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title: Tips and Tricks

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# Tips and Tricks

## Use command shorthands
PluralKit has a couple of useful command shorthands to reduce the typing:

|pk;system list|pk;s l|
|pk;system list full|pk;s l f|
|pk;system fronter|pk;s f|
|pk;system fronthistory|pk;s fh|
|pk;system frontpercent|pk;s fp|
|pk;member new|pk;m n|
|pk;group new|pk;g n|

## Member list flags
There are a number of option flags that can be added to the `pk;system list` command.

### Sorting options
|-by-name|-bn|Sort by member name (default)|
|-by-display-name|-bdn|Sort by display name|
|-by-id|-bid|Sort by member ID|
|-by-message-count|-bmc|Sort by message count (members with the most messages will appear near the top)|
|-by-created|-bc|Sort by creation date (members least recently created will appear near the top)|
|-by-last-fronted|-by-last-front, -by-last-switch, -blf, -bls|Sort by most recently fronted|
|-by-last-message|-blm, -blp|Sort by last message time (members who most recently sent a proxied message will appear near the top)|
|-by-birthday|-by-birthdate, -bbd|Sort by birthday (members whose birthday is in January will appear near the top)|
|-reverse|-rev, -r|Reverse previously chosen sorting order|
|-random||Sort randomly|

### Filter options
|-all|-a|Show all members, including private members|
|-public-only|-public, -pub|Only show public members (default)|
|-private-only|-private, -priv|Only show private members|

::: warning
You cannot look up private members of another system.

### Additional fields to include in the search results
|-with-last-switch|-with-last-fronted, -with-last-front, -wls, -wlf|Show each member's last switch date|
|-with-last-message|-with-last-proxy, -wlm, -wlp|Show each member's last message date|
|-with-message-count|-wmc|Show each member's message count|
|-with-created|-wc|Show each member's creation date|
|-with-avatar|-wa, -wi, -ia, -ii, -img|Show each member's avatar URL|
|-with-pronouns|-wp|Show each member's pronouns in the short list (shown by default in full list)|

::: warning
These flags only work with the full member list (`pk;system list full`).

## Miscellaneous flags
|pk;system list|-search-description|-sd|Search inside descriptions instead of member names|
|pk;system frontpercent|-fronters-only|-fo|Show the system's frontpercent without the "no fronter" entry|
|pk;system frontpercent|-flat||Show "flat" frontpercent - percentages add up to 100%|
|pk;group \<group> frontpercent|-fronters-only|-fo|Show a group's frontpercent without the "no fronter" entry|
|pk;group \<group> frontpercent|-flat||Show "flat" frontpercent - percentages add up to 100%|
|Most commands|-all|-a|Show hidden/private information|
|Most commands|-raw|-r|Show text with formatting, for easier copy-pasting|
|All commands, except `delete`|-y|-yes|Skip confirmation prompt|