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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
using Dapper;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using NodaTime;
using Sentry;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Core;
using Serilog.Events;
using Serilog.Formatting.Compact;
using Serilog.Sinks.SystemConsole.Themes;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
class Initialize
private IConfiguration _config;
static void Main(string[] args) => new Initialize { _config = InitUtils.BuildConfiguration(args).Build()}.MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
private async Task MainAsync()
Console.WriteLine("Starting PluralKit...");
// Set up a CancellationToken and a SIGINT hook to properly dispose of things when the app is closed
// The Task.Delay line will throw/exit (forgot which) and the stack and using statements will properly unwind
var token = new CancellationTokenSource();
Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object e, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args)
args.Cancel = true;
using (var services = BuildServiceProvider())
var logger = services.GetRequiredService<ILogger>().ForContext<Initialize>();
var coreConfig = services.GetRequiredService<CoreConfig>();
var botConfig = services.GetRequiredService<BotConfig>();
using (Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(coreConfig.SentryUrl))
logger.Information("Connecting to database");
using (var conn = await services.GetRequiredService<DbConnectionFactory>().Obtain())
await Schema.CreateTables(conn);
logger.Information("Connecting to Discord");
var client = services.GetRequiredService<IDiscordClient>() as DiscordShardedClient;
await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, botConfig.Token);
logger.Information("Initializing bot");
await services.GetRequiredService<Bot>().Init();
await client.StartAsync();
await Task.Delay(-1, token.Token);
catch (TaskCanceledException) { } // We'll just exit normally
logger.Information("Shutting down");
public ServiceProvider BuildServiceProvider() => new ServiceCollection()
.AddTransient(_ => _config.GetSection("PluralKit").Get<CoreConfig>() ?? new CoreConfig())
.AddTransient(_ => _config.GetSection("PluralKit").GetSection("Bot").Get<BotConfig>() ?? new BotConfig())
.AddTransient(svc => new DbConnectionFactory(svc.GetRequiredService<CoreConfig>().Database))
.AddSingleton<IDiscordClient, DiscordShardedClient>(_ => new DiscordShardedClient(new DiscordSocketConfig
MessageCacheSize = 0,
ExclusiveBulkDelete = true
.AddSingleton(_ => new CommandService(new CommandServiceConfig
CaseSensitiveCommands = false,
QuotationMarkAliasMap = new Dictionary<char, char>
{'"', '"'},
{'\'', '\''},
{'', ''},
{'“', '”'},
{'„', '‟'},
// We're already asyncing stuff by forking off at the client event handlers
// So adding an additional layer of forking is pointless
// and leads to the service scope being disposed of prematurely
DefaultRunMode = RunMode.Sync
.AddSingleton<IMetrics>(svc =>
var cfg = svc.GetRequiredService<CoreConfig>();
var builder = AppMetrics.CreateDefaultBuilder();
if (cfg.InfluxUrl != null && cfg.InfluxDb != null)
builder.Report.ToInfluxDb(cfg.InfluxUrl, cfg.InfluxDb);
return builder.Build();
.AddScoped(_ => new Sentry.Scope(null))
.AddSingleton(svc => InitUtils.InitLogger(svc.GetRequiredService<CoreConfig>(), "bot"))
class Bot
private IServiceProvider _services;
private DiscordShardedClient _client;
private CommandService _commands;
private ProxyService _proxy;
private Timer _updateTimer;
private IMetrics _metrics;
private PeriodicStatCollector _collector;
private ILogger _logger;
public Bot(IServiceProvider services, IDiscordClient client, CommandService commands, ProxyService proxy, IMetrics metrics, PeriodicStatCollector collector, ILogger logger)
_services = services;
_client = client as DiscordShardedClient;
_commands = commands;
_proxy = proxy;
_metrics = metrics;
_collector = collector;
_logger = logger.ForContext<Bot>();
public async Task Init()
_commands.AddTypeReader<PKSystem>(new PKSystemTypeReader());
_commands.AddTypeReader<PKMember>(new PKMemberTypeReader());
_commands.CommandExecuted += CommandExecuted;
await _commands.AddModulesAsync(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(), _services);
_client.ShardReady += ShardReady;
_client.Log += FrameworkLog;
_client.MessageReceived += (msg) => HandleEvent(s => s.AddMessageBreadcrumb(msg), eh => eh.HandleMessage(msg));
_client.ReactionAdded += (msg, channel, reaction) => HandleEvent(s => s.AddReactionAddedBreadcrumb(msg, channel, reaction), eh => eh.HandleReactionAdded(msg, channel, reaction));
_client.MessageDeleted += (msg, channel) => HandleEvent(s => s.AddMessageDeleteBreadcrumb(msg, channel), eh => eh.HandleMessageDeleted(msg, channel));
_client.MessagesBulkDeleted += (msgs, channel) => HandleEvent(s => s.AddMessageBulkDeleteBreadcrumb(msgs, channel), eh => eh.HandleMessagesBulkDelete(msgs, channel));
private Task FrameworkLog(LogMessage msg)
// Bridge D.NET logging to Serilog
LogEventLevel level = LogEventLevel.Verbose;
if (msg.Severity == LogSeverity.Critical)
level = LogEventLevel.Fatal;
else if (msg.Severity == LogSeverity.Debug)
level = LogEventLevel.Debug;
else if (msg.Severity == LogSeverity.Error)
level = LogEventLevel.Error;
else if (msg.Severity == LogSeverity.Info)
level = LogEventLevel.Information;
else if (msg.Severity == LogSeverity.Verbose)
level = LogEventLevel.Verbose;
else if (msg.Severity == LogSeverity.Warning)
level = LogEventLevel.Warning;
_logger.Write(level, msg.Exception, "Discord.Net {Source}: {Message}", msg.Source, msg.Message);
return Task.CompletedTask;
// Method called every 60 seconds
private async Task UpdatePeriodic()
// Change bot status
await _client.SetGameAsync($"pk;help | in {_client.Guilds.Count} servers");
await _collector.CollectStats();
_logger.Information("Submitted metrics to backend");
await Task.WhenAll(((IMetricsRoot) _metrics).ReportRunner.RunAllAsync());
private Task ShardReady(DiscordSocketClient shardClient)
_logger.Information("Shard {Shard} connected", shardClient.ShardId);
Console.WriteLine($"Shard #{shardClient.ShardId} connected to {shardClient.Guilds.Sum(g => g.Channels.Count)} channels in {shardClient.Guilds.Count} guilds.");
if (shardClient.ShardId == 0)
_updateTimer = new Timer((_) => {
HandleEvent(s => s.AddPeriodicBreadcrumb(), __ => UpdatePeriodic());
}, null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
$"PluralKit started as {_client.CurrentUser.Username}#{_client.CurrentUser.Discriminator} ({_client.CurrentUser.Id}).");
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task CommandExecuted(Optional<CommandInfo> cmd, ICommandContext ctx, IResult _result)
// TODO: refactor this entire block, it's fugly.
if (!_result.IsSuccess) {
if (_result.Error == CommandError.Unsuccessful || _result.Error == CommandError.Exception) {
// If this is a PKError (ie. thrown deliberately), show user facing message
// If not, log as error
var exception = (_result as ExecuteResult?)?.Exception;
if (exception is PKError) {
await ctx.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Error} {exception.Message}");
} else if (exception is TimeoutException) {
await ctx.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Error} Operation timed out. Try being faster next time :)");
} else if (_result is PreconditionResult)
await ctx.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Error} {_result.ErrorReason}");
} else {
HandleRuntimeError((_result as ExecuteResult?)?.Exception, ((PKCommandContext) ctx).ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Scope>());
} else if ((_result.Error == CommandError.BadArgCount || _result.Error == CommandError.MultipleMatches) && cmd.IsSpecified) {
await ctx.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Error} {_result.ErrorReason}\n**Usage: **pk;{cmd.Value.Remarks}");
} else if (_result.Error == CommandError.UnknownCommand || _result.Error == CommandError.UnmetPrecondition || _result.Error == CommandError.ObjectNotFound) {
await ctx.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Error} {_result.ErrorReason}");
private Task HandleEvent(Action<Scope> breadcrumbFactory, Func<PKEventHandler, Task> handler)
// Inner function so we can await the handler without stalling the entire pipeline
async Task Inner()
// Create a DI scope for this event
// and log the breadcrumb to the newly created (in-svc-scope) Sentry scope
using (var scope = _services.CreateScope())
var sentryScope = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Scope>();
await handler(scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<PKEventHandler>());
catch (Exception e)
HandleRuntimeError(e, sentryScope);
#pragma warning disable 4014
#pragma warning restore 4014
return Task.CompletedTask;
private void HandleRuntimeError(Exception e, Scope scope = null)
_logger.Error(e, "Exception in bot event handler");
var evt = new SentryEvent(e);
SentrySdk.CaptureEvent(evt, scope);
class PKEventHandler {
private CommandService _commands;
private ProxyService _proxy;
private ILogger _logger;
private IMetrics _metrics;
private DiscordShardedClient _client;
private DbConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
private IServiceProvider _services;
public PKEventHandler(CommandService commands, ProxyService proxy, ILogger logger, IMetrics metrics, IDiscordClient client, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, IServiceProvider services)
_commands = commands;
_proxy = proxy;
_logger = logger;
_metrics = metrics;
_client = (DiscordShardedClient) client;
_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
_services = services;
public async Task HandleMessage(SocketMessage msg)
// _client.CurrentUser will be null if we've connected *some* shards but not shard #0 yet
// This will cause an error in WebhookCacheServices so we just workaround and don't process any messages
// until we properly connect. TODO: can we do this without chucking away a bunch of messages?
if (_client.CurrentUser == null) return;
// Ignore system messages (member joined, message pinned, etc)
var arg = msg as SocketUserMessage;
if (arg == null) return;
// Ignore bot messages
if (arg.Author.IsBot || arg.Author.IsWebhook) return;
int argPos = 0;
// Check if message starts with the command prefix
if (arg.HasStringPrefix("pk;", ref argPos, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
arg.HasStringPrefix("pk!", ref argPos, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
arg.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos))
// Essentially move the argPos pointer by however much whitespace is at the start of the post-argPos string
var trimStartLengthDiff = arg.Content.Substring(argPos).Length -
argPos += trimStartLengthDiff;
// If it does, fetch the sender's system (because most commands need that) into the context,
// and start command execution
// Note system may be null if user has no system, hence `OrDefault`
PKSystem system;
using (var conn = await _connectionFactory.Obtain())
system = await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem>(
"select systems.* from systems, accounts where accounts.uid = @Id and systems.id = accounts.system",
new {Id = arg.Author.Id});
await _commands.ExecuteAsync(new PKCommandContext(_client, arg, system, _services), argPos,
// If not, try proxying anyway
await _proxy.HandleMessageAsync(arg);
public Task HandleReactionAdded(Cacheable<IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel,
SocketReaction reaction) => _proxy.HandleReactionAddedAsync(message, channel, reaction);
public Task HandleMessageDeleted(Cacheable<IMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel) =>
_proxy.HandleMessageDeletedAsync(message, channel);
public Task HandleMessagesBulkDelete(IReadOnlyCollection<Cacheable<IMessage, ulong>> messages,
IMessageChannel channel) => _proxy.HandleMessageBulkDeleteAsync(messages, channel);