-- Create proxy_tag compound type if it doesn't exist do $$ begin create type proxy_tag as ( prefix text, suffix text ); exception when duplicate_object then null; end $$; create table if not exists systems ( id serial primary key, hid char(5) unique not null, name text, description text, tag text, avatar_url text, token text, created timestamp not null default (current_timestamp at time zone 'utc'), ui_tz text not null default 'UTC' ); create table if not exists members ( id serial primary key, hid char(5) unique not null, system serial not null references systems (id) on delete cascade, color char(6), avatar_url text, name text not null, display_name text, birthday date, pronouns text, description text, proxy_tags proxy_tag[] not null default array[]::proxy_tag[], -- Rationale on making this an array rather than a separate table - we never need to query them individually, only access them as part of a selected Member struct keep_proxy bool not null default false, created timestamp not null default (current_timestamp at time zone 'utc') ); create table if not exists accounts ( uid bigint primary key, system serial not null references systems (id) on delete cascade ); create table if not exists messages ( mid bigint primary key, channel bigint not null, member serial not null references members (id) on delete cascade, sender bigint not null, original_mid bigint ); create table if not exists switches ( id serial primary key, system serial not null references systems (id) on delete cascade, timestamp timestamp not null default (current_timestamp at time zone 'utc') ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_switches_system ON switches USING btree ( system ASC NULLS LAST ) INCLUDE ("timestamp"); create table if not exists switch_members ( id serial primary key, switch serial not null references switches (id) on delete cascade, member serial not null references members (id) on delete cascade ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_switch_members_switch ON switch_members USING btree ( switch ASC NULLS LAST ) INCLUDE (member); create table if not exists webhooks ( channel bigint primary key, webhook bigint not null, token text not null ); create table if not exists servers ( id bigint primary key, log_channel bigint, log_blacklist bigint[] not null default array[]::bigint[], blacklist bigint[] not null default array[]::bigint[] );