87 lines
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87 lines
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<script lang="ts">
import { Row, Col, Input, Button, Label, Alert } from 'sveltestrap';
import autosize from 'svelte-autosize';
// import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { currentUser } from '../../stores';
import { System } from '../../api/types';
import api from '../../api';
export let editMode: boolean;
export let user: System;
export let loading: boolean;
let err: string[] = [];
let input: System = {...user};
async function submit() {
let data = input;
err = [];
if (data.color && !/^#?[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/.test(input.color)) {
err.push(`"${data.color}" is not a valid color, the color must be a 6-digit hex code. (example: #ff0000)`);
} else if (data.color) {
if (data.color.startsWith("#")) {
data.color = input.color.slice(1, input.color.length);
/* if (data.timezone && !moment.tz.zone(data.timezone)) {
err.push(`"${data.timezone}" is not a valid timezone, check out <a target="_blank" style="color: var(--bs-body-color);" href="https://xske.github.io/tz/">this site</a> to see your current timezone!`);
} */
err = err;
if (err.length > 0) return;
loading = true;
try {
let res = await api().systems("@me").patch({data});
user = res;
currentUser.update(() => res);
err = [];
editMode = false;
loading = false;
} catch (error) {
err = err;
loading = false;
{#each err as error}
<Alert color="danger">{@html error}</Alert>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={input.name} maxlength={100} type="text" placeholder={user.name} />
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={input.tag} maxlength={100} type="text" placeholder={user.tag} />
<!-- <Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={input.timezone} type="text" placeholder={user.timezone} />
</Col> -->
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={input.color} type="text" placeholder={user.color}/>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Avatar url:</Label>
<Input bind:value={input.avatar_url} maxlength={256} type="url" placeholder={user.avatar_url}/>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Banner url:</Label>
<Input bind:value={input.banner} maxlength={256} type="url" placeholder={user.banner}/>
<div class="my-2">
<b>Description:</b><br />
<textarea class="form-control" bind:value={input.description} maxlength={1000} use:autosize placeholder={user.description}/>
<Button style="flex: 0" color="primary" on:click={submit}>Submit</Button> <Button style="flex: 0" color="light" on:click={() => editMode = false}>Back</Button> |