200 lines
8.7 KiB
200 lines
8.7 KiB
import json
import os
import re
import time
import aiohttp
import discord
from pluralkit import db
from pluralkit.bot import client, logger
def make_log_embed(hook_message, member, channel_name):
author_name = "#{}: {}".format(channel_name, member["name"])
if member["system_name"]:
author_name += " ({})".format(member["system_name"])
embed = discord.Embed()
embed.colour = discord.Colour.blue()
embed.description = hook_message.clean_content
embed.timestamp = hook_message.timestamp
embed.set_author(name=author_name, icon_url=member["avatar_url"] or discord.Embed.Empty)
if len(hook_message.attachments) > 0:
return embed
async def log_message(original_message, hook_message, member, log_channel):
# hook_message is kinda broken, and doesn't include details from server or channel
# We rely on the fact that original_message must be in the same channel, this'll break if that changes
embed = make_log_embed(hook_message, member, channel_name=original_message.channel.name)
embed.set_footer(text="System ID: {} | Member ID: {} | Sender: {}#{} | Message ID: {}".format(member["system_hid"], member["hid"], original_message.author.name, original_message.author.discriminator, hook_message.id))
message_link = "https://discordapp.com/channels/{}/{}/{}".format(original_message.server.id, original_message.channel.id, hook_message.id)
embed.author.url = message_link
await client.send_message(log_channel, embed=embed)
async def log_delete(hook_message, member, log_channel):
embed = make_log_embed(hook_message, member, channel_name=hook_message.channel.name)
embed.set_footer(text="System ID: {} | Member ID: {} | Message ID: {}".format(member["system_hid"], member["hid"], hook_message.id))
embed.colour = discord.Colour.dark_red()
await client.send_message(log_channel, embed=embed)
async def get_log_channel(conn, server):
# Check server info for a log channel
server_info = await db.get_server_info(conn, server.id)
if server_info and server_info["log_channel"]:
channel = server.get_channel(str(server_info["log_channel"]))
return channel
async def get_webhook(conn, channel):
async with conn.transaction():
# Try to find an existing webhook
hook_row = await db.get_webhook(conn, channel_id=channel.id)
# There's none, we'll make one
if not hook_row:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
req_data = {"name": "PluralKit Proxy Webhook"}
req_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bot {}".format(os.environ["TOKEN"])}
async with session.post("https://discordapp.com/api/v6/channels/{}/webhooks".format(channel.id), json=req_data, headers=req_headers) as resp:
data = await resp.json()
hook_id = data["id"]
token = data["token"]
# Insert new hook into DB
await db.add_webhook(conn, channel_id=channel.id, webhook_id=hook_id, webhook_token=token)
return hook_id, token
return hook_row["webhook"], hook_row["token"]
async def send_hook_message(member, hook_id, hook_token, text=None, image_url=None):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
# Set up headers
req_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bot {}".format(os.environ["TOKEN"])
# Set up parameters
# Use FormData because the API doesn't like JSON requests with file data
fd = aiohttp.FormData()
fd.add_field("username", "{} {}".format(member["name"], member["tag"] or "").strip())
if member["avatar_url"]:
fd.add_field("avatar_url", member["avatar_url"])
if text:
fd.add_field("content", text)
if image_url:
# Fetch the image URL and proxy it directly into the file data (async streaming!)
image_resp = await session.get(image_url)
fd.add_field("file", image_resp.data, content_type=image_resp.content_type, filename=image_resp.url.name)
# Send the actual webhook request, and wait for a response
async with session.post("https://discordapp.com/api/v6/webhooks/{}/{}?wait=true".format(hook_id, hook_token),
headers=req_headers) as resp:
if resp.status == 200:
resp_data = await resp.json()
# Make a fake message object for passing on - this is slightly broken but works for most things
msg = discord.Message(reactions=[], **resp_data)
# Make sure it's added to the client's message cache - otherwise events r
return msg
# Fake a Discord exception, also because #yolo
raise discord.HTTPException(resp, await resp.text())
async def proxy_message(conn, member, trigger_message, inner):
logger.debug("Proxying message '{}' for member {}".format(inner, member["hid"]))
# Get the webhook details
hook_id, hook_token = await get_webhook(conn, trigger_message.channel)
# Get attachment image URL if present (only works for one...)
image_urls = [a["url"] for a in trigger_message.attachments if "url" in a]
image_url = image_urls[0] if len(image_urls) > 0 else None
# Send the hook message
hook_message = await send_hook_message(member, hook_id, hook_token, text=inner, image_url=image_url)
# Insert new message details into the DB
await db.add_message(conn, message_id=hook_message.id, channel_id=trigger_message.channel.id, member_id=member["id"], sender_id=trigger_message.author.id, content=inner)
# Log message to logging channel if necessary
log_channel = await get_log_channel(conn, trigger_message.server)
if log_channel:
await log_message(trigger_message, hook_message, member, log_channel)
# Delete the original message
await client.delete_message(trigger_message)
async def handle_proxying(conn, message):
# Can't proxy in DMs, webhook creation will explode
if message.channel.is_private:
# Big fat query to find every member associated with this account
# Returned member object has a few more keys (system tag, for example)
members = await db.get_members_by_account(conn, account_id=message.author.id)
# Sort by specificity (members with both prefix and suffix go higher)
members = sorted(members, key=lambda x: int(
bool(x["prefix"])) + int(bool(x["suffix"])), reverse=True)
msg = message.content
for member in members:
# If no proxy details are configured, skip
if not member["prefix"] and not member["suffix"]:
# Database stores empty strings as null, fix that here
prefix = member["prefix"] or ""
suffix = member["suffix"] or ""
# Avoid matching a prefix of "<" on a mention
if prefix == "<":
if re.match(r"^<(?:@|@!|#|@&|:\w+:|a:\w+:)\d+>", msg):
# If we have a match, proxy the message
if msg.startswith(prefix) and msg.endswith(suffix):
# Extract the actual message contents sans tags
if suffix:
inner_message = msg[len(prefix):-len(suffix)].strip()
# Slicing to -0 breaks, don't do that
inner_message = msg[len(prefix):].strip()
# Make sure the message isn't blank
if inner_message:
await proxy_message(conn, member, message, inner_message)
async def handle_reaction(conn, user_id, message_id, emoji):
if emoji == "❌":
async with conn.transaction():
# Find the message in the DB, and make sure it's sent by the user who reacted
db_message = await db.get_message_by_sender_and_id(conn, message_id=message_id, sender_id=user_id)
if db_message:
logger.debug("Deleting message {} by reaction from {}".format(message_id, user_id))
# If so, remove it from the DB
await db.delete_message(conn, message_id)
# And look up the message and then delete it
channel = client.get_channel(str(db_message["channel"]))
message = await client.get_message(channel, message_id)
await client.delete_message(message)
# Log deletion to logging channel if necessary
log_channel = await get_log_channel(conn, message.server)
if log_channel:
# db_message contains enough member data for the things to work
await log_delete(message, db_message, log_channel) |