using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Dapper; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.Commands.Builders; using Discord.WebSocket; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; namespace PluralKit.Bot { public static class Utils { public static string NameAndMention(this IUser user) { return $"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator} ({user.Mention})"; } } class UlongEncodeAsLongHandler : SqlMapper.TypeHandler { public override ulong Parse(object value) { // Cast to long to unbox, then to ulong (???) return (ulong)(long)value; } public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, ulong value) { parameter.Value = (long)value; } } class PKSystemTypeReader : TypeReader { public override async Task ReadAsync(ICommandContext context, string input, IServiceProvider services) { var client = services.GetService(); var conn = services.GetService(); // System references can take three forms: // - The direct user ID of an account connected to the system // - A @mention of an account connected to the system (<@uid>) // - A system hid // First, try direct user ID parsing if (ulong.TryParse(input, out var idFromNumber)) return await FindSystemByAccountHelper(idFromNumber, client, conn); // Then, try mention parsing. if (MentionUtils.TryParseUser(input, out var idFromMention)) return await FindSystemByAccountHelper(idFromMention, client, conn); // Finally, try HID parsing var res = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync("select * from systems where hid = @Hid", new { Hid = input }); if (res != null) return TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(res); return TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, $"System with ID `{input}` not found."); } async Task FindSystemByAccountHelper(ulong id, IDiscordClient client, IDbConnection conn) { var foundByAccountId = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync("select * from accounts, systems where accounts.system = and = @Id", new { Id = id }); if (foundByAccountId != null) return TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(foundByAccountId); // We didn't find any, so we try to resolve the user ID to find the associated account, // so we can print their username. var user = await client.GetUserAsync(id); // Return descriptive errors based on whether we found the user or not. if (user == null) return TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, $"System or account with ID `{id}` not found."); return TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, $"Account **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}** not found."); } } class PKMemberTypeReader : TypeReader { public override async Task ReadAsync(ICommandContext context, string input, IServiceProvider services) { var conn = services.GetService(typeof(IDbConnection)) as IDbConnection; // If the sender of the command is in a system themselves, // then try searching by the member's name if (context is PKCommandContext ctx && ctx.SenderSystem != null) { var foundByName = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync("select * from members where system = @System and lower(name) = lower(@Name)", new { System = ctx.SenderSystem.Id, Name = input }); if (foundByName != null) return TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(foundByName); } // Otherwise, if sender isn't in a system, or no member found by that name, // do a standard by-hid search. var foundByHid = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync("select * from members where hid = @Hid", new { Hid = input }); if (foundByHid != null) return TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(foundByHid); return TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, "Member not found."); } } /// Subclass of ICommandContext with PK-specific additional fields and functionality public class PKCommandContext : SocketCommandContext, ICommandContext { public IDbConnection Connection { get; } public PKSystem SenderSystem { get; } private object _entity; public PKCommandContext(DiscordSocketClient client, SocketUserMessage msg, IDbConnection connection, PKSystem system) : base(client, msg) { Connection = connection; SenderSystem = system; } public T GetContextEntity() where T: class { return _entity as T; } public void SetContextEntity(object entity) { _entity = entity; } } public abstract class ContextParameterModuleBase : ModuleBase where T: class { public IServiceProvider _services { get; set; } public CommandService _commands { get; set; } public abstract string Prefix { get; } public abstract string ContextNoun { get; } public abstract Task ReadContextParameterAsync(string value); public T ContextEntity => Context.GetContextEntity(); protected override void OnModuleBuilding(CommandService commandService, ModuleBuilder builder) { // We create a catch-all command that intercepts the first argument, tries to parse it as // the context parameter, then runs the command service AGAIN with that given in a wrapped // context, with the context argument removed so it delegates to the subcommand executor builder.AddCommand("", async (ctx, param, services, info) => { var pkCtx = ctx as PKCommandContext; pkCtx.SetContextEntity(param[0] as T); await commandService.ExecuteAsync(pkCtx, Prefix + " " + param[1] as string, services); }, (cb) => { cb.WithPriority(-9999); cb.AddPrecondition(new MustNotHaveContextPrecondition()); cb.AddParameter("contextValue", (pb) => pb.WithDefault("")); cb.AddParameter("rest", (pb) => pb.WithDefault("").WithIsRemainder(true)); }); } } public class MustNotHaveContextPrecondition : PreconditionAttribute { public MustNotHaveContextPrecondition() { } public override async Task CheckPermissionsAsync(ICommandContext context, CommandInfo command, IServiceProvider services) { if ((context as PKCommandContext)?.GetContextEntity() == null) return PreconditionResult.FromSuccess(); return PreconditionResult.FromError("(should not be seen)"); } } public class PKError : Exception { public PKError(string message) : base(message) { } } public class PKSyntaxError : PKError { public PKSyntaxError(string message) : base(message) { } } }