using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using App.Metrics; using Autofac; using DSharpPlus; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using DSharpPlus.EventArgs; using PluralKit.Core; using Sentry; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public class MessageCreated: IEventHandler { private readonly CommandTree _tree; private readonly DiscordShardedClient _client; private readonly LastMessageCacheService _lastMessageCache; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly LoggerCleanService _loggerClean; private readonly IMetrics _metrics; private readonly ProxyService _proxy; private readonly ProxyCache _proxyCache; private readonly Scope _sentryScope; private readonly ILifetimeScope _services; public MessageCreated(LastMessageCacheService lastMessageCache, ILogger logger, LoggerCleanService loggerClean, IMetrics metrics, ProxyService proxy, ProxyCache proxyCache, Scope sentryScope, DiscordShardedClient client, CommandTree tree, ILifetimeScope services) { _lastMessageCache = lastMessageCache; _logger = logger; _loggerClean = loggerClean; _metrics = metrics; _proxy = proxy; _proxyCache = proxyCache; _sentryScope = sentryScope; _client = client; _tree = tree; _services = services; } public DiscordChannel ErrorChannelFor(MessageCreateEventArgs evt) => evt.Channel; public async Task Handle(MessageCreateEventArgs evt) { RegisterMessageMetrics(evt); // Ignore system messages (member joined, message pinned, etc) var msg = evt.Message; if (msg.MessageType != MessageType.Default) return; var cachedGuild = await _proxyCache.GetGuildDataCached(msg.Channel.GuildId); var cachedAccount = await _proxyCache.GetAccountDataCached(msg.Author.Id); // this ^ may be null, do remember that down the line // Pass guild bot/WH messages onto the logger cleanup service if (msg.Author.IsBot && msg.Channel.Type == ChannelType.Text) { await _loggerClean.HandleLoggerBotCleanup(msg, cachedGuild); return; } // First try parsing a command, then try proxying if (await TryHandleCommand(evt, cachedGuild, cachedAccount)) return; await TryHandleProxy(evt, cachedGuild, cachedAccount); } private async Task TryHandleCommand(MessageCreateEventArgs evt, GuildConfig cachedGuild, CachedAccount cachedAccount) { var msg = evt.Message; int argPos = -1; // Check if message starts with the command prefix if (msg.Content.StartsWith("pk;", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) argPos = 3; else if (msg.Content.StartsWith("pk!", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) argPos = 3; else if (msg.Content != null && StringUtils.HasMentionPrefix(msg.Content, ref argPos, out var id)) // Set argPos to the proper value if (id != _client.CurrentUser.Id) // But undo it if it's someone else's ping argPos = -1; // If we didn't find a prefix, give up handling commands if (argPos == -1) return false; // Trim leading whitespace from command without actually modifying the wring // This just moves the argPos pointer by however much whitespace is at the start of the post-argPos string var trimStartLengthDiff = msg.Content.Substring(argPos).Length - msg.Content.Substring(argPos).TrimStart().Length; argPos += trimStartLengthDiff; try { await _tree.ExecuteCommand(new Context(_services, evt.Client, msg, argPos, cachedAccount?.System)); } catch (PKError) { // Only permission errors will ever bubble this far and be caught here instead of Context.Execute // so we just catch and ignore these. TODO: this may need to change. } return true; } private async Task TryHandleProxy(MessageCreateEventArgs evt, GuildConfig cachedGuild, CachedAccount cachedAccount) { var msg = evt.Message; // If we don't have any cached account data, this means no member in the account has a proxy tag set if (cachedAccount == null) return false; try { await _proxy.HandleMessageAsync(evt.Client, cachedGuild, cachedAccount, msg, doAutoProxy: true); } catch (PKError e) { // User-facing errors, print to the channel properly formatted if (msg.Channel.Guild == null || msg.Channel.BotHasAllPermissions(Permissions.SendMessages)) await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Error} {e.Message}"); } return true; } private void RegisterMessageMetrics(MessageCreateEventArgs evt) { _metrics.Measure.Meter.Mark(BotMetrics.MessagesReceived); _lastMessageCache.AddMessage(evt.Channel.Id, evt.Message.Id); } } }