using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace PluralKit.Core; public static class MiscUtils { // discord mediaproxy URLs used to be stored directly in the database, so now we cleanup image urls before using them outside of proxying private static readonly Regex MediaProxyUrl = new( @"^https?://\d{17,19})/(\d{17,19})/([^/\\&\?]+)\.(png|jpg|jpeg|webp)(\?.*)?$"); private static readonly string DiscordCdnReplacement = "$1/$2/$3.$4"; public static bool TryMatchUri(string input, out Uri uri) { try { uri = new Uri(input); if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri || uri.Scheme != "https") return false; } catch (UriFormatException) { uri = null; return false; } return true; } public static string? TryGetCleanCdnUrl(this string? url) => url == null ? null : MediaProxyUrl.Replace(url, DiscordCdnReplacement); }