using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Dapper; using Discord; using Discord.Webhook; using Discord.WebSocket; namespace PluralKit.Bot { class ProxyDatabaseResult { public PKSystem System; public PKMember Member; } class ProxyMatch { public PKMember Member; public PKSystem System; public string InnerText; public string ProxyName => Member.Name + (System.Tag != null ? " " + System.Tag : ""); } class ProxyService { private IDiscordClient _client; private IDbConnection _connection; private LogChannelService _logger; private WebhookCacheService _webhookCache; private MessageStore _messageStorage; private EmbedService _embeds; public ProxyService(IDiscordClient client, WebhookCacheService webhookCache, IDbConnection connection, LogChannelService logger, MessageStore messageStorage, EmbedService embeds) { _client = client; _webhookCache = webhookCache; _connection = connection; _logger = logger; _messageStorage = messageStorage; _embeds = embeds; } private ProxyMatch GetProxyTagMatch(string message, IEnumerable potentials) { // If the message starts with a @mention, and then proceeds to have proxy tags, // extract the mention and place it inside the inner message // eg. @Ske [text] => [@Ske text] int matchStartPosition = 0; string leadingMention = null; if (Utils.HasMentionPrefix(message, ref matchStartPosition)) { leadingMention = message.Substring(0, matchStartPosition); message = message.Substring(matchStartPosition); } // Sort by specificity (ProxyString length desc = prefix+suffix length desc = inner message asc = more specific proxy first!) var ordered = potentials.OrderByDescending(p => p.Member.ProxyString.Length); foreach (var potential in ordered) { if (potential.Member.Prefix == null && potential.Member.Suffix == null) continue; var prefix = potential.Member.Prefix ?? ""; var suffix = potential.Member.Suffix ?? ""; if (message.StartsWith(prefix) && message.EndsWith(suffix)) { var inner = message.Substring(prefix.Length, message.Length - prefix.Length - suffix.Length); if (leadingMention != null) inner = $"{leadingMention} {inner}"; return new ProxyMatch { Member = potential.Member, System = potential.System, InnerText = inner }; } } return null; } public async Task HandleMessageAsync(IMessage message) { var results = await _connection.QueryAsync("select members.*, systems.* from members, systems, accounts where members.system = and accounts.system = and accounts.uid = @Uid", (member, system) => new ProxyDatabaseResult { Member = member, System = system }, new { Uid = message.Author.Id }); // Find a member with proxy tags matching the message var match = GetProxyTagMatch(message.Content, results); if (match == null) return; // Fetch a webhook for this channel, and send the proxied message var webhook = await _webhookCache.GetWebhook(message.Channel as ITextChannel); var hookMessage = await ExecuteWebhook(webhook, match.InnerText, match.ProxyName, match.Member.AvatarUrl, message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()); // Store the message in the database, and log it in the log channel (if applicable) await _messageStorage.Store(message.Author.Id, hookMessage.Id, hookMessage.Channel.Id, match.Member); await _logger.LogMessage(match.System, match.Member, hookMessage, message.Author); // Wait a second or so before deleting the original message await Task.Delay(1000); await message.DeleteAsync(); } private async Task ExecuteWebhook(IWebhook webhook, string text, string username, string avatarUrl, IAttachment attachment) { var client = new DiscordWebhookClient(webhook); ulong messageId; if (attachment != null) { using (var stream = await WebRequest.CreateHttp(attachment.Url).GetRequestStreamAsync()) { messageId = await client.SendFileAsync(stream, filename: attachment.Filename, text: text, username: username, avatarUrl: avatarUrl); } } else { messageId = await client.SendMessageAsync(text, username: username, avatarUrl: avatarUrl); } return await webhook.Channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId); } public Task HandleReactionAddedAsync(Cacheable message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { // Dispatch on emoji switch (reaction.Emote.Name) { case "\u274C": // Red X return HandleMessageDeletionByReaction(message, reaction.UserId); case "\u2753": // Red question mark case "\u2754": // White question mark return HandleMessageQueryByReaction(message, reaction.UserId); default: return Task.CompletedTask; } } private async Task HandleMessageQueryByReaction(Cacheable message, ulong userWhoReacted) { var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(userWhoReacted); if (user == null) return; var msg = await _messageStorage.Get(message.Id); if (msg == null) return; await user.SendMessageAsync(embed: await _embeds.CreateMessageInfoEmbed(msg)); } public async Task HandleMessageDeletionByReaction(Cacheable message, ulong userWhoReacted) { // Find the message in the database var storedMessage = await _messageStorage.Get(message.Id); if (storedMessage == null) return; // (if we can't, that's ok, no worries) // Make sure it's the actual sender of that message deleting the message if (storedMessage.Message.Sender != userWhoReacted) return; try { // Then, fetch the Discord message and delete that // TODO: this could be faster if we didn't bother fetching it and just deleted it directly // somehow through REST? await (await message.GetOrDownloadAsync()).DeleteAsync(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // Message was deleted before we got to it... cool, no problem, lmao } // Finally, delete it from our database. await _messageStorage.Delete(message.Id); } public async Task HandleMessageDeletedAsync(Cacheable message, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { await _messageStorage.Delete(message.Id); } } }