using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using Myriad.Rest.Exceptions; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Npgsql; using PluralKit.Core; using Polly.Timeout; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public static class MiscUtils { public static string ProxyTagsString(this PKMember member, string separator = ", ") => string.Join(separator, member.ProxyTags.Select(t => t.ProxyString.AsCode())); public static bool IsOurProblem(this Exception e) { // This function filters out sporadic errors out of our control from being reported to Sentry // otherwise we'd blow out our error reporting budget as soon as Discord takes a dump, or something. // Occasionally Discord's API will Have A Bad Time and return a bunch of CloudFlare errors (in HTML format). // The library tries to parse these HTML responses as JSON and crashes with a consistent exception message. if (e is JsonReaderException jre && jre.Message == "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.") return false; // And now (2020-05-12), apparently Discord returns these weird responses occasionally. Also not our problem. if (e is BadRequestException bre && bre.ResponseBody.Contains("
")) return false; if (e is NotFoundException ne && ne.ResponseBody.Contains("
")) return false; if (e is UnauthorizedException ue && ue.ResponseBody.Contains("
")) return false; // Filter out timeout/ratelimit related stuff if (e is TooManyRequestsException) return false; if (e is RatelimitBucketExhaustedException) return false; if (e is TimeoutRejectedException) return false; // 5xxs? also not our problem :^) if (e is UnknownDiscordRequestException udre && (int)udre.StatusCode >= 500) return false; // 409s apparently happen for Discord internal issues. if (e is UnknownDiscordRequestException udre2 && udre2.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict) return false; // Webhook server errors are also *not our problem* // (this includes rate limit errors, WebhookRateLimited is a subclass) if (e is WebhookExecutionErrorOnDiscordsEnd) return false; // Socket errors are *not our problem* if (e.GetBaseException() is SocketException) return false; // Tasks being cancelled for whatver reason are, you guessed it, also not our problem. if (e is TaskCanceledException) return false; // Sometimes Discord just times everything out. if (e is TimeoutException) return false; if (e is UnknownDiscordRequestException tde && tde.Message == "Request Timeout") return false; // HTTP/2 streams are complicated and break sometimes. if (e is HttpRequestException) return false; // This may expanded at some point. return true; } public static bool ShowToUser(this Exception e) { if (e is PostgresException pe) { // ignore "cached plan must not change result type" error if (pe.SqlState == "0A000") return false; // Ignore "Database is shutting down" error if (pe.SqlState == "57P03") return false; // Ignore *other* "database is shutting down" error (57P01) if (pe.SqlState == "57P01") return false; // ignore "out of shared memory" error if (pe.SqlState == "53200") return false; // ignore "too many clients already" error if (pe.SqlState == "53300") return false; } // Ignore database timing out as well. if (e is NpgsqlException tpe && tpe.InnerException is TimeoutException) return false; // Ignore thread pool exhaustion errors if (e is NpgsqlException npe && npe.Message.Contains("The connection pool has been exhausted")) return false; // ignore "Exception while reading from stream" if (e is NpgsqlException npe2 && npe2.Message.Contains("Exception while reading from stream")) return false; return true; } }