Finally retire the PKMember setters!
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,60 +85,64 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return o;
public static void ApplyJson(this PKMember member, JObject o)
public static MemberPatch ToMemberPatch(JObject o)
var patch = new MemberPatch();
if (o.ContainsKey("name") && o["name"].Type == JTokenType.Null)
throw new JsonModelParseError("Member name can not be set to null.");
if (o.ContainsKey("name")) member.Name = o.Value<string>("name").BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxMemberNameLength, "Member name");
if (o.ContainsKey("color")) member.Color = o.Value<string>("color").NullIfEmpty()?.ToLower();
if (o.ContainsKey("display_name")) member.DisplayName = o.Value<string>("display_name").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxMemberNameLength, "Member display name");
if (o.ContainsKey("avatar_url")) member.AvatarUrl = o.Value<string>("avatar_url").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxUriLength, "Member avatar URL");
if (o.ContainsKey("name")) patch.Name = o.Value<string>("name").BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxMemberNameLength, "Member name");
if (o.ContainsKey("color")) patch.Color = o.Value<string>("color").NullIfEmpty()?.ToLower();
if (o.ContainsKey("display_name")) patch.DisplayName = o.Value<string>("display_name").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxMemberNameLength, "Member display name");
if (o.ContainsKey("avatar_url")) patch.AvatarUrl = o.Value<string>("avatar_url").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxUriLength, "Member avatar URL");
if (o.ContainsKey("birthday"))
var str = o.Value<string>("birthday").NullIfEmpty();
var res = DateTimeFormats.DateExportFormat.Parse(str);
if (res.Success) member.Birthday = res.Value;
else if (str == null) member.Birthday = null;
if (res.Success) patch.Birthday = res.Value;
else if (str == null) patch.Birthday = null;
else throw new JsonModelParseError("Could not parse member birthday.");
if (o.ContainsKey("pronouns")) member.Pronouns = o.Value<string>("pronouns").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxPronounsLength, "Member pronouns");
if (o.ContainsKey("description")) member.Description = o.Value<string>("description").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxDescriptionLength, "Member descriptoin");
if (o.ContainsKey("keep_proxy")) member.KeepProxy = o.Value<bool>("keep_proxy");
if (o.ContainsKey("pronouns")) patch.Pronouns = o.Value<string>("pronouns").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxPronounsLength, "Member pronouns");
if (o.ContainsKey("description")) patch.Description = o.Value<string>("description").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxDescriptionLength, "Member descriptoin");
if (o.ContainsKey("keep_proxy")) patch.KeepProxy = o.Value<bool>("keep_proxy");
if (o.ContainsKey("prefix") || o.ContainsKey("suffix") && !o.ContainsKey("proxy_tags"))
member.ProxyTags = new[] {new ProxyTag(o.Value<string>("prefix"), o.Value<string>("suffix"))};
patch.ProxyTags = new[] {new ProxyTag(o.Value<string>("prefix"), o.Value<string>("suffix"))};
else if (o.ContainsKey("proxy_tags"))
member.ProxyTags = o.Value<JArray>("proxy_tags")
patch.ProxyTags = o.Value<JArray>("proxy_tags")
.OfType<JObject>().Select(o => new ProxyTag(o.Value<string>("prefix"), o.Value<string>("suffix")))
if(o.ContainsKey("privacy")) //TODO: Deprecate this completely in api v2
var plevel = o.Value<string>("privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
member.MemberVisibility = plevel;
member.NamePrivacy = plevel;
member.AvatarPrivacy = plevel;
member.DescriptionPrivacy = plevel;
member.BirthdayPrivacy = plevel;
member.PronounPrivacy = plevel;
patch.Visibility = plevel;
patch.NamePrivacy = plevel;
patch.AvatarPrivacy = plevel;
patch.DescriptionPrivacy = plevel;
patch.BirthdayPrivacy = plevel;
patch.PronounPrivacy = plevel;
// member.ColorPrivacy = plevel;
member.MetadataPrivacy = plevel;
patch.MetadataPrivacy = plevel;
if (o.ContainsKey("visibility")) member.MemberVisibility = o.Value<string>("visibility").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("name_privacy")) member.NamePrivacy = o.Value<string>("name_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("description_privacy")) member.DescriptionPrivacy = o.Value<string>("description_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("avatar_privacy")) member.AvatarPrivacy = o.Value<string>("avatar_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("birthday_privacy")) member.BirthdayPrivacy = o.Value<string>("birthday_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("pronoun_privacy")) member.PronounPrivacy = o.Value<string>("pronoun_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("visibility")) patch.Visibility = o.Value<string>("visibility").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("name_privacy")) patch.NamePrivacy = o.Value<string>("name_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("description_privacy")) patch.DescriptionPrivacy = o.Value<string>("description_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("avatar_privacy")) patch.AvatarPrivacy = o.Value<string>("avatar_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("birthday_privacy")) patch.BirthdayPrivacy = o.Value<string>("birthday_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("pronoun_privacy")) patch.PronounPrivacy = o.Value<string>("pronoun_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
// if (o.ContainsKey("color_privacy")) member.ColorPrivacy = o.Value<string>("color_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("metadata_privacy")) member.MetadataPrivacy = o.Value<string>("metadata_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
if (o.ContainsKey("metadata_privacy")) patch.MetadataPrivacy = o.Value<string>("metadata_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member");
return patch;
private static string BoundsCheckField(this string input, int maxLength, string nameInError)
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
public class MemberController: ControllerBase
private IDataStore _data;
private IDatabase _db;
private IAuthorizationService _auth;
public MemberController(IDataStore data, IAuthorizationService auth)
public MemberController(IDataStore data, IAuthorizationService auth, IDatabase db)
_data = data;
_auth = auth;
_db = db;
@ -48,18 +50,18 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
return BadRequest($"Member limit reached ({memberCount} / {Limits.MaxMemberCount}).");
var member = await _data.CreateMember(system, properties.Value<string>("name"));
MemberPatch patch;
patch = JsonModelExt.ToMemberPatch(properties);
catch (JsonModelParseError e)
return BadRequest(e.Message);
// TODO: retire SaveMember
await _data.SaveMember(member);
return Ok(member.ToJson(User.ContextFor(member)));
var newMember = await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateMember(member.Id, patch));
return Ok(member.ToJson(User.ContextFor(newMember)));
@ -72,18 +74,18 @@ namespace PluralKit.API
var res = await _auth.AuthorizeAsync(User, member, "EditMember");
if (!res.Succeeded) return Unauthorized($"Member '{hid}' is not part of your system.");
MemberPatch patch;
patch = JsonModelExt.ToMemberPatch(changes);
catch (JsonModelParseError e)
return BadRequest(e.Message);
// TODO: retire SaveMember
await _data.SaveMember(member);
return Ok(member.ToJson(User.ContextFor(member)));
var newMember = await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateMember(member.Id, patch));
return Ok(member.ToJson(User.ContextFor(newMember)));
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var description = ctx.RemainderOrNull().NormalizeLineEndSpacing();
if (description.IsLongerThan(Limits.MaxDescriptionLength))
throw Errors.DescriptionTooLongError(description.Length);
target.Description = description;
var patch = new MemberPatch {Description = Partial<string>.Present(description)};
await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch));
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member description changed.");
@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
throw Errors.GenericCancelled();
target.ProxyTags = new ProxyTag[] { };
var patch = new MemberPatch {ProxyTags = Partial<ProxyTag[]>.Present(new ProxyTag[0])};
await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateMember(target.Id, patch));
@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
public class PKMember
public MemberId Id { get; }
public string Hid { get; set; }
public SystemId System { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public string AvatarUrl { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public LocalDate? Birthday { get; set; }
public string Pronouns { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<ProxyTag> ProxyTags { get; set; }
public bool KeepProxy { get; set; }
public Instant Created { get; set; }
public int MessageCount { get; set; }
public string Hid { get; }
public SystemId System { get; }
public string Color { get; }
public string AvatarUrl { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public string DisplayName { get; }
public LocalDate? Birthday { get; }
public string Pronouns { get; }
public string Description { get; }
public ICollection<ProxyTag> ProxyTags { get; }
public bool KeepProxy { get; }
public Instant Created { get; }
public int MessageCount { get; }
public PrivacyLevel MemberVisibility { get; set; }
public PrivacyLevel DescriptionPrivacy { get; set; }
public PrivacyLevel AvatarPrivacy { get; set; }
public PrivacyLevel NamePrivacy { get; set; } //ignore setting if no display name is set
public PrivacyLevel BirthdayPrivacy { get; set; }
public PrivacyLevel PronounPrivacy { get; set; }
public PrivacyLevel MetadataPrivacy { get; set; }
public PrivacyLevel MemberVisibility { get; }
public PrivacyLevel DescriptionPrivacy { get; }
public PrivacyLevel AvatarPrivacy { get; }
public PrivacyLevel NamePrivacy { get; } //ignore setting if no display name is set
public PrivacyLevel BirthdayPrivacy { get; }
public PrivacyLevel PronounPrivacy { get; }
public PrivacyLevel MetadataPrivacy { get; }
// public PrivacyLevel ColorPrivacy { get; set; }
/// Returns a formatted string representing the member's birthday, taking into account that a year of "0001" or "0004" is hidden
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public Partial<string> Name { get; set; }
public Partial<string?> DisplayName { get; set; }
public Partial<string?> AvatarUrl { get; set; }
public Partial<string?> Color { get; set; }
public Partial<LocalDate?> Birthday { get; set; }
public Partial<string?> Pronouns { get; set; }
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public override UpdateQueryBuilder Apply(UpdateQueryBuilder b) => b
.With("name", Name)
.With("display_name", DisplayName)
.With("avatar_url", AvatarUrl)
.With("color", Color)
.With("birthday", Birthday)
.With("pronouns", Pronouns)
@ -72,12 +72,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
private PKMember ConvertMember(PKSystem system, DataFileMember fileMember)
private MemberPatch ToMemberPatch(DataFileMember fileMember)
var newMember = new PKMember
var newMember = new MemberPatch
Hid = fileMember.Id,
System = system.Id,
Name = fileMember.Name,
DisplayName = fileMember.DisplayName,
Description = fileMember.Description,
@ -88,10 +86,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
if (fileMember.Prefix != null || fileMember.Suffix != null)
newMember.ProxyTags = new List<ProxyTag> {new ProxyTag(fileMember.Prefix, fileMember.Suffix)};
newMember.ProxyTags = new[] {new ProxyTag(fileMember.Prefix, fileMember.Suffix)};
// Ignore proxy tags where both prefix and suffix are set to null (would be invalid anyway)
newMember.ProxyTags = (fileMember.ProxyTags ?? new ProxyTag[] { }).Where(tag => !tag.IsEmpty).ToList();
newMember.ProxyTags = (fileMember.ProxyTags ?? new ProxyTag[] { }).Where(tag => !tag.IsEmpty).ToArray();
if (fileMember.Birthday != null)
@ -149,7 +147,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
"Importing member with identifier {FileId} to system {System} (is creating new member? {IsCreatingNewMember})",
fileMember.Id, system.Id, isCreatingNewMember);
var newMember = await imp.AddMember(fileMember.Id, ConvertMember(system, fileMember));
var newMember = await imp.AddMember(fileMember.Id, fileMember.Id, fileMember.Name, ToMemberPatch(fileMember));
if (isCreatingNewMember)
@ -60,43 +60,45 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>If an existing member exists in this system that matches this member in either HID or name, it'll overlay the member information on top of this instead.</remarks>
/// <param name="identifier">An opaque identifier string that refers to this member regardless of source. Is used when importing switches. Value is irrelevant, but should be consistent with the same member later.</param>
/// <param name="member">A member struct containing the data to apply to this member. Null fields will be ignored.</param>
/// <param name="potentialHid">When trying to match the member to an existing member, will use a member with this HID if present in system.</param>
/// <param name="potentialName">When trying to match the member to an existing member, will use a member with this name if present in system.</param>
/// <param name="patch">A member patch struct containing the data to apply to this member </param>
/// <returns>The inserted member object, which may or may not share an ID or HID with the input member.</returns>
public async Task<PKMember> AddMember(string identifier, PKMember member)
public async Task<PKMember> AddMember(string identifier, string potentialHid, string potentialName, MemberPatch patch)
// See if we can find a member that matches this one
// if not, roll a new hid and we'll insert one with that
// (we can't trust the hid given in the member, it might let us overwrite another system's members)
var existingMember = FindExistingMemberInSystem(member.Hid, member.Name);
var existingMember = FindExistingMemberInSystem(potentialHid, potentialName);
string newHid = existingMember?.Hid ?? await _conn.QuerySingleAsync<string>("find_free_member_hid", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
// Upsert member data and return the ID
QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder.Upsert("members", "hid")
.Constant("hid", "@Hid")
.Constant("system", "@System")
.Variable("name", "@Name")
.Variable("keep_proxy", "@KeepProxy");
.Constant("system", "@System");
if (member.DisplayName != null) qb.Variable("display_name", "@DisplayName");
if (member.Description != null) qb.Variable("description", "@Description");
if (member.Color != null) qb.Variable("color", "@Color");
if (member.AvatarUrl != null) qb.Variable("avatar_url", "@AvatarUrl");
if (member.ProxyTags != null) qb.Variable("proxy_tags", "@ProxyTags");
if (member.Birthday != null) qb.Variable("birthday", "@Birthday");
if (patch.Name.IsPresent) qb.Variable("name", "@Name");
if (patch.DisplayName.IsPresent) qb.Variable("display_name", "@DisplayName");
if (patch.Description.IsPresent) qb.Variable("description", "@Description");
if (patch.Color.IsPresent) qb.Variable("color", "@Color");
if (patch.AvatarUrl.IsPresent) qb.Variable("avatar_url", "@AvatarUrl");
if (patch.ProxyTags.IsPresent) qb.Variable("proxy_tags", "@ProxyTags");
if (patch.Birthday.IsPresent) qb.Variable("birthday", "@Birthday");
if (patch.KeepProxy.IsPresent) qb.Variable("keep_proxy", "@KeepProxy");
var newMember = await _conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKMember>(qb.Build("returning *"),
Hid = newHid,
System = _systemId,
Name = patch.Name.Value,
DisplayName = patch.DisplayName.Value,
Description = patch.Description.Value,
Color = patch.Color.Value,
AvatarUrl = patch.AvatarUrl.Value,
KeepProxy = patch.KeepProxy.Value,
ProxyTags = patch.ProxyTags.Value,
Birthday = patch.Birthday.Value
// Log this member ID by the given identifier
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() => ToArray().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => ToArray().GetEnumerator();
public static implicit operator Partial<T>(T val) => Present(val);
public class PartialConverter: JsonConverter
Reference in New Issue
Block a user