using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands { public class MiscCommands: ModuleBase { public BotConfig BotConfig { get; set; } [Command("invite")] [Remarks("invite")] public async Task Invite() { var clientId = BotConfig.ClientId ?? (await Context.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync()).Id; var permissions = new GuildPermissions( addReactions: true, attachFiles: true, embedLinks: true, manageMessages: true, manageWebhooks: true, readMessageHistory: true, sendMessages: true ); // TODO: allow customization of invite ID var invite = $"{clientId}&scope=bot&permissions={permissions.RawValue}"; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Success} Use this link to add PluralKit to your server:\n<{invite}>"); } } }