using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Dapper; using DSharpPlus; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using DSharpPlus.Exceptions; using PluralKit.Core; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public class ProxyService { public static readonly TimeSpan MessageDeletionDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000); private readonly LogChannelService _logChannel; private readonly DbConnectionFactory _db; private readonly IDataStore _data; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly WebhookExecutorService _webhookExecutor; private readonly ProxyMatcher _matcher; public ProxyService(LogChannelService logChannel, IDataStore data, ILogger logger, WebhookExecutorService webhookExecutor, DbConnectionFactory db, ProxyMatcher matcher) { _logChannel = logChannel; _data = data; _webhookExecutor = webhookExecutor; _db = db; _matcher = matcher; _logger = logger.ForContext(); } public async Task HandleIncomingMessage(DiscordMessage message, MessageContext ctx, bool allowAutoproxy) { if (!ShouldProxy(message, ctx)) return false; // Fetch members and try to match to a specific member var members = (await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryProxyMembers(message.Author.Id, message.Channel.GuildId))).ToList(); if (!_matcher.TryMatch(ctx, members, out var match, message.Content, message.Attachments.Count > 0, allowAutoproxy)) return false; // Permission check after proxy match so we don't get spammed when not actually proxying if (!await CheckBotPermissionsOrError(message.Channel)) return false; if (!CheckProxyNameBoundsOrError(match)) return false; // Everything's in order, we can execute the proxy! await ExecuteProxy(message, ctx, match); return true; } private bool ShouldProxy(DiscordMessage msg, MessageContext ctx) { // Make sure author has a system if (ctx.SystemId == null) return false; // Make sure channel is a guild text channel and this is a normal message if (msg.Channel.Type != ChannelType.Text || msg.MessageType != MessageType.Default) return false; // Make sure author is a normal user if (msg.Author.IsSystem == true || msg.Author.IsBot || msg.WebhookMessage) return false; // Make sure proxying is enabled here if (!ctx.ProxyEnabled || ctx.InBlacklist) return false; // Make sure we have either an attachment or message content var isMessageBlank = msg.Content == null || msg.Content.Trim().Length == 0; if (isMessageBlank && msg.Attachments.Count == 0) return false; // All good! return true; } private async Task ExecuteProxy(DiscordMessage trigger, MessageContext ctx, ProxyMatch match) { // Send the webhook var id = await _webhookExecutor.ExecuteWebhook(trigger.Channel, match.Member.ProxyName, match.Member.ProxyAvatar, match.Content, trigger.Attachments); // Handle post-proxy actions await _data.AddMessage(trigger.Author.Id, trigger.Channel.GuildId, trigger.Channel.Id, id, trigger.Id, match.Member.Id); await _logChannel.LogMessage(ctx, match, trigger, id); // Wait a second or so before deleting the original message await Task.Delay(MessageDeletionDelay); try { await trigger.DeleteAsync(); } catch (NotFoundException) { // If it's already deleted, we just log and swallow the exception _logger.Warning("Attempted to delete already deleted proxy trigger message {Message}", trigger.Id); } } private async Task CheckBotPermissionsOrError(DiscordChannel channel) { var permissions = channel.BotPermissions(); // If we can't send messages at all, just bail immediately. // 2020-04-22: Manage Messages does *not* override a lack of Send Messages. if ((permissions & Permissions.SendMessages) == 0) return false; if ((permissions & Permissions.ManageWebhooks) == 0) { // todo: PKError-ify these await channel.SendMessageAsync( $"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Webhooks* permission in this channel, and thus cannot proxy messages. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this."); return false; } if ((permissions & Permissions.ManageMessages) == 0) { await channel.SendMessageAsync( $"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Messages* permission in this channel, and thus cannot delete the original trigger message. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this."); return false; } return true; } private bool CheckProxyNameBoundsOrError(ProxyMatch match) { var proxyName = match.Member.ProxyName; if (proxyName.Length < 2) throw Errors.ProxyNameTooShort(proxyName); if (proxyName.Length > Limits.MaxProxyNameLength) throw Errors.ProxyNameTooLong(proxyName); // TODO: this never returns false as it throws instead, should this happen? return true; } } }