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    docsDir: 'docs/content/',
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    editLinks: true,
    editLinkText: 'Help us improve this page!',
    lastUpdated: "Last updated",
    nextLinks: true,
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    nav: [
      { text: "Web dashboard", link: "" },
      { text: "Support server", link: "" },
      { text: "Invite bot", link: "" }
    sidebar: [
      ["", "Add to your server"],
        title: "Documentation",
        collapsable: false,
        sidebarDepth: 2,
        children: [
        title: "For server staff",
        collapsable: false,
        children: [
        title: "API Documentation",
        collapsable: false,
        children: [
      ["", "Join the support server"],

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