316 lines
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316 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
using Dapper;
using Discord;
using Discord.Net;
using Discord.Webhook;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
class ProxyMatch {
public PKMember Member;
public PKSystem System;
public string InnerText;
class ProxyService: IDisposable {
private IDiscordClient _client;
private DbConnectionFactory _conn;
private LogChannelService _logChannel;
private WebhookCacheService _webhookCache;
private MessageStore _messageStorage;
private EmbedService _embeds;
private IMetrics _metrics;
private ILogger _logger;
private ProxyCacheService _cache;
private HttpClient _httpClient;
public ProxyService(IDiscordClient client, WebhookCacheService webhookCache, DbConnectionFactory conn, LogChannelService logChannel, MessageStore messageStorage, EmbedService embeds, IMetrics metrics, ILogger logger, ProxyCacheService cache)
_client = client;
_webhookCache = webhookCache;
_conn = conn;
_logChannel = logChannel;
_messageStorage = messageStorage;
_embeds = embeds;
_metrics = metrics;
_cache = cache;
_logger = logger.ForContext<ProxyService>();
_httpClient = new HttpClient();
private ProxyMatch GetProxyTagMatch(string message, IEnumerable<ProxyCacheService.ProxyDatabaseResult> potentials)
// If the message starts with a @mention, and then proceeds to have proxy tags,
// extract the mention and place it inside the inner message
// eg. @Ske [text] => [@Ske text]
int matchStartPosition = 0;
string leadingMention = null;
if (Utils.HasMentionPrefix(message, ref matchStartPosition))
leadingMention = message.Substring(0, matchStartPosition);
message = message.Substring(matchStartPosition);
// Sort by specificity (ProxyString length desc = prefix+suffix length desc = inner message asc = more specific proxy first!)
var ordered = potentials.OrderByDescending(p => p.Member.ProxyString.Length);
foreach (var potential in ordered)
if (potential.Member.Prefix == null && potential.Member.Suffix == null) continue;
var prefix = potential.Member.Prefix ?? "";
var suffix = potential.Member.Suffix ?? "";
if (message.Length >= prefix.Length + suffix.Length && message.StartsWith(prefix) && message.EndsWith(suffix)) {
var inner = message.Substring(prefix.Length, message.Length - prefix.Length - suffix.Length);
if (leadingMention != null) inner = $"{leadingMention} {inner}";
return new ProxyMatch { Member = potential.Member, System = potential.System, InnerText = inner };
return null;
public async Task HandleMessageAsync(IMessage message)
// Bail early if this isn't in a guild channel
if (!(message.Channel is IGuildChannel)) return;
var results = await _cache.GetResultsFor(message.Author.Id);
// Find a member with proxy tags matching the message
var match = GetProxyTagMatch(message.Content, results);
if (match == null) return;
// We know message.Channel can only be ITextChannel as PK doesn't work in DMs/groups
// Afterwards we ensure the bot has the right permissions, otherwise bail early
if (!await EnsureBotPermissions(message.Channel as ITextChannel)) return;
// Can't proxy a message with no content and no attachment
if (match.InnerText.Trim().Length == 0 && message.Attachments.Count == 0)
// Sanitize @everyone, but only if the original user wouldn't have permission to
var messageContents = SanitizeEveryoneMaybe(message, match.InnerText);
// Fetch a webhook for this channel, and send the proxied message
var webhookCacheEntry = await _webhookCache.GetWebhook(message.Channel as ITextChannel);
var avatarUrl = match.Member.AvatarUrl ?? match.System.AvatarUrl;
var proxyName = match.Member.ProxyName(match.System.Tag);
var hookMessageId = await ExecuteWebhookRetrying(message, webhookCacheEntry, messageContents, proxyName, avatarUrl);
// Store the message in the database, and log it in the log channel (if applicable)
await _messageStorage.Store(message.Author.Id, hookMessageId, message.Channel.Id, message.Id, match.Member);
await _logChannel.LogMessage(match.System, match.Member, hookMessageId, message.Id, message.Channel as IGuildChannel, message.Author, match.InnerText);
// Wait a second or so before deleting the original message
await Task.Delay(1000);
await message.DeleteAsync();
} catch (HttpException) {} // If it's already deleted, we just swallow the exception
private async Task<ulong> ExecuteWebhookRetrying(IMessage message, WebhookCacheService.WebhookCacheEntry webhookCacheEntry, string messageContents,
string proxyName, string avatarUrl)
// In the case where the webhook is deleted, we'll only actually notice that
// when we try to execute the webhook. Therefore we try it once, and
// if Discord returns error 10015 ("Unknown Webhook"), we remake it and try again.
ulong hookMessageId;
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.WebhookResponseTime))
hookMessageId = await ExecuteWebhook(webhookCacheEntry, messageContents, proxyName, avatarUrl,
catch (HttpException e)
if (e.DiscordCode == 10015)
_logger.Warning("Webhook {Webhook} not found, recreating one", webhookCacheEntry.Webhook.Id);
webhookCacheEntry = await _webhookCache.InvalidateAndRefreshWebhook(webhookCacheEntry);
using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.WebhookResponseTime))
hookMessageId = await ExecuteWebhook(webhookCacheEntry, messageContents, proxyName, avatarUrl,
else throw;
return hookMessageId;
private static string SanitizeEveryoneMaybe(IMessage message, string messageContents)
var senderPermissions = ((IGuildUser) message.Author).GetPermissions(message.Channel as IGuildChannel);
if (!senderPermissions.MentionEveryone) return messageContents.SanitizeEveryone();
return messageContents;
private async Task<bool> EnsureBotPermissions(ITextChannel channel)
var guildUser = await channel.Guild.GetCurrentUserAsync();
var permissions = guildUser.GetPermissions(channel);
if (!permissions.ManageWebhooks)
await channel.SendMessageAsync(
$"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Webhooks* permission in this channel, and thus cannot proxy messages. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this.");
return false;
if (!permissions.ManageMessages)
await channel.SendMessageAsync(
$"{Emojis.Error} PluralKit does not have the *Manage Messages* permission in this channel, and thus cannot delete the original trigger message. Please contact a server administrator to remedy this.");
return false;
return true;
private async Task<ulong> ExecuteWebhook(WebhookCacheService.WebhookCacheEntry cacheEntry, string text, string username, string avatarUrl, IAttachment attachment)
_logger.Debug("Invoking webhook");
username = FixClyde(username);
// TODO: clean this entire block up
ulong messageId;
var client = cacheEntry.Client;
if (attachment != null)
using (var stream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(attachment.Url))
messageId = await client.SendFileAsync(stream, filename: attachment.Filename, text: text,
username: username, avatarUrl: avatarUrl);
messageId = await client.SendMessageAsync(text, username: username, avatarUrl: avatarUrl);
_logger.Information("Invoked webhook {Webhook} in channel {Channel}", cacheEntry.Webhook.Id,
// Log it in the metrics
_metrics.Measure.Meter.Mark(BotMetrics.MessagesProxied, "success");
catch (HttpException e)
_logger.Warning(e, "Error invoking webhook {Webhook} in channel {Channel}", cacheEntry.Webhook.Id,
// Log failure in metrics and rethrow (we still need to cancel everything else)
_metrics.Measure.Meter.Mark(BotMetrics.MessagesProxied, "failure");
// TODO: figure out a way to return the full message object (without doing a GetMessageAsync call, which
// doesn't work if there's no permission to)
return messageId;
public Task HandleReactionAddedAsync(Cacheable<IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
// Dispatch on emoji
switch (reaction.Emote.Name)
case "\u274C": // Red X
return HandleMessageDeletionByReaction(message, reaction.UserId);
case "\u2753": // Red question mark
case "\u2754": // White question mark
return HandleMessageQueryByReaction(message, reaction.UserId, reaction.Emote);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task HandleMessageQueryByReaction(Cacheable<IUserMessage, ulong> message, ulong userWhoReacted, IEmote reactedEmote)
// Find the user who sent the reaction, so we can DM them
var user = await _client.GetUserAsync(userWhoReacted);
if (user == null) return;
// Find the message in the DB
var msg = await _messageStorage.Get(message.Id);
if (msg == null) return;
// DM them the message card
await user.SendMessageAsync(embed: await _embeds.CreateMessageInfoEmbed(msg));
// And finally remove the original reaction (if we can)
var msgObj = await message.GetOrDownloadAsync();
if (await msgObj.Channel.HasPermission(ChannelPermission.ManageMessages))
await msgObj.RemoveReactionAsync(reactedEmote, user);
public async Task HandleMessageDeletionByReaction(Cacheable<IUserMessage, ulong> message, ulong userWhoReacted)
// Find the message in the database
var storedMessage = await _messageStorage.Get(message.Id);
if (storedMessage == null) return; // (if we can't, that's ok, no worries)
// Make sure it's the actual sender of that message deleting the message
if (storedMessage.Message.Sender != userWhoReacted) return;
try {
// Then, fetch the Discord message and delete that
// TODO: this could be faster if we didn't bother fetching it and just deleted it directly
// somehow through REST?
await (await message.GetOrDownloadAsync()).DeleteAsync();
} catch (NullReferenceException) {
// Message was deleted before we got to it... cool, no problem, lmao
// Finally, delete it from our database.
await _messageStorage.Delete(message.Id);
public async Task HandleMessageDeletedAsync(Cacheable<IMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel)
// Don't delete messages from the store if they aren't webhooks
// Non-webhook messages will never be stored anyway.
// If we're not sure (eg. message outside of cache), delete just to be sure.
if (message.HasValue && !message.Value.Author.IsWebhook) return;
await _messageStorage.Delete(message.Id);
public async Task HandleMessageBulkDeleteAsync(IReadOnlyCollection<Cacheable<IMessage, ulong>> messages, IMessageChannel channel)
_logger.Information("Bulk deleting {Count} messages in channel {Channel}", messages.Count, channel.Id);
await _messageStorage.BulkDelete(messages.Select(m => m.Id).ToList());
private string FixClyde(string name)
var match = Regex.Match(name, "clyde", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (!match.Success) return name;
// Put a hair space (\u200A) between the "c" and the "lyde" in the match to avoid Discord matching it
// since Discord blocks webhooks containing the word "Clyde"... for some reason. /shrug
return name.Substring(0, match.Index + 1) + '\u200A' + name.Substring(match.Index + 1);
public void Dispose()
} |