using System.Text; using Humanizer; using NodaTime; using NodaTime.Text; using NodaTime.TimeZones; using PluralKit.Core; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class Config { private record PaginatedConfigItem(string Key, string Description, string? CurrentValue, string DefaultValue); public async Task ShowConfig(Context ctx) { var items = new List<PaginatedConfigItem>(); items.Add(new( "autoproxy account", "Whether autoproxy is enabled for the current account", EnabledDisabled(ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy), "enabled" )); items.Add(new( "autoproxy timeout", "If this is set, latch-mode autoproxy will not keep autoproxying after this amount of time has elapsed since the last message sent in the server", ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.HasValue ? ( ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.Value != 0 ? Duration.FromSeconds(ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.Value).ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4) : "disabled" ) : null, ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4) )); items.Add(new( "timezone", "The system's time zone - shows timestamps in your local time", ctx.Config.UiTz, "UTC" )); items.Add(new( "ping", $"Whether other users are able to mention you via a {Emojis.Bell} reaction", EnabledDisabled(ctx.Config.PingsEnabled), "enabled" )); items.Add(new( "private member", "Whether member privacy is automatically set to private for new members", EnabledDisabled(ctx.Config.MemberDefaultPrivate), "disabled" )); items.Add(new( "private group", "Whether group privacy is automatically set to private for new groups", EnabledDisabled(ctx.Config.GroupDefaultPrivate), "disabled" )); items.Add(new( "show private", "Whether private information is shown to linked accounts by default", ctx.Config.ShowPrivateInfo.ToString().ToLower(), "true" )); items.Add(new( "Member limit", "The maximum number of registered members for your system", ctx.Config.MemberLimitOverride?.ToString(), Limits.MaxMemberCount.ToString() )); items.Add(new( "Group limit", "The maximum number of registered groups for your system", ctx.Config.GroupLimitOverride?.ToString(), Limits.MaxGroupCount.ToString() )); await ctx.Paginate<PaginatedConfigItem>( items.ToAsyncEnumerable(), items.Count, 10, "Current settings for your system", ctx.System.Color, (eb, l) => { var description = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in l) { description.Append(item.Key.AsCode()); description.Append($" **({item.CurrentValue ?? item.DefaultValue})**"); if (item.CurrentValue != null && item.CurrentValue != item.DefaultValue) description.Append("\ud83d\udd39"); description.AppendLine(); description.Append(item.Description); description.AppendLine(); description.AppendLine(); } eb.Description(description.ToString()); // using *large* blue diamond here since it's easier to see in the small footer eb.Footer(new("\U0001f537 means this setting was changed. Type `pk;config <setting name> clear` to reset it to the default.")); return Task.CompletedTask; } ); } private string EnabledDisabled(bool value) => value ? "enabled" : "disabled"; public async Task AutoproxyAccount(Context ctx) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) { await ctx.Reply($"Autoproxy is currently **{EnabledDisabled(ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy)}** for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>."); return; } var allow = ctx.MatchToggle(true); var statusString = EnabledDisabled(allow); if (ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy == allow) { await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>."); return; } var patch = new AccountPatch { AllowAutoproxy = allow }; await ctx.Repository.UpdateAccount(ctx.Author.Id, patch); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>."); } public async Task AutoproxyTimeout(Context ctx) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) { var timeout = ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.HasValue ? Duration.FromSeconds(ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.Value) : (Duration?)null; if (timeout == null) await ctx.Reply($"You do not have a custom autoproxy timeout duration set. The default latch timeout duration is {ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}."); else if (timeout == Duration.Zero) await ctx.Reply("Latch timeout is currently **disabled** for your system. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out."); else await ctx.Reply($"The current latch timeout duration for your system is {timeout.Value.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}."); return; } Duration? newTimeout; Duration overflow = Duration.Zero; if (ctx.Match("off", "stop", "cancel", "no", "disable", "remove")) newTimeout = Duration.Zero; else if (await ctx.MatchClear()) newTimeout = null; else { var timeoutStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull(); var timeoutPeriod = DateUtils.ParsePeriod(timeoutStr); if (timeoutPeriod == null) throw new PKError($"Could not parse '{timeoutStr}' as a valid duration. Try using a syntax such as \"3h5m\" (i.e. 3 hours and 5 minutes)."); if (timeoutPeriod.Value.TotalHours > 100000) { // sanity check to prevent seconds overflow if someone types in 999999999 overflow = timeoutPeriod.Value; newTimeout = Duration.Zero; } else newTimeout = timeoutPeriod; } await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { LatchTimeout = (int?)newTimeout?.TotalSeconds }); if (newTimeout == null) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout reset to default ({ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)})."); else if (newTimeout == Duration.Zero && overflow != Duration.Zero) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout disabled. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out. ({overflow.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)} is too long)"); else if (newTimeout == Duration.Zero) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout disabled. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out."); else await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout set to {newTimeout.Value!.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}."); } public async Task SystemTimezone(Context ctx) { if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError; if (await ctx.MatchClear()) { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { UiTz = "UTC" }); await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System time zone cleared (set to UTC)."); return; } var zoneStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull(); if (zoneStr == null) { await ctx.Reply( $"Your current system time zone is set to **{ctx.Config.UiTz}**. It is currently **{SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().FormatZoned(ctx.Config.Zone)}** in that time zone. To change your system time zone, type `pk;config tz <zone>`."); return; } var zone = await FindTimeZone(ctx, zoneStr); if (zone == null) throw Errors.InvalidTimeZone(zoneStr); var currentTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InZone(zone); var msg = $"This will change the system time zone to **{zone.Id}**. The current time is **{currentTime.FormatZoned()}**. Is this correct?"; if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Change Timezone")) throw Errors.TimezoneChangeCancelled; await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { UiTz = zone.Id }); await ctx.Reply($"System time zone changed to **{zone.Id}**."); } private async Task<DateTimeZone> FindTimeZone(Context ctx, string zoneStr) { // First, if we're given a flag emoji, we extract the flag emoji code from it. zoneStr = Core.StringUtils.ExtractCountryFlag(zoneStr) ?? zoneStr; // Then, we find all *locations* matching either the given country code or the country name. var locations = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Zone1970Locations; var matchingLocations = locations.Where(l => l.Countries.Any(c => string.Equals(c.Code, zoneStr, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(c.Name, zoneStr, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); // Then, we find all (unique) time zone IDs that match. var matchingZones = matchingLocations.Select(l => DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(l.ZoneId)) .Distinct().ToList(); // If the set of matching zones is empty (ie. we didn't find anything), we try a few other things. if (matchingZones.Count == 0) { // First, we try to just find the time zone given directly and return that. var givenZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(zoneStr); if (givenZone != null) return givenZone; // If we didn't find anything there either, we try parsing the string as an offset, then // find all possible zones that match that offset. For an offset like UTC+2, this doesn't *quite* // work, since there are 57(!) matching zones (as of 2019-06-13) - but for less populated time zones // this could work nicely. var inputWithoutUtc = zoneStr.Replace("UTC", "").Replace("GMT", ""); var res = OffsetPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("+H").Parse(inputWithoutUtc); if (!res.Success) res = OffsetPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("+H:mm").Parse(inputWithoutUtc); // If *this* didn't parse correctly, fuck it, bail. if (!res.Success) return null; var offset = res.Value; // To try to reduce the count, we go by locations from the 1970+ database instead of just the full database // This elides regions that have been identical since 1970, omitting small distinctions due to Ancient History(tm). var allZones = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Zone1970Locations.Select(l => l.ZoneId).Distinct(); matchingZones = allZones.Select(z => DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(z)) .Where(z => z.GetUtcOffset(SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant()) == offset).ToList(); } // If we have a list of viable time zones, we ask the user which is correct. // If we only have one, return that one. if (matchingZones.Count == 1) return matchingZones.First(); // Otherwise, prompt and return! return await ctx.Choose("There were multiple matches for your time zone query. Please select the region that matches you the closest:", matchingZones, z => { if (TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Aliases.Contains(z.Id)) return $"**{z.Id}**, {string.Join(", ", TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Aliases[z.Id])}"; return $"**{z.Id}**"; }); } public async Task SystemPing(Context ctx) { // note: this is here because this is also used in `pk;system ping`, which does not CheckSystem ctx.CheckSystem(); // todo: move all the other config settings to this format String Response(bool isError, bool val) => $"Reaction pings are {(isError ? "already" : "currently")} **{EnabledDisabled(val)}** for your system. " + $"To {EnabledDisabled(!val)[..^1]} reaction pings, type `pk;config ping {EnabledDisabled(!val)[..^1]}`."; if (!ctx.HasNext()) { await ctx.Reply(Response(false, ctx.Config.PingsEnabled)); return; } var value = ctx.MatchToggle(true); if (ctx.Config.PingsEnabled == value) await ctx.Reply(Response(true, ctx.Config.PingsEnabled)); else { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { PingsEnabled = value }); await ctx.Reply($"Reaction pings have now been {EnabledDisabled(value)}."); } } public async Task MemberDefaultPrivacy(Context ctx) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) { if (ctx.Config.MemberDefaultPrivate) { await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will currently have their privacy settings set to private. To change this, type `pk;config private member off`"); } else { await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will currently have their privacy settings set to public. To automatically set new members' privacy settings to private, type `pk;config private member on`"); } } else { if (ctx.MatchToggle(false)) { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { MemberDefaultPrivate = true }); await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will now have their privacy settings set to private."); } else { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { MemberDefaultPrivate = false }); await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will now have their privacy settings set to public."); } } } public async Task GroupDefaultPrivacy(Context ctx) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) { if (ctx.Config.GroupDefaultPrivate) { await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will currently have their privacy settings set to private. To change this, type `pk;config private group off`"); } else { await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will currently have their privacy settings set to public. To automatically set new groups' privacy settings to private, type `pk;config private group on`"); } } else { if (ctx.MatchToggle(false)) { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { GroupDefaultPrivate = true }); await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will now have their privacy settings set to private."); } else { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { GroupDefaultPrivate = false }); await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will now have their privacy settings set to public."); } } } public async Task ShowPrivateInfo(Context ctx) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) { if (ctx.Config.ShowPrivateInfo) await ctx.Reply("Private information is currently **shown** when looking up your own info. Use the `-public` flag to hide it."); else await ctx.Reply("Private information is currently **hidden** when looking up your own info. Use the `-private` flag to show it."); return; } if (ctx.MatchToggle(true)) { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { ShowPrivateInfo = true }); await ctx.Reply("Private information will now be **shown** when looking up your own info. Use the `-public` flag to hide it."); } else { await ctx.Repository.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { ShowPrivateInfo = false }); await ctx.Reply("Private information will now be **hidden** when looking up your own info. Use the `-private` flag to show it."); } } }