use axum::{ extract::MatchedPath, http::{Request, StatusCode}, middleware::Next, response::{IntoResponse, Response}, }; use crate::util::header_or_unknown; fn is_trying_to_use_v1_path_on_v2(path: &str) -> bool { path.starts_with("/v2/s/") || path.starts_with("/v2/m/") || path.starts_with("/v2/a/") || path.starts_with("/v2/msg/") || path == "/v2/s" || path == "/v2/m" } pub async fn ignore_invalid_routes(request: Request, next: Next) -> Response { let path = request .extensions() .get::() .cloned() .map(|v| v.as_str().to_string()) .unwrap_or("unknown".to_string()); let user_agent = header_or_unknown(request.headers().get("User-Agent")); if request.uri().path().starts_with("/v1") { ( StatusCode::GONE, r#"{"message":"Unsupported API version","code":0}"#, ) .into_response() } else if is_trying_to_use_v1_path_on_v2(request.uri().path()) { ( StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, r#"{"message":"Invalid path for API version","code":0}"#, ) .into_response() } // we ignored v1 routes earlier, now let's ignore all non-v2 routes else if !request.uri().clone().path().starts_with("/v2") { return ( StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, r#"{"message":"Unsupported API version","code":0}"#, ) .into_response(); } else if path == "unknown" { // current prod api responds with 404 with empty body to invalid endpoints // just doing that here as well but i'm not sure if it's the correct behaviour return StatusCode::NOT_FOUND.into_response(); } // yes, technically because of how we parse headers this will break for user-agents literally set to "unknown" // but "unknown" isn't really a valid user-agent else if user_agent == "unknown" { // please set a valid user-agent return StatusCode::FORBIDDEN.into_response(); } else { } }