using App.Metrics; using Myriad.Cache; using Myriad.Extensions; using Myriad.Gateway; using Myriad.Rest; using Myriad.Types; using PluralKit.Core; using Serilog; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class MessageEdited: IEventHandler<MessageUpdateEvent> { private readonly Bot _bot; private readonly IDiscordCache _cache; private readonly Cluster _client; private readonly IDatabase _db; private readonly LastMessageCacheService _lastMessageCache; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IMetrics _metrics; private readonly ProxyService _proxy; private readonly ModelRepository _repo; private readonly DiscordApiClient _rest; public MessageEdited(LastMessageCacheService lastMessageCache, ProxyService proxy, IDatabase db, IMetrics metrics, ModelRepository repo, Cluster client, IDiscordCache cache, Bot bot, DiscordApiClient rest, ILogger logger) { _lastMessageCache = lastMessageCache; _proxy = proxy; _db = db; _metrics = metrics; _repo = repo; _client = client; _cache = cache; _bot = bot; _rest = rest; _logger = logger.ForContext<MessageEdited>(); } public async Task Handle(int shardId, MessageUpdateEvent evt) { if (evt.Author.Value?.Id == await _cache.GetOwnUser()) return; // Edit message events sometimes arrive with missing data; double-check it's all there if (!evt.Content.HasValue || !evt.Author.HasValue || !evt.Member.HasValue) return; var channel = await _cache.GetChannel(evt.ChannelId); if (!DiscordUtils.IsValidGuildChannel(channel)) return; var guild = await _cache.GetGuild(channel.GuildId!.Value); var lastMessage = _lastMessageCache.GetLastMessage(evt.ChannelId)?.Current; // Only react to the last message in the channel if (lastMessage?.Id != evt.Id) return; // Just run the normal message handling code, with a flag to disable autoproxying MessageContext ctx; using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.MessageContextQueryTime)) ctx = await _repo.GetMessageContext(evt.Author.Value!.Id, channel.GuildId!.Value, evt.ChannelId); var equivalentEvt = await GetMessageCreateEvent(evt, lastMessage, channel); var botPermissions = await _cache.PermissionsIn(channel.Id); try { await _proxy.HandleIncomingMessage(equivalentEvt, ctx, allowAutoproxy: false, guild: guild, channel: channel, botPermissions: botPermissions); } // Catch any failed proxy checks so they get ignored in the global error handler catch (ProxyService.ProxyChecksFailedException) { } } private async Task<MessageCreateEvent> GetMessageCreateEvent(MessageUpdateEvent evt, CachedMessage lastMessage, Channel channel) { var referencedMessage = await GetReferencedMessage(evt.ChannelId, lastMessage.ReferencedMessage); var messageReference = lastMessage.ReferencedMessage != null ? new Message.Reference(channel.GuildId, evt.ChannelId, lastMessage.ReferencedMessage.Value) : null; var messageType = lastMessage.ReferencedMessage != null ? Message.MessageType.Reply : Message.MessageType.Default; // TODO: is this missing anything? var equivalentEvt = new MessageCreateEvent { Id = evt.Id, ChannelId = evt.ChannelId, GuildId = channel.GuildId, Author = evt.Author.Value, Member = evt.Member.Value, Content = evt.Content.Value, Attachments = evt.Attachments.Value ?? Array.Empty<Message.Attachment>(), MessageReference = messageReference, ReferencedMessage = referencedMessage, Type = messageType, }; return equivalentEvt; } private async Task<Message?> GetReferencedMessage(ulong channelId, ulong? referencedMessageId) { if (referencedMessageId == null) return null; var botPermissions = await _cache.PermissionsIn(channelId); if (!botPermissions.HasFlag(PermissionSet.ReadMessageHistory)) { _logger.Warning( "Tried to get referenced message in channel {ChannelId} to reply but bot does not have Read Message History", channelId ); return null; } return await _rest.GetMessage(channelId, referencedMessageId.Value); } }