using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using App.Metrics; using Discord; using Humanizer; using PluralKit.Bot.CommandSystem; namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands { public class MiscCommands { private BotConfig _botConfig; private IMetrics _metrics; public MiscCommands(BotConfig botConfig, IMetrics metrics) { _botConfig = botConfig; _metrics = metrics; } public async Task Invite(Context ctx) { var clientId = _botConfig.ClientId ?? (await ctx.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync()).Id; var permissions = new GuildPermissions( addReactions: true, attachFiles: true, embedLinks: true, manageMessages: true, manageWebhooks: true, readMessageHistory: true, sendMessages: true ); var invite = $"{clientId}&scope=bot&permissions={permissions.RawValue}"; await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Use this link to add PluralKit to your server:\n<{invite}>"); } public Task Mn(Context ctx) => ctx.Reply("Gotta catch 'em all!"); public Task Fire(Context ctx) => ctx.Reply("*A giant lightning bolt promptly erupts into a pillar of fire as it hits your opponent.*"); public Task Thunder(Context ctx) => ctx.Reply("*A giant ball of lightning is conjured and fired directly at your opponent, vanquishing them.*"); public Task Freeze(Context ctx) => ctx.Reply("*A giant crystal ball of ice is charged and hurled toward your opponent, bursting open and freezing them solid on contact.*"); public Task Starstorm(Context ctx) => ctx.Reply("*Vibrant colours burst forth from the sky as meteors rain down upon your opponent.*"); public async Task Stats(Context ctx) { var messagesReceived = _metrics.Snapshot.GetForContext("Bot").Meters.First(m => m.MultidimensionalName == BotMetrics.MessagesReceived.Name).Value; var messagesProxied = _metrics.Snapshot.GetForContext("Bot").Meters.First(m => m.MultidimensionalName == BotMetrics.MessagesProxied.Name).Value; var commandsRun = _metrics.Snapshot.GetForContext("Bot").Meters.First(m => m.MultidimensionalName == BotMetrics.CommandsRun.Name).Value; await ctx.Reply(embed: new EmbedBuilder() .AddField("Messages processed", $"{messagesReceived.OneMinuteRate:F1}/s ({messagesReceived.FifteenMinuteRate:F1}/s over 15m)") .AddField("Messages proxied", $"{messagesProxied.OneMinuteRate:F1}/s ({messagesProxied.FifteenMinuteRate:F1}/s over 15m)") .AddField("Commands executed", $"{commandsRun.OneMinuteRate:F1}/s ({commandsRun.FifteenMinuteRate:F1}/s over 15m)") .Build()); } public async Task PermCheckGuild(Context ctx) { IGuild guild; if (ctx.Guild != null && !ctx.HasNext()) { guild = ctx.Guild; } else { var guildIdStr = ctx.RemainderOrNull() ?? throw new PKSyntaxError("You must pass a server ID or run this command as ."); if (!ulong.TryParse(guildIdStr, out var guildId)) throw new PKSyntaxError($"Could not parse `{guildIdStr.SanitizeMentions()}` as an ID."); // TODO: will this call break for sharding if you try to request a guild on a different bot instance? guild = ctx.Client.GetGuild(guildId); if (guild == null) throw Errors.GuildNotFound(guildId); } var requiredPermissions = new [] { ChannelPermission.ViewChannel, ChannelPermission.SendMessages, ChannelPermission.AddReactions, ChannelPermission.AttachFiles, ChannelPermission.EmbedLinks, ChannelPermission.ManageMessages, ChannelPermission.ManageWebhooks }; // Loop through every channel and group them by sets of permissions missing var permissionsMissing = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var channel in await guild.GetTextChannelsAsync()) { // TODO: do we need to hide channels here to prevent info-leaking? var perms = await channel.PermissionsIn(); // We use a bitfield so we can set individual permission bits in the loop ulong missingPermissionField = 0; foreach (var requiredPermission in requiredPermissions) if (!perms.Has(requiredPermission)) missingPermissionField |= (ulong) requiredPermission; // If we're not missing any permissions, don't bother adding it to the dict // This means we can check if the dict is empty to see if all channels are proxyable if (missingPermissionField != 0) { permissionsMissing.TryAdd(missingPermissionField, new List()); permissionsMissing[missingPermissionField].Add(channel); } } // Generate the output embed var eb = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle($"Permission check for **{guild.Name.SanitizeMentions()}**"); if (permissionsMissing.Count == 0) { eb.WithDescription($"No errors found, all channels proxyable :)").WithColor(Color.Green); } else { foreach (var (missingPermissionField, channels) in permissionsMissing) { // Each missing permission field can have multiple missing channels // so we extract them all and generate a comma-separated list var missingPermissionNames = string.Join(", ", new ChannelPermissions(missingPermissionField) .ToList() .Select(perm => perm.Humanize().Transform(To.TitleCase))); var channelsList = string.Join("\n", channels .OrderBy(c => c.Position) .Select(c => $"#{c.Name}")); eb.AddField($"Missing *{missingPermissionNames}*", channelsList.Truncate(1000)); eb.WithColor(Color.Red); } } // Send! :) await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build()); } } }