Ske 6d06474d26 Refactor sort/filter code once again
Now we handle sorting on the bot side, but still filter in the database
2020-06-13 21:49:31 +02:00

157 lines
6.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
using Dapper;
using NodaTime;
using Npgsql;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Core
internal class Database: IDatabase
private const string RootPath = "PluralKit.Core.Database"; // "resource path" root for SQL files
private const int TargetSchemaVersion = 7;
private readonly CoreConfig _config;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IMetrics _metrics;
private readonly DbConnectionCountHolder _countHolder;
public Database(CoreConfig config, DbConnectionCountHolder countHolder, ILogger logger,
IMetrics metrics)
_config = config;
_countHolder = countHolder;
_metrics = metrics;
_logger = logger;
public static void InitStatic()
// Dapper by default tries to pass ulongs to Npgsql, which rejects them since PostgreSQL technically
// doesn't support unsigned types on its own.
// Instead we add a custom mapper to encode them as signed integers instead, converting them back and forth.
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new UlongEncodeAsLongHandler());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new UlongArrayHandler());
DefaultTypeMap.MatchNamesWithUnderscores = true;
// With the thing we add above, Npgsql already handles NodaTime integration
// This makes Dapper confused since it thinks it has to convert it anyway and doesn't understand the types
// So we add a custom type handler that literally just passes the type through to Npgsql
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new PassthroughTypeHandler<Instant>());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new PassthroughTypeHandler<LocalDate>());
// Register our custom types to Npgsql
// Without these it'll still *work* but break at the first launch + probably cause other small issues
public async Task<IPKConnection> Obtain()
// Mark the request (for a handle, I guess) in the metrics
// Create a connection and open it
// We wrap it in PKConnection for tracing purposes
var conn = new PKConnection(new NpgsqlConnection(_config.Database), _countHolder, _logger, _metrics);
await conn.OpenAsync();
return conn;
public async Task ApplyMigrations()
// Run everything in a transaction
await using var conn = await Obtain();
await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
// Before applying migrations, clean out views/functions to prevent type errors
await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.clean.sql", conn, tx);
// Apply all migrations between the current database version and the target version
await ApplyMigrations(conn, tx);
// Now, reapply views/functions (we deleted them above, no need to worry about conflicts)
await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.Views.views.sql", conn, tx);
await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.Functions.functions.sql", conn, tx);
// Finally, commit tx
await tx.CommitAsync();
private async Task ApplyMigrations(IPKConnection conn, IDbTransaction tx)
var currentVersion = await GetCurrentDatabaseVersion(conn);
_logger.Information("Current schema version: {CurrentVersion}", currentVersion);
for (var migration = currentVersion + 1; migration <= TargetSchemaVersion; migration++)
_logger.Information("Applying schema migration {MigrationId}", migration);
await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.Migrations.{migration}.sql", conn, tx);
private async Task ExecuteSqlFile(string resourceName, IPKConnection conn, IDbTransaction tx = null)
await using var stream = typeof(Database).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid resource name '{resourceName}'");
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
var query = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
await conn.ExecuteAsync(query, transaction: tx);
// If the above creates new enum/composite types, we must tell Npgsql to reload the internal type caches
// This will propagate to every other connection as well, since it marks the global type mapper collection dirty.
((PKConnection) conn).ReloadTypes();
private async Task<int> GetCurrentDatabaseVersion(IPKConnection conn)
// First, check if the "info" table exists (it may not, if this is a *really* old database)
var hasInfoTable =
await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<int>(
"select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'info'") == 1;
// If we have the table, read the schema version
if (hasInfoTable)
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<int>("select schema_version from info");
// If not, we return version "-1"
// This means migration 0 will get executed, getting us into a consistent state
// Then, migration 1 gets executed, which creates the info table and sets version to 1
return -1;
private class PassthroughTypeHandler<T>: SqlMapper.TypeHandler<T>
public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, T value) => parameter.Value = value;
public override T Parse(object value) => (T) value;
private class UlongEncodeAsLongHandler: SqlMapper.TypeHandler<ulong>
public override ulong Parse(object value) =>
// Cast to long to unbox, then to ulong (???)
(ulong) (long) value;
public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, ulong value) => parameter.Value = (long) value;
private class UlongArrayHandler: SqlMapper.TypeHandler<ulong[]>
public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, ulong[] value) => parameter.Value = Array.ConvertAll(value, i => (long) i);
public override ulong[] Parse(object value) => Array.ConvertAll((long[]) value, i => (ulong) i);