using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NodaTime; using NodaTime.Text; namespace PluralKit.Core { public readonly struct MemberId: INumericId { public int Value { get; } public MemberId(int value) { Value = value; } public bool Equals(MemberId other) => Value == other.Value; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is MemberId other && Equals(other); public override int GetHashCode() => Value; public static bool operator ==(MemberId left, MemberId right) => left.Equals(right); public static bool operator !=(MemberId left, MemberId right) => !left.Equals(right); public int CompareTo(MemberId other) => Value.CompareTo(other.Value); public override string ToString() => $"Member #{Value}"; } public class PKMember { // Dapper *can* figure out mapping to getter-only properties, but this doesn't work // when trying to map to *subclasses* (eg. ListedMember). Adding private setters makes it work anyway. public MemberId Id { get; private set; } public string Hid { get; private set; } public SystemId System { get; private set; } public string Color { get; private set; } public string AvatarUrl { get; private set; } public string BannerImage { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string DisplayName { get; private set; } public LocalDate? Birthday { get; private set; } public string Pronouns { get; private set; } public string Description { get; private set; } public ICollection ProxyTags { get; private set; } public bool KeepProxy { get; private set; } public Instant Created { get; private set; } public int MessageCount { get; private set; } public bool AllowAutoproxy { get; private set; } public PrivacyLevel MemberVisibility { get; private set; } public PrivacyLevel DescriptionPrivacy { get; private set; } public PrivacyLevel AvatarPrivacy { get; private set; } public PrivacyLevel NamePrivacy { get; private set; } //ignore setting if no display name is set public PrivacyLevel BirthdayPrivacy { get; private set; } public PrivacyLevel PronounPrivacy { get; private set; } public PrivacyLevel MetadataPrivacy { get; private set; } // public PrivacyLevel ColorPrivacy { get; private set; } /// Returns a formatted string representing the member's birthday, taking into account that a year of "0001" or "0004" is hidden /// Before Feb 10 2020, the sentinel year was 0001, now it is 0004. [JsonIgnore] public string BirthdayString { get { if (Birthday == null) return null; var format = LocalDatePattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("MMM dd, yyyy"); if (Birthday?.Year == 1 || Birthday?.Year == 4) format = LocalDatePattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("MMM dd"); return format.Format(Birthday.Value); } } [JsonIgnore] public bool HasProxyTags => ProxyTags.Count > 0; } public static class PKMemberExt { public static string NameFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.NamePrivacy.Get(ctx, member.Name, member.DisplayName ?? member.Name); public static string AvatarFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.AvatarPrivacy.Get(ctx, member.AvatarUrl.TryGetCleanCdnUrl()); public static string DescriptionFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.DescriptionPrivacy.Get(ctx, member.Description); public static LocalDate? BirthdayFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.BirthdayPrivacy.Get(ctx, member.Birthday); public static string PronounsFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.PronounPrivacy.Get(ctx, member.Pronouns); public static Instant? CreatedFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.MetadataPrivacy.Get(ctx, (Instant?)member.Created); public static int MessageCountFor(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx) => member.MetadataPrivacy.Get(ctx, member.MessageCount); public static JObject ToJson(this PKMember member, LookupContext ctx, bool needsLegacyProxyTags = false) { var includePrivacy = ctx == LookupContext.ByOwner; var o = new JObject(); o.Add("id", member.Hid); o.Add("name", member.NameFor(ctx)); // o.Add("color", member.ColorPrivacy.CanAccess(ctx) ? member.Color : null); o.Add("color", member.Color); o.Add("display_name", member.NamePrivacy.CanAccess(ctx) ? member.DisplayName : null); o.Add("birthday", member.BirthdayFor(ctx)?.FormatExport()); o.Add("pronouns", member.PronounsFor(ctx)); o.Add("avatar_url", member.AvatarFor(ctx).TryGetCleanCdnUrl()); o.Add("banner", member.DescriptionPrivacy.Get(ctx, member.BannerImage).TryGetCleanCdnUrl()); o.Add("description", member.DescriptionFor(ctx)); var tagArray = new JArray(); foreach (var tag in member.ProxyTags) tagArray.Add(new JObject { { "prefix", tag.Prefix }, { "suffix", tag.Suffix } }); o.Add("proxy_tags", tagArray); o.Add("keep_proxy", member.KeepProxy); o.Add("privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.MemberVisibility.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("visibility", includePrivacy ? (member.MemberVisibility.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("name_privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.NamePrivacy.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("description_privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.DescriptionPrivacy.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("birthday_privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.BirthdayPrivacy.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("pronoun_privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.PronounPrivacy.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("avatar_privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.AvatarPrivacy.LevelName()) : null); // o.Add("color_privacy", ctx == LookupContext.ByOwner ? (member.ColorPrivacy.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("metadata_privacy", includePrivacy ? (member.MetadataPrivacy.LevelName()) : null); o.Add("created", member.CreatedFor(ctx)?.FormatExport()); if (member.ProxyTags.Count > 0 && needsLegacyProxyTags) { // Legacy compatibility only, TODO: remove at some point o.Add("prefix", member.ProxyTags?.FirstOrDefault().Prefix); o.Add("suffix", member.ProxyTags?.FirstOrDefault().Suffix); } return o; } } }