using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DSharpPlus; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using NodaTime; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public static class DiscordUtils { public static DiscordColor Blue = new DiscordColor(0x1f99d8); public static DiscordColor Green = new DiscordColor(0x00cc78); public static DiscordColor Red = new DiscordColor(0xef4b3d); public static DiscordColor Gray = new DiscordColor(0x979c9f); public static Permissions DM_PERMISSIONS = (Permissions) 0b00000_1000110_1011100110000_000000; private static readonly FieldInfo _roleIdsField = typeof(DiscordMember).GetField("_role_ids", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); public static string NameAndMention(this DiscordUser user) { return $"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator} ({user.Mention})"; } // We funnel all "permissions from DiscordMember" calls through here // This way we can ensure we do the read permission correction everywhere private static Permissions PermissionsInGuild(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordMember member) { ValidateCachedRoles(member); var permissions = channel.PermissionsFor(member); // This method doesn't account for channels without read permissions // If we don't have read permissions in the channel, we don't have *any* permissions if ((permissions & Permissions.AccessChannels) != Permissions.AccessChannels) return Permissions.None; return permissions; } // Workaround for DSP internal error private static void ValidateCachedRoles(DiscordMember member) { var roleIdCache = _roleIdsField.GetValue(member) as List; var currentRoleIds = member.Roles.Where(x => x != null).Select(x => x.Id); var invalidRoleIds = roleIdCache.Where(x => !currentRoleIds.Contains(x)); roleIdCache.RemoveAll(x => invalidRoleIds.Contains(x)); } public static async Task PermissionsIn(this DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user) { // Just delegates to PermissionsInSync, but handles the case of a non-member User in a guild properly // This is a separate method because it requires an async call if (channel.Guild != null && !(user is DiscordMember)) return PermissionsInSync(channel, await channel.Guild.GetMemberAsync(user.Id)); return PermissionsInSync(channel, user); } // Same as PermissionsIn, but always synchronous. DiscordUser must be a DiscordMember if channel is in guild. public static Permissions PermissionsInSync(this DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user) { if (channel.Guild != null && !(user is DiscordMember)) throw new ArgumentException("Function was passed a guild channel but a non-member DiscordUser"); if (user is DiscordMember m) return PermissionsInGuild(channel, m); if (channel.Type == ChannelType.Private) return DM_PERMISSIONS; return Permissions.None; } public static Permissions BotPermissions(this DiscordChannel channel) { // TODO: can we get a CurrentMember somehow without a guild context? // at least, without somehow getting a DiscordClient reference as an arg(which I don't want to do) if (channel.Guild != null) return PermissionsInSync(channel, channel.Guild.CurrentMember); if (channel.Type == ChannelType.Private) return DM_PERMISSIONS; return Permissions.None; } public static bool BotHasAllPermissions(this DiscordChannel channel, Permissions permissionSet) => (BotPermissions(channel) & permissionSet) == permissionSet; public static Instant SnowflakeToInstant(ulong snowflake) => Instant.FromUtc(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + Duration.FromMilliseconds(snowflake >> 22); public static ulong InstantToSnowflake(Instant time) => (ulong) (time - Instant.FromUtc(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds >> 22; public static ulong InstantToSnowflake(DateTimeOffset time) => (ulong) (time - new DateTimeOffset(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero)).TotalMilliseconds >> 22; public static async Task CreateReactionsBulk(this DiscordMessage msg, string[] reactions) { foreach (var reaction in reactions) { await msg.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode(reaction)); } } public static string WorkaroundForUrlBug(string input) { // Workaround for return input?.Replace("%20", "+"); } // Passing an empty list (counter-intuitively) *allows* all mentions through (even if non-null) // So we add a single "bogus" user mention for ID=1 that'll never actually resolve, and thus block all (other) mentions private static readonly IEnumerable DenyAllMentions = new IMention[] {new UserMention(1)}; public static Task SendMessageFixedAsync(this DiscordChannel channel, string content = null, DiscordEmbed embed = null, IEnumerable mentions = null) => channel.SendMessageAsync(content, embed: embed, mentions: mentions ?? DenyAllMentions); // This doesn't do anything by itself (DiscordMember.SendMessageAsync doesn't take a mentions argument) // It's just here for consistency so we don't use the standard SendMessageAsync method >.> public static Task SendMessageFixedAsync(this DiscordMember member, string content = null, DiscordEmbed embed = null) => member.SendMessageAsync(content, embed: embed); } }