#nullable enable using System.Collections.Generic; using PluralKit.Bot; using PluralKit.Core; using Xunit; namespace PluralKit.Tests { public class ProxyTagParserTests { public class Basics { private ProxyMember[] members = { new ProxyMember("John", new ProxyTag("[", "]")), new ProxyMember("Bob", new ProxyTag("{", "}"), new ProxyTag("<", ">")), new ProxyMember("Prefixed", new ProxyTag("A:", "")), new ProxyMember("Tagless") }; [Fact] public void StringWithoutAnyTagsMatchesNothing() => // Note that we have "Tagless" with no proxy tags AssertNoMatch(members, "string without any tags"); [Theory] [InlineData("[john's tags]")] [InlineData("{bob's tags}")] [InlineData("A:tag with prefix")] public void StringWithTagsMatch(string input) => AssertMatch(members, input); [Theory] [InlineData("[john's tags]", "John")] [InlineData("{bob's tags}", "Bob")] [InlineData("A:tag with prefix", "Prefixed")] public void MatchReturnsCorrespondingMember(string input, string expectedName) => AssertMatch(members, input, name: expectedName); [Theory] [InlineData("[text inside]", "text inside")] [InlineData("A:text after", "text after")] public void ContentBetweenTagsIsExtracted(string input, string expectedContent) => AssertMatch(members, input, content: expectedContent); [Theory] [InlineData("[john's tags]", "[", "]")] [InlineData("{bob's tags}", "{", "}")] [InlineData("<also bob's tags>", "<", ">")] public void ReturnedTagMatchesInput(string input, string expectedPrefix, string expectedSuffix) => AssertMatch(members, input, prefix: expectedPrefix, suffix: expectedSuffix); [Theory] [InlineData("[tags at the start] but more text here")] [InlineData("text at the start [but tags after]")] [InlineData("something A:prefix")] public void TagsOnlyMatchAtTheStartAndEnd(string input) => AssertNoMatch(members, input); [Theory] [InlineData("[ text ]", " text ")] [InlineData("A: text", " text")] public void WhitespaceInContentShouldNotBeTrimmed(string input, string expectedContent) => AssertMatch(members, input, content: expectedContent); } public class MentionPrefix { private ProxyMember[] members = { new ProxyMember("John", new ProxyTag("[", "]")), new ProxyMember("Suffix only", new ProxyTag("", "-Q")), }; public void MentionAtStartGetsMovedIntoTags() => AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359>[some text]", content: "some text"); public void SpacesBetweenMentionAndTagsAreAllowed() => AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359> [some text]", content: "some text"); public void MentionMovingTakesPrecedenceOverTagMatching() => // (as opposed to content: "<@466378653216014359> some text") // which would also be valid, but the tags should be moved first AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359> some text -Q", content: "some text"); public void AlternateMentionSyntaxAlsoAccepted() => AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359> [some text]", content: "some text"); } public class Specificity { private ProxyMember[] members = { new ProxyMember("Level One", new ProxyTag("[", "]")), new ProxyMember("Level Two", new ProxyTag("[[", "]]")), new ProxyMember("Level Three", new ProxyTag("[[[", "]]]")), }; [Theory] [InlineData("[just one]", "Level One")] [InlineData("[[getting deeper]]", "Level Two")] [InlineData("[[[way too deep]]]", "Level Three")] [InlineData("[[unmatched brackets]]]", "Level Two")] [InlineData("[more unmatched brackets]]]]]]", "Level One")] public void MostSpecificTagsAreMatched(string input, string expectedName) => AssertMatch(members, input, name: expectedName); } public class EmptyInput { private ProxyMember[] members = {new ProxyMember("Something", new ProxyTag("[", "]"))}; [Theory] [InlineData("")] [InlineData("some text")] [InlineData("{bogus tags, idk}")] public void NoMembersMatchNothing(string input) => AssertNoMatch(new ProxyMember[]{}, input); [Fact] public void EmptyStringMatchesNothing() => AssertNoMatch(members, ""); [Fact] public void NullStringMatchesNothing() => AssertNoMatch(members, null); } public class TagSpaceHandling { private ProxyMember[] members = { new ProxyMember("Tags without spaces", new ProxyTag("[", "]")), new ProxyMember("Tags with spaces", new ProxyTag("{ ", " }")), new ProxyMember("Spaced prefix tag", new ProxyTag("A: ", "")) }; [Fact] public void TagsWithoutSpacesAlwaysMatch() { AssertMatch(members, "[no spaces inside tags]"); AssertMatch(members, "[ spaces inside tags ]"); } [Fact] public void TagsWithSpacesOnlyMatchWithSpaces() { AssertMatch(members, "{ spaces in here }"); AssertNoMatch(members, "{no spaces}"); AssertMatch(members, "A: text here"); AssertNoMatch(members, "A:same text without spaces"); } [Fact] public void SpacesBeforePrefixOrAfterSuffixAlsoCount() { AssertNoMatch(members, " A: text here"); AssertNoMatch(members, "{ something something } "); } [Fact] public void TagsWithSpacesStillMatchWithoutSpacesIfTheContentIsEmpty() { AssertMatch(members, "A:"); AssertMatch(members, "{}"); } } internal static ProxyMatch AssertMatch(IEnumerable<ProxyMember> members, string input, string? name = null, string? prefix = null, string? suffix = null, string? content = null) { Assert.True(new ProxyTagParser().TryMatch(members, input, out var result)); if (name != null) Assert.Equal(name, result.Member.Name); if (prefix != null) Assert.Equal(prefix, result.ProxyTags?.Prefix); if (suffix != null) Assert.Equal(suffix, result.ProxyTags?.Suffix); if (content != null) Assert.Equal(content, result.Content); return result; } internal static void AssertNoMatch(IEnumerable<ProxyMember> members, string? input) { Assert.False(new ProxyTagParser().TryMatch(members, input, out _)); } } }