using Autofac; using Serilog; using Myriad.Gateway; using Myriad.Types; using System.Buffers; using PluralKit.Core; namespace PluralKit.Bot; public class InteractionCreated: IEventHandler<InteractionCreateEvent> { private readonly InteractionDispatchService _interactionDispatch; private readonly ApplicationCommandTree _commandTree; private readonly ILifetimeScope _services; private readonly ILogger _logger; public InteractionCreated(InteractionDispatchService interactionDispatch, ApplicationCommandTree commandTree, ILifetimeScope services, ILogger logger) { _interactionDispatch = interactionDispatch; _commandTree = commandTree; _services = services; _logger = logger; } public async Task Handle(int shardId, InteractionCreateEvent evt) { var system = await _services.Resolve<ModelRepository>().GetSystemByAccount(evt.Member?.User.Id ?? evt.User!.Id); var ctx = new InteractionContext(_services, evt, system); switch (evt.Type) { case Interaction.InteractionType.MessageComponent: _logger.Information("Discord debug: got interaction with ID {id} from custom ID {custom_id}", evt.Id, evt.Data?.CustomId); var customId = evt.Data?.CustomId; if (customId == null) return; if (customId.Contains("help-menu")) await Help.ButtonClick(ctx); else await _interactionDispatch.Dispatch(customId, ctx); break; case Interaction.InteractionType.ApplicationCommand: var res = _commandTree.TryHandleCommand(ctx); if (res != null) { await res; return; } // got some unhandled command, log and ignore _logger.Warning(@"Unhandled ApplicationCommand interaction: {EventId} {CommandName}", evt.Id, evt.Data?.Name); break; }; } }