using System.Text;

using Humanizer;

using NodaTime;
using NodaTime.Text;
using NodaTime.TimeZones;

using PluralKit.Core;

namespace PluralKit.Bot;
public class Config
    private readonly ModelRepository _repo;

    public Config(ModelRepository repo)
        _repo = repo;

    private record PaginatedConfigItem(string Key, string Description, string? CurrentValue, string DefaultValue);

    public async Task ShowConfig(Context ctx)
        var items = new List<PaginatedConfigItem>();

            "autoproxy account",
            "Whether autoproxy is enabled for the current account",

            "autoproxy timeout",
            "If this is set, latch-mode autoproxy will not keep autoproxying after this amount of time has elapsed since the last message sent in the server",
                ? (
                    ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.Value != 0
                    ? Duration.FromSeconds(ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.Value).ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)
                    : "disabled"
                : null,

            "The system's time zone - shows timestamps in your local time",

            $"Whether other users are able to mention you via a {Emojis.Bell} reaction",

            "private member",
            "Whether member privacy is automatically set to private for new members",

            "private group",
            "Whether group privacy is automatically set to private for new groups",

            "show private",
            "Whether private information is shown to linked accounts by default",

            "Member limit",
            "The maximum number of registered members for your system",

            "Group limit",
            "The maximum number of registered groups for your system",

        await ctx.Paginate<PaginatedConfigItem>(
            "Current settings for your system",
            (eb, l) =>
                var description = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var item in l)
                    description.Append($" **({item.CurrentValue ?? item.DefaultValue})**");
                    if (item.CurrentValue != null && item.CurrentValue != item.DefaultValue)



                return Task.CompletedTask;

    public async Task AutoproxyAccount(Context ctx)
        // todo: this might be useful elsewhere, consider moving it to ctx.MatchToggle
        if (ctx.Match("enable", "on"))
            await AutoproxyEnableDisable(ctx, true);
        else if (ctx.Match("disable", "off"))
            await AutoproxyEnableDisable(ctx, false);
        else if (ctx.HasNext())
            throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass either \"on\" or \"off\".");
            var statusString = ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy ? "enabled" : "disabled";
            await ctx.Reply($"Autoproxy is currently **{statusString}** for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>.");

    private string EnabledDisabled(bool value) => value ? "enabled" : "disabled";

    private async Task AutoproxyEnableDisable(Context ctx, bool allow)
        var statusString = EnabledDisabled(allow);
        if (ctx.MessageContext.AllowAutoproxy == allow)
            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>.");
        var patch = new AccountPatch { AllowAutoproxy = allow };
        await _repo.UpdateAccount(ctx.Author.Id, patch);
        await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy {statusString} for account <@{ctx.Author.Id}>.");

    public async Task AutoproxyTimeout(Context ctx)
        if (!ctx.HasNext())
            var timeout = ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.HasValue
                ? Duration.FromSeconds(ctx.Config.LatchTimeout.Value)
                : (Duration?)null;

            if (timeout == null)
                await ctx.Reply($"You do not have a custom autoproxy timeout duration set. The default latch timeout duration is {ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}.");
            else if (timeout == Duration.Zero)
                await ctx.Reply("Latch timeout is currently **disabled** for your system. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out.");
                await ctx.Reply($"The current latch timeout duration for your system is {timeout.Value.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}.");

        Duration? newTimeout;
        Duration overflow = Duration.Zero;
        if (ctx.Match("off", "stop", "cancel", "no", "disable", "remove")) newTimeout = Duration.Zero;
        else if (ctx.Match("reset", "default")) newTimeout = null;
            var timeoutStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull();
            var timeoutPeriod = DateUtils.ParsePeriod(timeoutStr);
            if (timeoutPeriod == null) throw new PKError($"Could not parse '{timeoutStr}' as a valid duration. Try using a syntax such as \"3h5m\" (i.e. 3 hours and 5 minutes).");
            if (timeoutPeriod.Value.TotalHours > 100000)
                // sanity check to prevent seconds overflow if someone types in 999999999
                overflow = timeoutPeriod.Value;
                newTimeout = Duration.Zero;
            else newTimeout = timeoutPeriod;

        await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { LatchTimeout = (int?)newTimeout?.TotalSeconds });

        if (newTimeout == null)
            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout reset to default ({ProxyMatcher.DefaultLatchExpiryTime.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}).");
        else if (newTimeout == Duration.Zero && overflow != Duration.Zero)
            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout disabled. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out. ({overflow.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)} is too long)");
        else if (newTimeout == Duration.Zero)
            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout disabled. Latch mode autoproxy will never time out.");
            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Latch timeout set to {newTimeout.Value!.ToTimeSpan().Humanize(4)}.");

    public async Task SystemPing(Context ctx)

        if (!ctx.HasNext())
            if (ctx.Config.PingsEnabled) { await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings are currently **enabled** for your system. To disable reaction pings, type `pk;config ping disable`."); }
            else { await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings are currently **disabled** for your system. To enable reaction pings, type `pk;config ping enable`."); }
            if (ctx.Match("on", "enable"))
                await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { PingsEnabled = true });

                await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings have now been enabled.");
            if (ctx.Match("off", "disable"))
                await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { PingsEnabled = false });

                await ctx.Reply("Reaction pings have now been disabled.");

    public async Task SystemTimezone(Context ctx)
        if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;

        if (await ctx.MatchClear())
            await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { UiTz = "UTC" });

            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System time zone cleared (set to UTC).");

        var zoneStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull();
        if (zoneStr == null)
            await ctx.Reply(
                $"Your current system time zone is set to **{ctx.Config.UiTz}**. It is currently **{SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().FormatZoned(ctx.Config.Zone)}** in that time zone. To change your system time zone, type `pk;config tz <zone>`.");

        var zone = await FindTimeZone(ctx, zoneStr);
        if (zone == null) throw Errors.InvalidTimeZone(zoneStr);

        var currentTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InZone(zone);
        var msg = $"This will change the system time zone to **{zone.Id}**. The current time is **{currentTime.FormatZoned()}**. Is this correct?";
        if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg, "Change Timezone")) throw Errors.TimezoneChangeCancelled;

        await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { UiTz = zone.Id });

        await ctx.Reply($"System time zone changed to **{zone.Id}**.");

    private async Task<DateTimeZone> FindTimeZone(Context ctx, string zoneStr)
        // First, if we're given a flag emoji, we extract the flag emoji code from it.
        zoneStr = Core.StringUtils.ExtractCountryFlag(zoneStr) ?? zoneStr;

        // Then, we find all *locations* matching either the given country code or the country name.
        var locations = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Zone1970Locations;
        var matchingLocations = locations.Where(l => l.Countries.Any(c =>
            string.Equals(c.Code, zoneStr, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
            string.Equals(c.Name, zoneStr, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));

        // Then, we find all (unique) time zone IDs that match.
        var matchingZones = matchingLocations.Select(l => DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(l.ZoneId))

        // If the set of matching zones is empty (ie. we didn't find anything), we try a few other things.
        if (matchingZones.Count == 0)
            // First, we try to just find the time zone given directly and return that.
            var givenZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(zoneStr);
            if (givenZone != null) return givenZone;

            // If we didn't find anything there either, we try parsing the string as an offset, then
            // find all possible zones that match that offset. For an offset like UTC+2, this doesn't *quite*
            // work, since there are 57(!) matching zones (as of 2019-06-13) - but for less populated time zones
            // this could work nicely.
            var inputWithoutUtc = zoneStr.Replace("UTC", "").Replace("GMT", "");

            var res = OffsetPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("+H").Parse(inputWithoutUtc);
            if (!res.Success) res = OffsetPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("+H:mm").Parse(inputWithoutUtc);

            // If *this* didn't parse correctly, fuck it, bail.
            if (!res.Success) return null;
            var offset = res.Value;

            // To try to reduce the count, we go by locations from the 1970+ database instead of just the full database
            // This elides regions that have been identical since 1970, omitting small distinctions due to Ancient History(tm).
            var allZones = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Zone1970Locations.Select(l => l.ZoneId).Distinct();
            matchingZones = allZones.Select(z => DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(z))
                .Where(z => z.GetUtcOffset(SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant()) == offset).ToList();

        // If we have a list of viable time zones, we ask the user which is correct.

        // If we only have one, return that one.
        if (matchingZones.Count == 1)
            return matchingZones.First();

        // Otherwise, prompt and return!
        return await ctx.Choose("There were multiple matches for your time zone query. Please select the region that matches you the closest:", matchingZones,
            z =>
                if (TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Aliases.Contains(z.Id))
                    return $"**{z.Id}**, {string.Join(", ", TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default.Aliases[z.Id])}";

                return $"**{z.Id}**";

    // todo: this command parsing is really messy

    public async Task MemberDefaultPrivacy(Context ctx)
        if (!ctx.HasNext())
            if (ctx.Config.MemberDefaultPrivate) { await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will currently have their privacy settings set to private. To change this, type `pk;config private member off`"); }
            else { await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will currently have their privacy settings set to public. To automatically set new members' privacy settings to private, type `pk;config private member on`"); }
            if (ctx.Match("on", "enable"))
                await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { MemberDefaultPrivate = true });

                await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will now have their privacy settings set to private.");
            if (ctx.Match("off", "disable"))
                await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { MemberDefaultPrivate = false });

                await ctx.Reply("Newly created members will now have their privacy settings set to public.");

    public async Task GroupDefaultPrivacy(Context ctx)
        if (!ctx.HasNext())
            if (ctx.Config.GroupDefaultPrivate) { await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will currently have their privacy settings set to private. To change this, type `pk;config private group off`"); }
            else { await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will currently have their privacy settings set to public. To automatically set new groups' privacy settings to private, type `pk;config private group on`"); }
            if (ctx.Match("on", "enable"))
                await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { GroupDefaultPrivate = true });

                await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will now have their privacy settings set to private.");
            if (ctx.Match("off", "disable"))
                await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { GroupDefaultPrivate = false });

                await ctx.Reply("Newly created groups will now have their privacy settings set to public.");

    public async Task ShowPrivateInfo(Context ctx)
        if (!ctx.HasNext())
            if (ctx.Config.ShowPrivateInfo) await ctx.Reply("Private information is currently **shown** when looking up your own info. Use the `-public` flag to hide it.");
            else await ctx.Reply("Private information is currently **hidden** when looking up your own info. Use the `-private` flag to show it.");

        if (ctx.Match("true"))
            await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { ShowPrivateInfo = true });

            await ctx.Reply("Private information will now be **shown** when looking up your own info. Use the `-public` flag to hide it.");
        else if (ctx.Match("false"))
            await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(ctx.System.Id, new() { ShowPrivateInfo = false });

            await ctx.Reply("Private information will now be **hidden** when looking up your own info. Use the `-private` flag to show it.");
        else throw new PKError("You must pass 'true' or 'false' to this command.");