using Humanizer; using Myriad.Builders; using Myriad.Types; using NodaTime; using PluralKit.Core; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class Autoproxy { private readonly IDatabase _db; private readonly ModelRepository _repo; public Autoproxy(IDatabase db, ModelRepository repo) { _db = db; _repo = repo; } public async Task SetAutoproxyMode(Context ctx) { // no need to check account here, it's already done at CommandTree ctx.CheckGuildContext(); if (ctx.Match("off", "stop", "cancel", "no", "disable", "remove")) await AutoproxyOff(ctx); else if (ctx.Match("latch", "last", "proxy", "stick", "sticky")) await AutoproxyLatch(ctx); else if (ctx.Match("front", "fronter", "switch")) await AutoproxyFront(ctx); else if (ctx.Match("member")) throw new PKSyntaxError("Member-mode autoproxy must target a specific member. Use the `pk;autoproxy ` command, where `member` is the name or ID of a member in your system."); else if (await ctx.MatchMember() is PKMember member) await AutoproxyMember(ctx, member); else if (!ctx.HasNext()) await ctx.Reply(embed: await CreateAutoproxyStatusEmbed(ctx)); else throw new PKSyntaxError($"Invalid autoproxy mode {ctx.PopArgument().AsCode()}."); } private async Task AutoproxyOff(Context ctx) { if (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Off) { await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already off in this server."); } else { await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Off, null); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy turned off in this server."); } } private async Task AutoproxyLatch(Context ctx) { if (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Latch) { await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already set to latch mode in this server. If you want to disable autoproxying, use `pk;autoproxy off`."); } else { await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Latch, null); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to latch mode in this server. Messages will now be autoproxied using the *last-proxied member* in this server."); } } private async Task AutoproxyFront(Context ctx) { if (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Front) { await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already set to front mode in this server. If you want to disable autoproxying, use `pk;autoproxy off`."); } else { await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Front, null); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to front mode in this server. Messages will now be autoproxied using the *current first fronter*, if any."); } } private async Task AutoproxyMember(Context ctx, PKMember member) { ctx.CheckOwnMember(member); await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Member, member.Id); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to **{member.NameFor(ctx)}** in this server."); } private async Task CreateAutoproxyStatusEmbed(Context ctx) { var commandList = "**pk;autoproxy latch** - Autoproxies as last-proxied member" + "\n**pk;autoproxy front** - Autoproxies as current (first) fronter" + "\n**pk;autoproxy ** - Autoproxies as a specific member"; var eb = new EmbedBuilder() .Title($"Current autoproxy status (for {ctx.Guild.Name.EscapeMarkdown()})"); var fronters = ctx.MessageContext.LastSwitchMembers; var relevantMember = ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode switch { AutoproxyMode.Front => fronters.Length > 0 ? await _repo.GetMember(fronters[0]) : null, AutoproxyMode.Member => await _repo.GetMember(ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMember.Value), _ => null }; switch (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode) { case AutoproxyMode.Off: eb.Description($"Autoproxy is currently **off** in this server. To enable it, use one of the following commands:\n{commandList}"); break; case AutoproxyMode.Front: { if (fronters.Length == 0) { eb.Description("Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server, but there are currently no fronters registered. Use the `pk;switch` command to log a switch."); } else { if (relevantMember == null) throw new ArgumentException("Attempted to print member autoproxy status, but the linked member ID wasn't found in the database. Should be handled appropriately."); eb.Description($"Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server. The current (first) fronter is **{relevantMember.NameFor(ctx).EscapeMarkdown()}** (`{relevantMember.Hid}`). To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`."); } break; } // AutoproxyMember is never null if Mode is Member, this is just to make the compiler shut up case AutoproxyMode.Member when relevantMember != null: { eb.Description($"Autoproxy is active for member **{relevantMember.NameFor(ctx)}** (`{relevantMember.Hid}`) in this server. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`."); break; } case AutoproxyMode.Latch: eb.Description("Autoproxy is currently set to **latch mode**, meaning the *last-proxied member* will be autoproxied. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`."); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (!ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy) eb.Field(new Embed.Field("\u200b", $"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is currently **disabled** for your account (<@{ctx.Author.Id}>). To enable it, use `pk;autoproxy account enable`.")); return eb.Build(); } public async Task AutoproxyTimeout(Context ctx) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) { var timeout = ctx.System.LatchTimeout.HasValue ? Duration.FromSeconds(ctx.System.LatchTimeout.Value) : (Duration?)null; if (timeout == null) await ctx.Reply( $"You do not have a custom autoproxy timeout duration set. The default latch timeout duration is {ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}."); else if (timeout == Duration.Zero) await ctx.Reply( "Latch timeout is currently **disabled** for your system. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out."); else await ctx.Reply( $"The current latch timeout duration for your system is {timeout.Value.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}."); return; } Duration? newTimeout; var overflow = Duration.Zero; if (ctx.Match("off", "stop", "cancel", "no", "disable", "remove")) { newTimeout = Duration.Zero; } else if (ctx.Match("reset", "default")) { newTimeout = null; } else { var timeoutStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull(); var timeoutPeriod = DateUtils.ParsePeriod(timeoutStr); if (timeoutPeriod == null) throw new PKError($"Could not parse '{timeoutStr}' as a valid duration. Try using a syntax such as \"3h5m\" (i.e. 3 hours and 5 minutes)."); if (timeoutPeriod.Value.TotalHours > 100000) { // sanity check to prevent seconds overflow if someone types in 999999999 overflow = timeoutPeriod.Value; newTimeout = Duration.Zero; } else { newTimeout = timeoutPeriod; } } await _repo.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, new SystemPatch { LatchTimeout = (int?)newTimeout?.TotalSeconds }); if (newTimeout == null) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout reset to default ({ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)})."); else if (newTimeout == Duration.Zero && overflow != Duration.Zero) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout disabled. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out. ({overflow.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)} is too long)"); else if (newTimeout == Duration.Zero) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout disabled. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out."); else await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout set to {newTimeout.Value!.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}."); } public async Task AutoproxyAccount(Context ctx) { // todo: this might be useful elsewhere, consider moving it to ctx.MatchToggle if (ctx.Match("enable", "on")) { await AutoproxyEnableDisable(ctx, true); } else if (ctx.Match("disable", "off")) { await AutoproxyEnableDisable(ctx, false); } else if (ctx.HasNext()) { throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass either \"on\" or \"off\"."); } else { var statusString = ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy ? "enabled" : "disabled"; await ctx.Reply($"Autoproxy is currently **{statusString}** for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>."); } } private async Task AutoproxyEnableDisable(Context ctx, bool allow) { var statusString = allow ? "enabled" : "disabled"; if (ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy == allow) { await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>."); return; } var patch = new AccountPatch { AllowAutoproxy = allow }; await _repo.UpdateAccount(ctx.Author.Id, patch); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>."); } private async Task UpdateAutoproxy(Context ctx, AutoproxyMode autoproxyMode, MemberId? autoproxyMember) { await _repo.GetSystemGuild(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.System.Id); var patch = new SystemGuildPatch { AutoproxyMode = autoproxyMode, AutoproxyMember = autoproxyMember }; await _repo.UpdateSystemGuild(ctx.System.Id, ctx.Guild.Id, patch); } }