using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using App.Metrics; using Humanizer; using Myriad.Cache; using Myriad.Extensions; using Myriad.Rest; using Myriad.Rest.Types; using Myriad.Rest.Types.Requests; using Myriad.Types; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public class WebhookExecutionErrorOnDiscordsEnd: Exception { } public class WebhookRateLimited: WebhookExecutionErrorOnDiscordsEnd { // Exceptions for control flow? don't mind if I do // TODO: rewrite both of these as a normal exceptional return value (0?) in case of error to be discarded by caller } public record ProxyRequest { public ulong GuildId { get; init; } public ulong ChannelId { get; init; } public ulong? ThreadId { get; init; } public string Name { get; init; } public string? AvatarUrl { get; init; } public string? Content { get; init; } public Message.Attachment[] Attachments { get; init; } public Embed[] Embeds { get; init; } public bool AllowEveryone { get; init; } } public class WebhookExecutorService { private readonly IDiscordCache _cache; private readonly WebhookCacheService _webhookCache; private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IMetrics _metrics; private readonly HttpClient _client; public WebhookExecutorService(IMetrics metrics, WebhookCacheService webhookCache, ILogger logger, HttpClient client, IDiscordCache cache, DiscordApiClient rest) { _metrics = metrics; _webhookCache = webhookCache; _client = client; _cache = cache; _rest = rest; _logger = logger.ForContext(); } public async Task ExecuteWebhook(ProxyRequest req) { _logger.Verbose("Invoking webhook in channel {Channel}", req.ChannelId); // Get a webhook, execute it var webhook = await _webhookCache.GetWebhook(req.ChannelId); var webhookMessage = await ExecuteWebhookInner(webhook, req); // Log the relevant metrics _metrics.Measure.Meter.Mark(BotMetrics.MessagesProxied); _logger.Information("Invoked webhook {Webhook} in channel {Channel} (thread {ThreadId}", webhook.Id, req.ChannelId, req.ThreadId); return webhookMessage; } public async Task EditWebhookMessage(ulong channelId, ulong messageId, string newContent) { var webhook = await _webhookCache.GetWebhook(channelId); var allowedMentions = newContent.ParseMentions() with { Roles = Array.Empty(), Parse = Array.Empty() }; return await _rest.EditWebhookMessage(webhook.Id, webhook.Token, messageId, new WebhookMessageEditRequest {Content = newContent, AllowedMentions = allowedMentions}); } private async Task ExecuteWebhookInner(Webhook webhook, ProxyRequest req, bool hasRetried = false) { var guild = _cache.GetGuild(req.GuildId); var content = req.Content.Truncate(2000); var allowedMentions = content.ParseMentions(); if (!req.AllowEveryone) allowedMentions = allowedMentions.RemoveUnmentionableRoles(guild) with { // also clear @everyones Parse = Array.Empty() }; var webhookReq = new ExecuteWebhookRequest { Username = FixProxyName(req.Name).Truncate(80), Content = content, AllowedMentions = allowedMentions, AvatarUrl = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(req.AvatarUrl) ? req.AvatarUrl : null, Embeds = req.Embeds }; MultipartFile[] files = null; var attachmentChunks = ChunkAttachmentsOrThrow(req.Attachments, 8 * 1024 * 1024); if (attachmentChunks.Count > 0) { _logger.Information("Invoking webhook with {AttachmentCount} attachments totalling {AttachmentSize} MiB in {AttachmentChunks} chunks", req.Attachments.Length, req.Attachments.Select(a => a.Size).Sum() / 1024 / 1024, attachmentChunks.Count); files = await GetAttachmentFiles(attachmentChunks[0]); } Message webhookMessage; using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.WebhookResponseTime)) { try { webhookMessage = await _rest.ExecuteWebhook(webhook.Id, webhook.Token, webhookReq, files, req.ThreadId); } catch (JsonReaderException) { // This happens sometimes when we hit a CloudFlare error (or similar) on Discord's end // Nothing we can do about this - happens sometimes under server load, so just drop the message and give up throw new WebhookExecutionErrorOnDiscordsEnd(); } catch (Myriad.Rest.Exceptions.NotFoundException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == 10015 && !hasRetried) { // Error 10015 = "Unknown Webhook" - this likely means the webhook was deleted // but is still in our cache. Invalidate, refresh, try again _logger.Warning("Error invoking webhook {Webhook} in channel {Channel} (thread {ThreadId}", webhook.Id, webhook.ChannelId, req.ThreadId); var newWebhook = await _webhookCache.InvalidateAndRefreshWebhook(req.ChannelId, webhook); return await ExecuteWebhookInner(newWebhook, req, hasRetried: true); } throw; } } // We don't care about whether the sending succeeds, and we don't want to *wait* for it, so we just fork it off var _ = TrySendRemainingAttachments(webhook, req.Name, req.AvatarUrl, attachmentChunks, req.ThreadId); return webhookMessage; } private async Task TrySendRemainingAttachments(Webhook webhook, string name, string avatarUrl, IReadOnlyList> attachmentChunks, ulong? threadId) { if (attachmentChunks.Count <= 1) return; for (var i = 1; i < attachmentChunks.Count; i++) { var files = await GetAttachmentFiles(attachmentChunks[i]); var req = new ExecuteWebhookRequest {Username = name, AvatarUrl = avatarUrl}; await _rest.ExecuteWebhook(webhook.Id, webhook.Token!, req, files, threadId); } } private async Task GetAttachmentFiles(IReadOnlyCollection attachments) { async Task GetStream(Message.Attachment attachment) { var attachmentResponse = await _client.GetAsync(attachment.Url, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead); return new(attachment.Filename, await attachmentResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()); } return await Task.WhenAll(attachments.Select(GetStream)); } private IReadOnlyList> ChunkAttachmentsOrThrow( IReadOnlyList attachments, int sizeThreshold) { // Splits a list of attachments into "chunks" of at most 8MB each // If any individual attachment is larger than 8MB, will throw an error var chunks = new List>(); var list = new List(); foreach (var attachment in attachments) { if (attachment.Size >= sizeThreshold) throw Errors.AttachmentTooLarge; if (list.Sum(a => a.Size) + attachment.Size >= sizeThreshold) { chunks.Add(list); list = new List(); } list.Add(attachment); } if (list.Count > 0) chunks.Add(list); return chunks; } private string FixProxyName(string name) => FixSingleCharacterName(FixClyde(name)); private string FixClyde(string name) { static string Replacement(Match m) => m.Groups[1].Value + "\u200A" + m.Groups[2].Value; // Adds a Unicode hair space (\u200A) between the "c" and the "lyde" to avoid Discord matching it // since Discord blocks webhooks containing the word "Clyde"... for some reason. /shrug return Regex.Replace(name, "(c)(lyde)", Replacement, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } private string FixSingleCharacterName(string proxyName) { if (proxyName.Length == 1) return proxyName + "\u17b5"; return proxyName; } } }