FROM AS build WORKDIR /app # Restore/fetch dependencies excluding app code to make use of caching COPY PluralKit.sln /app/ COPY Myriad/Myriad.csproj /app/Myriad/ COPY PluralKit.API/PluralKit.API.csproj /app/PluralKit.API/ COPY PluralKit.Bot/PluralKit.Bot.csproj /app/PluralKit.Bot/ COPY PluralKit.Core/PluralKit.Core.csproj /app/PluralKit.Core/ COPY PluralKit.Tests/PluralKit.Tests.csproj /app/PluralKit.Tests/ COPY .git/ /app/.git COPY proto/ /app/proto RUN dotnet restore PluralKit.sln # Copy the rest of the code and build COPY . /app RUN dotnet build -c Release -o bin # Build runtime stage (doesn't include SDK) FROM LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source = "" WORKDIR /app COPY --from=build /app ./ # Allow overriding CMD from eg. docker-compose to run API layer too ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet"] CMD ["bin/PluralKit.Bot.dll"]