--- title: Models permalink: /api/models --- # Models A question mark (`?`) next to the *key name* means the key is optional - it may be omitted in API responses. A question mark next to the *key type* means the key is nullable - API responses may return `null` for that key, instead of the specified type. In PATCH endpoints, all keys are optional. However, you must provide at least one valid key to update; please use a GET request if you want to query the existing information. <br>Sending a PATCH request with an empty JSON object, or with a JSON object that contains no valid keys for the target entity, will result in a 400 bad request error. Privacy objects (`privacy` key in models) contain values "private" or "public". Patching a privacy value to `null` will set to public. If you do not have access to view the privacy object of the member, the value of the `privacy` key will be null, rather than the values of individual privacy keys. #### Notes on IDs Every PluralKit entity has two IDs: a short (5-character) ID and a longer UUID. The short ID is unique across the resource (a member can have the same short ID as a system, for example), while the UUID is consistent for the lifetime of the entity and globally unique across the bot. ### System model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |id|string|| |uuid|string|| |name|?string|100-character limit| |description|?string|1000-character limit| |tag|?string|| |pronouns|?string|100-character limit| |avatar_url|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL| |banner|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL| |color|?string|6-character hex code, no `#` at the beginning| |created|?datetime|| |privacy|?system privacy object|| * System privacy keys: `description_privacy`, `pronoun_privacy`, `member_list_privacy`, `group_list_privacy`, `front_privacy`, `front_history_privacy` ### Member model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |id|string|| |uuid|string|| |name|string|100-character limit| |display_name|?string|100-character limit| |color|?string|6-character hex code, no `#` at the beginning| |birthday|?string|`YYYY-MM-DD` format, 0004 hides the year| |pronouns|?string|100-character-limit| |avatar_url|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL| |banner|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL| |description|?string|1000-character limit| |created|?datetime|| |proxy_tags|array of [ProxyTag objects](#proxytag-object)| |keep_proxy|boolean|| |privacy|?member privacy object|| * Member privacy keys: `visibility`, `name_privacy`, `description_privacy`, `birthday_privacy`, `pronoun_privacy`, `avatar_privacy`, `metadata_privacy` #### ProxyTag object | Key | Type | | ------ | ------- | | prefix | ?string | | suffix | ?string | * Note: `prefix + "text" + suffix` must be shorter than 100 characters in total. ### Group model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |id|string|| |uuid|string|| |name|string|100-character limit| |display_name|?string|100-character limit| |description|?string|1000-character limit| |icon|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL| |banner|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL| |color|?string|6-character hex code, no `#` at the beginning| |privacy|?group privacy object|| * Group privacy keys: `name_privacy`, `description_privacy`, `icon_privacy`, `list_privacy`, `metadata_privacy`, `visibility` ### Switch model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |id|uuid|| |timestamp|datetime|| | members | list of id/Member | Is sometimes in plain ID list form (eg. `GET /systems/:id/switches`), sometimes includes the full Member model (eg. `GET /systems/:id/fronters`). | ### Message model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |timestamp|datetime|| |id|snowflake|The ID of the message sent by the webhook. Encoded as string for precision reasons.| |original|snowflake|The ID of the (now-deleted) message that triggered the proxy. Encoded as string for precision reasons.| |sender|snowflake|The user ID of the account that triggered the proxy. Encoded as string for precision reasons.| |channel|snowflake|The ID of the channel the message was sent in. Encoded as string for precision reasons.| |guild|snowflake|The ID of the server the message was sent in. Encoded as string for precision reasons.| |system?|full System object|The system that proxied the message. Null if the member associated with this message was deleted.| |member?|full Member object|The member that proxied the message. Null if the member associated with this message was deleted.| ### System settings model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |timezone|string|defaults to `UTC`| |pings_enabled|boolean| |latch_timeout|int?| |member_default_private*|boolean|whether members created through the bot have privacy settings set to private by default| |group_default_private*|boolean|whether groups created through the bot have privacy settings set to private by default| |show_private_info|boolean|whether the bot shows the system's own private information without a `-private` flag| |member_limit|int|read-only, defaults to 1000| |group_limit|int|read-only, defaults to 250| \* this *does not* affect members/groups created through the API - please specify privacy keys in the JSON payload instead ### System guild settings model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |?guild_id|snowflake|only sent if the guild ID isn't already known (in dispatch payloads)| |proxying_enabled|boolean|| |tag|?string|79-character limit| |tag_enabled|boolean|| ### Autoproxy settings model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |autoproxy_mode|[autoproxy mode](#autoproxy-mode-enum)|| |autoproxy_member|?member id|must be `null` if autoproxy_mode is set to `front`| |last_latch_timestamp|?datetime|read-only| #### Autoproxy mode enum |key|description| |---|---| |off|autoproxy is disabled| |front|autoproxy is set to the first member in the current fronters list, or disabled if the current switch contains no members| |latch|autoproxy is set to the last member who sent a proxied message in the server| |member|autoproxy is set to a specific member (see `autoproxy_member` key)| ### Member guild settings model |key|type|notes| |---|---|---| |guild_id|snowflake|only sent if the guild ID isn't already known (in dispatch payloads)| |display_name|?string|100-character limit| |avatar_url|?string|256-character limit, must be a publicly-accessible URL|