using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using NodaTime; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public class DataFileService { private SystemStore _systems; private MemberStore _members; private SwitchStore _switches; public DataFileService(SystemStore systems, MemberStore members, SwitchStore switches) { _systems = systems; _members = members; _switches = switches; } public async Task ExportSystem(PKSystem system) { var members = new List(); foreach (var member in await _members.GetBySystem(system)) members.Add(await ExportMember(member)); var switches = new List(); foreach (var sw in await _switches.GetSwitches(system, 999999)) switches.Add(await ExportSwitch(sw)); return new DataFileSystem { Id = system.Hid, Name = system.Name, Description = system.Description, Tag = system.Tag, AvatarUrl = system.AvatarUrl, TimeZone = system.UiTz, Members = members, Switches = switches, Created = Formats.TimestampExportFormat.Format(system.Created), LinkedAccounts = (await _systems.GetLinkedAccountIds(system)).ToList() }; } private async Task ExportMember(PKMember member) => new DataFileMember { Id = member.Hid, Name = member.Name, Description = member.Description, Birthday = member.Birthday != null ? Formats.DateExportFormat.Format(member.Birthday.Value) : null, Pronouns = member.Pronouns, Color = member.Color, AvatarUrl = member.AvatarUrl, Prefix = member.Prefix, Suffix = member.Suffix, Created = Formats.TimestampExportFormat.Format(member.Created), MessageCount = await _members.MessageCount(member) }; private async Task ExportSwitch(PKSwitch sw) => new DataFileSwitch { Members = (await _switches.GetSwitchMembers(sw)).Select(m => m.Hid).ToList(), Timestamp = Formats.TimestampExportFormat.Format(sw.Timestamp) }; public async Task ImportSystem(DataFileSystem data, PKSystem system, ulong accountId) { // TODO: make atomic, somehow - we'd need to obtain one IDbConnection and reuse it // which probably means refactoring SystemStore.Save and friends etc var result = new ImportResult {AddedNames = new List(), ModifiedNames = new List()}; // If we don't already have a system to save to, create one if (system == null) system = await _systems.Create(data.Name); // Apply system info system.Name = data.Name; if (data.Description != null) system.Description = data.Description; if (data.Tag != null) system.Tag = data.Tag; if (data.AvatarUrl != null) system.AvatarUrl = data.AvatarUrl; if (data.TimeZone != null) system.UiTz = data.TimeZone ?? "UTC"; await _systems.Save(system); // Make sure to link the sender account, too await _systems.Link(system, accountId); // Apply members // TODO: parallelize? foreach (var dataMember in data.Members) { // If member's given an ID, we try to look up the member with the given ID PKMember member = null; if (dataMember.Id != null) { member = await _members.GetByHid(dataMember.Id); // ...but if it's a different system's member, we just make a new one anyway if (member != null && member.System != system.Id) member = null; } // Try to look up by name, too if (member == null) member = await _members.GetByName(system, dataMember.Name); // And if all else fails (eg. fresh import from Tupperbox, etc) we just make a member lol if (member == null) { member = await _members.Create(system, dataMember.Name); result.AddedNames.Add(dataMember.Name); } else { result.ModifiedNames.Add(dataMember.Name); } // Apply member info member.Name = dataMember.Name; if (dataMember.Description != null) member.Description = dataMember.Description; if (dataMember.Color != null) member.Color = dataMember.Color; if (dataMember.AvatarUrl != null) member.AvatarUrl = dataMember.AvatarUrl; if (dataMember.Prefix != null || dataMember.Suffix != null) { member.Prefix = dataMember.Prefix; member.Suffix = dataMember.Suffix; } if (dataMember.Birthday != null) { var birthdayParse = Formats.DateExportFormat.Parse(dataMember.Birthday); member.Birthday = birthdayParse.Success ? (LocalDate?) birthdayParse.Value : null; } await _members.Save(member); } // TODO: import switches, too? result.System = system; return result; } } public struct ImportResult { public ICollection AddedNames; public ICollection ModifiedNames; public PKSystem System; } public struct DataFileSystem { [JsonProperty("id")] public string Id; [JsonProperty("name")] public string Name; [JsonProperty("description")] public string Description; [JsonProperty("tag")] public string Tag; [JsonProperty("avatar_url")] public string AvatarUrl; [JsonProperty("timezone")] public string TimeZone; [JsonProperty("members")] public ICollection Members; [JsonProperty("switches")] public ICollection Switches; [JsonProperty("accounts")] public ICollection LinkedAccounts; [JsonProperty("created")] public string Created; private bool TimeZoneValid => TimeZone == null || DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(TimeZone) != null; [JsonIgnore] public bool Valid => TimeZoneValid && Members != null && Members.All(m => m.Valid); } public struct DataFileMember { [JsonProperty("id")] public string Id; [JsonProperty("name")] public string Name; [JsonProperty("description")] public string Description; [JsonProperty("birthday")] public string Birthday; [JsonProperty("pronouns")] public string Pronouns; [JsonProperty("color")] public string Color; [JsonProperty("avatar_url")] public string AvatarUrl; [JsonProperty("prefix")] public string Prefix; [JsonProperty("suffix")] public string Suffix; [JsonProperty("message_count")] public int MessageCount; [JsonProperty("created")] public string Created; [JsonIgnore] public bool Valid => Name != null; } public struct DataFileSwitch { [JsonProperty("timestamp")] public string Timestamp; [JsonProperty("members")] public ICollection Members; } public struct TupperboxConversionResult { public bool HadGroups; public bool HadIndividualTags; public bool HadMultibrackets; public DataFileSystem System; } public struct TupperboxProfile { [JsonProperty("tuppers")] public ICollection Tuppers; [JsonProperty("groups")] public ICollection Groups; [JsonIgnore] public bool Valid => Tuppers != null && Groups != null && Tuppers.All(t => t.Valid) && Groups.All(g => g.Valid); public TupperboxConversionResult ToPluralKit() { // Set by member conversion function string lastSetTag = null; TupperboxConversionResult output = default(TupperboxConversionResult); output.System = new DataFileSystem { Members = Tuppers.Select(t => t.ToPluralKit(ref lastSetTag, ref output.HadMultibrackets, ref output.HadGroups, ref output.HadMultibrackets)).ToList(), // If we haven't had multiple tags set, use the last (and only) one we set as the system tag Tag = !output.HadIndividualTags ? lastSetTag : null }; return output; } } public struct TupperboxTupper { [JsonProperty("name")] public string Name; [JsonProperty("avatar_url")] public string AvatarUrl; [JsonProperty("brackets")] public ICollection Brackets; [JsonProperty("posts")] public int Posts; // Not supported by PK [JsonProperty("show_brackets")] public bool ShowBrackets; // Not supported by PK [JsonProperty("birthday")] public string Birthday; [JsonProperty("description")] public string Description; [JsonProperty("tag")] public string Tag; // Not supported by PK [JsonProperty("group_id")] public string GroupId; // Not supported by PK [JsonProperty("group_pos")] public int? GroupPos; // Not supported by PK [JsonIgnore] public bool Valid => Name != null && Brackets != null && Brackets.Count % 2 == 0; public DataFileMember ToPluralKit(ref string lastSetTag, ref bool multipleTags, ref bool hasGroup, ref bool hasMultiBrackets) { // If we've set a tag before and it's not the same as this one, // then we have multiple unique tags and we pass that flag back to the caller if (Tag != null && lastSetTag != null && lastSetTag != Tag) multipleTags = true; lastSetTag = Tag; // If this member is in a group, we have a (used) group and we flag that if (GroupId != null) hasGroup = true; // Brackets in Tupperbox format are arranged as a single array // [prefix1, suffix1, prefix2, suffix2, prefix3... etc] // If there are more than two entries this member has multiple brackets and we flag that if (Brackets.Count > 2) hasMultiBrackets = true; return new DataFileMember { Name = Name, AvatarUrl = AvatarUrl, Birthday = Birthday, Description = Description, Prefix = Brackets.FirstOrDefault(), Suffix = Brackets.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault() // TODO: can Tupperbox members have no proxies at all? }; } } public struct TupperboxGroup { [JsonProperty("id")] public int Id; [JsonProperty("name")] public string Name; [JsonProperty("description")] public string Description; [JsonProperty("tag")] public string Tag; [JsonIgnore] public bool Valid => true; } }