#nullable enable using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Autofac; using Myriad.Builders; using Myriad.Cache; using Myriad.Extensions; using Myriad.Rest; using Myriad.Rest.Exceptions; using Myriad.Rest.Types; using Myriad.Rest.Types.Requests; using Myriad.Types; using NodaTime; using App.Metrics; using PluralKit.Core; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class ProxiedMessage { private static readonly Duration EditTimeout = Duration.FromMinutes(10); private static readonly Duration ReproxyTimeout = Duration.FromMinutes(1); // private readonly IDiscordCache _cache; private readonly ModelRepository _repo; private readonly IMetrics _metrics; private readonly EmbedService _embeds; private readonly LogChannelService _logChannel; private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest; private readonly WebhookExecutorService _webhookExecutor; private readonly ProxyService _proxy; private readonly LastMessageCacheService _lastMessageCache; public ProxiedMessage(EmbedService embeds, DiscordApiClient rest, IMetrics metrics, ModelRepository repo, ProxyService proxy, WebhookExecutorService webhookExecutor, LogChannelService logChannel, IDiscordCache cache, LastMessageCacheService lastMessageCache) { _embeds = embeds; _rest = rest; _webhookExecutor = webhookExecutor; _repo = repo; _logChannel = logChannel; // _cache = cache; _metrics = metrics; _proxy = proxy; _lastMessageCache = lastMessageCache; } public async Task ReproxyMessage(Context ctx) { var (msg, systemId) = await GetMessageToEdit(ctx, ReproxyTimeout, true); if (ctx.System.Id != systemId) throw new PKError("Can't reproxy a message sent by a different system."); // Get target member ID var target = await ctx.MatchMember(restrictToSystem: ctx.System.Id); if (target == null) throw new PKError("Could not find a member to reproxy the message with."); // Fetch members and get the ProxyMember for `target` List members; using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.ProxyMembersQueryTime)) members = (await _repo.GetProxyMembers(ctx.Author.Id, msg.Guild!.Value)).ToList(); var match = members.Find(x => x.Id == target.Id); if (match == null) throw new PKError("Could not find a member to reproxy the message with."); try { await _proxy.ExecuteReproxy(ctx.Message, msg, members, match); if (ctx.Guild == null) await _rest.CreateReaction(ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Message.Id, new Emoji { Name = Emojis.Success }); if ((await ctx.BotPermissions).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) await _rest.DeleteMessage(ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Message.Id); } catch (NotFoundException) { throw new PKError("Could not reproxy message."); } } public async Task EditMessage(Context ctx) { var (msg, systemId) = await GetMessageToEdit(ctx, EditTimeout, false); if (ctx.System.Id != systemId) throw new PKError("Can't edit a message sent by a different system."); if (!ctx.HasNext()) throw new PKSyntaxError("You need to include the message to edit in."); var originalMsg = await _rest.GetMessageOrNull(msg.Channel, msg.Mid); if (originalMsg == null) throw new PKError("Could not edit message."); // Check if we should append or prepend var mutateSpace = ctx.MatchFlag("nospace", "ns") ? "" : " "; var append = ctx.MatchFlag("append", "a"); var prepend = ctx.MatchFlag("prepend", "p"); // Grab the original message content and new message content var originalContent = originalMsg.Content; var newContent = ctx.RemainderOrNull().NormalizeLineEndSpacing(); // Append or prepend the new content to the original message content if needed. // If no flag is supplied, the new contents will completly overwrite the old contents // If both flags are specified. the message will be prepended AND appended if (append && prepend) newContent = $"{newContent}{mutateSpace}{originalContent}{mutateSpace}{newContent}"; else if (append) newContent = $"{originalContent}{mutateSpace}{newContent}"; else if (prepend) newContent = $"{newContent}{mutateSpace}{originalContent}"; if (newContent.Length > 2000) throw new PKError("PluralKit cannot proxy messages over 2000 characters in length."); try { var editedMsg = await _webhookExecutor.EditWebhookMessage(msg.Channel, msg.Mid, newContent); if (ctx.Guild == null) await _rest.CreateReaction(ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Message.Id, new Emoji { Name = Emojis.Success }); if ((await ctx.BotPermissions).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) await _rest.DeleteMessage(ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Message.Id); await _logChannel.LogMessage(msg, ctx.Message, editedMsg, originalMsg!.Content!); } catch (NotFoundException) { throw new PKError("Could not edit message."); } } private async Task<(PKMessage, SystemId)> GetMessageToEdit(Context ctx, Duration timeout, bool isReproxy) { var editType = isReproxy ? "reproxy" : "edit"; var editTypeAction = isReproxy ? "reproxied" : "edited"; PKMessage? msg = null; var (referencedMessage, _) = ctx.MatchMessage(false); if (referencedMessage != null) { await using var conn = await ctx.Database.Obtain(); msg = await ctx.Repository.GetMessage(referencedMessage.Value); if (msg == null) throw new PKError("This is not a message proxied by PluralKit."); } if (msg == null) { if (ctx.Guild == null) throw new PKSyntaxError($"You must use a message link to {editType} messages in DMs."); ulong? recent = null; if (isReproxy) recent = await ctx.Redis.GetLastMessage(ctx.Author.Id, ctx.Channel.Id); else recent = await FindRecentMessage(ctx, timeout); if (recent == null) throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not find a recent message to {editType}."); await using var conn = await ctx.Database.Obtain(); msg = await ctx.Repository.GetMessage(recent.Value); if (msg == null) throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not find a recent message to {editType}."); } var member = await ctx.Repository.GetMember(msg.Member!.Value); if (member == null) throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not find a recent message to {editType}."); if (msg.Channel != ctx.Channel.Id) { var error = "The channel where the message was sent does not exist anymore, or you are missing permissions to access it."; var channel = await _rest.GetChannelOrNull(msg.Channel); if (channel == null) throw new PKError(error); if (!await ctx.CheckPermissionsInGuildChannel(channel, PermissionSet.ViewChannel | PermissionSet.SendMessages )) throw new PKError(error); } var lastMessage = _lastMessageCache.GetLastMessage(ctx.Message.ChannelId); var isLatestMessage = lastMessage?.Current.Id == ctx.Message.Id ? lastMessage?.Previous?.Id == msg.Mid : lastMessage?.Current.Id == msg.Mid; var msgTimestamp = DiscordUtils.SnowflakeToInstant(msg.Mid); if (isReproxy && !isLatestMessage) if (SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - msgTimestamp > timeout) throw new PKError($"The message is too old to be {editTypeAction}."); return (msg, member.System); } private async Task FindRecentMessage(Context ctx, Duration timeout) { var lastMessage = await ctx.Redis.GetLastMessage(ctx.Author.Id, ctx.Channel.Id); if (lastMessage == null) return null; var timestamp = DiscordUtils.SnowflakeToInstant(lastMessage.Value); if (SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() - timestamp > timeout) return null; return lastMessage; } public async Task GetMessage(Context ctx) { var (messageId, _) = ctx.MatchMessage(true); if (messageId == null) { if (!ctx.HasNext()) throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass a message ID or link."); throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not parse {ctx.PeekArgument().AsCode()} as a message ID or link."); } var isDelete = ctx.Match("delete") || ctx.MatchFlag("delete"); var message = await ctx.Repository.GetFullMessage(messageId.Value); if (message == null) { if (isDelete) { await DeleteCommandMessage(ctx, messageId.Value); return; } throw Errors.MessageNotFound(messageId.Value); } var showContent = true; var noShowContentError = "Message deleted or inaccessible."; var channel = await _rest.GetChannelOrNull(message.Message.Channel); if (channel == null) showContent = false; else if (!await ctx.CheckPermissionsInGuildChannel(channel, PermissionSet.ViewChannel)) showContent = false; if (ctx.MatchRaw()) { var discordMessage = await _rest.GetMessageOrNull(message.Message.Channel, message.Message.Mid); if (discordMessage == null || !showContent) throw new PKError(noShowContentError); var content = discordMessage.Content; if (content == null || content == "") { await ctx.Reply("No message content found in that message."); return; } await ctx.Reply($"```{content}```"); if (Regex.IsMatch(content, "```.*```", RegexOptions.Singleline)) { var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content)); await ctx.Rest.CreateMessage( ctx.Channel.Id, new MessageRequest { Content = $"{Emojis.Warn} Message contains codeblocks, raw source sent as an attachment." }, new[] { new MultipartFile("message.txt", stream, null) }); } return; } if (isDelete) { if (!showContent) throw new PKError(noShowContentError); if (message.System?.Id != ctx.System.Id && message.Message.Sender != ctx.Author.Id) throw new PKError("You can only delete your own messages."); await ctx.Rest.DeleteMessage(message.Message.Channel, message.Message.Mid); if (ctx.Channel.Id == message.Message.Channel) await ctx.Rest.DeleteMessage(ctx.Message); else await ctx.Rest.CreateReaction(ctx.Message.ChannelId, ctx.Message.Id, new Emoji { Name = Emojis.Success }); return; } if (ctx.Match("author") || ctx.MatchFlag("author")) { var user = await _rest.GetUser(message.Message.Sender); var eb = new EmbedBuilder() .Author(new Embed.EmbedAuthor( user != null ? $"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}" : $"Deleted user ${message.Message.Sender}", IconUrl: user != null ? user.AvatarUrl() : null)) .Description(message.Message.Sender.ToString()); await ctx.Reply( user != null ? $"{user.Mention()} ({user.Id})" : $"*(deleted user {message.Message.Sender})*", eb.Build()); return; } await ctx.Reply(embed: await _embeds.CreateMessageInfoEmbed(message, showContent)); } private async Task DeleteCommandMessage(Context ctx, ulong messageId) { var (authorId, channelId) = await ctx.Services.Resolve().GetCommandMessage(messageId); if (authorId == null) throw Errors.MessageNotFound(messageId); if (authorId != ctx.Author.Id) throw new PKError("You can only delete command messages queried by this account."); await ctx.Rest.DeleteMessage(channelId!.Value, messageId); if (ctx.Guild != null) await ctx.Rest.DeleteMessage(ctx.Message); else await ctx.Rest.CreateReaction(ctx.Message.ChannelId, ctx.Message.Id, new Emoji { Name = Emojis.Success }); } }