using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.WebSockets; using System.Threading.Tasks; using App.Metrics; using Myriad.Gateway; using NodaTime; using NodaTime.Extensions; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot { // TODO: how much of this do we need now that we have logging in the shard library? // A lot could probably be cleaned up... public class ShardInfoService { public class ShardInfo { public bool HasAttachedListeners; public Instant LastConnectionTime; public Instant LastHeartbeatTime; public int DisconnectionCount; public Duration ShardLatency; public bool Connected; } private readonly IMetrics _metrics; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly Cluster _client; private readonly Dictionary _shardInfo = new(); public ShardInfoService(ILogger logger, Cluster client, IMetrics metrics) { _client = client; _metrics = metrics; _logger = logger.ForContext(); } public void Init() { // We initialize this before any shards are actually created and connected // This means the client won't know the shard count, so we attach a listener every time a shard gets connected _client.ShardCreated += InitializeShard; } private void ReportShardStatus() { foreach (var (id, shard) in _shardInfo) _metrics.Measure.Gauge.SetValue(BotMetrics.ShardLatency, new MetricTags("shard", id.ToString()), shard.ShardLatency.TotalMilliseconds); _metrics.Measure.Gauge.SetValue(BotMetrics.ShardsConnected, _shardInfo.Count(s => s.Value.Connected)); } private void InitializeShard(Shard shard) { // Get or insert info in the client dict if (_shardInfo.TryGetValue(shard.ShardId, out var info)) { // Skip adding listeners if we've seen this shard & already added listeners to it if (info.HasAttachedListeners) return; } else _shardInfo[shard.ShardId] = info = new ShardInfo(); // Call our own SocketOpened listener manually (and then attach the listener properly) SocketOpened(shard); shard.SocketOpened += () => SocketOpened(shard); // Register listeners for new shards _logger.Information("Attaching listeners to new shard #{Shard}", shard.ShardId); shard.Resumed += () => Resumed(shard); shard.Ready += () => Ready(shard); shard.SocketClosed += (closeStatus, message) => SocketClosed(shard, closeStatus, message); shard.HeartbeatReceived += latency => Heartbeated(shard, latency); // Register that we've seen it info.HasAttachedListeners = true; } private void SocketOpened(Shard shard) { // We do nothing else here, since this kinda doesn't mean *much*? It's only really started once we get Ready/Resumed // And it doesn't get fired first time around since we don't have time to add the event listener before it's fired' _logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} opened socket", shard.ShardId); } private ShardInfo TryGetShard(Shard shard) { // If we haven't seen this shard before, add it to the dict! // I don't think this will ever occur since the shard number is constant up-front and we handle those // in the RefreshShardList handler above but you never know, I guess~ if (!_shardInfo.TryGetValue(shard.ShardId, out var info)) _shardInfo[shard.ShardId] = info = new ShardInfo(); return info; } private void Resumed(Shard shard) { _logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} resumed connection", shard.ShardId); var info = TryGetShard(shard); // info.LastConnectionTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(); info.Connected = true; ReportShardStatus(); } private void Ready(Shard shard) { _logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} sent Ready event", shard.ShardId); var info = TryGetShard(shard); info.LastConnectionTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(); info.Connected = true; ReportShardStatus(); } private void SocketClosed(Shard shard, WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus, string message) { _logger.Warning("Shard #{Shard} disconnected ({CloseCode}: {CloseMessage})", shard.ShardId, closeStatus, message); var info = TryGetShard(shard); info.DisconnectionCount++; info.Connected = false; ReportShardStatus(); } private void Heartbeated(Shard shard, TimeSpan latency) { _logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} received heartbeat (latency: {Latency} ms)", shard.ShardId, latency.Milliseconds); var info = TryGetShard(shard); info.LastHeartbeatTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(); info.Connected = true; info.ShardLatency = latency.ToDuration(); } public ShardInfo GetShardInfo(Shard shard) => _shardInfo[shard.ShardId]; public ICollection Shards => _shardInfo.Values; } }