using Google.Protobuf; using StackExchange.Redis; using StackExchange.Redis.KeyspaceIsolation; using Serilog; using Myriad.Types; namespace Myriad.Cache; #pragma warning disable 4014 public class RedisDiscordCache: IDiscordCache { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ulong _ownUserId; public RedisDiscordCache(ILogger logger, ulong ownUserId) { _logger = logger; _ownUserId = ownUserId; } private ConnectionMultiplexer _redis { get; set; } public async Task InitAsync(string addr) { _redis = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(addr); } private IDatabase db => _redis.GetDatabase().WithKeyPrefix("discord:"); public async ValueTask SaveGuild(Guild guild) { _logger.Verbose("Saving guild {GuildId} to redis", guild.Id); var g = new CachedGuild(); g.Id = guild.Id; g.Name = guild.Name; g.OwnerId = guild.OwnerId; g.PremiumTier = (int)guild.PremiumTier; var tr = db.CreateTransaction(); tr.HashSetAsync("guilds", guild.Id.HashWrapper(g)); foreach (var role in guild.Roles) { // Don't call SaveRole because that updates guild state // and we just got a brand new one :) // actually with redis it doesn't update guild state, but we're still doing it here because transaction tr.HashSetAsync("roles", role.Id.HashWrapper(new CachedRole() { Id = role.Id, Name = role.Name, Position = role.Position, Permissions = (ulong)role.Permissions, Mentionable = role.Mentionable, })); tr.HashSetAsync($"guild_roles:{guild.Id}", role.Id, true, When.NotExists); } await tr.ExecuteAsync(); } public async ValueTask SaveChannel(Channel channel) { _logger.Verbose("Saving channel {ChannelId} to redis", channel.Id); await db.HashSetAsync("channels", channel.Id.HashWrapper(channel.ToProtobuf())); if (channel.GuildId != null) await db.HashSetAsync($"guild_channels:{channel.GuildId.Value}", channel.Id, true, When.NotExists); // todo: use a transaction for this? if (channel.Recipients != null) foreach (var recipient in channel.Recipients) await SaveUser(recipient); } public async ValueTask SaveUser(User user) { _logger.Verbose("Saving user {UserId} to redis", user.Id); var u = new CachedUser() { Id = user.Id, Username = user.Username, Discriminator = user.Discriminator, Bot = user.Bot, }; if (user.Avatar != null) u.Avatar = user.Avatar; await db.HashSetAsync("users", user.Id.HashWrapper(u)); } public async ValueTask SaveSelfMember(ulong guildId, GuildMemberPartial member) { _logger.Verbose("Saving self member for guild {GuildId} to redis", guildId); var gm = new CachedGuildMember(); foreach (var role in member.Roles) gm.Roles.Add(role); await db.HashSetAsync("members", guildId.HashWrapper(gm)); } public async ValueTask SaveRole(ulong guildId, Myriad.Types.Role role) { _logger.Verbose("Saving role {RoleId} in {GuildId} to redis", role.Id, guildId); await db.HashSetAsync("roles", role.Id.HashWrapper(new CachedRole() { Id = role.Id, Mentionable = role.Mentionable, Name = role.Name, Permissions = (ulong)role.Permissions, Position = role.Position, })); await db.HashSetAsync($"guild_roles:{guildId}", role.Id, true, When.NotExists); } public async ValueTask SaveDmChannelStub(ulong channelId) { // Use existing channel object if present, otherwise add a stub // We may get a message create before channel create and we want to have it saved if (await TryGetChannel(channelId) == null) await db.HashSetAsync("channels", channelId.HashWrapper(new CachedChannel() { Id = channelId, Type = (int)Channel.ChannelType.Dm, })); } public async ValueTask RemoveGuild(ulong guildId) => await db.HashDeleteAsync("guilds", guildId); public async ValueTask RemoveChannel(ulong channelId) { var oldChannel = await TryGetChannel(channelId); if (oldChannel == null) return; await db.HashDeleteAsync("channels", channelId); if (oldChannel.GuildId != null) await db.HashDeleteAsync($"guild_channels:{oldChannel.GuildId.Value}", oldChannel.Id); } public async ValueTask RemoveUser(ulong userId) => await db.HashDeleteAsync("users", userId); public ulong GetOwnUser() => _ownUserId; public async ValueTask RemoveRole(ulong guildId, ulong roleId) { await db.HashDeleteAsync("roles", roleId); await db.HashDeleteAsync($"guild_roles:{guildId}", roleId); } public async Task<Guild?> TryGetGuild(ulong guildId) { var redisGuild = await db.HashGetAsync("guilds", guildId); if (redisGuild.IsNullOrEmpty) return null; var guild = ((byte[])redisGuild).Unmarshal<CachedGuild>(); var redisRoles = await db.HashGetAllAsync($"guild_roles:{guildId}"); // todo: put this in a transaction or something var roles = await Task.WhenAll(redisRoles.Select(r => TryGetRole((ulong)r.Name))); #pragma warning disable 8619 return guild.FromProtobuf() with { Roles = roles }; #pragma warning restore 8619 } public async Task<Channel?> TryGetChannel(ulong channelId) { var redisChannel = await db.HashGetAsync("channels", channelId); if (redisChannel.IsNullOrEmpty) return null; return ((byte[])redisChannel).Unmarshal<CachedChannel>().FromProtobuf(); } public async Task<User?> TryGetUser(ulong userId) { var redisUser = await db.HashGetAsync("users", userId); if (redisUser.IsNullOrEmpty) return null; return ((byte[])redisUser).Unmarshal<CachedUser>().FromProtobuf(); } public async Task<GuildMemberPartial?> TryGetSelfMember(ulong guildId) { var redisMember = await db.HashGetAsync("members", guildId); if (redisMember.IsNullOrEmpty) return null; return new GuildMemberPartial() { Roles = ((byte[])redisMember).Unmarshal<CachedGuildMember>().Roles.ToArray() }; } public async Task<Myriad.Types.Role?> TryGetRole(ulong roleId) { var redisRole = await db.HashGetAsync("roles", roleId); if (redisRole.IsNullOrEmpty) return null; var role = ((byte[])redisRole).Unmarshal<CachedRole>(); return new Myriad.Types.Role() { Id = role.Id, Name = role.Name, Position = role.Position, Permissions = (PermissionSet)role.Permissions, Mentionable = role.Mentionable, }; } public IAsyncEnumerable<Guild> GetAllGuilds() { // return _guilds.Values // .Select(g => g.Guild) // .ToAsyncEnumerable(); return new Guild[] { }.ToAsyncEnumerable(); } public async Task<IEnumerable<Channel>> GetGuildChannels(ulong guildId) { var redisChannels = await db.HashGetAllAsync($"guild_channels:{guildId}"); if (redisChannels.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Guild not found", nameof(guildId)); #pragma warning disable 8619 return await Task.WhenAll(redisChannels.Select(c => TryGetChannel((ulong)c.Name))); #pragma warning restore 8619 } } internal static class CacheProtoExt { public static Guild FromProtobuf(this CachedGuild guild) => new Guild() { Id = guild.Id, Name = guild.Name, OwnerId = guild.OwnerId, PremiumTier = (PremiumTier)guild.PremiumTier, }; public static CachedChannel ToProtobuf(this Channel channel) { var c = new CachedChannel(); c.Id = channel.Id; c.Type = (int)channel.Type; if (channel.Position != null) c.Position = channel.Position.Value; c.Name = channel.Name; if (channel.PermissionOverwrites != null) foreach (var overwrite in channel.PermissionOverwrites) c.PermissionOverwrites.Add(new Overwrite() { Id = overwrite.Id, Type = (int)overwrite.Type, Allow = (ulong)overwrite.Allow, Deny = (ulong)overwrite.Deny, }); if (channel.GuildId != null) c.GuildId = channel.GuildId.Value; return c; } public static Channel FromProtobuf(this CachedChannel channel) => new Channel() { Id = channel.Id, Type = (Channel.ChannelType)channel.Type, Position = channel.Position, Name = channel.Name, PermissionOverwrites = channel.PermissionOverwrites .Select(x => new Channel.Overwrite() { Id = x.Id, Type = (Channel.OverwriteType)x.Type, Allow = (PermissionSet)x.Allow, Deny = (PermissionSet)x.Deny, }).ToArray(), GuildId = channel.HasGuildId ? channel.GuildId : null, ParentId = channel.HasParentId ? channel.ParentId : null, }; public static User FromProtobuf(this CachedUser user) => new User() { Id = user.Id, Username = user.Username, Discriminator = user.Discriminator, Avatar = user.HasAvatar ? user.Avatar : null, Bot = user.Bot, }; } internal static class RedisExt { // convenience method public static HashEntry[] HashWrapper<T>(this ulong key, T value) where T : IMessage => new[] { new HashEntry(key, value.ToByteArray()) }; } public static class ProtobufExt { private static Dictionary<string, MessageParser> _parser = new(); public static byte[] Marshal(this IMessage message) => message.ToByteArray(); public static T Unmarshal<T>(this byte[] message) where T : IMessage<T>, new() { var type = typeof(T).ToString(); if (_parser.ContainsKey(type)) return (T)_parser[type].ParseFrom(message); else { _parser.Add(type, new MessageParser<T>(() => new T())); return Unmarshal<T>(message); } } }