using Dapper; using Myriad.Cache; using Myriad.Extensions; using Myriad.Rest; using Myriad.Rest.Types.Requests; using Myriad.Types; using PluralKit.Core; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class LogChannelService { private readonly Bot _bot; private readonly BotConfig _config; private readonly IDiscordCache _cache; private readonly IDatabase _db; private readonly EmbedService _embed; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ModelRepository _repo; private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest; public LogChannelService(EmbedService embed, ILogger logger, IDatabase db, ModelRepository repo, IDiscordCache cache, DiscordApiClient rest, Bot bot, BotConfig config) { _embed = embed; _db = db; _repo = repo; _cache = cache; _rest = rest; _bot = bot; _config = config; _logger = logger.ForContext(); } public async ValueTask LogMessage(PKMessage proxiedMessage, Message trigger, Message hookMessage, string oldContent = null) { var logChannelId = await GetAndCheckLogChannel(trigger, proxiedMessage); if (logChannelId == null) return; var triggerChannel = await _cache.GetChannel(proxiedMessage.Channel); var member = await _repo.GetMember(proxiedMessage.Member!.Value); var system = await _repo.GetSystem(member.System); // Send embed! var embed = _embed.CreateLoggedMessageEmbed(trigger, hookMessage, system.Hid, member, triggerChannel.Name, oldContent); var url = $"{proxiedMessage.Guild.Value}/{proxiedMessage.Channel}/{proxiedMessage.Mid}"; await _rest.CreateMessage(logChannelId.Value, new MessageRequest { Content = url, Embeds = new[] { embed } }); } private async Task GetAndCheckLogChannel(Message trigger, PKMessage proxiedMessage) { if (proxiedMessage.Guild == null && proxiedMessage.Channel != trigger.ChannelId) // a very old message is being edited outside of its original channel // we can't know if we're in the correct guild, so skip fetching a log channel return null; var guildId = proxiedMessage.Guild ?? trigger.GuildId.Value; // get log channel info from the database var guild = await _repo.GetGuild(guildId); var logChannelId = guild.LogChannel; var isBlacklisted = guild.LogBlacklist.Any(x => x == trigger.ChannelId); // if (ctx.SystemId == null || // removed the above, there shouldn't be a way to get to this code path if you don't have a system registered if (logChannelId == null || isBlacklisted) return null; // Find log channel and check if valid var logChannel = await FindLogChannel(guildId, logChannelId.Value); if (logChannel == null || logChannel.Type != Channel.ChannelType.GuildText && logChannel.Type != Channel.ChannelType.GuildPublicThread && logChannel.Type != Channel.ChannelType.GuildPrivateThread) return null; // Check bot permissions var perms = await GetPermissionsInLogChannel(logChannel); if (!perms.HasFlag(PermissionSet.SendMessages | PermissionSet.EmbedLinks)) { _logger.Information( "Does not have permission to log proxy, ignoring (channel: {ChannelId}, guild: {GuildId}, bot permissions: {BotPermissions})", logChannel.Id, guildId, perms); return null; } return logChannel.Id; } // todo: move this somewhere else private async Task GetPermissionsInLogChannel(Channel channel) { var guild = await _cache.TryGetGuild(channel.GuildId.Value); if (guild == null) guild = await _rest.GetGuild(channel.GuildId.Value); var guildMember = await _cache.TryGetSelfMember(channel.GuildId.Value); if (guildMember == null) guildMember = await _rest.GetGuildMember(channel.GuildId.Value, _config.ClientId); var perms = PermissionExtensions.PermissionsFor(guild, channel, _config.ClientId, guildMember); return perms; } private async Task FindLogChannel(ulong guildId, ulong channelId) { // TODO: fetch it directly on cache miss? if (await _cache.TryGetChannel(channelId) is Channel channel) return channel; if (await _rest.GetChannelOrNull(channelId) is Channel restChannel) return restChannel; // Channel doesn't exist or we don't have permission to access it, let's remove it from the database too _logger.Warning( "Attempted to fetch missing log channel {LogChannel} for guild {Guild}, removing from database", channelId, guildId ); await using var conn = await _db.Obtain(); await conn.ExecuteAsync("update servers set log_channel = null where id = @Guild", new { Guild = guildId }); return null; } }