using Serilog; using StackExchange.Redis; namespace Myriad.Gateway.Limit; public class RedisRatelimiter: IGatewayRatelimiter { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ConnectionMultiplexer _redis; private int _concurrency { get; init; } // todo: these might need to be tweaked a little private static TimeSpan expiry = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6); private static TimeSpan retryInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500); public RedisRatelimiter(ILogger logger, ConnectionMultiplexer redis, int concurrency) { _logger = logger.ForContext<TwilightGatewayRatelimiter>(); _redis = redis; _concurrency = concurrency; } public async Task Identify(int shard) { _logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: requesting identify from Redis", shard); var key = "pluralkit:identify:" + (shard % _concurrency).ToString(); await AcquireLock(key); } public async Task AcquireLock(string key) { var conn = _redis.GetDatabase(); async Task<bool> TryAcquire() { _logger.Verbose("Trying to acquire lock on key {key} from Redis...", key); await Task.Delay(retryInterval); return await conn!.StringSetAsync(key, 0, expiry, When.NotExists); } var acquired = false; while (!acquired) acquired = await TryAcquire(); } }