using Myriad.Cache; using Myriad.Extensions; using Myriad.Gateway; using Myriad.Rest; using Myriad.Rest.Exceptions; using Myriad.Rest.Types; using Myriad.Rest.Types.Requests; using Myriad.Types; using PluralKit.Core; using NodaTime; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class ReactionAdded: IEventHandler { private readonly Bot _bot; private readonly BotConfig _config; private readonly IDiscordCache _cache; private readonly Cluster _cluster; private readonly CommandMessageService _commandMessageService; private readonly IDatabase _db; private readonly EmbedService _embeds; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ModelRepository _repo; private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest; private readonly PrivateChannelService _dmCache; public ReactionAdded(ILogger logger, IDatabase db, ModelRepository repo, CommandMessageService commandMessageService, IDiscordCache cache, Bot bot, Cluster cluster, BotConfig config, DiscordApiClient rest, EmbedService embeds, PrivateChannelService dmCache) { _db = db; _repo = repo; _commandMessageService = commandMessageService; _cache = cache; _bot = bot; _config = config; _cluster = cluster; _rest = rest; _embeds = embeds; _logger = logger.ForContext(); _dmCache = dmCache; } public async Task Handle(int shardId, MessageReactionAddEvent evt) { await TryHandleProxyMessageReactions(evt); } private async ValueTask TryHandleProxyMessageReactions(MessageReactionAddEvent evt) { // ignore any reactions added by *us* if (evt.UserId == _config.ClientId) return; // Ignore reactions from bots (we can't DM them anyway) // note: this used to get from cache since this event does not contain Member in DMs // but we aren't able to get DMs from bots anyway, so it's not really needed if (evt.GuildId != null && (evt.Member?.User?.Bot ?? false)) return; var channel = await _cache.GetChannel(evt.ChannelId); // check if it's a command message first // since this can happen in DMs as well if (evt.Emoji.Name == "\u274c") { // in DMs, allow deleting any PK message if (channel.GuildId == null) { await HandleCommandDeleteReaction(evt, null); return; } var (authorId, _) = await _commandMessageService.GetCommandMessage(evt.MessageId); if (authorId != null) { await HandleCommandDeleteReaction(evt, authorId.Value); return; } } // Proxied messages only exist in guild text channels, so skip checking if we're elsewhere if (!DiscordUtils.IsValidGuildChannel(channel)) return; switch (evt.Emoji.Name) { // Message deletion case "\u274C": // Red X { var msg = await _repo.GetMessage(evt.MessageId); if (msg != null) await HandleProxyDeleteReaction(evt, msg); break; } case "\u2753": // Red question mark case "\u2754": // White question mark { var msg = await _repo.GetFullMessage(evt.MessageId); if (msg != null) await HandleQueryReaction(evt, msg); break; } case "\U0001F514": // Bell case "\U0001F6CE": // Bellhop bell case "\U0001F3D3": // Ping pong paddle (lol) case "\u23F0": // Alarm clock case "\u2757": // Exclamation mark { var msg = await _repo.GetFullMessage(evt.MessageId); if (msg != null) await HandlePingReaction(evt, msg); break; } } } private async ValueTask HandleProxyDeleteReaction(MessageReactionAddEvent evt, PKMessage msg) { if (!(await _cache.PermissionsIn(evt.ChannelId)).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) return; var isSameSystem = msg.Member != null && await _repo.IsMemberOwnedByAccount(msg.Member.Value, evt.UserId); // Can only delete your own message (same system or same Discord account) if (!isSameSystem && msg.Sender != evt.UserId) return; try { await _rest.DeleteMessage(evt.ChannelId, evt.MessageId); } catch (NotFoundException) { // Message was deleted by something/someone else before we got to it } await _repo.DeleteMessage(evt.MessageId); } private async ValueTask HandleCommandDeleteReaction(MessageReactionAddEvent evt, ulong? authorId) { // Can only delete your own message // (except in DMs, where msg will be null) if (authorId != null && authorId != evt.UserId) return; if (!(await _cache.PermissionsIn(evt.ChannelId)).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) return; // todo: don't try to delete the user's own messages in DMs // this is hard since we don't have the message author object, but it happens infrequently enough to not really care about the 403s, I guess? try { await _rest.DeleteMessage(evt.ChannelId, evt.MessageId); } catch (NotFoundException) { // Message was deleted by something/someone else before we got to it } catch (ForbiddenException) { // user reacted with :x: to their own message } // No need to delete database row here, it'll get deleted by the once-per-minute scheduled task. } private async ValueTask HandleQueryReaction(MessageReactionAddEvent evt, FullMessage msg) { var guild = await _cache.GetGuild(evt.GuildId!.Value); // Try to DM the user info about the message try { var dm = await _dmCache.GetOrCreateDmChannel(evt.UserId); var embeds = new List(); if (msg.Member != null) embeds.Add(await _embeds.CreateMemberEmbed( msg.System, msg.Member, guild, LookupContext.ByNonOwner, DateTimeZone.Utc )); embeds.Add(await _embeds.CreateMessageInfoEmbed(msg, true)); await _rest.CreateMessage(dm, new MessageRequest { Embeds = embeds.ToArray() }); } catch (ForbiddenException) { } // No permissions to DM, can't check for this :( await TryRemoveOriginalReaction(evt); } private async ValueTask HandlePingReaction(MessageReactionAddEvent evt, FullMessage msg) { if (!(await _cache.PermissionsIn(evt.ChannelId)).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) return; // Check if the "pinger" has permission to send messages in this channel // (if not, PK shouldn't send messages on their behalf) var member = await _rest.GetGuildMember(evt.GuildId!.Value, evt.UserId); var requiredPerms = PermissionSet.ViewChannel | PermissionSet.SendMessages; if (member == null || !(await _cache.PermissionsFor(evt.ChannelId, member)).HasFlag(requiredPerms)) return; if (msg.Member == null) return; var config = await _repo.GetSystemConfig(msg.System.Id); if (config.PingsEnabled) // If the system has pings enabled, go ahead await _rest.CreateMessage(evt.ChannelId, new MessageRequest { Content = $"Psst, **{msg.Member.DisplayName()}** (<@{msg.Message.Sender}>), you have been pinged by <@{evt.UserId}>.", Components = new[] { new MessageComponent { Type = ComponentType.ActionRow, Components = new[] { new MessageComponent { Style = ButtonStyle.Link, Type = ComponentType.Button, Label = "Jump", Url = evt.JumpLink() } } } }, AllowedMentions = new AllowedMentions { Users = new[] { msg.Message.Sender } } }); else // If not, tell them in DMs (if we can) try { var dm = await _dmCache.GetOrCreateDmChannel(evt.UserId); await _rest.CreateMessage(dm, new MessageRequest { Content = $"{Emojis.Error} {msg.Member.DisplayName()}'s system has disabled reaction pings. If you want to mention them anyway, you can copy/paste the following message:" }); await _rest.CreateMessage( dm, new MessageRequest { Content = $"<@{msg.Message.Sender}>".AsCode() } ); } catch (ForbiddenException) { } await TryRemoveOriginalReaction(evt); } private async Task TryRemoveOriginalReaction(MessageReactionAddEvent evt) { if ((await _cache.PermissionsIn(evt.ChannelId)).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) await _rest.DeleteUserReaction(evt.ChannelId, evt.MessageId, evt.Emoji, evt.UserId); } }