using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Myriad.Builders; using NodaTime; using NodaTime.Text; using NodaTime.TimeZones; using PluralKit.Core; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public class SystemEdit { private readonly IDatabase _db; private readonly ModelRepository _repo; public SystemEdit(IDatabase db, ModelRepository repo) { _db = db; _repo = repo; } public async Task Name(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's name")) { var clearPatch = new SystemPatch {Name = null}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, clearPatch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System name cleared."); return; } var newSystemName = ctx.RemainderOrNull(); if (newSystemName == null) { if (ctx.System.Name != null) await ctx.Reply($"Your system's name is currently **{ctx.System.Name}**. Type `pk;system name -clear` to clear it."); else await ctx.Reply("Your system currently does not have a name. Type `pk;system name ` to set one."); return; } if (newSystemName != null && newSystemName.Length > Limits.MaxSystemNameLength) throw Errors.SystemNameTooLongError(newSystemName.Length); var patch = new SystemPatch {Name = newSystemName}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System name changed."); } public async Task Description(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's description")) { var patch = new SystemPatch {Description = null}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System description cleared."); return; } var newDescription = ctx.RemainderOrNull()?.NormalizeLineEndSpacing(); if (newDescription == null) { if (ctx.System.Description == null) await ctx.Reply("Your system does not have a description set. To set one, type `pk;s description `."); else if (ctx.MatchFlag("r", "raw")) await ctx.Reply($"```\n{ctx.System.Description}\n```"); else await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder() .Title("System description") .Description(ctx.System.Description) .Footer(new("To print the description with formatting, type `pk;s description -raw`. To clear it, type `pk;s description -clear`. To change it, type `pk;s description `.")) .Build()); } else { if (newDescription.Length > Limits.MaxDescriptionLength) throw Errors.DescriptionTooLongError(newDescription.Length); var patch = new SystemPatch {Description = newDescription}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System description changed."); } } public async Task Color(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); if (await ctx.MatchClear()) { var patch = new SystemPatch {Color = Partial.Null()}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System color cleared."); } else if (!ctx.HasNext()) { if (ctx.System.Color == null) await ctx.Reply( $"Your system does not have a color set. To set one, type `pk;system color `."); else await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder() .Title("System color") .Color(ctx.System.Color.ToDiscordColor()) .Thumbnail(new($"{ctx.System.Color}/?text=%20")) .Description($"Your system's color is **#{ctx.System.Color}**. To clear it, type `pk;s color -clear`.") .Build()); } else { var color = ctx.RemainderOrNull(); if (color.StartsWith("#")) color = color.Substring(1); if (!Regex.IsMatch(color, "^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$")) throw Errors.InvalidColorError(color); var patch = new SystemPatch {Color = Partial.Present(color.ToLowerInvariant())}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder() .Title($"{Emojis.Success} Member color changed.") .Color(color.ToDiscordColor()) .Thumbnail(new($"{color}/?text=%20")) .Build()); } } public async Task Tag(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's tag")) { var patch = new SystemPatch {Tag = null}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System tag cleared."); } else if (!ctx.HasNext(skipFlags: false)) { if (ctx.System.Tag == null) await ctx.Reply($"You currently have no system tag. To set one, type `pk;s tag `."); else await ctx.Reply($"Your current system tag is {ctx.System.Tag.AsCode()}. To change it, type `pk;s tag `. To clear it, type `pk;s tag -clear`."); } else { var newTag = ctx.RemainderOrNull(skipFlags: false); if (newTag != null) if (newTag.Length > Limits.MaxSystemTagLength) throw Errors.SystemNameTooLongError(newTag.Length); var patch = new SystemPatch {Tag = newTag}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System tag changed. Member names will now end with {newTag.AsCode()} when proxied."); } } public async Task Avatar(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); async Task ClearIcon() { await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch {AvatarUrl = null})); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System icon cleared."); } async Task SetIcon(ParsedImage img) { await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(img.Url); await _db.Execute(c => _repo.UpdateSystem(c, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch {AvatarUrl = img.Url})); var msg = img.Source switch { AvatarSource.User => $"{Emojis.Success} System icon changed to {img.SourceUser?.Username}'s avatar!\n{Emojis.Warn} If {img.SourceUser?.Username} changes their avatar, the system icon will need to be re-set.", AvatarSource.Url => $"{Emojis.Success} System icon changed to the image at the given URL.", AvatarSource.Attachment => $"{Emojis.Success} System icon changed to attached image.\n{Emojis.Warn} If you delete the message containing the attachment, the system icon will stop working.", _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException() }; // The attachment's already right there, no need to preview it. var hasEmbed = img.Source != AvatarSource.Attachment; await (hasEmbed ? ctx.Reply(msg, embed: new EmbedBuilder().Image(new(img.Url)).Build()) : ctx.Reply(msg)); } async Task ShowIcon() { if ((ctx.System.AvatarUrl?.Trim() ?? "").Length > 0) { var eb = new EmbedBuilder() .Title("System icon") .Image(new(ctx.System.AvatarUrl)) .Description("To clear, use `pk;system icon clear`."); await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build()); } else throw new PKSyntaxError("This system does not have an icon set. Set one by attaching an image to this command, or by passing an image URL or @mention."); } if (await ctx.MatchClear("your system's icon")) await ClearIcon(); else if (await ctx.MatchImage() is {} img) await SetIcon(img); else await ShowIcon(); } public async Task Delete(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Warn} Are you sure you want to delete your system? If so, reply to this message with your system's ID (`{ctx.System.Hid}`).\n**Note: this action is permanent.**"); if (!await ctx.ConfirmWithReply(ctx.System.Hid)) throw new PKError($"System deletion cancelled. Note that you must reply with your system ID (`{ctx.System.Hid}`) *verbatim*."); await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.DeleteSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System deleted."); } public async Task SystemProxy(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem().CheckGuildContext(); var gs = await _db.Execute(c => _repo.GetSystemGuild(c, ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.System.Id)); bool newValue; if (ctx.Match("on", "enabled", "true", "yes")) newValue = true; else if (ctx.Match("off", "disabled", "false", "no")) newValue = false; else if (ctx.HasNext()) throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass either \"on\" or \"off\"."); else { if (gs.ProxyEnabled) await ctx.Reply("Proxying in this server is currently **enabled** for your system. To disable it, type `pk;system proxy off`."); else await ctx.Reply("Proxying in this server is currently **disabled** for your system. To enable it, type `pk;system proxy on`."); return; } var patch = new SystemGuildPatch {ProxyEnabled = newValue}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpsertSystemGuild(conn, ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch)); if (newValue) await ctx.Reply($"Message proxying in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.EscapeMarkdown()}) is now **enabled** for your system."); else await ctx.Reply($"Message proxying in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.EscapeMarkdown()}) is now **disabled** for your system."); } public async Task SystemTimezone(Context ctx) { if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError; if (await ctx.MatchClear()) { var clearPatch = new SystemPatch {UiTz = "UTC"}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, clearPatch)); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System time zone cleared (set to UTC)."); return; } var zoneStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull(); if (zoneStr == null) { await ctx.Reply( $"Your current system time zone is set to **{ctx.System.UiTz}**. It is currently **{SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().FormatZoned(ctx.System)}** in that time zone. To change your system time zone, type `pk;s tz `."); return; } var zone = await FindTimeZone(ctx, zoneStr); if (zone == null) throw Errors.InvalidTimeZone(zoneStr); var currentTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InZone(zone); var msg = $"This will change the system time zone to **{zone.Id}**. The current time is **{currentTime.FormatZoned()}**. Is this correct?"; if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg)) throw Errors.TimezoneChangeCancelled; var patch = new SystemPatch {UiTz = zone.Id}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply($"System time zone changed to **{zone.Id}**."); } public async Task SystemPrivacy(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); Task PrintEmbed() { var eb = new EmbedBuilder() .Title("Current privacy settings for your system") .Field(new("Description", ctx.System.DescriptionPrivacy.Explanation())) .Field(new("Member list", ctx.System.MemberListPrivacy.Explanation())) .Field(new("Group list", ctx.System.GroupListPrivacy.Explanation())) .Field(new("Current fronter(s)", ctx.System.FrontPrivacy.Explanation())) .Field(new("Front/switch history", ctx.System.FrontHistoryPrivacy.Explanation())) .Description("To edit privacy settings, use the command:\n`pk;system privacy `\n\n- `subject` is one of `description`, `list`, `front`, `fronthistory`, `groups`, or `all` \n- `level` is either `public` or `private`."); return ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build()); } async Task SetLevel(SystemPrivacySubject subject, PrivacyLevel level) { await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch().WithPrivacy(subject, level))); var levelExplanation = level switch { PrivacyLevel.Public => "be able to query", PrivacyLevel.Private => "*not* be able to query", _ => "" }; var subjectStr = subject switch { SystemPrivacySubject.Description => "description", SystemPrivacySubject.Front => "front", SystemPrivacySubject.FrontHistory => "front history", SystemPrivacySubject.MemberList => "member list", SystemPrivacySubject.GroupList => "group list", _ => "" }; var msg = $"System {subjectStr} privacy has been set to **{level.LevelName()}**. Other accounts will now {levelExplanation} your system {subjectStr}."; await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} {msg}"); } async Task SetAll(PrivacyLevel level) { await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch().WithAllPrivacy(level))); var msg = level switch { PrivacyLevel.Private => $"All system privacy settings have been set to **{level.LevelName()}**. Other accounts will now not be able to view your member list, group list, front history, or system description.", PrivacyLevel.Public => $"All system privacy settings have been set to **{level.LevelName()}**. Other accounts will now be able to view everything.", _ => "" }; await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} {msg}"); } if (!ctx.HasNext()) await PrintEmbed(); else if (ctx.Match("all")) await SetAll(ctx.PopPrivacyLevel()); else await SetLevel(ctx.PopSystemPrivacySubject(), ctx.PopPrivacyLevel()); } public async Task SystemPing(Context ctx) { ctx.CheckSystem(); if (!ctx.HasNext()) { if (ctx.System.PingsEnabled) {await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings are currently **enabled** for your system. To disable reaction pings, type `pk;s ping disable`.");} else {await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings are currently **disabled** for your system. To enable reaction pings, type `pk;s ping enable`.");} } else { if (ctx.Match("on", "enable")) { var patch = new SystemPatch {PingsEnabled = true}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings have now been enabled."); } if (ctx.Match("off", "disable")) { var patch = new SystemPatch {PingsEnabled = false}; await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch)); await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings have now been disabled."); } } } public async Task FindTimeZone(Context ctx, string zoneStr) { // First, if we're given a flag emoji, we extract the flag emoji code from it. zoneStr = Core.StringUtils.ExtractCountryFlag(zoneStr) ?? zoneStr; // Then, we find all *locations* matching either the given country code or the country name. var locations = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Zone1970Locations; var matchingLocations = locations.Where(l => l.Countries.Any(c => string.Equals(c.Code, zoneStr, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(c.Name, zoneStr, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); // Then, we find all (unique) time zone IDs that match. var matchingZones = matchingLocations.Select(l => DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(l.ZoneId)) .Distinct().ToList(); // If the set of matching zones is empty (ie. we didn't find anything), we try a few other things. if (matchingZones.Count == 0) { // First, we try to just find the time zone given directly and return that. var givenZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(zoneStr); if (givenZone != null) return givenZone; // If we didn't find anything there either, we try parsing the string as an offset, then // find all possible zones that match that offset. For an offset like UTC+2, this doesn't *quite* // work, since there are 57(!) matching zones (as of 2019-06-13) - but for less populated time zones // this could work nicely. var inputWithoutUtc = zoneStr.Replace("UTC", "").Replace("GMT", ""); var res = OffsetPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("+H").Parse(inputWithoutUtc); if (!res.Success) res = OffsetPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("+H:mm").Parse(inputWithoutUtc); // If *this* didn't parse correctly, fuck it, bail. if (!res.Success) return null; var offset = res.Value; // To try to reduce the count, we go by locations from the 1970+ database instead of just the full database // This elides regions that have been identical since 1970, omitting small distinctions due to Ancient History(tm). var allZones = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Zone1970Locations.Select(l => l.ZoneId).Distinct(); matchingZones = allZones.Select(z => DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(z)) .Where(z => z.GetUtcOffset(SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant()) == offset).ToList(); } // If we have a list of viable time zones, we ask the user which is correct. // If we only have one, return that one. if (matchingZones.Count == 1) return matchingZones.First(); // Otherwise, prompt and return! return await ctx.Choose("There were multiple matches for your time zone query. Please select the region that matches you the closest:", matchingZones, z => { if (TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Aliases.Contains(z.Id)) return $"**{z.Id}**, {string.Join(", ", TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Aliases[z.Id])}"; return $"**{z.Id}**"; }); } } }