using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Dapper; using Discord; using Discord.Net; using Discord.WebSocket; using NodaTime; using NodaTime.Extensions; using PluralKit.Core; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot { class ProxyMatch { public PKMember Member; public PKSystem System; public ProxyTag? ProxyTags; public string InnerText; } class ProxyService { private IDiscordClient _client; private LogChannelService _logChannel; private IDataStore _data; private DbConnectionFactory _conn; private EmbedService _embeds; private ILogger _logger; private WebhookExecutorService _webhookExecutor; private ProxyCacheService _cache; private AutoproxyCacheService _autoproxyCache; public ProxyService(IDiscordClient client, LogChannelService logChannel, IDataStore data, EmbedService embeds, ILogger logger, ProxyCacheService cache, WebhookExecutorService webhookExecutor, DbConnectionFactory conn, AutoproxyCacheService autoproxyCache) { _client = client; _logChannel = logChannel; _data = data; _embeds = embeds; _cache = cache; _webhookExecutor = webhookExecutor; _conn = conn; _autoproxyCache = autoproxyCache; _logger = logger.ForContext(); } private ProxyMatch GetProxyTagMatch(string message, IEnumerable potentialMembers) { // If the message starts with a @mention, and then proceeds to have proxy tags, // extract the mention and place it inside the inner message // eg. @Ske [text] => [@Ske text] int matchStartPosition = 0; string leadingMention = null; if (Utils.HasMentionPrefix(message, ref matchStartPosition, out _)) { leadingMention = message.Substring(0, matchStartPosition); message = message.Substring(matchStartPosition); } // Flatten and sort by specificity (ProxyString length desc = prefix+suffix length desc = inner message asc = more specific proxy first!) var ordered = potentialMembers.SelectMany(m => m.Member.ProxyTags.Select(tag => (tag, m))).OrderByDescending(p => p.Item1.ProxyString.Length); foreach (var (tag, match) in ordered) { if (tag.Prefix == null && tag.Suffix == null) continue; var prefix = tag.Prefix ?? ""; var suffix = tag.Suffix ?? ""; var isMatch = message.Length >= prefix.Length + suffix.Length && message.StartsWith(prefix) && message.EndsWith(suffix); // Special case for image-only proxies and proxy tags with spaces if (!isMatch && message.Trim() == prefix.TrimEnd() + suffix.TrimStart()) { isMatch = true; message = prefix + suffix; // To get around substring errors } if (isMatch) { var inner = message.Substring(prefix.Length, message.Length - prefix.Length - suffix.Length); if (leadingMention != null) inner = $"{leadingMention} {inner}"; return new ProxyMatch { Member = match.Member, System = match.System, InnerText = inner, ProxyTags = tag}; } } return null; } public async Task HandleMessageAsync(IMessage message) { // Bail early if this isn't in a guild channel if (!(message.Channel is ITextChannel channel)) return; // Find a member with proxy tags matching the message var results = (await _cache.GetResultsFor(message.Author.Id)).ToList(); var match = GetProxyTagMatch(message.Content, results); // If we didn't get a match by proxy tags, try to get one by autoproxy if (match == null) match = await GetAutoproxyMatch(message, channel); // If we still haven't found any, just yeet if (match == null) return; // Gather all "extra" data from DB at once var aux = await _data.GetAuxillaryProxyInformation(channel.GuildId, match.System, match.Member); // And make sure the channel's not blacklisted from proxying. if (aux.Guild.Blacklist.Contains(channel.Id)) return; // Make sure the system hasn't blacklisted the guild either if (!aux.SystemGuild.ProxyEnabled) return; // We know message.Channel can only be ITextChannel as PK doesn't work in DMs/groups // Afterwards we ensure the bot has the right permissions, otherwise bail early if (!await EnsureBotPermissions(channel)) return; // Can't proxy a message with no content and no attachment if (match.InnerText.Trim().Length == 0 && message.Attachments.Count == 0) return; // Get variables in order and all var proxyName = match.Member.ProxyName(match.System.Tag, aux.MemberGuild.DisplayName); var avatarUrl = match.Member.AvatarUrl ?? match.System.AvatarUrl; // If the name's too long (or short), bail if (proxyName.Length < 2) throw Errors.ProxyNameTooShort(proxyName); if (proxyName.Length > Limits.MaxProxyNameLength) throw Errors.ProxyNameTooLong(proxyName); // Add the proxy tags into the proxied message if that option is enabled // Also check if the member has any proxy tags - some cases autoproxy can return a member with no tags var messageContents = (match.Member.KeepProxy && match.ProxyTags.HasValue) ? $"{match.ProxyTags.Value.Prefix}{match.InnerText}{match.ProxyTags.Value.Suffix}" : match.InnerText; // Sanitize @everyone, but only if the original user wouldn't have permission to messageContents = SanitizeEveryoneMaybe(message, messageContents); // Execute the webhook itself var hookMessageId = await _webhookExecutor.ExecuteWebhook( channel, proxyName, avatarUrl, messageContents, message.Attachments ); // Store the message in the database, and log it in the log channel (if applicable) await _data.AddMessage(message.Author.Id, hookMessageId, channel.GuildId, message.Channel.Id, message.Id, match.Member); await _logChannel.LogMessage(match.System, match.Member, hookMessageId, message.Id, message.Channel as IGuildChannel, message.Author, match.InnerText, aux.Guild); // Wait a second or so before deleting the original message await Task.Delay(1000); try { await message.DeleteAsync(); } catch (HttpException) { // If it's already deleted, we just log and swallow the exception _logger.Warning("Attempted to delete already deleted proxy trigger message {Message}", message.Id); } } private async Task GetAutoproxyMatch(IMessage message, IGuildChannel channel) { // For now we use a backslash as an "escape character", subject to change later if ((message.Content ?? "").TrimStart().StartsWith("\\")) return null; // Fetch info from the cache, bail if we don't have anything (either no system or no autoproxy settings - AP defaults to off so this works) var autoproxyCache = await _autoproxyCache.GetGuildSettings(message.Author.Id, channel.GuildId); if (autoproxyCache == null) return null; PKMember member = null; // Figure out which member to proxy as switch (autoproxyCache.GuildSettings.AutoproxyMode) { case AutoproxyMode.Off: // Autoproxy off, bail return null; case AutoproxyMode.Front: // Front mode: just use the current first fronter member = await _data.GetFirstFronter(autoproxyCache.System); break; case AutoproxyMode.Latch: // Latch mode: find last proxied message, use *that* member var msg = await _data.GetLastMessageInGuild(message.Author.Id, channel.GuildId); if (msg == null) return null; // No message found // If the message is older than 6 hours, ignore it and force the sender to "refresh" a proxy // This can be revised in the future, it's a preliminary value. var timestamp = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(msg.Message.Mid).ToInstant(); var timeSince = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - timestamp; if (timeSince > Duration.FromHours(6)) return null; member = msg.Member; break; case AutoproxyMode.Member: // Member mode: just use that member member = autoproxyCache.AutoproxyMember; break; } // If we haven't found the member (eg. front mode w/ no fronter), bail again if (member == null) return null; return new ProxyMatch { System = autoproxyCache.System, Member = member, // Autoproxying members with no proxy tags is possible, return the correct result ProxyTags = member.ProxyTags.Count > 0 ? member.ProxyTags.First() : (ProxyTag?) null, InnerText = message.Content }; } private static string SanitizeEveryoneMaybe(IMessage message, string messageContents) { var senderPermissions = ((IGuildUser) message.Author).GetPermissions(message.Channel as IGuildChannel); if (!senderPermissions.MentionEveryone) return messageContents.SanitizeEveryone(); return messageContents; } private async Task EnsureBotPermissions(ITextChannel channel) { var guildUser = await channel.Guild.GetCurrentUserAsync(); var permissions = guildUser.GetPermissions(channel); // If we can't send messages at all, just bail immediately. // TODO: can you have ManageMessages and *not* SendMessages? What happens then? if (!permissions.SendMessages && !permissions.ManageMessages) return false; if (!permissions.ManageWebhooks) { // todo: PKError-ify these await channel.SendMessageAsync( $"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Webhooks* permission in this channel, and thus cannot proxy messages. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this."); return false; } if (!permissions.ManageMessages) { await channel.SendMessageAsync( $"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Messages* permission in this channel, and thus cannot delete the original trigger message. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this."); return false; } return true; } public Task HandleReactionAddedAsync(Cacheable message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { // Dispatch on emoji switch (reaction.Emote.Name) { case "\u274C": // Red X return HandleMessageDeletionByReaction(message, reaction.UserId); case "\u2753": // Red question mark case "\u2754": // White question mark return HandleMessageQueryByReaction(message, reaction.UserId, reaction.Emote); case "\U0001F514": // Bell case "\U0001F6CE": // Bellhop bell case "\U0001F3D3": // Ping pong paddle (lol) case "\u23F0": // Alarm clock case "\u2757": // Exclamation mark return HandleMessagePingByReaction(message, channel, reaction.UserId, reaction.Emote); default: return Task.CompletedTask; } } private async Task HandleMessagePingByReaction(Cacheable message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, ulong userWhoReacted, IEmote reactedEmote) { // Find the message in the DB var msg = await _data.GetMessage(message.Id); if (msg == null) return; var realMessage = await message.GetOrDownloadAsync(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithDescription($"[Jump to pinged message]({realMessage.GetJumpUrl()})"); await channel.SendMessageAsync($"Psst, **{msg.Member.DisplayName ?? msg.Member.Name}** (<@{msg.Message.Sender}>), you have been pinged by <@{userWhoReacted}>.", embed: embed.Build()); // Finally remove the original reaction (if we can) var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(userWhoReacted); if (user != null && await realMessage.Channel.HasPermission(ChannelPermission.ManageMessages)) await realMessage.RemoveReactionAsync(reactedEmote, user); } private async Task HandleMessageQueryByReaction(Cacheable message, ulong userWhoReacted, IEmote reactedEmote) { // Find the user who sent the reaction, so we can DM them var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(userWhoReacted); if (user == null) return; // Find the message in the DB var msg = await _data.GetMessage(message.Id); if (msg == null) return; // DM them the message card await user.SendMessageAsync(embed: await _embeds.CreateMessageInfoEmbed(msg)); // And finally remove the original reaction (if we can) var msgObj = await message.GetOrDownloadAsync(); if (await msgObj.Channel.HasPermission(ChannelPermission.ManageMessages)) await msgObj.RemoveReactionAsync(reactedEmote, user); } public async Task HandleMessageDeletionByReaction(Cacheable message, ulong userWhoReacted) { // Find the message in the database var storedMessage = await _data.GetMessage(message.Id); if (storedMessage == null) return; // (if we can't, that's ok, no worries) // Make sure it's the actual sender of that message deleting the message if (storedMessage.Message.Sender != userWhoReacted) return; try { // Then, fetch the Discord message and delete that // TODO: this could be faster if we didn't bother fetching it and just deleted it directly // somehow through REST? await (await message.GetOrDownloadAsync()).DeleteAsync(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // Message was deleted before we got to it... cool, no problem, lmao } // Finally, delete it from our database. await _data.DeleteMessage(message.Id); } public async Task HandleMessageDeletedAsync(Cacheable message, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { // Don't delete messages from the store if they aren't webhooks // Non-webhook messages will never be stored anyway. // If we're not sure (eg. message outside of cache), delete just to be sure. if (message.HasValue && !message.Value.Author.IsWebhook) return; await _data.DeleteMessage(message.Id); } public async Task HandleMessageBulkDeleteAsync(IReadOnlyCollection> messages, IMessageChannel channel) { _logger.Information("Bulk deleting {Count} messages in channel {Channel}", messages.Count, channel.Id); await _data.DeleteMessagesBulk(messages.Select(m => m.Id).ToList()); } } }