lastSwitch = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<Instant>(
@"SELECT COALESCE(MAX(timestamp), @Start)
FROM switches
WHERE switches.system = @System
AND switches.timestamp < @Start",
new { System = system.Id, Start = start });
new { System = system.Id, Start = start });
// Then collect the time and members of all switches that overlap the range
var switchMembersEntries = await conn.QueryAsync<SwitchMembersListEntry>(
@"SELECT switch_members.member, switches.timestamp
// Then collect the time and members of all switches that overlap the range
var switchMembersEntries = conn.QueryStreamAsync<SwitchMembersListEntry>(
@"SELECT switch_members.member, switches.timestamp
FROM switches
LEFT JOIN switch_members
ON = switch_members.switch
@ -895,12 +909,13 @@ namespace PluralKit {
AND switches.timestamp < @End
ORDER BY switches.timestamp DESC",
new { System = system.Id, Start = start, End = end, LastSwitch = lastSwitch });
new { System = system.Id, Start = start, End = end, LastSwitch = lastSwitch });
// Commit and return the list
return switchMembersEntries;
// Yield each value here
await foreach (var entry in switchMembersEntries)
yield return entry;
// Don't really need to worry about the transaction here, we're not doing any *writes*
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKMember> GetSwitchMembers(PKSwitch sw)
@ -938,8 +953,10 @@ namespace PluralKit {
public async Task<IEnumerable<SwitchListEntry>> GetPeriodFronters(PKSystem system, Instant periodStart, Instant periodEnd)
// TODO: IAsyncEnumerable-ify this one
// Returns the timestamps and member IDs of switches overlapping the range, in chronological (newest first) order
var switchMembers = await GetSwitchMembersList(system, periodStart, periodEnd);
var switchMembers = await GetSwitchMembersList(system, periodStart, periodEnd).ToListAsync();
// query DB for all members involved in any of the switches above and collect into a dictionary for future use
// this makes sure the return list has the same instances of PKMember throughout, which is important for the dictionary
@ -950,7 +967,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
memberObjects = (
await conn.QueryAsync<PKMember>(
"select * from members where id = any(@Switches)", // lol postgres specific `= any()` syntax
new { Switches = switchMembers.Select(m => m.Member).Distinct().ToList() })
new { Switches = switchMembers.Select(m => m.Member).Distinct() })
).ToDictionary(m => m.Id);
@ -676,7 +676,15 @@ namespace PluralKit
using var conn = await connFactory.Obtain();
var reader = await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync(sql, param);
await using var reader = (DbDataReader) await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync(sql, param);
var parser = reader.GetRowParser<T>();
while (reader.Read())
yield return parser(reader);
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryStreamAsync<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string sql, object param)
await using var reader = (DbDataReader) await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync(sql, param);
var parser = reader.GetRowParser<T>();
while (reader.Read())
yield return parser(reader);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user