--- title: Reference permalink: /api --- # API Reference PluralKit has a basic HTTP REST API for querying and modifying your system. The root endpoint of the API is `https://api.pluralkit.me/v2/`. #### Authorization header token example ``` Authorization: z865MC7JNhLtZuSq1NXQYVe+FgZJHBfeBCXOPYYRwH4liDCDrsd7zdOuR45mX257 ``` Endpoints will always return all fields, using `null` when a value is missing. On `PATCH` endpoints, missing fields from the JSON request will be ignored and preserved as is, but on `POST` endpoints will be set to `null` or cleared. For models that have them, the keys `id`, `uuid` and `created` are **not** user-settable. Endpoints taking JSON bodies (eg. most `PATCH` and `PUT` endpoints) require the `Content-Type: application/json` header set. ## Authentication Authentication is done with a simple "system token". You can get your system token by running `pk;token` using the Discord bot, either in a channel with the bot or in DMs. Then, pass this token in the `Authorization` HTTP header on requests that require it. Failure to do so on endpoints that require authentication will return a `401 Unauthorized`. Some endpoints show information that a given system may have set to private. If this is a specific field (eg. description), the field will simply contain `null` rather than the true value. If this applies to entire endpoint responses (eg. fronter, switches, member list), the entire request will return `403 Forbidden`. Authenticating with the system's token (as described above) will override these privacy settings and show the full information. ## Rate Limiting By default, there is a per-IP limit of 2 requests per second across the API. If you exceed this limit, you will get a 429 response code and will have to try again later. ## Community API Libraries The following API libraries have been created by members of our community. Please contact the developer of each library if you need support. - **Python:** *PluralKit.py* ([PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/pluralkit/) | [Docs](https://pluralkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/quickstart.html) | [Source code](https://github.com/almonds0166/pluralkit.py)) - **JavaScript:** *pkapi.js* ([npmjs](https://npmjs.com/package/pkapi.js) | [Docs](https://github.com/greysdawn/pk.js/wiki) | [Source code](https://github.com/greysdawn/pk.js)) - **Golang:** *pkgo* (install: `go get github.com/starshine-sys/pkgo` | [Docs (godoc)](https://godocs.io/github.com/starshine-sys/pkgo) | [Docs (pkg.go.dev)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/starshine-sys/pkgo) | [Source code](https://github.com/starshine-sys/pkgo)) Do let us know in the support server if you made a new library and would like to see it listed here!