using Autofac;

using Myriad.Gateway;
using Myriad.Rest.Types;
using Myriad.Types;

using PluralKit.Core;

namespace PluralKit.Bot.Interactive;

public class YesNoPrompt: BaseInteractive
    public YesNoPrompt(Context ctx) : base(ctx)
        User = ctx.Author.Id;

    public bool? Result { get; private set; }
    public ulong? User { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; } = "Are you sure?";

    public string AcceptLabel { get; set; } = "OK";
    public ButtonStyle AcceptStyle { get; set; } = ButtonStyle.Primary;

    public string CancelLabel { get; set; } = "Cancel";
    public ButtonStyle CancelStyle { get; set; } = ButtonStyle.Secondary;

    public override async Task Start()
        AddButton(ctx => OnButtonClick(ctx, true), AcceptLabel, AcceptStyle);
        AddButton(ctx => OnButtonClick(ctx, false), CancelLabel, CancelStyle);

        AllowedMentions mentions = null;

        if (User != _ctx.Author.Id)
            mentions = new AllowedMentions { Users = new[] { User!.Value } };

        await Send(Message, mentions: mentions);

    private async Task OnButtonClick(InteractionContext ctx, bool result)
        if (ctx.User.Id != User)
            await Update(ctx);

        Result = result;
        await Finish(ctx);

    private bool MessagePredicate(MessageCreateEvent e)
        if (e.ChannelId != _ctx.Channel.Id) return false;
        if (e.Author.Id != User) return false;

        var response = e.Content.ToLowerInvariant();

        if (response == "y" || response == "yes")
            Result = true;
            return true;

        if (response == "n" || response == "no")
            Result = false;
            return true;

        return false;

    public new async Task Run()
        // todo: can we split this up somehow so it doesn't need to be *completely* copied from BaseInteractive?

        var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(Timeout.ToTimeSpan());

        if (_running)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Action is already running");
        _running = true;

        var queue = _ctx.Services.Resolve<HandlerQueue<MessageCreateEvent>>();

        var messageDispatch = queue.WaitFor(MessagePredicate, Timeout, cts.Token);

        await Start();

        cts.Token.Register(() => _tcs.TrySetException(new TimeoutException("Action timed out")));

            var doneTask = await Task.WhenAny(_tcs.Task, messageDispatch);
            if (doneTask == messageDispatch)
                await Finish();